the second cigarette smoke enters your lungs it is killing cells immediately and introducing a plethora of chemicals into your blood stream, it may be a minute concentration, but if you had a greater awareness you would not want any toxic chemicals in your body at all.
apparently ignorant to the immediate toxic effects of burning hydrogen cyanide.
and then you later in response to my post linked an article on secondhand smoke not conclusively causing cancer completely ignoring my focus on the cytotoxic effects of cigarette smoke.
no im pretty sure the entirety of this argument on secondhand smoke is what a douche move it is to expose random bystanders to burning
I don't understand. Are you saying that short-term exposures to cigarette smoke, eg standing outside at a bus stop while someone smokes nearby or sitting in a bar while a smoker is on the next stool, is bad for you?
Sure, cigarette smoke has immediate cytotoxic events, but if you are actually making a big deal about this, that is ridiculous. These kinds of brief exposure will
not, in any way, shape or form, affect your health (
unless you are allergic to cigarette smoke and have an anaphylactic reaction). The human body is far more resilient than you seem to think. Breathing in some smoke now and then will not affect you whatsoever.
You mentioned cytotoxicity. You're right; the smoke will have a small, minute immediate effect on a few of the cells in your body. And that's all. It won't affect your health. It won't affect your organs, your body, or anything else. The body can compensate for that effortlessly. It doesn't even need to compensate for it, really speaking.
By the way, carbon monoxide has cytotoxic effects. CO poisoning in homes is notorious for causing death, and others actively use it (via car exhaust) to commit suicide. Do you believe that cars should not be allowed to drive on the road? When you're walking down a busy street, are you furious that these cars are spewing statistically negligible concentrations of CO in your direction? Theoretically, you should care, because "it may be a minute concentration, but if you had a greater awareness you would not want any toxic chemicals in your body at all."
What about diesel trucks?
What about when somebody is talking to you? When they exhale, small amounts of carbon dioxide (which immediately enters your bloodstream and, ever-so-slightly alters blood pH) are wafted in your direction.
It has been found that air conditioning systems tend to encourage the growth and dissemination of microbes through the air, increasing the likelihood of exposure to contaminants and pathogens (
In addition, the contents of aerosol cans tend to be toxic.
Do you feel as strongly about air conditioned buildings and people spraying aerosols (such as air fresheners) as you do against occasional second-hand smoke?
Do you drink coffee? Caffeinated soda? Alcohol? Most foods we eat contain small amounts of toxins, such as tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, flour, broccoli, eggplant, and cocoa (, but we all eat them, and I'm sure you do too.
My point is,
almost everything contains toxins of some sort, not just cigarette smoke, but I doubt you'd crusade against these things.
Ultimately, yeah, cigarettes are terrible for you. And yes, chronic second hand exposure to smoke affects your health ( Occasional exposure to smoke, however, is not the physiological travesty you make it out to be.
When referring to occasional second hand exposure, the cytotoxic effects you mentioned are irrelevant in vivo. In vitro,
everything is affected by
everything. But in a physiological system with billions of cells and compensatory mechanisms, a little bit of second hand exposure is wholly and utterly insignificant.