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Alaska(friend codes in first post)

Captain Alaska

Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2007
*trembles in fear*

FOR SUNDAY do we have a definite # of people coming, and the people who are, could the person confirm themselves that they are or have another person confirm for you?

east AND service combined<dimond


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
Matsu18p said:
Alright when i go i'll make sure to contact you in some way or another, hopefully i'll be able to smash at least a few people. Btw if you've smashed someone from alaska yer prety much accepted and cool as we have like a small but pretty steady community with like no outside influence, cept fer derreck and daniel and jordan who've traveled.

ohh god caleb yer right....


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
That was pretty much fun. Tomo had to leave at 6. Ian, Caleb, and the monkey guy... Adrian! were here until 10ish. Tomo got here around 2ish? The rest around 3. We smashed with two games one TV.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
I get there monday Night Lunaris!!!!!!!

You better freaking PM me heh

I would really like to smash with people while im up there this time...


PM me please... kkeekekekekekekekek


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
So Tales of the Abyss is actually about Alaska?! I wish I had known this when I beat the game.
Mythril Ores, reminds me when I played WoW. *Shutter* Which reminds me, I'm still selling my 70 Dwarf Warrior and 63 Dwarf Warrior. The 70 is a PvE server, the 63 is a PvP server. PM me if you're interested.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
If you think Tales of Symphonia is a better game.. You're too much of a GC fanboy. I don't see any aspect where Tales of Symphonia is better than Tales of the Abyss. Tales of the Abyss has free run, instead of having to just run left and right.. The characters develop a lot more, especially the main one, Luke Fon Fabre. Lloyd didn't show much character development. The ending to TOS was sappy, Colette and Lloyd didn't say I love you or anything, while when Luke came back when he could have been dead, Tear said I love you. The multiplayer is so much better, the camera angle doesn't suck so much **** that TOS did that you couldn't see your casters, or if you were a caster and 1P was melee, you would rarely see yourself.

Tales of the Abyss is better in every aspect. Story,Gameplay,Character Development, Music,Length. Don't see how you can think TOS is better, but both games are good.

Captain Alaska

Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2007
especially the main one, Luke Fon Fabre.

He develops from a real man to a b itch he used to do what he wanted, he didnt pay for no apple, he just wanted to go home, then he became a loser

So far, I do like TOS better than Abyss;

TOS plusses:

characters, Abyss has too many characters that are just terrible, such as Anise and Fon Master Ion; while with Symphonia the character interaction was better

story: i just like the generic TOS plot better

camera angles are better in TOS

no or little slowdown, i slowdown so much with abyss, its irritating

The music is equal, both are very good

Abyss plusses:

free run, the battle system in general is a little better
luke used to be a complete badass at the begenning of the game
i only played it multiplayer a little in symphonia, but it was bad if one person used spells and the other didnt

I like Tales of Symphonia better than Abyss, but they are both Tales games, so both are amazing; but I'm going to have to do this:



Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Captain Alaska..

Lloyd is a dense eggshell who knows nothing. Luke started off as a jerk, and became to realize everything the world had to offer. I don't see a valid arguement in TOS's camera angle is better. Have you tried multiplayer?

Luke wasn't a badass, he was a complete *** and jerk who was ignorant. By the end he realizes that he didn't need a specific reason to be alive, accepted that he was a replica, and gave everyone a chance. Lloyd just stays stupid the whole game. And Lloyd never kicks it off with Colette, which is stupid. Not even a hug if I recall.

Both plots are good, but Abyss gets the nod, it kept me wanting to play. Colette being the chosen one and all.

TOS had bad characters too. Genis? Come on, Jade is 1000x better than Genis. Jade is a laugh the whole way through with his sarcasm.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
So yea does anyone want to play when i come up....

Im going to be staying at the Puffin In once again....

So please i want to set up some smash with some people


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Gabe when are you coming to alaska / when are you leaving alaska?
Also, lunaris I will be gone monday-wednesday on a rafting trip. Also, smashfest was fun, let me know when you guys are having one at derrecks.

Captain Alaska

Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2007
Captain Alaska..

Lloyd is a dense eggshell who knows nothing. Luke started off as a jerk, and became to realize everything the world had to offer. I don't see a valid arguement in TOS's camera angle is better. Have you tried multiplayer?

Luke wasn't a badass, he was a complete *** and jerk who was ignorant. By the end he realizes that he didn't need a specific reason to be alive, accepted that he was a replica, and gave everyone a chance. Lloyd just stays stupid the whole game. And Lloyd never kicks it off with Colette, which is stupid. Not even a hug if I recall.

Both plots are good, but Abyss gets the nod, it kept me wanting to play. Colette being the chosen one and all.

TOS had bad characters too. Genis? Come on, Jade is 1000x better than Genis. Jade is a laugh the whole way through with his sarcasm.
About the camera angles for multiplayer they are terrible in symphonia, but im talking about moving around the overworld (without slowdown mind you)

Luke started out as a badass then he cut his hair and became a loser

I'm fine with Genis, but really compare Anise and Ion to Genis; genis is way easier to handle

I like the whole chosen plot of symphonia

Jade's alright
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