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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Cadet
Jan 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
haha, kieth.... yeah i know him but he gos to service now i think. i also know a sam but im not sure if hiss last name is arrowsmith.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2005
Anchorage, AK

Hey Lunaris, any chance for smash next weekend or some other time?

I think I've got fox's chaingrab and the grabbing/shining from aerials down.


Smash Apprentice
May 12, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey Lunaris, it is I the geat spud. I am of the Cordovan breed of smash player, I practice with theCatPhysician and GZC. TCP and I will hopefuly be able to visit Anchorage on a weekend of this school year or the very beginning of summer. When is a good time to visit?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2005
Anchorage, AK
I really can't do anything until after ap testing (two on a friday, that really sucks), but the last test is on May 5th. So a good time for the Cordovan people to come up would not be this weekend or during the week next wweek, your best bet would be on a weekend of this school year or the very beginning of summer.

Hey Sigma, its crazy, I found out who you are through Anton/Edmon.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
I don't think we'll be going as a group within this school year, because our main way to get to Anchorage is take a ferry to Whittier, then a train to Anchorage. And it would be hard to schedule it so we can get a train right before and after the ferry, plus get us enough time to stay without losing too many school days. And to fly costs $200, and we're all saving up for the OC2 trip. So we probably won't be coming as a group until school's out, but my friend Tweak (not really a smasher - he plays, but not competitevely) is going to Anchorage sometime with his grandma, and I usually get to go to Anchorage with them when they go. They don't know when they're going yet, though, but they're pretty sure it'll be before school gets out. So I'll let you and Lunaris know when I find out if I can go with them, and when they're going.

Also, I was talking to Lunaris and he said he'd probably be able to come here too and maybe get a couple other people to come with him, he mentioned you and someone else who I can't remember. My mom says you guys are welcome to come stay here, so let me know if you want to.

Hey cool, look's like you play Fox, too. GZC and I also play him so this should be fun.


Aug 13, 2003
Regional threads like this should probably go in the Regional rooms


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
hey alaskan smashers any of you guys going to OC2? cause like alaska/hawaii are one international crew and shiz just wondering whos going from your state? theres 5 of us that are going to OC2 how you guys? got to start planning out this stuff need 10 for the international crew battles


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Yeah, I heard tenyearwarrenty talking about that on the OC2 thread. So there's going to be no more than 5 of you guys? From my town we have four people (planning on) going including myself. One of us is relatively new to advanced techniques and stuff though, so we're going to train him as much as we can and hope we get enough people to not have to use him, unless he gets good enough by the time we leave.

So hopefully everyone can go from my town (I'm almost positive I'll be able to go at least), plus Lunaris is planning on going.

Any other Alaskans planning on going?


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
thats kewl ya tenyear and me are 2 of the 5 that are going from hawaii...
rumors say there another crew from another island are going also but we dont know


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Heh, well I don't think you could have chose a better place to advertise this. ;) Alaska and Florida are farther apart than any other states (save for maybe Hawaii and Maine). Good luck on your tournament though, just try to get people who live a little closer.

Ping Ping: It'll be a while before we know which of my friends will be able to go, but let me know if you find anything out about this other crew from Hawaii that's planning on going.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
this is hawaii again lol

so wats ur guys head count for OC2? ours is 7 guarens and 2 maybes..... i think 6 or 7 will try out for international including me ^_^

lets show every1 what team HALASKII is made of!!!!! ya thats rite HALASKII lol


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
Its been awhile sence i was on this thread. Hey iam looking to go to Anchorage agian to see my brother. Maybe this time i will actually get to play you lunaris but that is toatly up to you.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Ping_Ping said:
this is hawaii again lol

so wats ur guys head count for OC2? ours is 7 guarens and 2 maybes..... i think 6 or 7 will try out for international including me ^_^

lets show every1 what team HALASKII is made of!!!!! ya thats rite HALASKII lol
None of my friends are guarunteed yet, but you probably count on me and Lunaris going. And one of my friends is confident that he will be able to go, but I wouldn't fully count on him YET because he hasn't asked his mom yet.

School's about to get out in a little over a week, maybe we'll find out which of my friends can go after school gets out.

I think 3 of us are good enough to be on the team, so in the best case scenario, Alaska will be able to offer 4 players. My other 2 friends that might go aren't quite up to our level yet, but they're working on it.

So yeah, I'll get back as soon as I find out who can go for sure. Haha, "Team Halaskii." This is going to be so fun! :laugh:


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
kk see ya guys in four months.... ill be keeping tabs and giving info on our side cause im the one mostley on the boards lol but ya ill check up on u guys from time to time


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2005
Anchorage, AK
TheCatPhysician said:
None of my friends are guarunteed yet, but you probably count on me and Lunaris going.And one of my friends is confident that he will be able to go, but I wouldn't fully count on him YET because he hasn't asked his mom yet.

School's about to get out in a little over a week, maybe we'll find out which of my friends can go after school gets out.

I think 3 of us are good enough to be on the team, so in the best case scenario, Alaska will be able to offer 4 players. My other 2 friends that might go aren't quite up to our level yet, but they're working on it.

So yeah, I'll get back as soon as I find out who can go for sure. Haha, "Team Halaskii." This is going to be so fun! :laugh:
Lunaris and I


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2003
Juneau, Alaska, USA
So, I just read about the latest details regarding 0C2, and...wow.

I definitely want to go now. I've recently been playing a bunch, improving my skills and whatnot. And the news that Hawaii/Alaska gets is own crew is exciting to me. 10 people/crew, right? I wanna take a shot at being part of the crew, as I've improved my game a ton since the last time I played Derek (I recall something about my *** on a silver platter, being handed to me XD).

Even if I don't end up on the crew, I'm still stoked about entering. Just the idea of all those GOOD smashers in one place excites the competitive gamer in me.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Kenjiblade said:
So, I just read about the latest details regarding 0C2, and...wow.

I definitely want to go now. I've recently been playing a bunch, improving my skills and whatnot. And the news that Hawaii/Alaska gets is own crew is exciting to me. 10 people/crew, right? I wanna take a shot at being part of the crew, as I've improved my game a ton since the last time I played Derek (I recall something about my *** on a silver platter, being handed to me XD).

Even if I don't end up on the crew, I'm still stoked about entering. Just the idea of all those GOOD smashers in one place excites the competitive gamer in me.
Awesome! I just talked to a couple of my friends today, and they said they weren't so sure they'd be able to go now. They're all buying new computers this summer, so they probably won't have enough money. But they might still be able to go if all the Alaskans drive down, because then we'd all pitch in for gas and make it alot cheaper for everyone. It's not something to count on happening, I know, but eh.

So that's 3 people who are pretty much guarenteed to go from Alaska - Lunaris, Kenjiblade and I. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2003
Juneau, Alaska, USA
Yeah, definitely planning on attending; the only issue is that airfare is so expensive. However, I think I'll be able to raise enough money by then, somehow.

Also, a friend of mine is pretty serious about going, too. Not guaranteed, but then neither am I. :laugh: (if I had an ample amount of cash, I would buy the plane ticket ASAP).


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
so wats up with alaska for OC2.... some of us from Hawaii are already registered its not team hawaii/alaska if none of yous alaska smashers come >.< theres 9 of us that are registered idk if "Uchiha Itachi" is going still due to parentals being unsure about the whole thing but other 8 is a definite go.... hit me back or the hawaii thread ^^ btw the 8.... were in the same crew lol


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Oh whoops, I didn't notice you posted here, I already posted in the Hawaii thread.

Lunaris, my friend Justin and I were wondering if you would be able to drive us to and from Whittier and Anchorage if we were to take a ferry from Cordova to Whittier, and we would pay for the gas. My friend Ben is actually in Anchorage right now for about another week or so, but his parents are strict and wouldn't let him go to a stranger's house. But if Justin and I could make it to town before he leaves, we could probably all go to your house.

Oh and also, you should register for OC2 now if you're pretty sure you're going, because there's only about 20 spots left! Justin and I already registered. I hope you get this message soon enough.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
well right now theres 7 of us that already bought our plane tickets 8 of our crew members wants to go just that he still needs to get his so were planning on bringing of so if theres 4 of you guys.... we have to i guess fight for spots for the international crew lol

edit: either that or if were able too everyone can be in team halaskii just that theres gonna be alternates idk we will come to terms i guess wen oc2 gets closer


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Seeing as how I'm feeling more and more inclined to play smash lately, I decided I'd try and hammer out the current community a little bit with an update to the front page.

I registered for OC2 but I still have to buy plane tickets. It's not going to be pretty for me when I go down there, unless maybe I go to WA or another state with good players in it first in order to reacclimate myself to the level of play down in the lower 48 again, but I'd still like to play friendlies and socialize with the smash community again =p

This is getting redundant, but now that I have a bit more freedom of mobility I'll try to start up some kind of tournament if there's enough interest(which there probably won't be).


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Hey, glad to see you back on the boards and enthusiastic about Smash again. Just a few minor edits to Cordova's part of the front page, if you wouldn't mind.

1: I'm Jordan :) Alot of people call me Jason for some reason, don't worry about it.

2: Tweak does not count.

3: There are a couple more players - Spud and Justin.

4: Tweak isn't even a real player. We just keep him around for laughs. I've tried to teach him how to play before, but I mean...his name's Tweak for a reason.

If there is a tournament in Alaska, you can definetely count on everyone from Cordova to try to go. It looks like there would be 10 players at most, but it would be great just to have everyone from Alaska in one place.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
anybody else getting turned off of OC2 by ticket prices? 900 bucks for a tournament is just a bit steep.

500 isn't much better, but i've paid 400 before, so...

i am dying to play smash =/ every time i see/remember my falco making a mistake i just want to play more. how long are you guys planning to stay in anch, jordan?

i'd like to buy tournament space. i'd also like to buy a method to get people to come to alaska from out of state. and while i'm dreaming, i'd like a teleportation service.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Dang, that would be sweet if you could come up too, Myko.

Derek, I may have a way to save us a bunch of money on our car insurance. I mean airline tickets. My mom's friend has this coupon called a companion fare or something that says if you go flying with a friend, you pay for one ticket, and the other is only $99. So if we bought 2 full price tickets from Cheaptickets for $550 each, and used the coupon for another $100, that wold be $1200 split 3 ways for you, Justin and me. So if this works out we would only have to pay $400 each. I'm not sure if the coupon works with tickets you buy off Cheap Tickets thougoh, I'll have to find out. Also, Justin's mom is starting to say he might not be able to go again, so he's in the middle of convincing her. If he can't go, then that will be sad, but we would able to go for even cheaper.

About coming to Anchorage: We are planning on trying to come up this Sunday. At most, it would probably be Ben, Spud, Justin and me. And we could probably stay until Monday, or just come back the same day if the ferry schedule works that way. Would you be able to house all of us? Also, I found out that I was wrong about driving from Whittier to Anchorage; it only takes one hour! So that will make it alot easier.

About getting people from out of state to the Alaska tournament, I just got a crazy idea:
tenyearwarrenty said:
I'm gonna try my best spreading out the skill level across Many/All players on this AND other islands/Reigon (Alaska). I don't want our community to be lobsided skill-wise and I want a somewhat even playing field for everyone. Better players and a better community is what I'm saying.
This guy is pretty much the leader or Hawaiian players. Maybe we could get some people from Hawaii who are going to OC2 to come to our tournament, if it isn't too expensive? It would be great to have some of the players on Team Halaskii be able to meet and play each other before the tournament. So of course this would be after we buy our tickets to OC2 to get everything finalized.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
I'm not entirely sure whether or not my parents would be willing to house four people for a week. Do you have any other options? my house isn't particularly huge and we don't have excess bedrooms, plus my parents are both retired and thus are a little bit more stingy with their money when it comes to feeding people who stay over. i'm not saying that we can't work something out, but i think our other options should be considered first.

and yeah, if any of you hawaii players would like to come up to try to 'spread the skill' throughout our region, ie get practice with each other, that'd be fantastic. trust me, many of this community's players need it =p i would be willing to reciprocate; i've gone to Washington a few times before specifically to hang out/attend SKYPAL(and i'd like to again).

i really need to get to buying my tickets for oc2, if i'm going to for sure.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
heh we wish we can come but guarens were not coming -_- most of our funds alone went to our plane fare and now were just saving up spending money for Cali. So ya but it would be great if we were able to go there tho....

TheCatPhysician said:
This guy is pretty much the leader or Hawaiian players.
and yes Tenyear is our leader ^^ if anything tho to get to know us a little better and our smash capabilities were gonna be at Cali at Aug 9 few days before the tourny.... we dont know yet who is housing us or if were getting a motel or not idk but if can maybe can smash it up before the tourny and maybe decide who is team leader lol idk but ya just a few thoughts here and there


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Ping Ping: Yeah, that would be great if we could smash before the tournament, I'm not sure how early we're going yet. It looks like they're having trouble with housing for OC2, so I dunno. Hopefully there will be some place where we can all meet up, I don't know how that's going to work.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Alright, I've got some news on the pricing of airline tickets. It turns out that to get those cheaper tickets, you have to use Delta Airlines, which means we can't use the coupon because it's for Alaska Airlines only. To go with Alaska Airlines would be be $700 for the first ticket, $100 for the second meaning we could split that into $400 each, if Justin isn't able to go. If Justin is able to go, it would be $1500 for all 3 flights, split into 3 is $500 each. Or if we could get regular tickets from Delta Airlines for $475 each. So basically, if Justin's not going: $400. If Justin is going: $475 or $500 if you prefer Alaska Air.

Another thing is Justin has an aunt that lives close enough to OC2 to house us, and she already said she could. So if Justin is going, that could help us out a lot, seeing as it looks like people are going crazy for housing at OC2, and the hotels are expensive. So if Justin goes, we would have to spend a little more for airlines, but might save more money in the long run. Plus it would probably make things a lot easier.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2004
Kapolei, Hawaii
Well seeing as you've played with SKYPAL I highly doubt there any more skill to spread around to you guys Lunaris ;P

I may be the Hawaiian team leader but you have more experience with the tourney scene and generally more well known within the Smash community. I don't have any qualms with you being Halaskii team leader, in fact I support it. I'm an unknown but hopefully our crew will make a name for Hawaii because of OC2.

How about we set up a meeting place & time in Washington? You know, meeting up someplace inbetween and with SKYPAL there it'll be an endless smashfest. As PingPing stated we're pretty short on funds since we got our plane tickets, I myself used up two paychecks to make sure our crew had enough money to go to OC. If we set something in advance for during one of the College breaks I'm pretty sure we'll be able to go.

I look forward to OC2 so that we'll be able to talk to each other about more details such as the roster or a solid flight date. Hope to freeze up in Alaska one of these days soon!
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