being completely high as hell, of course. I don't even know why someone wouldn't want that!
and jugfingers
a comparison can be an analogy, but analogy doesn't mean comparison.
you're ignoring the entire point of "analogy" solely to keep arguing and digging an even deeper ******-ditch.
lol wtf, like the first paragraph of that link said straight up that analogy's are comparisons lol.
because they are. lolwtfareyoutalkingabout. I think you were confused by the difference between an analogy and a comparison and contrast. but straight up you are 100% not right.
Analogy's are without exception a comparison between two different things by definition.
also more importantly, goldshadows comparison/analogy was completely useless in the sense that he was trying to illustrate how minor the effects of second hand smoke are by using a completely unjustified comparison,
2nd hand smoke is like typing on a keyboard, chronic exposure is like cutting yourself
he could have just as easily said 2nd hand smoke is like burning your finger, chronic exposure is like burning your hand
or 2nd hand smoke is like stubbing your toe, chronic exposure is like being smashed in the teeth with an anvil
in otherwords, his comparison was pulled completely out of thin air and has no real basis in reality.
yes chronic exposure is worse than an acute second hand exposure no doubt, but it is still not something you want to be exposed to if you are interested in your health
my contention was, and is that inhaling burning formaldehyde be it, acutely or chronically is much much worse than typing on a keyboard or cutting your finger.