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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Okay, I talked to you earlier, but here's the basic rundown right now. My mom and brothers are going on a trip for about 10 days, my mom bought this nifty new laptop that I'm currently on (well...we bought it; I'm forking over half), and I got stuck updating this beauty with all the security ups and everything that it'll need to survive without me. Fun. I've just now finished with all of that, and it's 9pm, my mom'll be heading out in about an hour, and I couldn't very well leave the house just like that. Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll be over there tomorrow; I might be able to go and get a ride back with my sis when she gets off school, but it's largely a matter if I want to come home and get *****ed at by my dad...odds are, I'll be staying home tomorrow. Friday looks promising, I'll more than likely be able to make it then; Saturday for sure.

In other news, I found the little ****er that was screwing with my laptop. It's the file I suspected; a trojan by the name of wuamg32.exe, which, strangely, I wasn't able to find any info about back when I suspected it of being malicious. Oh well; I managed to get a virus scanner on my laptop (Norton was dying on me...oh well, the free one picked up things Norton couldn't find), currently scanned around 35k files, only another 65k to go...yay. On the bright side, I got a month's worth of RO paid for not too long ago; talked my mom into loaning me her card. I'd get a card of my own, but given my spending habits, that's probably not the wisest of ideas. Oh well.

One last question, when are we going to get tickets?! Get me a flight number and everything, and I'll get you the money. If need be, I can bring the cash (money order) with me next time I'm over there or whatever, and we can just run the tickets through at the same time. Or whatever...

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
:eek: .............PFFFFFFFFFFT! Oh dang, that is funny!! I really need to make one someday as well. Yeah, we should put our characters on it as well, like most crews are doing these days, seems ot be the 'cool' thing to do in the Smash community.

About TG, it's not that I wouldn't want to go, just that I don't really feel like getting on a plane again for the rest of the year (long story, don't ask) >_<. Maybe the next one would be okay, and we could practice on the plane with my 'portable' GCN.

Oh, and Derek, when do you plan on putting our match vids. on the net?

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Originally posted by Lunaris
and it could help us give advice to people who are new.
That's why I asked. Yeah, I don't mind putting MY vids on the net, I just need to choose vids that portray my....'better', matches.

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Oh yeah..."PEACHES!!".

That's okay though, Iv'e been into Boktai (GBA game similar to Metal Gear Solid) and FF 7 lately. I'll be awaiting your call.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Wow, this thread gets kinda dull without me here...anyways; not sure if I'll be able to get over there today Derek. My sister's working until god knows when, and I got tagged with yard work today since my dad's out of state :/ Unfortunately, the mower's out of gas, and I have no way of filling it up until my mom gets home, which won't be until sometime later this afternoon (6pm or later most likely).

Anyways...yeah, 4 days until we leave; I'm not all too worried about practicing now though. If there's anything I don't have down at this point, I don't think there's any way I'll be able to learn it by the time I'll have to use it. Not really nervous either, I'm primarily going to see how I do against other players; ranking high in the tourney would be icing on the cake, but not necessary.

Edit: I just cruised the TG thread and saw the post about flight info. Have you given Deezie our info yet, or are we getting there through some other means?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Derek, we're leaving tomorrow? O_O ****; that's one less day than I was planning...should we meet at the airport, or should I go down to your place and go to the airport from there, or...? Need a plan here...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Derek, wtf happened to you at the airport today? I looked around for you, held up take off for 5-10 minutes, had them page you, and you didn't show up. Wtf man? Sorry for ditching you, but I really had to come back home and take care of stuff (college and work related); sorry man, hope you understand, and I hope you found some way to fix whatever the **** happened.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
This is Derek, obviously at Yagi's... bull**** happened(basically switching the number 5 to 6) and I'll tell you all about it later. I'll probably be staying in WA until the 29th instead, now, because of PAX.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2002
Washington State
This is Derek again. I stayed two extra days both to hang out and to attend a tournament instead of going back to AK and getting some very important reading done. They didn't wake me up for it. Wow. And I thought I liked these guys; they'd better have a **** good reason.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Fine, fine, I'll post. Happy? Forgive me for not stopping by the topic lately, but I haven't been in a big hurry to come back to swf after my last "chat" with crunch...anyways, don't know how things are looking this weekend; my mom sprained her ankle, and isn't supposed to be on her feet much, so it all comes down to whether or not my sister can get me over there...or I can take the bus...might not be able to make it at all if the war over here's still going on...but I'll see what I can do. Give me a call on Saturday if you're planning the usual, if not...well...ignore this first paragraph.

Anyways, nothing really new here; been playing mostly RO and GGXX, though I did play a bit of Melee earlier...just keeping my Samus and Roy from slipping. What's everyone else been up to?


Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2004
Valdez, Ak
heh, yeah man i'm ready to get stomped by you. As of right now i don't have any questions but i might so be expecting some. I think i should sleep for right now, my brain feels kinda...not normal. Seeya when i do man. StW, if you read this, i need your address so email it to me. Later


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
My address is 1635 Lily Pond Circle, and my phone number's 644-4150. If you need directions or anything, let me know. My work schedule for next week is looking ok; I work half the day on Monday, off on Tuesday, and work morning/early afternoon on Wednesday. So Tuesday would be the best day if you wanted to come down to my place (my parents aren't too social, so you'd have to be out by 4-5ish). Wednesday, I should be able to get to Derek's as soon as I get off work (2:30ish if I remember correctly) and we can all have fun watching flaco kick everyone's ***. Your call; either e-mail me or post here, or on GameFAQs on what you'd prefer.


Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2004
Valdez, Ak
well it's 10:09 a.m. and im jus bout to head to Anchorage. :) i'm ready to get killed. I've been practicing a bit and i can take Shmitty down easy like. anyway once i'm up there i'm gonna give Derek a call cause we gotta work something out. See you guys when i do. later
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