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A Bill by any other name would smell as sweet - Nov 14/15 - Melee, Brawl, Brawl+


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
I was so mad about how many people dropped out.

NC is a bunch of ****in *******. [Except for the people who entered]

Im sorry to GA. ):


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
Like about 9 People drpped out i think some people had good excuses tho.

Like Vilt and his girl were going to enter but his girl got really sick and they had to go so thats legit.

The rest I dont know why.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I didn't enter singles because I wanted to go to the cafeteria with Knorr, Mulins, David and Dshep and they weren't going to wait for me to get out of singles. I didn't have any money to eat with people afterwords, anyways, so I went then.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2008
Broboro, NC
Fullmetal and XIF, rematches at herb 3 for sure. Good **** though. lol @ the ending of my second match with Fullmetal. So ********. This is $Mike btw.

Moo, nice meeting you. Sorry about thinking you were someone else.

Cam, get your a$$ in gear.

Whip that a$$, Josh.

Adam, insane Falcon dittos at some point before or at herb 3.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
yeah, there was a weird atmosphere then, and i didn't want to enter either, but whatever, i played through it. . . idk im not entering any more tournaments when im tired anymore though.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i didnt enter because i had to go home

ape jim and phil didnt enter because they're awesome bros and understood i had to go home

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Karn, Bill offered to spot you the money.

DJ, why were you tired? It was like 8:30 by the time you were knocked out, if that.

Stongers, you had to be home at the time you left.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Karn, Bill offered to spot you the money.

DJ, why were you tired? It was like 8:30 by the time you were knocked out, if that.

Stongers, you had to be home at the time you left.
Except I still would have had no money to eat later, and everyone else would have been going out to eat. I can only go to the cafeteria for free, and it closes at 8:30. That means that even if I did get knocked out early enough to still go to the caf, I would have probably had to miss finals and eat alone, which sucks.

I also just wanted to to chill with the original MPs, and going to the caf gave me an opportunity to do that.

And on top of that, I was kind of tired of smash because I had been playing pretty much non stop all weekend.

So we have:

Pros of not entering:
Go to the cafeteria with the original MPs
Eat dinner
Not borrow money for singles

Cons of not entering:
Lowering turnout of the tourney
Not getting to play (I didn't really have that great of a desire to play at the time)

Edit: hahaha, I just realized that this post is hilarious. I just took a break from studying John Stuart Mill for one of my classes, and I evaluated this situation in a completely utilitarian manner. @_@

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
You left at 6:10 or something. You told me you had to be back at like 6 or 7. Unless you or your mom changed the situation, then looollllll at you.

Yeah Karn.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
well, considering i had been in chapel hill since thursday without a proper bed, and i woke up every morning before i wanted because of people moving about and having played smash that much in a row and not having any chill alone time, i had good reason to be tired.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
no i had to be back at 8 and its always been 8 >.> and we left before 6. i got home at 9 anyway and she wasn't that mad so its all good.


Mar 16, 2007

Bill - Yeeuh.

Alex - Jon? was like, "Can't touch this. Baaa danana..." And you were all, *touch* Good ****.

Mullins - lol @ GGAC for Wii wtf. If I knew anything about that game I'd go to play it with you, but I'm pretty much stuck button mashing with Dizzy.

Smith - Good **** in B+, man. That Fawkes of yours is infuriating.

Mike - Sorry I yelled at you, man. Smith's Fawkes is infuriating.

PP - I'd like to hear more about your relationship with words.

Yay - You crack me up, bro. Keep coming to NC when you're not kicking SC around like a football, ya digg.

Mitsu and Duo - You guys need to get B+ so you can practice it more. If you step it up, I'm sure you'll be unstoppable. Duo, I saw you beat PP. Good ****, son.

Shady - I hear you've got a pretty good Snake, bro. You should go Snake, and avoid MK.

Dshep - You look different without hair, man.

Kale - What a good DDD. I was watching you wail on PP in there. ****, son.

Georgia Smash - I found out about the drop outs late, but if I'd found out sooner, I would have totally entered just to add to the pot. That nonsense was bull****, and you didn't deserve it. Thanks for coming up, though.

Rome - Your 64 Samus is too good. Clearly I have much to learn.

Josh - Good **** beating Crystalknight. Moo's advice paid off, it sounds like.

LoZR - You'll get'im one of these days. Just gotta grab ahold of that catfish and not let him slip away.

Metaknight - Sorry no one came and fought you. I guess victory was not your destiny today. We've just got much left to learn.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2006
Hickory, North Carolina

Bill - Dude. You are a bro, real talk. I had tons of fun and I hope you did too. Sucks about B+.
Cam - You awesome. More Melee friendlies? I need to play that Falco.
Rag - Next tourney you are at, we are teaming in Melee. Good **** too. I appreciate the jesus and paying for my McD's.
Smith - You awesome yo. Its was pretty cool catching up and ****.
Peeps - I owe you.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2008
Chapel Hill, NC
Shady - WTF?? I need a sandwich and need a nap before I go check on my girl??? Who, by the way was probably being ***** by nature itself bondage hentai style.

Jim - Teach me how pick up on some hot big ******* in the UK. You got them milk sensors, bro.

Mits, Duo, Caleb - Fat Chix number one! So many options for getting it on ;). P.S. that girl is not a cow.

Rome - We gotta play more GG. Oh, thanks for rubbing my wii condomed D.

Dr. PP - Apparently you wrote "Twilight"...good SHlT, son.

Josh - You were looking mad cute playing fullmetal

Yay - Major Lazer? My life will never be the same. Thanks :).

James - The Lord Blessed This Band. nuf said.

others ya you know...you cuties. ;)

Shady Penguin

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2008
North Carolina
Shady - WTF?? I need a sandwich and need a nap before I go check on my girl??? Who, by the way was probably being ***** by nature itself bondage hentai style.
Don't forget about your soda. I know your girl is in trouble and all, but you need to keep up your blood sugar first.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Shoutouts and stuff:

Bill/Karn: Good shiz hosting bros. Billfests are always too good.

Fullmetal: Glad you could make this man! It's nice seeing you in a more relaxed(non-TO =p) mood. I'm starting to see the process of total improvement from you(playing you at Munkaid and now Billfest I see it) and it's looking ****. Can't wait to see how far you go man! =)

Kosine: Nice meeting you man. I hope to see you around more often.

XIF- Great job vs LoZR and Money Mike. I'm really glad you made it up here man. Next time play right against me so I can learn more(since you said you didn't play well enough). I really want to learn that matchup better since I almost never play it. I'll probably PM you over the next few days if that's cool. Peach is really fast when you use her and I love it haha.

Chaddd- I feel like you should've beaten me. I was doing really dumb stuff and you were punishing it well. Great job vs me and LoZR and I hope to see you around soon man.

Kale- 0-death'd me in my own game. Incredible. <3

Devin- Whoa you've gotten loads better. I really don't know wtf I'm doing vs Duo so I just lose all of the time. I beat Stongers' ROB in GFs(he probably got nervous but whatever) so I can tell you how to fight ROB as my last helpful Marth thing I can tell anyone.

Yay- Always awesome having you around man. Good stuff in teams and singles bro. Team "where the f*ck is my wallet" is too good haha.

Shady- Way to get to WFs man! Definitely legit. I -almost- consider you better in Brawl than me, but you have just a little more work to do. Trust me, you'll be much better off once you beat me, I promise.

Uncle- How much fun is Pizza Hut? XD

Mits- My scent was strong this tournament so I figured you had me. =p Tripping is gay but hey with Snake it shouldn't hurt you so much now right? See you around man.

Duo- Good shiz being better than me. Start winning tournaments soon plz. <3

Keith- Did you even enter? I don't remember.

Jon- Whoa you went Snake.

Ph00t- I like word fornication.

Raggy bro- Glad you made it man. Why did you leave before Melee singles? Regardless, BK run was definitely something I'm ready to leave behind, and it was just fun hangin with you in general. See you around man.

Daddy moo moo- Lol Doc CG. XD We're so silly LOL.

Crystalnite- I only saw you play vs XIF, but you weren't doing too badly then. Hopefully we'll find some way to work on that matchup......if you ever want to talk about whatever or have friendlies just lemme know bro.

DJ Rome- You should probly not smash yourself out before Billfests......
I didn't get to see you play but I'm going to assume/hope you learned something over the last few days. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

TJ- Lol you still don't know who PLUR is. XD

Smith- Think man. You're reading the HLS group, right? That should help. Btw good shiz on the biker guy hug. Eat moar McDs.

Cam- Sucks you had to drop out of singles bro. I wish you had told me about that earlier so I could've spotted you the cash. Really glad you made it to this though.

Money freakin Mike- Dude you were so **** to watch this tournament! Please remember what I told you after your matches and you'll be set I think. I am proud of you, for what it's worth. =)

Chris- Glad to hear you're improving man! Hopefully you won't get "discouraged" and you can keep on coming to stuff and ****** even better.

Jim- Sooo glad to see you man! We definitely need to eat together and chill more often in the future. I heard you were gettin off man. Wish I had seen it in brackets. Maybe next time.

Ape- Legit of you as always to drive the Kids. Good stuff in teams friendlies bro. Double Falcon all the way. =pppppp

Stongers- Congratulations, you're better than me. =) I'm not sure where your ambition is going to take you now but I am glad that you finally got around to beating me. I'm happy for you. Also, you're a **** for leaving early on Melee day. <3

David- Dude your Peach is so smart! Please play Melee again!!!!!

Josh- Way to stop being a vag and get off this tournament. XD Good shiz.

LoZR- way to rep dat Catfish man. Teams was too much work lol. Team with me more often. =p But yeah thanks for the practice before RoM2 man. Cheer me on as I go without your pre-match training against some good opponents. I'll do my best to put NC on the map for us. dern best. <3

Also, LOL WTF Major Lazor is ********. XD


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
PP you should ask Devin how to beat Snake sometime, and get your Wii back from your house and practice; consider how much guaranteed money you're going to lose the next brawl tournament you go to. $150, down the drain :(

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
You don't understand the concept of me not needing a Wii to improve, do you?



no one




Seriously though, it doesn't matter.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007

XIF- You are pretty cool. I also disagree with your stage list. "****in Umbrella ******"
FullMetal- You are mad cool as always.
chaddd- Mad Chill.
Lozr- You are so amazing.
PP-Good job writing Twilight, The darkness dwells with in you.
Cam- Stop smoking so much and save money so you can enter tourneys.
Bill- You are my bro.
Mike- My Bro.
Chris- My *****.
Shep-Hit me up in the boro

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I forgot what this was about me writing Twilight. Oh wait was it about all of you talking about me getting evil while playing LoZR or something lol. That was funny but I realllllly don't like Twilight.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
Nah like I was commentating then Phoot said "He read him like a book."

So im like. ""PP wrote Twilight."

Then you started to get angry and im like. "Darkness PP has risen"

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Dr.PeePee - Thanks for driving me and winning everything making it a successful trip like always and all that stuff.

Jim - Good seeing you bro, had fun. Both days.

Everlasting Yayuhz - I'm YA BOI PAC MAN, ya digg?

Karn - You were dressed so non-karn like

Ph00t - Yeah..sorry bro about my fox being..gay and shiz.

Raggy - GA is too gud mang

Bill - 3-D

Cam - Drove to your place for nuttin dawg

Chris - You ***** me soooo hard.

I don't remember anything else


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2009
Raleigh, North Carolina
Shoutouts and stuff:

Bill/Karn: Good shiz hosting bros. Billfests are always too good.

Fullmetal: Glad you could make this man! It's nice seeing you in a more relaxed(non-TO =p) mood. I'm starting to see the process of total improvement from you(playing you at Munkaid and now Billfest I see it) and it's looking ****. Can't wait to see how far you go man! =)

Kosine: Nice meeting you man. I hope to see you around more often.

XIF- Great job vs LoZR and Money Mike. I'm really glad you made it up here man. Next time play right against me so I can learn more(since you said you didn't play well enough). I really want to learn that matchup better since I almost never play it. I'll probably PM you over the next few days if that's cool. Peach is really fast when you use her and I love it haha.

Chaddd- I feel like you should've beaten me. I was doing really dumb stuff and you were punishing it well. Great job vs me and LoZR and I hope to see you around soon man.

Kale- 0-death'd me in my own game. Incredible. <3

Devin- Whoa you've gotten loads better. I really don't know wtf I'm doing vs Duo so I just lose all of the time. I beat Stongers' ROB in GFs(he probably got nervous but whatever) so I can tell you how to fight ROB as my last helpful Marth thing I can tell anyone.

Yay- Always awesome having you around man. Good stuff in teams and singles bro. Team "where the f*ck is my wallet" is too good haha.

Shady- Way to get to WFs man! Definitely legit. I -almost- consider you better in Brawl than me, but you have just a little more work to do. Trust me, you'll be much better off once you beat me, I promise.

Uncle- How much fun is Pizza Hut? XD

Mits- My scent was strong this tournament so I figured you had me. =p Tripping is gay but hey with Snake it shouldn't hurt you so much now right? See you around man.

Duo- Good shiz being better than me. Start winning tournaments soon plz. <3

Keith- Did you even enter? I don't remember.

Jon- Whoa you went Snake.

Ph00t- I like word fornication.

Raggy bro- Glad you made it man. Why did you leave before Melee singles? Regardless, BK run was definitely something I'm ready to leave behind, and it was just fun hangin with you in general. See you around man.

Daddy moo moo- Lol Doc CG. XD We're so silly LOL.

Crystalnite- I only saw you play vs XIF, but you weren't doing too badly then. Hopefully we'll find some way to work on that matchup......if you ever want to talk about whatever or have friendlies just lemme know bro.

DJ Rome- You should probly not smash yourself out before Billfests......
I didn't get to see you play but I'm going to assume/hope you learned something over the last few days. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

TJ- Lol you still don't know who PLUR is. XD

Smith- Think man. You're reading the HLS group, right? That should help. Btw good shiz on the biker guy hug. Eat moar McDs.

Cam- Sucks you had to drop out of singles bro. I wish you had told me about that earlier so I could've spotted you the cash. Really glad you made it to this though.

Money freakin Mike- Dude you were so **** to watch this tournament! Please remember what I told you after your matches and you'll be set I think. I am proud of you, for what it's worth. =)

Chris- Glad to hear you're improving man! Hopefully you won't get "discouraged" and you can keep on coming to stuff and ****** even better.

Jim- Sooo glad to see you man! We definitely need to eat together and chill more often in the future. I heard you were gettin off man. Wish I had seen it in brackets. Maybe next time.

Ape- Legit of you as always to drive the Kids. Good stuff in teams friendlies bro. Double Falcon all the way. =pppppp

Stongers- Congratulations, you're better than me. =) I'm not sure where your ambition is going to take you now but I am glad that you finally got around to beating me. I'm happy for you. Also, you're a **** for leaving early on Melee day. <3

David- Dude your Peach is so smart! Please play Melee again!!!!!

Josh- Way to stop being a vag and get off this tournament. XD Good shiz.

LoZR- way to rep dat Catfish man. Teams was too much work lol. Team with me more often. =p But yeah thanks for the practice before RoM2 man. Cheer me on as I go without your pre-match training against some good opponents. I'll do my best to put NC on the map for us. dern best. <3

Also, LOL WTF Major Lazor is ********. XD
yes i got 9th u doucher, i hope when u died u rott in the hottest pit of hell, and ur tied to a log with the picture of hbox and mango and everyone else u cant beat dangling in front of u, and the demon that has the picture is like" hah, this what u get u little ****. if only u had remebered that the thief got ninth place."
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