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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Rookie
Jan 30, 2005
eagle river, alaska
well let me know when the tournement is. even if its already over.. if it is i would have liked to go and let me know how bad you beat everyone. see ya next week end


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2005

You know, I thought i'd NEVER find this topic. My laziness can only be equally matched by my ability to overlook things T.T''

Well aaaaanyways, it took me what?... 2-3 years to actually sign on this place. O well, that's me, takes me forever to do anything. Just like wavedashing and L canceling.

Nyways, least i'm on here now, i'm hoping it was worth it.

I want more alaskan smash touneys, or at least more good people up here o.o''


Smash Rookie
Jan 30, 2005
eagle river, alaska
I have been really buisy lately thats why i havnt come over to play on sat. i am having my last midterm on monday. hopefully after that i can come over again. when i can come over ill call first to make sure its ok . later.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey, I'm from alaska. I live in a pretty small town called Cordova. There are about 10-12 Melee players here, and about 4 of us are serious players (including me of course). Are there going to be any tournaments in Anchorage? Me and my friends would really want to come. Oh, and one of my friends is on Smashboards too. His name's Infamous.



Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Yes! I hope to hold a tournament sometime soon, especially if I have a reason to. Right now everybody in Anchorage knows each other, so there's really no need, but if you're willing to come down I can host something. Or you can just come down to play for fun. I hope you're still here, because it took me a really long time to get back on and notice this topic had been posted on @_@ Crap.

Hope to see you sometime. And how old are you? Can you drive?


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hi, I'm still here. I'm 16 and I don't have a licence or anything, but my plan was to have everyone here who's going save up money and wait until either my parents or one of my freinds goes to Anchorage (people here visit there pretty frequently - my freinds parents just got back the other day) then go with them. I don't think any of my freinds can drive, but if we have parents with us, it shouldn't be a problem.

If we go, it would probably be 3 or 4 of us going at the most, and we still have to save up money. Maybe we'll do some kind of fundraiser. Also, all of us are still in highschool, so we'll probably have to wait at least a month and a half until summer, (sorry if its a long ways away) but that will probably give us enough time to save up.

I hope this works out!


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
I use Link. I discovered this site about 3 weeks ago, and until then I didn't know anything about wave-dashing or anything. But now I can wave-dash pretty much whenever I want, l-cancel, shffl, and dash-dance (about 4-6 times). But I don't really use dash-dancing in battles.

2 of my other friends kind of know the technical stuff. They can do it and everything, they just havn't really gotten to the point where they can use them in a real fight. My other friend doesn't know how to do any of this yet, but I'm planning on teaching him. He's already pretty good without the technical stuff, and he has plenty of time to learn before summer.

So hopefully we'll be around the same level as everyone there.

So who's your character?


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey, I didn't know there were any smashers in Valdez! Me and my friend were wondering if there were, but we decided probably not. Do you know the names of any of them? During the school year, the Valdez basketball and volleyball teams come to cordova almost every other week. Well, maybe not that often, but it seems like it. I think school sports just got over for the year though.

It's almost definetely going to be ok with my parents, as long as I have money for my plane ticket. I can't guarentee my freinds going, because they have to have money too, but you can probably count on me going. It won't be right at the start of the summer, because I have to wait until my parents are going to Anchorage.

Oh and I just found out that its pretty much impossible for me to beat Shiek with Link, because my friend just switched to using Sheik a couple weeks ago, and normally I'm a little better than him, but Sheik is just plain too fast for Link. So I might be switching over to Young Link, if I can't get better.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2005
Anchorage, AK

I've been a lurker on these boards for a short time now, and I'd like to tell you that there are a lot more smash players ouy there than there seem to be. At my school, East, there is a small fanbase and the skill level is starting to pick up.

Are there any tournaments in Anchorage right now or coming up?


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Lunaris: Good news! My freind Spud is going on road trip with his dad around Alaska at the beginning of summer, and they'll be going to Anchorage. Spud just talked to his dad and he said he'd be able to take a few freinds along.

And then, even more good news. My freind Jonathon ("Infamous" on the boards) has an aunt that lives in Anchorage, and he has a room at her house, so he can go there pretty much any time he wants. We are both getting jobs this summer, and he works in some other town so he won't be able to go until the end of summer.

But anyways, if everything works out, we should be able to go to Anchorage twice this summer - once at the very beginning, and once near the end. There will probably be more people able to go on the road trip, since we will only need to bring money for food and stuff, instead of having to pay a million dollars for an airplane ticket.

Anyways, I just started playing as Ness, and now my two main characters are Ness and Link. I just downloaded some videos of you playing against Takagi from DC++, and right now it looks like we wont be able to compete with you. But hey, we just found out about all this wave-dashing and shuffling stuff, and we're learning it pretty fast. Plus, we're practicing almost every day, so we should be pretty good by the time we go to Anchorage.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
best in alaska remark

Hello out there my name is G@BE iam just replying to your best in alaska remark. Iam about to go up to anchorage this summer. this may sound alot like BS but i might have to show you a thing or two when i go up in june. All i Know is that iam best in my school. Then agian my Krew was completely smashed into the ground at this years MOAST. iam up for any challenge so when i do come up ill give you a halla:chuckle:


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
krew match-

well you answerd to my challenge. i might just have to bring my krew with me and you can round up a krew of your own. ill bring magnolias best you bring alaskas best doe that sound good and o yeah i play marth. it was a diffrent gabe you saw


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey Lunaris, I took your advice and picked up Marth. I didn't drop Ness though, so now my characters are Link, Ness, and Marth.

Oh, and I may be able to go to Anchorage on May 5th-6th, if my highschool choir goes to state. But don't get your hopes up too much, because even if we do go, I don't know if the school will let me go anywhere by myself.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey Lunaris, I'm going to Anchorage this weekend for a choir trip (friday to sunday) and my choir teacher said I would be able to go to your house as long as i get my parents permission. I'll probably be able to talk my mom into it, as long as we get it all arranged and stuff. I'm pretty sure it will be on Friday, because I heard our concert is on Saturday. My mom may want to call you, and I already have your phone number (read it on this thread somewhere) so we might be giving you a call soon.

I'm at school and the bell just rang so seeya!


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Lunaris: Well, that was alot of fun...getting my butt kicked for 2 hours straight. Heh, no seriously, it was actually really fun though. I think that was the first time I've played against people who are better than me. Anyways, I sent you an email about going to a tournament this summer, but you're not responding to that so maybe you'll respond to this.

The tournament I was looking forward to was FC3, and I see you were wanting to go to that too. So...if you get this, you can read my email and either reply directly to that, reply to this thread, or PM me.

I was wondering if you would be flying down, or driving, because if you were driving, maybe me and my freind could go with you, and we'd help pay for the gas.

But you're probably flying, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to afford that. How much did it cost you to go to the tournament you went to last year?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
hey you wanna go at it

yo Lunaris iam heading to alaska like i told you i was on june 4th so i was trying to think of a good place to play you im you have my AIM screen name supersonicx14 if you dont or gabrielv16@earthlink.net to e-mail me but yeah iam trying to find a good place for are battle maybe my bros apartment but he lives on the coast guard base in anchorage so e-mail me when you get this:beezo:


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Oh hey, I forgot to tell you: My mom said she'd be happy to have you over for a weekend or something anytime this summer. She thought it was cool that you let me go to your house to play and everything. But don't come just yet! Me and my freinds are practicing as much as we can, and if you played us right now, it would probably be just the same thing as last time.

Right now I can only practice at freinds houses, because my Gamecube broke a few weeks ago, and i bought a new one right away on eBay, but the guys having some sort of problem shipping it for some reason...

Me and my freinds are always having little tournaments and stuff. A while ago we had a tournament with about 12 people, and it was kind of lame because me and my 3 freinds who are serious just beat everyone else. So it was just a waste of time. Now whenever we have tournaments, they are just 4-person ones, so it gets kind of boring playing the same people every time.

I'm trying to teach my freind Tweak the technical stuff, but he has ADHD so he gets bored after about 10 seconds of trying to wavedash or shuffle.

How many serious players are there in Anchorage? Maybe it would be better if we came there once we got good, then we could have a bigger tournament. It could be either Cordova vs. Anchorage, or we could just see who's the best in Alaska. Or both. That sounds like alot of fun.

About FC3: I'm going to have to practice alot before I spend a bunch of money to go to a double-elimination tournament, because that would SUCK if I only got to play 2 rounds. How good do you usually do in tournaments? If I can compete with you by the next time I play you, then I'll have an idea of how good a chance I'll stand.

Oh, and also, I added you to my AIM buddy list, so maybe I'll catch you on there sometime.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey, I just got back last night, so I missed you. I thought I was going to be able to see you on wednsday, but we had to leave and everything got hectic. Oh well, we'll be going to Anchorage more, hopefully before FC3. And it probably would have been a bad time with the surgery and all.

Tweak's grandparents take him to Anchorage with them pretty frequently, but thy usually only get a day's notice before they leave. That's why I had trouble getting this planned with you last time.

By the way - My mom said airfare is really expensive now ($700 to go to Washington) Is this how much it's going to cost to go to FC3? She said she won't let me spend that much money to go to a tournament, but if it's $300 or $400 like it was for you last year, it'll probably be fine.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Well, we already got back from our 2-day trip, but we weren't able to come over because we didn't have enough time. Sorry for getting your hopes up, I should have realized that we had alot of stuff to do and only 2 days. But don't worry, we'll be coming back.

Oh hey, my friend that comes to Alaska in the summer is here right now, and he's pretty good at Melee. I've started to teach him about the technical stuff, but it's hard for me to teach him when I havn't fully mastered the stuff yet. If you wanted to come to Cordova sometime, you can stay at my house for as long as you need, and my freinds would definetely want to play against you and learn stuff from you. My friend Ben I was telling you about is in Malaysia until August 2nd though, so it'd be best to come after that, if you wanted to come, that is.

I decided I don't want to go to FC3 this year, because I know I'd get whupped (I didn't get to improve too much yet), and its very expensive. Plus, it would be better to go to Skypal first, like you said. That way I don't have to pay much, because I'll go when we're in Washington, and I'll know how I do in tournaments.

I have improved quite a bit since last time I played you, but from watching videos I know that I'm still pretty far from professional.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2005
Anchorage, AK
Lunaris, My friends and I have been getting a lot better and smash and we'd like to play you sometime during the summer. We're going to be juniors next school year.

My email is never1_always2@msn.com

I really wish that the Alaskan Smash Community would pick up.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2005
I was wondering if your holding a tournament in the next couple of weeks--and if so, could you throw me some specs? Thanks.


Smash Cadet
Aug 20, 2005
Hey ppl,

I'm new to smash boards and I am told to post here. Go alaska! hazzah! We cheat as much as AZN (j/k).

Nah, really, I'm just bored and I play at a friends' smashfest all of the time. Which he happens to be a member of smashboardss too... Geez, boredom... need to work on my L/float cancel. :newbie:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2003
Juneau, Alaska, USA

Sorry, but I think I needed to say that. Really, now, it's been 4 months since anyone posted here? Weird.

Of course, on the other hand, it's been a full year (again!) since my last posting.

Derek and friends in the Anchorage area -- are you guys still playing? I know my "crew" (if you could call us that) and I stopped playing for quite some time. However, we have recently started up playing seriously again. Luigi's still my main, Matt's still using Peach (and the occassional DK and Zelda), and Dean's got a pretty rad Link at this point (his Ganon ain't too shabby, either).

I'm taking a wild guess that Derek's in college now, and most likely not in Anchorage at the moment. Whatever the case, I'd definitely like to know; I feel like I'm totally in the dark regarding the Smash scene in Alaska, even though the scene is admittedly small.

So, here's a story:

When Matt was in line waiting for the XBox 360, he met a couple people that basically said they would "own him at Smash". So, for the next week or two, we upped our training considerably, and got as competitive as we possibly could without having been to any major tournament in the lower 48.

Matt calls one of the guys earlier in the week before we play, and he's reluctant to bring his other friends. The reason? He is apparently "way better" than the rest of his friends. This makes us a little worried (but mostly anxious to have a possible challenge), and we practice as much as possible in the days leading up to the match.

Finally, Saturday arrives (this past Saturday, 12/3/05), and we're expecting (no, hoping, really) to get a good challenge. We were even more hopeful since his crew was 4 guys, not including himself.

Unfortunately, we had no such luck. The rest of the guys' "crew" were terrible, and we had no problems dispatching them. I'm not trying to sound arrogant; this is merely fact (I'll say it right now -- my crew would get annihiliated at any lower 48 event at this point in time). There were no advanced techniques displayed by them; no WDs, no shorthopping, no fastfalling, and so on. We had a little "tournament" of sorts, but it was more of a joke than anything, since we knew that either Matt, Dean, or myself would wind up winning.

The final match was my Luigi against the main guy's Link (which pales in comparison to Dean's Link) on Final Destination. We were playing 3 Stock, and I had 2 left with under 100% damage when I beat him.

So, all in all, that little Smashfest was a disappointing one. We only played for about an hour and a half, much of which was spent with some fun Special Melee matches. When I asked them about the more technical stuff, and told them about Smashboards, they said something along the lines of "we're not willing to go that far; it's just a game, after all".

What did I learn that day? Not too much, except that Juneau, Alaska seems to have no competitive Smash scene, and I need to move somewhere else that does.

That, or the Smash Bros. Revolution game needs great online play. I've blabbed on long enough; I just wanted to let the fellow Alaskan smashers have a heads up on what I've been doing.

Later, and I'm really hoping the Anchorage crew is still around! *crosses fingers*


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Yeah, I was also wondering about you, Lunaris.

Kenjiblade - If you're ever about to go to Cordova, tell me. I would love to have someone over for Smash. It's unlikely that you'll ever have a reason to come here, though, but just in case.
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