Download GCNcrypt Here!
The download should take approxamately... half a second. Then you just extract the file using Winzip(basicly just open the program you downloaded and double click on the file called "GCNcrypt.exe") and there you have it! Your very own encrypter/decrypter for all your Gamecube Action Replay needs!
But how do I encrypt the code?
First you insert the code in raw format on the left side, filling in the Xs with the desired values. Then you insert the game ID and the region and click "Encrypt". The encrypted and now useable version of the code should appear majestically on the right side. ie.
"Take damage modifier:downsmash when hit V1.2"
0408E244 38800040 l YEHD-2M6C-R8HZW
......................... l G9WD-DUHB-8AVBA
......................... l
......................... l
.............. _______ l _______
............. l
Decrypt l l
Encrypt l
Game ID: 0E2
.... Region: USA
But how am I supposed to know what the Game ID is?
Simple. Where it says "Auto Identifier", you check the box next to it. Then you simply take any code for the game you have that's already been encrypted, put it on the left side, and click "Decrypt". The Game ID should fill itself in for you. Now if that sounds like too much work, then you're pretty darn lazy. But just incase...
Game ID:
V1.0: 004
V1.1: 0E6
V1.2: 0E2
PAL: 01E
But how am I supposed to know what region I'm in?
Usually I'd suggest a map, but those hackers thought of an easier way. When using the Auto Identifier, it fills in the region for you too. But if that seems too complicated, then you can go by this. If you can read this, you're probably using the USA version, if you can't, then it's probably the Japan version. Now if your region is PAL, then you should be able to figure that out yourself, seeing as how that's the version of your game.