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Act 3 Clear!!: Sonic Tournament Results & Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
I thought I told you guys, steak shall not be mentioned in ohio. The tourney was crazy fun but I failed pretty hard. In pools I beat Z and jab locked nope on green greens from 20-120% Beat everyone in pools cept nope and blazingkatakiri. First 2 matches were sonic dittos (ugh) then I thought he was gonna sonic ditto me third round, instead he goes japes and kirby and swallow> footstool kills me at like 10%

He did the same thing to OS in brackets and beat him.

In brackets I fought fonz first round and just didn't play patient against a spammy wolf. wrecked a ROB the round after that then lost to POPS' wario. In crews we lost to springfield, beat OUGA, beat KY then lost to gunpunch. I almost beat OS' MK in crews. last stock last hit, 130% no one else in my crew really knows how to fight MK so they got wrecked by OS and Kel


Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2009
Hey I'm new and I really want to take part in the Sonic Tournament as I have a very good Sonic. Just i don't know where to post to enter. XD

Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place! I would really like to enter.


Finally a legend
Aug 26, 2008
London, England
Hey I'm new and I really want to take part in the Sonic Tournament as I have a very good Sonic. Just i don't know where to post to enter. XD

Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place! I would really like to enter.
It's alright and welcome to the boards. This place is for recording results from tourneys. If you tell us what area you live in maybe someone here can tell you about some tourneys in that area?


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I thought I told you guys, steak shall not be mentioned in ohio.
But this isn't Ohio, this is the internets.

...Uhm, anyway, I have new results up, and although I'm not satisfied with my placings, I feel alright telling myself that even if I can't see it, I am making progress... or am I? :/

Vegassmash GameWorld weekly #7
August 3rd, 2009
Out of 20:
13th - Kinzer (Sonic)

Vegassmash Gameworld weekly #7
August 3rd, 2009
Out of 20:
13th - Tails (Sonic)

I don't even feel like posting me and Tails' doubles results... or is this thread only meant for singles results anyway?

Regardless, since Doubles was first to start, I think I'll first say what went on then.

But before that actually happened, I did happen to have time to teach Tails how to (properly) momentum cancel... that was nice... being able to survive a 125% Sonic Pawnch at the very edge of FD is kinda funny.

Now doubles sucked, if only because our first match was up against the Party Bus.

OMG I would've thought that to anybody, there was nothing more annoying than Sonic, but they showed me just exactly otherwise.

These guys were singing some stupid little song that I don't know about, and all their plans like "C'mon, hurry up and fill up the bucket~~!" was in a non-normal spoken tone, they had to sing that too! Me and Tails had to get out our MP3 players just to try and focus on the match, or it would've been way too distracting to concentrate. Other than the singing, I think we would've lost anyway because that's how doubles always ends up being for me. :/

...It's been a week since the tourney happened, and I forgot how we lost the set in the losers bracket, but it's not too much of a big deal, doubles are still not my thing.

Now for Siingles... yeah... at least from my perspective:

Probably the norm, sadly. :/

Now somebody needs to help me out here, I feel like I've improved a lot since whenever (definitely better since the dark days of using a Wiimote that's for sure), and I feel like I'm playing at my best, but I'm still not getting anywhere... is it because I'm making small mistakes that determine the outcome (probably this... stupid Sakurai also likes to trip me into MK's DSmashs, and although they don't kill me because I have good DI, it's still annoying trying to get back from it), other people are still better than me and there's work left to be done (this is probably another thing too), or am I not realizing that I'm finally reaching my/Sonic's/both of our limits?

I question the ladder, since obviously other people around the country are doing just as good if not better with different and perhaps better competition, but is there only so much one can do before it becomes a dead-end...? Nah, I know that compared to a lot of the pros in Vegas I still suck, and even though Sonic is a somewhat bad character, with enough work I believe he can get somewhere, he's not doomed to bottom tier like Ganon where even the
most won't get you anywhere, but he certainly isn't just some MK where it's broken to the point where you can take @#$ and kick names in your sleep... but still... I don't and hope I won't have to come to realize it may be just that... I doubt it though.

And you know, it's funny because I'm not sure if even Tails would've done better/placed better than me had he not had to leave early because his mom made him... Although I'm rather proud of him having come this far and I would be happy if he could do just as good with Sonic if not better, it would feel funny knowing that he somehow does better even though I know and see that he is only a tiny bit behind on Sonic knowledge and just knowledge about Brawl is general... I don't want to go too deep into this, I am probably not even using the right words right now, and I can only hope if he is reading this that he knows what I actually mean to say. If he also wants to talk about his side of the story, then he can feel free to do so, I don't want to say anything he wouldn't or whatever.

Looking back at who I fought against in-bracket and how I won or lost, I feel like I could've done better if i just knew about some things beforehand...

Look at my bracket, first I fought Slyknux, who I had played a couple of matches with.... although I just having fun with him by playing anybody but Sonic, but I stilled enjoyed myself, and I think he did too... so I hope he's not too mad about that.

In-bracket though, he was... eh, I guess he's like another new guy around here who is just getting into the scene and needs to work on some things... I beat him. *shrug*

Moving onto Z, I don't want to say our set sucked but he beat me no thanks to Pikachu apparently having some kind of CG on F-Throw CG on Sonic and scarring (sp? I'm talking about the fear factor, not the leaving a permanent scratch on my skin or whatever it is) me to death with it. He first picked ICs though, and he messed up their CG quite often... even though I was expecting him to try and play that way and avoiding the ICs grab at all cost... we played on YI:Brawl, and I discovered that iSDR can go through their Blizzard... as well as D3's Inhale but I'll get into that later. Shoot, it came down to Z three-stocking me where we went even a long time ago... but then Pikachu is a great edgeguarder so bawww! He also cypher-gimped me... a lot... I'll work on not falling for that anymore since Vegas is going to play hardball with me... next time me and Z meet in-bracket again I'll give him more of a fight.

Now Hino... I thought he was just some random guy who played Ike (yes, a Random Ike Guy if you want to go that far), but was I surprised when I fought him... he played very well (for an Ike player), and the surprise factor would've got to me and made me lose that set too... if I was fighting anybody but Ike... I'm sorry but Ike just flat-out sucks, as long as you can avoid the hard-hitting attacks, gimp him at every chance, juggle him in the air since has no counter to that, and having played/mained Ike before Sonic, I'm going to know how to play against Ike and not lose... he didn't even take me to the 3rd game regardless of having taken me to my last stock both games. I also need to help Tails as much I can with Ike, seeing as how he appears to have trouble whenever he plays any of them... I'll condition him to become his own Ike-counter as well.

And Then HebrewHammer, or as I simply call him, HH.... Gah, he is known for his G&W, but he went MK on me... and he knows full well that MK has a worse MU than G&W does on Sonic, but he isn't willing to go that way and he would rather take the way that allows him to play his normal playstyle... which meant MK. We went even regardless... and even though I lost, I still believe he wouldn't have had won if he went G&W because I just have too much knowledge and experience against him... whereas with MK I'm still lacking... even if G&W is a better counter to Sonic (yes i know MK is broken, but it's hard to explain it in words how this would be played out. :/). I wonder if after a couple of tourneys pass and I'll get better... better to the point where I'll have more MK experience, and I'll make it to where he will have no choice but to use G&W or have a harder time defeating me... with his MK... As for how the set played... just picture Espy and Dr. Mario Kart a couple of months ago, and you got the same place I'm in right now.

That's all I can say for this... unless you want to hear how my Dad hates the neighborhood the venue is in (even though the inside of the building is safe and when Dad comes to pick me up I get in the SUV and get out), and I doubt you want to hear that... I know I don't. The enighborhood isn't even all that bad, but being the superstitious guy he is... *sigh.*

Vegassmash Gameworld weekly #8
August 10th, 2009
Out of 15:
9th - Kinzer (Sonic)

LOL, I enjoyed this tourney, even though I felt I should've/could've done better... After a long retirement, I finally got the chance to play Ike!

...In doubles... and on Pirate Ship... against a questionable team... while I'm playing "I'm on a boat!" on my iPod... yeah... still no love for him outside of that, but I've told you all already how I've sworn my allegiance to Sega and Sonic.

It's funny because there were only 5 teams that entered in doubles... and I teamed up with HebrewHammer... ever heard of that saying where "an enemy of my enemy suddenly becomes my friend?" I'm not sure if it goes exactly like that, and I wouldn't call Hebrewhammer my enemy, but more like a friendly foe... still, y'all know how I tell you he uses G&W/MK (even though I believe the majority of his character usage in doubles if not 100% of the time he used G&W) and how they give Sonic a hard time... I only wish there were than 5 teams, or suddenly our 3rd place placing would look much more impressive. Sadly, with that amount of entrants, I doubt if 2nd place even got money (back!...!), but we placed within the middle... so that's cool I guess... and we gave the 1st and second place teams a run for their money... we got close every match we played against them, but meh... they were all top players, and we could only do so much damage/chaos... I enjoyed doubles though, it was fun to have a teammate who was good and played broken characters. XD

...I was sad Tails didn't show up to this one, but he had other plans... too bad, I wanted to show him some stupid/lulzy tricks with Sonic, like how you can in place at the edge of the stage and all that blah blah, but maybe next week.

...I lost to Vicko, the tourney host... first time for everything I guess... but I wasn't too happy with how I did... oh well, "next time" seems to be very common word with me.

I don't even feel like commenting on the next set, the guy was just too easy to beat... I was sandbagging and I still won... that usually never happens unless people are that bad... I don't want to say he is going to be bad forever, but until people get better, it's hard to take them seriously... even though sandbagging a bad player a long time ago managed to make me lose the set... but I look upon my mistakes and make sure that if I'm going to do that to somebody, I try to make sure they enjoy themselves and that I still come through to/at the top.

Why O' why did I have to fight HebrewHammer in-bracket again? Not that I wasn't looking forward to a rematch, but this time, I lost, and I still made the same mistakes that I did the last time, and Sakurai made me trip into a lot of his attacks... not cool. The sad thing is when we played friendlies it was clear to anybody watching that I was doing better... but I still couldn't pull off the same results in-bracket... Maybe the third time is the charm... *sigh.*

Oh, and if anybody was keeping track, I told y'all how I was going to do some research that required another human being... well, I got Slyknux to help me out... So after that I officially wrote it done in my book that I don't really own that he's a cool dude! :D

That's all I have to say this time around, until next week/results are uploaded guys, I'll make you all proud, and especially you Espy, I'll show you that even your ******** bro can follow in your footsteps.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson & Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
Thanks Kinzer for posting my results for Gameworld Tournament #7.

Here's my side of the story.
Of course as Kinzer pointed out when we played in doubles, we had to play Party Bus...I don't know how annoyed I got with their singing. With all that singing, I almost lost my interest in buses. I lost my concentration when they were singing. Even listening to my MP3 player didn't help. Oh well, at least I had fun

For singles. I first played Grek who plays Game & Watch. He's still pretty new to the community and Smash. I won against in the first match. The second match he won by killing me with a forward smash and me being kinda stupid I accidentally ran right into it. On the last match, I won against him. During the whole time, if he was in the air, he'll start panicking about me trying to kill him upwards. I did get annoyed over that and got a little upset at for that, but I did apologize to him. I was annoyed already from Party Bus so my temper was bad.

My second match I played against SK92. When I heard I had to play against him, my first words in my mind was "oh sh**!" I knew already that I'll lose to him. Kinzer gave me some encouragement during the match. He first played Falco on me. I was so happy I got one stock off of him. Second match he played Meta Knight on me. Completely 3 stocked me and he grab released me out of spring. That was so messed up. I accidentally killed myself when I go pushed off the edge when trying to do a down smash which turned into a down air.

I never had a chance to play my match in the loser bracket because my mom called me forcing me to leave. I'm not going to go into the details why, but I'll I can say is that my dad had problems at his bank and my mom panicked forcing me to leave. I wanted to stay and at least finish but she didn't let me. I was furious about that.

I felt like I did pretty good, but I wish I did a little better. I didn't go to Monday's tournament because I had some plans with a few of my friends so I was unable to come to the tournament. Pretty much I'll be going to next week's tournament for sure. Also thank you Kinzer for showing me how to do momentum cancel. I would never thought of that in my life. I'm seriously glad that Las Vegas has a really good Sonic main.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Thanks Kinzer for posting my results for Gameworld Tournament #7.

Here's my side of the story.
Of course as Kinzer pointed out when we played in doubles, we had to play Party Bus...I don't know how annoyed I got with their singing. With all that singing, I almost lost my interest in buses. I lost my concentration when they were singing. Even listening to my MP3 player didn't help. Oh well, at least I had fun

For singles. I first played Grek who plays Game & Watch. He's still pretty new to the community and Smash. I won against in the first match. The second match he won by killing me with a forward smash and me being kinda stupid I accidentally ran right into it. On the last match, I won against him. During the whole time, if he was in the air, he'll start panicking about me trying to kill him upwards. I did get annoyed over that and got a little upset at for that, but I did apologize to him. I was annoyed already from Party Bus so my temper was bad.

My second match I played against SK92. When I heard I had to play against him, my first words in my mind was "oh sh**!" I knew already that I'll lose to him. Kinzer gave me some encouragement during the match. He first played Falco on me. I was so happy I got one stock off of him. Second match he played Meta Knight on me. Completely 3 stocked me and he grab released me out of spring. That was so messed up. I accidentally killed myself when I go pushed off the edge when trying to do a down smash which turned into a down air.

I never had a chance to play my match in the loser bracket because my mom called me forcing me to leave. I'm not going to go into the details why, but I'll I can say is that my dad had problems at his bank and my mom panicked forcing me to leave. I wanted to stay and at least finish but she didn't let me. I was furious about that.

I felt like I did pretty good, but I wish I did a little better. I didn't go to Monday's tournament because I had some plans with a few of my friends so I was unable to come to the tournament. Pretty much I'll be going to next week's tournament for sure. Also thank you Kinzer for showing me how to do momentum cancel. I would never thought of that in my life. I'm seriously glad that Las Vegas has a really good Sonic main.
You forgot to add "rock" to the end of your name.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
i just saw it in ankokus thread,

good shiz son

Thanks, KID! I repped some serious Sonic. I won a round against the R.O.B player 1st round by running the time. It was the only smart option at the time. He won the set though. Yoshi's Island & R.O.B is sooooo obnoxious. I got 3 stocked there because I couldn't do anything. Pictochat however is too good.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Thanks, KID! I repped some serious Sonic. I won a round against the R.O.B player 1st round by running the time. It was the only smart option at the time. He won the set though. Yoshi's Island & R.O.B is sooooo obnoxious. I got 3 stocked there because I couldn't do anything. Pictochat however is too good.
I thought you didn't have trouble with ROBs?

Also Yoshi's Island is a great stage for Sonic vs ROB.

My point proven >_<

btw guize I took 2nd at a tournament this weekend, results thread isn't up yet so I'll go more into that later.



Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Also Yoshi's Island is a great stage for Sonic vs ROB.
I would have thought so
for a few diff reasons

but now I'm convinced
ROB has better / more useful tricks than us on this stage

but other stages are okay.

Actually, it's pretty strange... I had a ton of friendlies against Holy's ROB today (and MMs yesterday lolllll). I don't think I ever beat his ROB, but the closest was actually on Frigate Orpheon (It was last stock both of us +150%).

It's making me re-think this. ROB ruins us on the ground. Yoshi's is especially no good. Half the time there's a gyro on the ground, which means we can't exploit iSDR; if we try, we clash with it and/or take damage from its extra hits, meanwhile we get wrecked by a laser or ROB's tilts. Alternatively, if there's no gyro, ROB just shields and we pass by him in iSDR or SDJ... but that puts us in a bad spot; trying to return to the stage (if the helper ghosts aren't around). Because then we're in the air, ROB's got his gyro and his lasers to make coming back tedious, and when we do, either we're on the top of the main platform (and he can get us with anything from below it), or we're narrowed to the sides where he can camp our landing very well.

What we want is open space to be able to recover safely, and/or to keep ROB in the air. Spring > Uair works because his defensive aerials are so laggy. I should have played him on Frigate and RC more. As much as I got a Nair to the face, that was by stupid errors. His aerials are easier to get around than his stupid ground moveset.

I dunno, is ROB rly our worst? I could see it 65:35. Yeah I guess that's pretty miserable. Maybe with lots of open space we could outcamp him? seems very hard though. It might not be that hard of a matchup, if it's just one that takes a looong tiiime to learn through-and-through.

btw guize I took 2nd at a tournament this weekend, results thread isn't up yet so I'll go more into that later.

holy freaking crap, congrats!


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Don't worry, it was like...10 entrants, LOL

everyone that was supposed to come bailed xD

Grand Finals matches were recorded though, so that should be entertaining :p almost beat the power ranked MK in my state :/




Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
I thought this was kinda cool even though it wasn't an official tourney or anything.
I got 1st place at a tourney of 77 people at an Anime Iowa Convetion. XD Even though there was only one round per match instead of three, and BF, FD, and SV were the only available stages. I went and bought steak after it at the Steakhouse too.

Been trying out Feints a lot more and Fsmashing a lot less Chis, it's working out great. :D


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
Nice job guys, really steppin it up cam excel and trent.

@excel: plz don't lose to mister eric's ROB anymore....

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
trent, if you know who the top eight used, and they didnt use items, you can make up names and put it in ankokus thread


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
Ankokus's thread, where is that located? The rules were 3 stock 8 minute no items though. Trying to think of the top eight though, I know some of their user names. umm...

1 - Trent (Sonic)
2 - Weegee (Ness/Lucas)
3 - Potatoes (Toon Link)
3 - Zip (Marth)
5 - Afyrl (Diddy)
5 - Bored Peanut (Falco)
7 - Mysterious Silver (Pit)
7 - Travis (DDD)
7 - Don't Remember (Meta-Knight)
7 - Don't Remember (Marth)

Also! @ithrowthings I think I met a friend of yours at the Convention. He was a Wolf player from Ohio that was visiting his girlfriend in Iowa, never caught his name and he didn't enter the tourney, but he mentioned that he played you a lot and had your phone number.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You're going to need some kind of referential to back up that data, as rash as KID was to not mention that.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
if you just say it was at a convention that doesnt have a results thread, than you cant do anything about that, and you just have to throw it up there and see if ankoku accepts it.

also theres can only be 2 people in 7th place, the two you dont remember must have gotten 9th.

you also need to know the entry fee for the tourney

as much of an idiot as kinzer was not to mention THAT.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV

Well if I know how Ankoku rolls, he wouldn't take that garbage just because there is no way to back it up other than a word of one/a couple of people, not something you can retrieve. At least I wouldn't do this if I were the one in charge.

We're basically going in circles and the point still remains that this ain't going to go anywhere.

...And while you're at it, I wonder if pay-out counts for anything, like how much money 1st/2nd/3rd place got.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
It's no big deal, it doesn't have to go on the results thread or anything. :D I was just excited I won at a tournament, even if over half of the players wheren't really competitive. There was no entry fee, no pay outs, and basically the only reward I got for winning was "The ability to cut in line for "Next" on Brawl."

I wish I had videos to show of my matches from this tourney, they were a lot better than my last one. :) But yeah as I was saying, it doesn't need to be on the results or anything. I even looked on the Anime Iowa site and there's nothing about any tournament results.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Well, either way it was probably cool just to feel like a winner, so congrats ^_^



Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
Thanks a lot. :) Wish I wasn't stuck in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska where I pretty much know NO Sonics to help critique my game. I'll hopefully have some more videos by September when the next Joker's Monthly happens so we'll see what happens then!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
you dont need other sonics to improve your game, you just need good players, they can tell you what you are doing wrong what you are doing thats predictable, and what you can to to space/time things better. thinking that you need other sonics players to tell you basic things about the game is faulty reasoniing


inb4 Kin calling me out for being rude to the nubies.

shut the hell up


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
...No, I was actually going to agree with you, other than how 99.9% of the time, only other Sonic players can tell you specific techs and how to do them because nobody else knows a d@#$ thing about Sonic, but yes you're actually right.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
if people didnt know about sonic, you would be winning more.

i love how people can say stuff like that like "my character's so underused" " nobody knows my character" "nobody good plays mycharacter" and than go out and get blasted in tourneys, by those same unknowlegable people


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
...They know how to fight him, not how to use him.

Totally different things.

Besides that, you know I'm still getting better, so I'm going to be losing to people, I can't win them all.

You know, as much fun as it is to debate with you, I have to be going to the Vegas weekly, I'll see you around.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
KID, you know me better than that.

Ofc I'ma drop the soap, and the tourney isn't at a prison.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
I thought you didn't have trouble with ROBs?

Also Yoshi's Island is a great stage for Sonic vs ROB.

My point proven >_<

btw guize I took 2nd at a tournament this weekend, results thread isn't up yet so I'll go more into that later.


I don't. It was just a bad stage for me v ROB. He got rid of all the open stages so I had no choice but to go to either Battlefield or YI. YI was the most promising choice.../gotraped. However, Pictochat is a good choice against ROB, as it screws with his gyro and laser games. I had to run the time out on him on the last stock because I couldn't get him to **** up enough to kill him and by that time I was at like 100% so yeah time to play it super gay. Last match I banned Halberd against him and he went to Frigate which I didn't mind. He spring ***** one of my stocks though. That sucked extra hard.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
The only match you won was by running out the clock.

And you couldn't kill him because the only way you could, was if he messed up...
Congrats on 4th though.

@infzy - I just now read your mini-rant about YI vs ROB. I have to disagree, but everyone has their own opinions.

ROB is definitley 65:35 btw. I'd have to say it's up there as one of our worst MUs.


Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
The only match you won was by running out the clock.

And you couldn't kill him because the only way you could, was if he messed up...
Congrats on 4th though.

@infzy - I just now read your mini-rant about YI vs ROB. I have to disagree, but everyone has their own opinions.

ROB is definitley 65:35 btw. I'd have to say it's up there as one of our worst MUs.


Fishing for kills would've gotten me killed. It didn't help that several opps I had got screwed by a few drawings at PC. But they did help me outrun that sluggish robot. I'm not bs'ing you, I don't find R.O.B to be that hard. Thanks though. I wonder if I can replicate that placing or do better?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
Also! @ithrowthings I think I met a friend of yours at the Convention. He was a Wolf player from Ohio that was visiting his girlfriend in Iowa, never caught his name and he didn't enter the tourney, but he mentioned that he played you a lot and had your phone number.
Now that you mention it, I remember that. He sent me a text but he didn't say very much. He insulted your sonic... Don't know why he insulted your sonic if you got first though.

The only match you won was by running out the clock.

And you couldn't kill him because the only way you could, was if he messed up...
Congrats on 4th though.

@infzy - I just now read your mini-rant about YI vs ROB. I have to disagree, but everyone has their own opinions.

ROB is definitley 65:35 btw. I'd have to say it's up there as one of our worst MUs.

But Mister Eric's ROB? So easy to bait him into easy kills. use bair to fsmash and when that doesn't work bait a spotdodge then charge an fsmash. I'd much rather fight almost any ROB than a good wario.
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