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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Yeah, Derek said something about that on Saturday. Anyway, I'm working on prepping Fox for the tourney (probably the only upper tier character we don't have a rep for :p). Think they'll ban Fox if I manage to get his infinite down? :D

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
I can hear things from the future...." Stop it! No fair! Fox is a broken character! You're cheating!"...I hear that in the future. The noobs shall be in an uproar. If you value your playing skills, don't stray into any ominous, black vortex's in the ground.


Smash Rookie
Oct 2, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
oo! oo!

iv got another item to add to the list:

how about chaining attacks together as in useing COMBOS against our oponents. THAT would certainly set us apart!

for anyone ne one not from alaska reading these posts, none of the people on this thread got into the tourney this weekend, but all of us (in the anchorage area) signed up for the one next weekend. the touney was ffa and FULL OF NOOBS. THE FINALIST WERE NOOBS. THE WINNER WAS A NOOB. AND THE GUY WHO RAN THE TOURNEY WAS THE BIGGEST NOOB OF ALL. whew, that felt good.

and its not like i claim to be anything special, cuz i am not. But SHIEK (aka "JESUS" for those of u who speak japanese).... it was pretty lame.

more ranting below. feel free to skip over it.

and yes mr "guy in the white shirt" (the guy that ran the tournement if someone ever happens to show him SWF), if u didnt catch it before, i said u dont know $h!t about ssbm. mewtwo is cheep because of his grabs? hyrule on super sudden death is the best way to break ties? in the finals? are u insane? what tourney game has ever been ffa? whats up with the next tourney? teams with someone uv never met? i dont want to team up with sum scrub iv never met when i pay $ to enter the tournement. u said that ur main job was to watch for double teaming and cheapness. how can u know cheapness when uv barely played the game?

sorry for the completly pointles post since this guy will never read this, but...

gota go to bed. will finish tomorow with more productive posting


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Dustin, bitter much? :p

Well, my Fox is coming along ok I guess. I'm able to hold my own against my brother's Marth, so I shouldn't have any trouble with the n00b hordes. As far as infinites go, I can get around 8-10 reps of the shine, wavedash, shine infinite before botching a wavedash. I'm having a bit of trouble with the shine, short hop, d-aerial, l-cancel, shine infinite, but that's mainly because I screw up the short hops half the time (**** hands get too tense and twitchy). That 4-frame window is really a killer...I don't have a problem with Marth's and Falco's (I practiced short hopping the blaster just for kicks one day; wasn't too hard of a tactic to pick up), it's just that taking away that extra frame or two for the short hop screws me over. I haven't even bothered with the no-wall infinite, mainly for two reasons: 1) it'd likely get me and Fox banned on the spot, and 2) I don't think I could get it down in time anyway -_- I wouldn't want to be so heavily infinite dependent anyway; being a one trick pony is seldom a good thing. As for shine spiking, I guess I'm the rep for our group to introduce the masses to that wonderous technique...unless Derek's gonna play Fox too (or does the Falco Phantasm count as a shine spike?).

As for other techniques; me and Dustin can cover Samus's bomb jumps into evade&grapple for recovery (and likely get Samus banned for having an "unfair" advantage :D). I suppose the bomb spike could be added to the list, as well as using bombs to create pseudo-short hops (if we do it enough they might notice it). I get the feeling that few people would catch onto missile canceling, so there's no reason to abuse that tactic (not like that'd stop me :D).

So I guess you're gonna play Falco, Derek? That whole "shine off the top of the stage " kinda gave it away. Well, don't forget to show your sickeningly good combo skills with Marth, we don't want everyone to think that it's just Falco that's "broken", now do we? :p

Well, all in all, we have a pretty good representation of the higher tier characters with our "crew". Let's do our best to get them all banned :D

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Taunt them , I don't literaly mean use your taunt, I mean roll around them and attack them, then roll back and attack, then repeat ( like I did with Dustin). You know, toy with them a little. Make them realize how skilled you are, unless the guy you fight just HAPPENS to have a bit of skill, then be a BIT on the defensive. I'll make sure to make Mario look like a broken character, and make them show him respect as well.


Smash Rookie
Oct 2, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Seems like banning characters is popular up there....
naw, we're just speculating. this is just a store-held tourney and there isnt a lot we can do to influence the rule set or help them define "cheapness." the guy running the tourney made some comments about a tourney that lunaris entered last year using mewtwo. he said, "one of the poeple at our last tournement used mewtwo and just stood by the edge throwing people off, i hope we dont see somthing like that at this [tournement]." while this is not true (as derek- aka 'the smash god of alaska'- tells me, anyway) he did use grabs a lot and the newbs there could not figure out what to do about it; therefore, we were all speculating (now that lunaris and others are even better than last year) which characters they might deem "cheap."

note: the only broken char in smash is bowser :)


i might not even make it to the tournement next weekend because i have to work on my science fair proj. if any of u see me this weekend, just yell at me to go do my homework ;)

and luigi's wavedash is really fun :D


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Back up to the first page!

I had my post all typed up, then when I tried to preview it, it turns out I was logged out automatically (this happens far too often) and now I have the joy of typing it all over again...okay, my post, take two.

Who is this "him" that's being mentioned?

Yeah, if we get some fresh blood in our group, I'd be happy to help you crush their spirits...err...play a few rounds with them :D And as for showing up early at your place for practice, I'd be up for that too if me and my brother could get a ride down to the Microplay from there, otherwise we'll probably just stay home practicing until tourney time. Earliest we'd likely show is around 1-2ish though, don't want to burn out prior to the tourney (like it'd matter :p) Anyway, let's not forget to show up at least 15 minutes early (tourney starts at 4pm (right?) for any who might've forgotten). I'm hoping to be there by 3:30, might give me some time for a few preliminary matches with whoever's there.

Well, judging from last week's tourney, there's not likely to be anyone to ph34r but the members of our "crew". And speaking of which; current standing in our group (the way I see it):


everyone else (in no particular order)

me-Samus/Marth/Fox (new)

Derek's clearly top in our group, anyone who says otherwise clearly smoked their breakfast. Chris is above the majority due to his unholy aura which, regardless of how a match may be going, seems to guarantee him a win against all except Derek (and I hear that now his Sheik can hold her own against Derek's Marth...). The rest of us seem too close to distinguish from one another as far as skill goes (at least from my p.o.v.), though if anyone cares to further categorize us, then by all means please do. I didn't add Burke or the other two guys (forgot their names) because, in Burke's case, I didn't know where he'd fit. As for the other two, I think they're a bit behind the majority of our group...

Whoa, Drakkus, are you practicing with Luigi now?


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2004
I've been over to Derek's house a few times before, and just barely figured out how to post. For those who don't know, I play as Falco and I just barely started playing as Peach and Captain Falcon. I'm basically the new guy that comes over once in a while and gets pounded around by all of the experienced gamers.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
If nobody claims the Megaman Zero game, I'll take it off your hands :D j/k

Wow, almost tourney time. I'd be nervous...but I already know what the competition's like (i.e. virtually none outside our group :p) 1.5 more days to practice with Fox before he gets a baptism of fire. Well, at least I've adjusted to his speed; though now it takes me a bit to readjust when "shifting down" to Samus.

Turin, you should play with us more often; I only recall seeing you once or twice. Yeah, you might get an *** beating; but if you've got the dedication, the best way to get better is to play better people.

Zero EXE

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
Hmm, I don't think I've played against Turin before, or maybe I did..either way, you should come over more often.

The only thing I'm worried about is when we have to fight against each other, I'm sure one of us will win though. Heh, remember eveyone, practice, practice, practice! (God I want to punch that guy in the face...I''ll show HIM practice, friggin' noob.)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Well, that infinite you mentioned requires a wall, so I try not to be too dependent on it since less than half the stages have walls. On a side note, it would seem that you don't have to short hop out of the reflector to get the infinite to work. A full jump works, but it has to be fast falled immediately for the d-aerial to combo, you also likely have to jump out of the reflector as close to after it hits as possible. Just requires quite a bit of timing. Working with Fox seems to have improved my other characters somewhat; I tend to wavedash and short hop quite a bit with Fox (no way around those), and it shows when I've played Samus (I've been wavedashing a lot more often). Can't really say much about Marth since I already had short hopping down pretty well with him, but I'm wavedashing with him now; not as often as Samus and Fox, but it's a start (let's see if I can manage it tomorrow...err, later today though).

Any word on whether the tourney tomorrow's going to be FFA, teams, or 1v1? Probably should've asked sooner, but oh well. In any case, good luck to all of us tomorrow (like we need it :p )


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2004
Spike Shine

I've been trying to work on the shine spike combo for falco. I can't seem to get it to work right. Do you guys know of anyway that I can help myself master it a little bit faster? Might be kind of a waste of time for guys to tell me, but I would appreciate any help.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
What's this about teamwork...?

Anyway, I think I've got the d-aerial into grab>u-throw down for the slippery characters; for the high traction ones, I can get the d-aerial, shine, w/d, grab, u-throw the vast majority of the time. The bad news is, I don't know how much time I'll be able to devote to practicing. You see, yesterday (the 9th) was my birthday, and my sister got me Neverwinter Nights...I haven't started playing it yet; let's just hope I don't become an addict :p

So, what's the deal with those guys? Are they going to be showing up for our weekly smashfests, or only occasionally?

And what the **** is up with that group name?! O_o


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Hey Derek, when you get the chance, can you see if my brother left his GC memory card over there? He's pretty sure he left it over there; it should have his name written on it in that chicken scratch he calls handwriting.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2003
Ugh, Derek. You obviously don't have the right codes. I just got AR and it hasn't become old at SKYPAL the past 3-4 weeks I've had it.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Hmm...well, I'm hoping for no more AR, period...I was starting to get a headache after the first few matches. Yeah, it's fun in a mind-numbing kind of way, but enough's enough. The most useful thing on there was actually seeing the hit "boxes" for the characters and such; it might be interesting to mess around with that some more, but I wouldn't die if it never happens.

Anyway, I was experimenting with that whole d-aerial, shine, wavedash, grab combo for Fox, and it would seem that the group it works on is actually quite small. Of the characters I tested it on, Peach, Link, DK, and Bowser are practically guaranteed; Fox's wavedash covers the distance they get pushed nicely. Ganon and C.Falcon are kinda iffy, they seem to be at the very limit of his grab range post-wavedash, and they seem to have a decent chance of landing in a quick hit while Fox is grabbing (cpu Ganon was able to get off neutral A's while Fox was going for the grab). Mario, Doc, Luigi, and Marth get pushed too far for Fox's wavedash to catch up for a grab. Fox, Falco, Pikachu, and Roy get knocked down in addition to the push-back from the shine, so it's a no-go for them too. As for d-aerial->grab; I tried that on Saturday multiple times, but it seems that when you guys went for a shield grab, you beat out Fox's grab.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
I'm not too sure about the reflector, wavedash, grab working on Sheik. I tested it on her and it looked like it pushed her too far away for Fox's wavedash to cover. But besides that, the list looks about right; it just seems so much smaller because I don't fight the majority of characters on it very often (Chris's Peach/Ganon (when he feels like playing them) and your CF (when you feel like playing him) are the only ones I've played against recently). It would've been nice to know that the d-aerial>grab doesn't work on block if your opponent knows about shield grabbing though :p I thought I was screwing up on the L-canceling all those times I got shield grabbed while attempting it. But anyways...I take it that's where the short hopped (fast fall doesn't seem to be necessary on contact with opponent/shield) d-aerial comes in; it hits longer, giving you more time to see your opponent's reaction, and react accordingly (grab on hit, shine on block). One thing that keeps getting me is the lack of constant timing for L-canceling the d-aerial. The more hits connect in the drill, the longer you have to wait for the L-cancel; I suppose this is another example of where having his short hop down would come in handy, there'd be a much more constant timing on the L-cancel if I consistently landed the same amount of hits with it. I know I can always just watch Fox and cancel when he's about to land, but having a constant timing makes it easier to get it down to the reflex level. Anyways...I've figured out what my problem is as far as wavedashing out of the reflector goes; when I'm not focused on successfully w/ding (operating on reflex instead) I try to w/d too quickly, resulting in Fox jumping instead of w/ding...yet another thing for me to work on.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
My problem isn't short hopping in general, more like short hopping consistently. It usually takes me a few trials to warm up to having a 50-70% success rate (hence the short hopped blasters I was attempting every now and then), but I say I have problems with short hopping because I don't have it down as well as I'd like to. Granted Fox is in the toughest short hop group, but I'd like to be able to pull it off consistently at least 90% of the time. I'm getting better with it, but still not as good as I'd like =/ Oh, and the full jumps out of the shine were (as I said) attempted wavedashes gone horribly wrong :p If I were to jump out of the reflector, I'd much rather go into a shffl'd d/n-aerial>reflector for added pressure (**** fingers refuse to work with me at times); though wavedash>grab would still be preferable the vast majority of the time.

In other news, I was screwing around with Samus in training mode and found that Samus's d-aerial can be combo'd into all 5 hits of her u-smash when Fox/Falco are at extremely low %s. Depending on how close you are when the d-aerial connects, the u-smash drops them either right in front of, or right behind Samus (this is without attempted DIing). If done quickly, an f-tilt combos into it quite nicely totaling for 7 hits and around 40%; after the tilt, they have a chance to tech, so I don't know if any follow ups would be worth it (beam comes to mind though :D) I'm not sure if d-tilt can be used instead of f-tilt (the timing on getting the f-tilt to combo is really strict), but if it can, then a possible follow up might be wavedash (if necessary)>bomb>d-aerial>bomb>d-aerial>d-tilt>most likely some aerial. I'm not sure how well that'd work though...getting bombs to combo into d-aerials works pretty easily at mid range %s, but then there's the matter of DIing the d-tilts...not to mention this entire combo is based on Fox/Falco having almost no damage when it starts, and it starts with a d-aerial too. Likelihood of this ever landing is probably really low...

Been fiddling around with Marth too, came up with this vs Mario at low %s; shffl'd n-aerial>dash grab>u-throw>u-tilt>mass short hopped f-aerials (you know what I mean). It also works with a non-tipped, shffl'd f-aerial to start it off, but the n-aerial is a bit more damaging. Another one I was messing with (not sure on the viability of this one); shffl'd n-aerial>dash A (tipped)>u-tilt>f/b-aerial (depends on position)>d-aerial (tipped, fast falled, and L-canceled, of course)>u-tilt>...? This one I'm not too sure of at all. Nothing legitly combos (combo counter doesn't add up) and I'm not sure if it can be DI'd out of, but it looks pretty sweet :p

Okay, all that aside, me and my brother will more than likely make it on Friday. Btw, when do you leave for Washington, and when do you get back?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Halfway down the second page...we need a bump.

Anyways...good luck at SKYPAL, Derek. I hope you game fully comes back together in time; you haven't been the nightmare you usually are, and that I survive as long as I have against you is rather disconcerting. Early case of tourney nerves, or is Chris's unholy aura sapping at your ability to royally kick ***?

Well, there's another SC2 tourney coming, at least according to the radio broadcast I heard, so my mission now is to find out when and get practicing again (I haven't played in months). Just need to decide on a suitable back-up for Ivy; either Taki or Raphael. I'm leaning towards Raphael due to how comfortable I am with his style, but Taki's so much fun to play...decisions, decisions.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2002
Minnesota, Hinckley
GJ to Lunaris, placing 4th at SKYPAL 17 ^^. I wouldn't be able to place that well at all :\.

Speaking of, Lunaris, I took 2nd at BEEZO II this weekend :). I beat that Jiggly named Chexr. :)

Go bump go! alaska's too cool to be on the third page :mad:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
So were there any Samus players over there? I'm assuming you're recommending I pick up Marth/Fox/Falco more seriously because either:

1) There were Samus players and had their asses handed to them; so you're recommending I pick up someone who has more of a fighting chance


2) You need more experience vs Marth/Falco and want to bring me up to speed so you'll have quality competition against them.

They both seem equally likely, possibly a combination of the two; but what the ****, I'll oblige you :D (just keep in mind I have no intention of dropping Samus). Actually, it's interesting that you bring up me possibly switching to over to Falco; I've been thinking about putting Fox on the back burner because playing him for prolonged lengths of time screws over my Samus game...so, yeah, I've been thinking about focusing more on Marth anyway (or at least someone a bit closer to Samus's speed, and easier on the controller). Anyways, I'll see about squeezing in some Falco practice this week, see how well I can work with him.

In other news, I did pretty well at the little SC2 tourney last Saturday. I beat the Astaroth and Raphael players from last time, but was taken down by Nightmare...I blame it on lack of experience against Nighty, especially since the matches were pretty **** close; he had some techniques I wasn't used to, that's what brought my Ivy down in the end. Everyone else I was better than, and at the very least, on par with.

As far as GGXX goes...yeah, I need some quality matches...turns out my Testament has surpassed my other friends' characters, and I played a few rounds against some guys at Microplay after the SC2 tourney...whenever I played Testament, it was a total bloodfest. So, yeah; I need some more competition.

Well, that's about all I have to say for now; I'll definitely be there on Saturday, so I'll see you then.

Edit: Okay, I know now that I'm capable of completely tooling 12-year old semi-noobish kids with Falco (especially on FD :D); got a few questions though. (I'd ask this on Melee Discussion, but why ask there when I've got a Falco master here? :p)

1) Concerning SHB; how's the timing to get the laser to skim the ground? I'm thinking it's fire the blaster right as Falco reaches the apex of his jump and then fast fall, though I only get the really low laser around 1/4 of the time...feel free to correct me.

2) I haven't seen you play in a while, so I must ask; is Falco's wavedash useful any? It only covers a little bit of ground and isn't really fast, just seems like he has better options (dodge and retaliate/shield grab (if I can ever remember to grab...)).

3) Is it just me, or does the reflector seem to have greater range behind Falco than in front of him? I've tried the shffl'd spike>shine, and the reflector doesn't always hit when the opponent's in front of Falco; whereas it seems like it has a better chance at hitting from behind Falco.

4) For his grabs, I don't recall you using anything other than d-throw. I'm guessing that's so the opponent doesn't get too far away, allowing Falco to get back on them faster. Would reflector be the best option off the d-throw (and if they tech, shffl'd spike>shine?), or d-smash if it'd send them off the ledge?

Okay, besides that, I must say that I find Falco surprisingly fun to play. His horizontal movement speed feels about as slow as Samus's (he seems faster when you're controlling him though...), but his vertical speed (rising and falling) is through the roof. My only real problem is that I tend to short hop too much. I nail Falco's short hop with what seems like 95% accuracy (I rarely miss it); in fact, half the time I seem to short hop when I needed a full jump. Anyways, I'll try to work on reverse-engineering some of those combos I've fallen to so many times; I'll welcome any general pointers, but for now I'd like to see what I can discover on my own :)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003
Derek, I'm assuming from your last few posts that we've got the usual smashfest tomorrow; so, same time as usual? I start working tomorrow (early mornings, 7:30-11:30am), so should I come after work, or around the usual time (2-3pmish)?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2003

Meh...while I'm here; Derek, can you run that list of minor things I can do to improve my Samus by me? I remember you offering little tidbits of advice every now and then, and I want to know if it's little things I already know about or what...oh, and my Sheik isn't better than Chris's, is it? Granted I do a few things he doesn't do; but I think he's got a better grasp of the character...
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