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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Okay, I guess I'll just wait to see then, Lunaris. Maybe I'll bump into you at 0C3 and get an update there. :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Oh yeah and xanskarr was the only person to take on the kirby challenge, and he lost.
I'm up for this challenge. To Arthur, your horrible zangoose will fall, flail or what have you. I have a solution to you rediculous strategy, anything that can outspeed it, meaning infernape, jolteon, porygonz, gyara after dd, weavile, metagross after agility, bronzong just walls you....just to name a few possibilities.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Reminder!!! Saturday 2-7 at Waynes World weekly smashfest... thingy... yeah bring a tv + cube someone and try to get more ppl to come (that tomo guy, anyone who is decent?) I will be bringing my tv, and chris kim will bring his cube, as always.

Captain Alaska

Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2007
I'm up for this challenge. To Arthur, your horrible zangoose will fall, flail or what have you. I have a solution to you rediculous strategy, anything that can outspeed it, meaning infernape, jolteon, porygonz, gyara after dd, weavile, metagross after agility, bronzong just walls you....just to name a few possibilities.
Ricky, you need to realize if you ever want to beat c murder, you're going to have to pick a colour for your peach and call her vicious mistress.

---in denver right now

---if vicious mistress does not work out for peach it can always be given to black marth

charmander could also fire you


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
anyone see the fc video thingy on that one page that looked intense
lunaris' game face is so powerful although forward's is powerful as well
i don't know about pc's though.
please i hope nobody gets the wrong idea here. although eggleston did
lose the kirby challenge, it's not as if i won it through my own power. i
"won" only because he killed himself. my kirby will have to get a lot
in order for this "challenge" to have any challenge at all.
so thecatphysical is with diesuperfly good luck ya?

okay rickal that zangoose will have a 300 power attack with double or
more attack i'm pretty sure it will OHKO anything that doesn't 4x resist
it or is immune to it or something like that. bronzong ya? fine then, 150
power attack with double or more attack. now, i don't think you understand
it, and i doubt you will until it sweeps your team or some of it. i'm not
going to just send it out against anything that comes up. i have to set
it up you fool. and i have a way to increase it's speed okay. also, the exact
same thing goes for lucario except with reversal.

oh man that's terrible how samus transforms into zero suit samus
this makes me think that final smashes can't be turned off. which
could be good or bad depending on how well they're incorperated
into the game. and balanced. whatever.

most of those matches last time at wayne's world were crazy terrible
i almost lost too to that samus. i lost to that one falco. disgusting as
hell. i can't say there was any match i was proud of. although that one
freeforall with that doc and fox with my blood hawk was pretty funny.
i think i'm going to give up trying to have a main ice climbers don't want
to stay no characters will. i'll just play all the characters it's easier that
way. and less stressful.
i'm pumped. i need to smash somebody.
okay good day. and che lab tell chris kim wherever he is that my falco is
really better than that. it really is. or that's what i like to think. same goes
for my kirby eggleston.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Dont worry arthur, dont worry. If only you took into account priority modifiers, that strategy only works behind a substitute or with lucario as he resists sandstorm. Dont worry, even with speed your zangoose is slow, we'll uncover just how absolutely frail that strategy is soon enough. I have a much more succesful and reliable strategy that takes only 3 turns to set up and if carried out sweeps anything. Or I could just rely on my gyara and outspeed all yer pokes to sweep as well. GOOD LUCK IN THE UPCOMING BATTLE!!! Btw breeding an eevee is horrible.

About saturday, TRAIN UP SMASH B!TCHES I WANT A CHALLENGE....thats all.

What video is this arthur, the foward and lunaris one?

CAPTAIN ALASKA SPEAKS, and quite arrogantly, pushing names on people. VICIOUS MISTRESS, doesnt have quite as much, well it has no ring at all, compared to some of the names ive been thinking. THEY ARENT PEACH RELATED AS THAT WOULD BE HORRIBLE, LIKE TURNIP OR DRK. PCH. When you get back, i'll have a crew name, and sigmar will see his faults and serve under me as my eternal apprentice.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Btw myself, chris kim and ian (the azn one) and ricky i think will not be able to attend the smashfest thingy on saturday... but i think everyone will be attending the one on next saturday. So unless someone corrects me, it is canceled and just giving a headsup.
Oh yeah and i want to see that video or photo of lunaris and forward, Arthur. Send us the link plz


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
*imagines kirby waving his hands in the air saying "hi!" * and thinks... kirby is more manly than chuck norris.

Also, just so everyone knows, next smashfest is on July 28th at Waynes World from 2-7.
I will bringing my tv, and chris kim will bring his cube as always, and ricky/arthur/banky/tomo/xanskar... one or two of you needs to bring a tv/ cube because we don't want 6-10 people on one tv... It would be nice if whoever is brining a tv / cube would post on here so there wouldn't be 5 tvs at waynes world, because I'm pretty sure Gene.. (i think thats how you spell her name) would be angry if we brought more than 2 or 3 because based on what she told me, there is going to be a hero clix tournament and some card games going on the same day so, yeah post if you are going to bring something and please, someone besides me and chris, bring something.

adrian Blk

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
anchorage alaska
*imagines kirby waving his hands in the air saying "hi!" * and thinks... kirby is more manly than chuck norris.

Also, just so everyone knows, next smashfest is on July 28th at Waynes World from 2-7.
I will bringing my tv, and chris kim will bring his cube as always, and ricky/arthur/banky/tomo/xanskar... one or two of you needs to bring a tv/ cube because we don't want 6-10 people on one tv... It would be nice if whoever is brining a tv / cube would post on here so there wouldn't be 5 tvs at waynes world, because I'm pretty sure Gene.. (i think thats how you spell her name) would be angry if we brought more than 2 or 3 because based on what she told me, there is going to be a hero clix tournament and some card games going on the same day so, yeah post if you are going to bring something and please, someone besides me and chris, bring something.
ill bring a cube, but i dont know if i can bring a TV


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
OK so either ricky or arthur needs to bring a tv, and thanks adrian for bringing your cube. So guys, post when you know you can bring your tv!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
okay che lab i wonder if you sound misinformed i hope not. it's not as if the focus
of the video was on THAT guy and forward it was a video of EVERYone at that thing.
it's in that tournament thread. first video link i believe. called something like-
"fcd video clips arrangement or something" okay yah.
i can bring a tv and a gamecube, whatever's needed yeah?
i think another reason why i lost that falco match was also because my falco is
currently undergoing a style change. yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ?
also i know that the werewolves of london can destroy gozilla you pathetic fool.
song by warren zevon by the way. it's pretty awesome.
THAT guy and forward are 25 or so. good stuff.
rather unfortunate that shizwhiz placed that much higher in comparison to
those two. RATHER TERRIBLE i'll have you know
rickol maybe you should check out jiano vs. xif
it's captain vs. peach.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
okay che lab i wonder if you sound misinformed i hope not. it's not as if the focus
of the video was on THAT guy and forward it was a video of EVERYone at that thing.
it's in that tournament thread. first video link i believe. called something like-
"fcd video clips arrangement or something" okay yah.
i can bring a tv and a gamecube, whatever's needed yeah?
i think another reason why i lost that falco match was also because my falco is
currently undergoing a style change. yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ?
also i know that the werewolves of london can destroy gozilla you pathetic fool.
song by warren zevon by the way. it's pretty awesome.
THAT guy and forward are 25 or so. good stuff.
rather unfortunate that shizwhiz placed that much higher in comparison to
those two. RATHER TERRIBLE i'll have you know
rickol maybe you should check out jiano vs. xif
it's captain vs. peach.

I can bring a ONE TV and ONE cube for next saturday and most likely anytime we're doing anything at wayne's world.

capacity1 you go to dimond?

OHH GOD ITS THE TERRIBLE BEAST GODZILLA WHO IS SCARIER AND RIVALS THE SKILL OF THE MOVING TRAIN. Btw im pretty sure some puny london werewolves pale in comparison to a monster the size of a large skyscraper

Waiting in front of Barnes and noble was pretty fun, met a lot of people. and say what you will but I believe I'm the one with the latest installement, #7, of the harry potter series.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
nah im starting at uaa pretty soon and speaking of harry potter, imo harry should get with luna, not ginny lol

~hypno toad commands us to play dotA~
Nice obscure futurama refence !

Also I got the book probably 30 minutes before ricky and i have read it already MUAHHAH!!! I am so ****ing tired... running on 2 days no sleep...gahhhhhhhhhh..........btw I don't know if gene will let us bring 3 tvs.. theres alot of other stuff going on there so i think the max is 2... so how about arthur brings a tv and ricky brings a cube .. or viceversa...w/e...
Oh yes and don't comment on how much my punctuation sux *** in this post, because I am tired and will turn your genitalia and your brain into zombie ... stuff if you um what was I saying again, w/e i forgot my fingers are tired from reading and flipping pages and uhh typing this long post so im going to sleep now for 2 hours before a party, good day to you alaska peoples... Oh and i think harry should turn into a transvestite who gives bjs to death eaters for 5 bucks a blow behind alleys. Luna sux compared to that.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
m2k is amazing
he removed 16 stocks from Ken, Isai, Manacloud, Bombsoldier, and Disk San's crew. Effectively 3-4 stocking each. He only lost 3 stocks.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Was godzilla high when he watched teletubbies dance to rave music?

Btw the thread has been nonsense lately.

Can we clarify whos bringing what saturday for my sake as i can bring a tv and a cube+0-1 controller(s). Too lazy to look at previous posts. When we go there this sat. imma ask jean about tourneys, she still owes me my $40 to.

Arthur, yer coming this sat. right? And btw ive lost hope, so im sorry but the only epic battles we'll be having are between yer e.v.ed and i.v.ed pokes and my horrible in game ones. After thinking I had the right i.v.s on my infernape, after reaching lvl 76 i reinput the i.v.s and to my surprise instead of 30 in speed he had 0, lost all interest after that.

Pokemon's friend and justice meter plummited to boredom and monotony....
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