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ADHD needs your help


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
...yeah...I did gimp you last time we played...
...uh...i don't believe so, you edgegaurded me, gimping is when oli dies at 60% or less, edgegaurding me at like 90% with bairs isn't gimping, its killing me as early as reasonibly possible with diddy

but back on point, one thing you should learn about most olis is that most olis have one strategy to get back on stage and will only use that so if you can ;earn to stop that then 90% of olis are screwed off stage cause they won't have anything else


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
...uh...i don't believe so, you edgegaurded me, gimping is when oli dies at 60% or less, edgegaurding me at like 90% with bairs isn't gimping, its killing me as early as reasonibly possible with diddy

but back on point, one thing you should learn about most olis is that most olis have one strategy to get back on stage and will only use that so if you can ;earn to stop that then 90% of olis are screwed off stage cause they won't have anything else
gimping is edgehogging or like...any other weird edge kills, no matter the %


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
gimping is edgehogging or like...any other weird edge kills, no matter the %
see, thats what i hate about the word gimp, most people think edgegaurding @ killing percents=gimp, but, in actuallity, especcially with olimar, gimping is getting killed at REALLY low percents, like percents where normally the character won't kill, but if he kills its often by some kind of spike or edgehog/gaurd, if a character dies at the percent they will normally be killed at anyways off stage then that is actually edgegaurding and not gimping


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
see, thats what i hate about the word gimp, most people think edgegaurding @ killing percents=gimp, but, in actuallity, especcially with olimar, gimping is getting killed at REALLY low percents, like percents where normally the character won't kill, but if he kills its often by some kind of spike or edgehog/gaurd, if a character dies at the percent they will normally be killed at anyways off stage then that is actually edgegaurding and not gimping
Bring me a dictionary


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I'm not saying its impossible to gimp guys lol. I'm saying it isn't some amazing thing you can count on against good players. I've dair'd spiked most of the best Snakes, but it isn't something I would ever hinge my entire choice of a stage or opinion of a match up on, which is what people imply when they say Olimar is really good on Norfair.

gimping is edgehogging or like...any other weird edge kills, no matter the %
I'm old school. Us old schoolers defined gimp. Gimping is getting an EARLY KO. Period. If you side-B footstool combo someone at 10% its a gimp. If you do it at 130% it isn't a gimp. Its gimpy because you ended their life significantly earlier then they should have been ended.

Basically what Dabuz said, gimping is a KO before you technically should expect to be KO'd. Its sorta like when people say "OMG I SUICIDED AND THAT'S WHY YOU WON" when in reality they suicided at 140% and they were basically dead from any hit anyways. A suicide at 40% and a suicide at 140% are not equal in weight.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Olimar's recovery is pretty limited but he does have tricks to try to get himself back on the stage.

It's a good idea to understand how Olimar players want to get to the edge to edgeguard him.
ie he uses DI upwards in the first place- it's hard to get them offstage without throws or dsmash in a good position.
he'll use attacks while getting back to clear the edge
he'll whistle/airdodge through your attacks

Use good decision making to counter the last two to open up for side b -> footstool or fakeout (with airdodge) to a dair or fair or something.

His up b also always leaves him vulnerable when he's hanging from the edge for a short amount of time even if they mash to get to the ledge as quick as they can

I dunno lol


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
Well luckily not every Olimar player is Andy or Blackwaltz and we don't fight Blackwaltz. Also, for the record, I do gimp Andy usually at least once a set with him when I play him on wifi, same with dabuz.
this kinda makes me mad

first you bring wifi into it. where it's impossible to dodge on reaction

then take into account that even on wifi I have not played olimar against you since like 5 months ago.

add in the fact that you said USUALLY at least ONCE a SET

makes that sentence completely useless, maybe even proving the point of the people you were arguing against


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
this kinda makes me mad

first you bring wifi into it. where it's impossible to dodge on reaction

then take into account that even on wifi I have not played olimar against you since like 5 months ago.

add in the fact that you said USUALLY at least ONCE a SET

makes that sentence completely useless, maybe even proving the point of the people you were arguing against
Yeah...that's why I said wifi...so people know w/e I'm saying isn't completely accurate, it's been less then 5 months, but it has been a while since i played your Olimar agrred. Yeah usually once a set... that's a lot more than you'd gimp half the cast...if you want to get mad about facts then fine, IDC.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
this kinda makes me mad

first you bring wifi into it. where it's impossible to dodge on reaction

then take into account that even on wifi I have not played olimar against you since like 5 months ago.

add in the fact that you said USUALLY at least ONCE a SET

makes that sentence completely useless, maybe even proving the point of the people you were arguing against
Will you be at apex or brawl 'till you fall?


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
I don't really mean mad, I mean like it didn't really help your argument at all

and chrome, maybe apex, definitely not btyf. m2k asked me to ride up with him to btyf and that was my last shot at a ride, but I didn't wanna go. I'm home with my girlfriend this weekend


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah youre probably right about Norfair and Olimar P1. I dont play any of the big Oli mains out there so my advice on the matchup probably isnt as accurate as yours :ohwell:
My bro just started maining Oli a couple of weeks ago so hes still in the process of finding his playstyle, learning the matchups etc So yeah, maybe its his inexperience that allows me to win there but I still gotta say that Im liking Norfair a lot more than before (prob not against Olimars if you say its a worse CP than RC or Frigate) Still gotta give props to AZ for giving that great advice
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