you enter them in the AR "keyboard", and you can get almost anything.
Sorry flamestar, I've removed the codes that crashed and put notes by them.
You guys might wanna try this out:
Links bombs=bobombs
It has bugs, but it's fun as hell. Sometimes they will inflate to gigantice proportions, and they wil slide on te stage when thrown. The are INVINCIBLE, as in they will not be destroyed unless thrown of the stage or allowed to dissappear like regular items. If you throw them downward the will stay there and attack opponents who touch them (Perfect edgeguard btw) If you group them together, they will constantly hit eachother until the dissapear or are thrown off stage, if they fall off the stage together, they might stay in the air hitting eachother. dont worry though, it will eventually resolve itself. plus its fun to knock someone into that, its sort of like the black hole, except it doesnt suck you in (and its temporary)
Samus bombs=mines
These do NOT do anything at all except look funny, not even attack. Used for asthetic purposes only.
EDIT: Sorry, I always forget. these are version 1.2