Tentative plan for tonight!
Tarnish and Scrappy are gonna be at Madison Square Mall. I'll go find them when I get out of work (maybe 4:30 today). Then we'll head over to Coach's. Coach said he has dinner plans tonight, but he was kind enough to let us use his place.
Coach said he'd be gone for an hour or so. One of the other Michaels will be there. Sensai, JWT, whoever can come on over to Coach's at 5 maybe.
hey hey when are yall smashing next, this weekend perhaps?
i wanna come and get owned plz
Apparently we're smashing tonight. Probably tomorrow night too. I'm thinking of going to the INN biweekly in Memphis Saturday night, along with whoever decides to go with me. Usually we smash Saturday afternoon, but this wedding I've spoken of is coming back... apparently there's a bigger reception that I'm supposed to go to this Saturday from 2-4pm, which might mess up plans for midday Smash. We'll figure something out.
if i can get the address, i can try to make it around there the next time yall play
I'll PM you my cell number. Usually, we smash at Coach's place Wednesday night and my place Saturday afternoon, but things change up a lot. I guess watch this thread and decide when you wanna come up.