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Alaska(friend codes in first post)

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
I just hope you don't lose your skills at the game, it would be a shame to lose someone who presents me with a challenge, who I acualy have a chance of beating, not like Derek, who I wouldn't win against unless there was a shortage of his ' magic elixer'. (Is is still orange soda, or is it now Gatorade, Derek? Just seems like you've been chugging that stuff a lot lately).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Yeah, it was yukinose vs baku; I haven't seen that match in a while. Baiken (baku) went for the dust loop a few times, but didn't set up for it properly. I can almost guarantee that whenever you saw Baiken IAD towards Testament, and Testament recovered before the attack landed, baku was going for a dust loop. If you want to see Baiken's dust loop, download this vid (Vol. 115 from the site I gave you):


Around 11 seconds into the second match, Baiken loops Testament for around 3 reps.

Anyway...day 2 of no Smash. Been watching anime, on the boards (mostly G-FAQs). Haven't really been tempted to play, since if I do, it'd just be to practice more of the same (shffl's, more futile efforts trying to grab on reflex, etc.) I'll go tomorrow without playing too, then on Friday use Jeremiah for a warm-up in preparation for the usual on Saturday :chuckle: I'm not really too worried about losing skill; not playing for a few days isn't likely to hurt me much...on the other hand, my hands are feeling strangely tense O_o

Edit: There's a combo vid here (#Reload) that has primarily Venom combos, with the occasional Johnny, Robo-Ky, and I-No combo:



Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
I'm guessing Derek's already left for his little trip. Oh well; there goes Smash for the next month -_- Well, let's at least try to keep this topic from falling off the end of the board; Derek'd never forgive us if it did :p

*sounds of crickets chirping*

Okay, guess I'm on my own here...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Oh hey, looks like he's still around...

I can show tomorrow if you're allowed to have people over, though I won't be staying late as I normally do as I have work Monday morning.

Anyways, whoever said anything about not practicing? Though with Ian taking off for a few weeks, Dustin apparently gone too, and you gone; that leaves me, Matt, Chris, and Alex...and maybe Burke, but he rarely plays. Of those listed, only Matt seems to have much of a desire to improve (Chris just started popping up again, and haven't seen Alex in weeks)...getting decent practice in anything besides the eternal honing of technical skills will be difficult to say the least. Oh well...I still need to work on double shffl'd f-aerials for Marth anyway. At least my consistency seems to be better than last week (but that's not saying much).

Post my number if you want, though I'm tied up for a good half the day 5-6 days per week thanks to work; so I make no guarantees on when I'd be available for anything. Granted, I work early, but I tend to be on the verge of collapse afterwards due to lack of sleep the night before; not a very conductive state to improving at a game.

Well, if you're able to do anything tomorrow, make sure to call. I seem to be doing a bit better in Smash again, so I'll be up for more rounds than I was last week; though I still intend to get some time in on GGXX.

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Hey, I never said anything about not practicing while you're away Derek, chill out.

Anyway, yeah tomorrow will work out just as well, I just have to remember to bring a blank CD to get a Guilty Gear soundtrack copy (For something to listen to on the plane, just in case I get tired of playing my cube for some odd reason.) I'll be awaiting your call.

I don't know Alex's number, but if you post mine, I guess that the remaining few who do know it can work out a meeting time and call me about it.

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Actualy Derek, I was wondering, if you happen to find any 'Rockman EXE' anime DVDs anywhere in Japan, could you buy one for me? Any volume will do. Of course, I will re-emburse you for it if you do. Don't go to too much trouble though.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Postcards? ...nah, I've had plenty of opportunities to pick those up. Wouldn't say no to any Guilty Gear merchandise though :D OSTs (I already have GGX, so I'm mostly looking for GG1 and the #Reload Korean OST), posters, wall scrolls, whatever (I'd say manga, but I'm afraid of what you may bring back o_O); I'd be willing to pay you back next time I see you...assuming you'd want to go through all that trouble. If not, then don't worry about it; I won't object since I should've coughed up some cash before you left for souveniers...so, yeah, you can pretty much ignore this post :p


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2002
Minnesota, Hinckley
Know what?

You guys are awesome.

Why? You don't let the thread die.

Derik: Be proud of your community :). It's a nice, solid group that I think won't leave the scene anytime soon ^^.

Anyways, I'm off to go serve some more popcorn. Huzzah!

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
I know I don't plan on quitting the game anytime soon. You should come up here sometime Teflon, it'd be great to meet a smasher from the lower 48.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
I don't have any plans of quitting this game either; I just started getting serious with it around 7-8 months ago, not nearly long enough to be burned out on it yet...and then there's the little matter of being beaten by ol' Derek 95% of the time. Truth be told though, Guilty Gear's my main love (as anyone who noticed my s/n and read the last few pages of this thread could've guessed :p) But Smash takes an easy 2nd, only other competition being Soul Calibur, Tekken, DoA, and MvC2 (though not particularly in that order).

Anyways...yeah, it'd be great to get some outside competition for a change; though I suppose not everyone can make a trip up here -_- Oh well; assuming nothing comes up, I should be able to make it to TG6, hopefully have some good times then.

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Man, who'd of thought that CARLOS loved Guilty Gear!? I'm just foolin', but yeah, I'm starting to get hooked on that game as well.
I just need to work on my Faust a bit*.

*bit= A LOT!


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2002
Minnesota, Hinckley
Zero -- You play Faust!?!? Yaay! I know Derik is obsessively against Faust, but I'd like to talk to you sometime when I get home. I don't have AIM right now, where I'm working at.

Who knows, maybe I could find a jarb in AK for next summer, and work work work up there, and sometimes play some smashors with you ^^..

Much wuvv. Let's make babies. with PLAYDOUGH!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003

So how's everyone doing? Fine? That's nice to hear...I've been reduced to beating my little brother and his friends with Pikachu...and then dittoing them every other match, trying to enlighten them to the wonders of higher play...Lol, one little kiddie said he didn't think Samus was very good because she's slow :p This statement was made after seeing my Pika wail on some random kid. Funny how I lost stock with Pika, but had 4-0 wins with Samus...oh well, can't expect kids to be too serious about the game I guess...most of them refuse to play me anyway, they say I'm too good -_- Hurry back Derek; I need someone to royally kick my *** so it doesn't go to my head :D


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2003
Juneau, Alaska, USA
Heh. It's good to hear that everyone over in Anchorage still has their stuff together, as far as Smash is concerned.


*Ignores the fact that it's been 3 days since the last post*

Then you've got my "crew" here in Juneau, all of which I can almost NEVER contact reliably. It's been a while since we've had anything remotely close to a "Smashfest," and I can't really get anyone to take the game seriously anymore.

Personally, I think all of my friends could benefit from being soundly beaten by Derek. *hint, hint*

Well, take it easy, guys, and keep on smashin'. :)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Well, I've been meaning to give us a bump here, but when I tried to, SWF was down for search indexing or something of that sort. Anyways; you'll want to be careful about having Lunaris thrash your buddies, he did that to one of mine when we first met, and he (my friend) swore never to play Smash seriously (or at least against Lunaris) ever again :p

Anyways, speaking of which; Derek, you've got a worshipper now :D I was talking to a G-FAQer who wanted his skills rated (he plays Falco). He looks like he's where I was when I first joined the group; so I showed him one of your vids from SKYPAL. His response was "HOLY F***!!!" You are now his god and he hopes to beat you one day :p He and a friend also want to talk to you over AIM or MSN; but seeing as you're not here right right now, I'll let you decide whether you want to take them under your tutelage :p (they're Canadian, btw; so not likely to face you anytime soon).

Edit: Oh, and in other news, I can now pull off a few reps of Fox's flatland infinite ^_^ I'm nowhere near consistent with it, but I've done it more than a few times; just need to keep at it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2003
Juneau, Alaska, USA
Heheh...Honestly, I think there's at least 2 of my friends that would simply try harder, no matter how badly Derek trashes 'em (heck, *I* got a mad beatdown from nearly all of his characters, most of all his Falco, and I still wanted to play).

You mean Fox's shine infinite, right? I can do it a couple times...Nevermind that it took a good hour of attempted wavedashing with Fox initially, and then another half-hour of trying to shine+wavedash in sequence without accidentlly pulling off Fox Illlusion. :p

Anyway, I haven't worked on my own Falco or Captain Falcon in a while. Instead, my characters have been Luigi and Link lately. I'd say my Luigi's a great deal better now than it was when I visited Derek's house last year. I can now wavedash with almost enough efficiency to travel usefully across the map in most cases.

And Link...let's not talk about Link today. ;)

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
I need to start practicing the wave dash again, I've just been spending my training sessions on working out new combos and effectively using the C-stick.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2003
Juneau, Alaska, USA
Sounds good. Does your Mario still rock the f-ing house? Maybe we can team up w/ Mario & Luigi next time I'm up there, and we'll still get our heads kicked in by Derek. :p

Yeah, I also recently (well, within the last few months) learning how to use the C-stick more effectively (I've gone from not using it at all, to using it for almost every aerial attack).

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Yes, my Mario still kicks much a$$. There are still many other techniques for me to work on though, and there's also the fact of Carlos' improved Samus, can't let that go unnoticed. Lets just say that before, I could beat him easily, but now, we're about even (he may be a bit better though).

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
No, I wouldn't say that. You're one of the best among us in my opinion.

Haven't heard from Derek for a while, maybe he was abducted by the Yakuza?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Well now, aren't you a man of many words :p So how'd you do against the Japanese? Anyway; it looks like you might already be home; your cpu's back up on the hub. Well, it'll be good to have you back, been missing the usual beat downs...that, and now Matt can get his wallet and finally pay for my RO account... >.> Let us know when you'll be up for the usual; assuming you're not all smashed out from your trip.

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
The thunder and lightning going on right now must signify the return of Anchorage's Smash champ...it's a sign....
Anyway, I guess you plan on inviting us over sometime this week, am I right?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Please, the Yakuza wouldn't bother to abduct you; and if they did, they'd probably release you in a matter of minutes :p Unless, of course, you went and took advantage of some boss's daughter, in which case you wouldn't have the fingers with which to type that message :D

You think Korean is bad, try following Tagalog.

Cool, more vids of Japanese players. I've been wanting to get a few more samples since the hub hasn't been very helpful in that area; so who else besides Sheik and Link did you face? Speaking of TG6...we'll probably need to get tickets and such arranged ASAP; the longer we wait, the higher prices tend to be...

The guys from G-FAQs live either in Ontario or Toronto (I forget which); whichever one's somewhere around 3-4 timezones ahead of us. Just to let you know in advance, one's a Falco/Samus/Marth player (preference in that order), the other's a Fox/Luigi/Falcon player. The F/L/F seems to think he's pretty good, but I've heard from the other that he's one of those who tends to over estimate himself (only Luigi player who he thinks could beat his Luigi is Yagi). The Falco/Samus/Marth person is polite enough; eager to improve too. I've taken the liberty to teach him a bit about Falco (stuff that I've learned from fighting you oh so many times, and the tips you gave me when I was trying to pick up the turkey). I also gave some sparse few Fox tips (mostly just the shine combo you gave me: shffl'd d-aerial>shine>wavedash>grab>u-throw>u-aerial). Anyways, I'll let them know next time I see them online that you'll be willing to help them out. With any luck, we should be seeing them at TG6.

And while we're on the subject of multitudes of characters; I've been once again debating who my second should be. Of the intelligent replies I got over at G-FAQs, stiletto (helsing over there) is of the opinion that Fox would work nicely to handle Samus's bad match-ups (assuming I can get over the vastly different styles), while PatrickSays pointed out that Luigi wouldn't be a bad pick due to handling similar to Samus. XiF suggested I pick up Sheik and learn to play her better than the usual d-throw>tilt spam>f-aerial variety. My own personal addition to the group I'm considering is Peach, mostly on a whim since someone suggested her; and I've found her to be somewhat similar to Samus, at least as far as creating opportunities with projectiles goes...anyway, my list is currently as follows:


I'm hoping to get one of those trained up reasonably well in time for TG..."hoping" being the key word there.

On a side note; I've started up a Samus FAQ for G-FAQs (been started up for a while actually; I've been procrastinating...). I'm hoping to get some help learning other characters's strategies so I can work out ways to counter them; mostly for the characters I don't has too much experience against. I'm also hoping to get a bit more experience on platformed stages ASAP; I'll need to find out how much they affect Samus's game...

And it sounds like you've got some homecoming blues. Speaking as someone who's spent a lot of time living from place to place and taking vacations away from "home" on a fairly regular basis (and seldom wanting to come back), all I've to say is you'll get used to it...or have a psychotic episode. I'm hoping it's the former...

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Hey, they could have abducted him because of his smash ability. They may have been thinking, " No-one outside of Japan should be THAT good!".

Anyway, yeah, I didn't think there would be a smashfest anytime too soon, what with being stuck on a plane for hours on end, the ensuing lethargy after getting off, the sort of "shock" of being back home afterwards, the list goes on.

I've been practicing a bit, since I didn't play smash at all while I was in Ohio, but other than that, not much.

Did you and your bro get the new Megaman battle network games yet Carlos?

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
My number is 248-3886, or if I'm not there, try 277-3982.

Sooooo...........................haven't had a new post here for quite some time........................yep.........
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