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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
I am making a list of who is coming to the smashfest at Waynes World on the 28th of July, 2007 (Saturday) and what they are bringing due to interest in the topic and to avoid confusion.
1. Che_Lab
one controller and a television.
2. Chris Kim
one controller and a gamecube.
3. Adrian Blk
one controller and a gamecube.
4. Matsu18p
one controller and a television.
5. Xanskarr
one controller.
6. Banky
(probably one controller)
7. Tomo
(probably one controller)
8. Funkmaster (probably coming but idk)
(probably one controller)

That is the complete list of people who are coming and a high chance of coming and what they are bringing. Now on a side note, in case anyone didn't know, the reason Ean (ThatOneDudeSki) is not attending the smashfest, is because he is currently not in Anchorage and will not be in Anchorage until the 2nd of August. (If i remember Xanskarr's words correctly)
On another side note, the reason Ian (IATFalcon) will not be attending is because he has chance of making 400$ on Saturday and is a greedy ******* so he will do that.

Myself and others will try to keep these weekly smashfests alive at Waynes World, and will be asking Gene permission to keep hosting them and to start bi-weekly or tri-weekly tournaments to start happening there.

If anyone has any questions or reasons for me to edit this post, you can contact me at crackheads_unite@hotmail.com as well as here on the boards.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
yeah i'm coming you fool and so is the controller. or i think i'm coming.

okay rickof i know what you mean i haven't even played that game
really for about two weeks. hatching skarmory eggs i just far too ****
boring. oh well. at least i'll have one good physical wall for the epic battle
hmm. i guess you'll just have to be swept by FLAILGOOSE maybe. lucky
you i don't have a LUCARIOREV yet. lucky. iv's really don't matter nearly
as much as ev's just so you know. don't try and get iv's of 30 or somethin
for all your stats or you might lose it.
anyway, you should check out lickilicky. it could be a good wall or somethin
or sweeper with such an incredible movepool. swords dance, all three beams,
wring out, belly drum, 101 subs, power whip. and much more. pretty great,
and lastly, the only owner of STABBED explosion. does it get better then that?
i wonder. stabbED EXplosiON, that is, 300+ power or so. flail goose and lucariorev
are still more powerful though since they can sweep a whole team if used right
while LICKYBOMB is only good for one life.
and it looks pretty foolish. just been playing advance wars ds. wow that game is
awesome, i never get tired of it. and to think there's going to be a sequel?
watch who you're challenging fool. i believe my ice climbers have mastered the
WOBBLE so i think you'd best run to the hills(iron maiden)
by the way, LOOK. the LIST says that there are eight people coming. there could
be a CREW battle! okay yah? how about me tomo, banky, xanskarr vs. chris kim,
adrian, che man and fakegodzilla. that sounds good. 4 or 5 lives each or somethin.
but hey. whatever works. i don't know what side i should be on if this thing is to
happen. i think it's a good idea. crew battles are fun.
my ice climbers are ready to wobble somebody, and my kirby is ready to kill
matsufalco. gooday


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
4 man, 5 lives crews.
8 minutes, FD, Dreamland 64, Battlefield, FoD, Pokemon Stadium and Yoshi's Story for random.
As a player's stock is removed, those stocks stay removed. I.E. One player loses a stock in a match but wins the match. He stays to next match but suicides at the start, compensating for his one stock lost in the earlier match. That stock stays lost.

Just clearing it up for you people.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Arthur, before i dumped that game I was looking at Lickilicky, has such an incredible movepool, i was gonna possibly use him as a recipient for jolteon's sub passing, use agility, sub down to a petaya and increase sp.atk., SWEEP, hopefully. Lol STAB explosion=rediculous. Lol, reversal sweeper, anything with a priority modifier wrecks that.

Crew battle, sounds pretty epic.

Ice crimers dont have ANYTHING on my dsmash. Btw its unfortunate you think godzilla is a fake, very unfortunate.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
yeah i'm coming you fool and so is the controller. or i think i'm coming.

okay rickof i know what you mean i haven't even played that game
really for about two weeks. hatching skarmory eggs i just far too ****
boring. oh well. at least i'll have one good physical wall for the epic battle
hmm. i guess you'll just have to be swept by FLAILGOOSE maybe. lucky
you i don't have a LUCARIOREV yet. lucky. iv's really don't matter nearly
as much as ev's just so you know. don't try and get iv's of 30 or somethin
for all your stats or you might lose it.
anyway, you should check out lickilicky. it could be a good wall or somethin
or sweeper with such an incredible movepool. swords dance, all three beams,
wring out, belly drum, 101 subs, power whip. and much more. pretty great,
and lastly, the only owner of STABBED explosion. does it get better then that?
i wonder. stabbED EXplosiON, that is, 300+ power or so. flail goose and lucariorev
are still more powerful though since they can sweep a whole team if used right
while LICKYBOMB is only good for one life.
and it looks pretty foolish. just been playing advance wars ds. wow that game is
awesome, i never get tired of it. and to think there's going to be a sequel?
watch who you're challenging fool. i believe my ice climbers have mastered the
WOBBLE so i think you'd best run to the hills(iron maiden)
by the way, LOOK. the LIST says that there are eight people coming. there could
be a CREW battle! okay yah? how about me tomo, banky, xanskarr vs. chris kim,
adrian, che man and fakegodzilla. that sounds good. 4 or 5 lives each or somethin.
but hey. whatever works. i don't know what side i should be on if this thing is to
happen. i think it's a good idea. crew battles are fun.
my ice climbers are ready to wobble somebody, and my kirby is ready to kill
matsufalco. gooday
Nice iron maiden reference (one of the only songs i like by them though) , I also play advance wars DS, and i have played 1 and 2 as well (the DS version is 3) and i am quite an expert on that game we should dual, bring your DS! Also im up for crews and actually arthur, that game does get very boring after you have beat hard mode on the campaign and a **** load of war rooms and vs maps... how many hours you got? i have 70 i think .


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
I just spoke with tomo, he cannot make it on saturday due to a camping trip that he forgot about. Smashfest is still up, but idk about crew battles now, if we did it would have to be 3v3.. anyways sorry for doublepost just needed 2 say that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
oh well maybe the teams will be uneven but the team with less people
could be given more lives. something like that
and advance wars is still fun. i think the hours on mine are maxed out.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
LOl the crew battles were a disgrace. GJ ARTHUR you lost the game the second battle for the crew. Oh well next week'll prolly be much better.

Asked jean about tourney's, she said she'd ask banky's brother about it. Said something about next month. Not sure if were gonna have like tri weelklies and such when school comes along, gonna be pretty busy.

If you guys*derreck jordan daniel* see this, when are you getting back?


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
LOl the crew battles were a disgrace. GJ ARTHUR you lost the game the second battle for the crew. Oh well next week'll prolly be much better.

Asked jean about tourney's, she said she'd ask banky's brother about it. Said something about next month. Not sure if were gonna have like tri weelklies and such when school comes along, gonna be pretty busy.

If you guys*derreck jordan daniel* see this, when are you getting back?
The first crew battle wasn't a disgrace, it was really fun. But the 2nd and 3rd ones sucked balls... By the way, next Waynes World smashfest = August 5th from 2-7 (maybe later, she hinted we can stay later on sundays) Jean also said if we want to do tri weekly kind of things, tuesdays are always free.. so we could do maybe one tuesday tournament maybe at the end of august before school.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Cordova, Alaska
results of oregon tournament:

derek got first, eggz second, captain alaska third. the rest is not important.

we'll post more later

also we'll probably be back within a week


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
I'm starting a Daniel Allman fanclub; to join just praise me or give me a treat, such as cookies or candy (BUT NOT BOTH), it'll be cool. You can go around saying you're a member and all that stuff. Just letting you know, I too, am an official member.
I want to join this club. It sounds totally cerealicious. Ill give you cookies next time I go to dereck's.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2007
So, whats the deal with Wayne's this coming weekend. Who can make it and who can't?

Che_Lab you are good at this organizing stuff... do your magic n' get some nukkas there.
I wanna have some fun playing smash this weekend.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2007
O yeah, explain all the stuff too caleb. I want a bunch of people there... I need to get better.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
so, the trip's pretty much over now. today we're going to be playing DJ Combo and probably a few other members of the Combo Status crew in washington.

at FCD and OC3 i did pretty terrible in teams.

i tied for 25th at both FCD and OC3(25th is about the 5th-8th from 1st place due to how double elimination bracket results work, it goes like 1st-2nd-3rd-5th-7/10th-etc etc.), which i also consider pretty terrible. i definitely could have done better, although i dont think i could have beaten mew2king or pc chris. i figured this would happen anyways, so im not that disappointed, however.

after those tournaments, we went to oregon and there was a tournament there called SF:E. a few states had representatives(idaho, ore, washington, and maybe another), and i took the low tier singles, doubles(with jordan/TCP), and then the normal singles and doubles as well. daniel got 3rd in singles, it seems he's gotten a lot better.

i'll tell you guys more about the trip when we get back. we should be back within a week, although the trip home might take a little bit longer than i had previously thought when i talked to ricky last.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
KK heres a list of ppl going to waynes world on sunday (2-7) and what they are bringing.

1. Che_Lab - Caleb (1 t.v. + controller)
2. Chris Kim (1 cube + controller)
3. IATFalcon - Ian T. (1 controller)
4. Adrian Blk - Adrian (1 cube + controller)
5. Matsu18p - Ricky (1 t.v.)
6. Funkmaster - Arthur (1 controller)
7. Banksters - Banky (1 controller)
8. ThatOneDudeski - Ean W. (1 controller)
9. Xanskarr - Eggleston - Jason (1 controller)
10. Mahjong - Tomo (1 controller)
11. Diddy - David (1 controller)
Yeah I think I got that right. I hope so. Ill probably be making edits as the week progresses.. Also if "The Alaskan Triforce" gets back before Sunday, will they, being the lords of Alaska attend this smashfest?? Btw we should get another tv + cube.. because 2 sets + 11 people (or more) = alot of waiting I thinks yah? So if you can bring a cube or a tv just msg me at crackheads_unite@hotmail.com.. or you can call me at 244-8781. Is that what you wanted Ian??!?! Is that good enoughz!?!!?! Btw ricky did jean say anything to you about tournaments?


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Oh, Lunaris, you guys werent coming to Gameclucks August 11th? Darn, wanted to talk/smash with you more. Oh well, either way, you're a great smasher, and really funny :D


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
Good news about tomo, but seriously, we need one more set (tv+cube) for WW smashfest. Someone volunteer and post that they are bringing either a tv or a cube, or both.
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