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A small problem (Now a critique thread)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Okay, so.
I'm not a great Link main. Hell, I'm not even a GOOD Link main.
In fact, a few threads down, there's one labeled "My Link vids" which can testify to that effect.
In fact, a bit further down, there are a few vids which can testify to that effect.

And the people at my school saw these videos, and now none of them dare to face me in a Brawl match. They all think my Link would rip them apart. So here's my problem:
I'm not good enough, but without anyone at my school to play, there's no effective way to get better. They all think I'm some sort of smash pro which leads me to believe that the amount of smashing in the area I live in is relatively low to none. How do I find a way to keep practicing if there's no opponent?

CPUs aren't really a good practice tool because they never react the way a human does, and they keep falling for the same tricks that people don't. (Oh look, Link is Dairing! Let's jump into it!)

So yeah, I'm a pretty lousy mediocre Link main and there's no one to play against, I don't want to have to ask the smashboards if there's anyone I could play (because there's a big distinction between practicing and just getting plain *****.) Any ideas as to what I should do or say?


Edit: This is now a critique thread, as requested by Blu Link. I still don't think I'm good at all, but whatever.

Mario matches:
SKY is new tp smash, so I kind of ****** around these matches (Zair spam, much?). I still love how that Zair saved me from being Fair spiked.

Link vs Mario (Warning: Extreme sandbagging at beginning!):
Link vs Mario 2 (Some sandbagging):

Kirby matches:
This match focuses more on my proficiency (or rather, lack of) at spamming projectiles.

Link vs Kirby (Ignore the accidental suicide, I meant to use a boomerang):

King Dedede matches:
I get chaingrabbed because I don't space with Zair enough. Lol. Also, I get killed by D3's slowest move. I'm either stupid or predictable. Or both.

Link vs King Dedede (Watch me get chaingrabbed and roll into a Fsmash):

Shiek matches:
I get my *** handed to me for the majority of the match, until I get down to one stock. Then I wail on his Shiek like crazy until he dies, then gets up about 80% damage on me. But I beat him by playing SMART. Lul.

Link vs Shiek (Proof of how bad I am):
(The reason he airdodged was because he thought I was going to run off and Nair him.)

Lol, told ya guys I wasn't good. :3

PS: I know I seem like I doubt myself a lot and I'm harsh on myself, but that's really my motivation to get better. You guys say I'm not bad, while I say I'm not good enough. It motivates me to work harder, it's kind of like one of those eating disorders, only it's with Smash.
...Except I don't end up vomiting.



Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2008
Round Rock, TX
I face a similar dilemma, I don't have anyone much to play against. I beat them a lot, which leads me to believe I'm at least decent, but my friends don't play often, and with only CPU's to practice against, I'd say I'm not getting much better. But the way I see it, until you do a tourney (or finally find a worthy opponent) you won't really be able to tell.

I usually just read up on AT's for each of the characters I'm interested in, and if they say stuff works against humans, I practice that. Sometimes, such as when practicing IC's chaingrabs, I do it against non-moving CPU's. What I would do with Link (I mained him for a while) is practice things that are useful and that don't require a competent opponent. Like maybe practicing to keep a bomb in your hand whilst doing other things, or gauging the distance of your boomerang and practicing spacing accordingly, or getting used to what you can do on certain stages. Stuff like that. Altho I know it's not as fun as playing vs someone, but it WILL help your game. :chuckle:


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Well, you're being way too hard on yourself. Why would they not want to play with you? If they think you're a lot better than them, it'll only help them and yourself get better. I'm not really sure why they would shun you from playing with them, they're probably just joking around.. If not, show them videos of Izaw or something.

Deleted member


even though it blows major *** (god i hate wifi >_<,) it still will help you out a little bit

All is brawl has like the best online chat room ever, so use that


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Well, you're being way too hard on yourself. Why would they not want to play with you? If they think you're a lot better than them, it'll only help them and yourself get better. I'm not really sure why they would shun you from playing with them, they're probably just joking around.. If not, show them videos of Izaw or something.
Errr, you've seen me play Link, right?

Also, that seems logical. However, how would I go about approaching this; what should I specifically do or say to them that might change their minds?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
No, Arkive is right. Use wifi, I had pretty much the exact same situation (even the shunning part), and my friend told me about smashbrawlrankings. It's a smaller but more fun version of all is brawl. I say more fun because the players there generally don't spam like they do at all is brawl.

In reality, both of those sites will help. Certainly more than playing CPUs.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
If what you say is true, Sasook, I'd rather play AiB, because it's more realistic. lol People aren't gonna play nice in real tournaments... I assure you that if you look hard enough, you WILL find other smashers in your area. You just aren't looking hard enough.
I'm really not understanding how people are shunning you over something as stupid as a video game, Brawl nonetheless. They're being way too stupid and serious, and ******* if they won't play with you just because they're scared. And, I don't really remember the video, but I do know that you're being too harsh on yourself. Take your anger on Link, he's a terrible character and it's good to accept that you're playing someone so bad. It makes you feel better about yourself ^^

And again, go to the regional boards and either find a thread for your location or make one. And for god's sake, put your real ****ing location so that people can PM you about meeting up. I don't understand why so many new people never do this. Do they not want to find other smashers in the area, go to tournaments and improve? I thought that was what smashboards was all about.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
I'm really not understanding how people are shunning you over something as stupid as a video game, Brawl nonetheless. They're being way too stupid and serious, and ******* if they won't play with you just because they're scared. And, I don't really remember the video, but I do know that you're being too harsh on yourself. Take your anger on Link, he's a terrible character and it's good to accept that you're playing someone so bad. It makes you feel better about yourself ^^
They're not really shunning me, they just refuse to play against me.

And I refuse to blame Link for my suckiness, if I did, I would probably be using another character. Besides, Link isn't THAT terrible... After all, he's freaking Link.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
I agree with Arkive. Wifi. It may not be anywhere near as good as offline, but what you learn from it is priceless to your play in the long run; as long as you're not a lag abuser. When I play online, I just don't think about lag and pretend it's offline, that's how I manage to still preform most ATs precisely online.

Of course, there is a limit where the lag is unbearable, but I say in general, Yellow connection or better is good enough to play on.

Also, AiB's chat sux0rz. Wififrontier's IRC ftw. (Used to be Wifiwars, we had to change the name... lol)


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
If what you say is true, Sasook, I'd rather play AiB, because it's more realistic. lol People aren't gonna play nice in real tournaments...
While this is true, playing players who use a lot of variety has its advantages as well. For one thing, you learn priority matchups faster. Another, you learn different character's combo abilities. And I feel like your experience is broadened. Meaning like, playing a Wolf that uses variety broadens your scope on what he can do rather than playing a Wolf that laser spams and smash spams.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
Hmm.... so they think you're amazing, you're really not and now it's a problem? What's the problem exactly? Now no one in your school wants to play you is the problem? I don't get it. Oh and if you need some practice, wifi is the answer. Even if it does suck. I'll play you. :p Just go on AiB. I'll even link you.


It's mad good for match making and stuff. That's how I got better and was rated a 7/10 by Linkspecialist. So sign up and play.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Hmm.... so they think you're amazing, you're really not and now it's a problem? What's the problem exactly? Now no one in your school wants to play you is the problem? I don't get it. Oh and if you need some practice, wifi is the answer. Even if it does suck. I'll play you. :p Just go on AiB. I'll even link you.


It's mad good for match making and stuff. That's how I got better and was rated a 7/10 by Linkspecialist. So sign up and play.
I guess everyone is suggesting Wi-Fi then. I won't be on Wi-Fi until later tonight, but alright, I'll play you I guess.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ

Well that wasn't very positive. Keep yourself up man. :p I'll play you when my fingers fricken defrost. It's so cold all of a sudden... I'm having trouble actually posting. I hate the cold so much but that's probably because I was born into the hottest summer of the 20th Century lol

Deleted member

Well that wasn't very positive. Keep yourself up man. :p I'll play you when my fingers fricken defrost. It's so cold all of a sudden... I'm having trouble actually posting. I hate the cold so much but that's probably because I was born into the hottest summer of the 20th Century lol
gah i hate that so badly

i remember trying to play fox in melee with frozen *** hands in the middle of december lol. SD's out the *** lmao


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Your vids lol. Duh
K, OP updated and links to the vids are posted. I don't really understand why you want me to make this into a critique thread?...
I already know I'm bad. Lol.

And yeah, I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but it's fact, and I know I'm improving at the same time.
Lol, remember my first critique thread? (7minutes of rolldodging, Fsmash and arrow spam)
It was so lame, Arkive didn't even bother giving advice. Man, I've come a long ways.

...Sort of.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
You know you're bad but why not try to improve? Get advice XD
I'm beyond help! *Sob*

Lol, just kidding. The reason I didn't really want to post these videos is because I don't feel there's THAT much special about them. I suicide while holding a bomb in the Kirby match on accident, and I save myself from being spiked with a Zair in the Mario match. That's all that's really worth watching. Usually I only put up a critique thread after a decent amount of time has passed, or I feel that I've really improved.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
What you need to do is just be less timid. Meaning, when somebody is in an attack animation, SMITE THEM.
If you remember from my vids vs Jes (Pit), he's too used to the Melee upB where I would spike him off the edge even at the last animation of the attack. If you're out of range when somebody does a move, RUSH THEM. Link is so slow that you are virtually guaranteed to miss the attack.

So you think you don't have any good competition?
Work on your shield game. Get perfect shielding down, shield grabbing, just flat out blocking their attacks > retaliation... This forces your friends to become creative in their approaches, making them better. This in turn makes you better.
Otherwise, I'd start fighting lvl 8 and 9 cpu's, because even though they aren't realistic they force you to get quick fingers. aka You'll be able to recover a lot faster after you've thrown your boomerang when you're off stage. Just an example.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Yeah, my biggest problem that I've noticed about myself is that I don't really seem to punish. My friends play me again, so I have a healthy source of competition.

I'm surprised no one hasn't pointed out any blatant problems about my playstyle. Particularly the amount of Fsmashing I do...

C'mon people, I'm a terrible Link main, there's a lot more I can improve that I'm not seeing. Someone help me out a bit more?
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