I didn't mean to refer to it in general, just a part of it!
I did check it today, and by the looks of it, some people were pretty nice and decent and weren't fully hostile towards your comments related to Conker!
I still think it's a real d*ck move from some of them to shut you and zipster down, only because you were talking and discussing your opinions about a different character (who is even extremely related to Banjo), just because they think only Banjo deserves the spot!
But hey, you're right! If we want to attract more people's attention and interest into this thread, that's not the best way to do it! I'm gonna erase that part from my previous comment!
By the way, congrats you just made the #64 comment on this thread!
Believe me, I know it's way too late to revive the series, now that pretty much, every single member who made Rare the company that we knew and loved, is gone!
Nintendo only owned like half of Rare, I was just dreaming if they bought their full rights (or at least a large amount of it, like 75%) when they had the chance, instead of selling it to Microsoft (which is when we lost pretty much all the original cast of Rare), the people would have stayed and make sure DKC, Conker and Banjo would be 1st party and stay as successful as they initially were, much like the same situation of Pokemon and Earthbound(which were 2nd Party, and nowadays it's 1st party, when Nintendo bought almost the full rights of their companies)!
That's why I want both Banjo and specially/mostly Conker (not just because banjo gets all the love and support, but also because I find Conker so much more fun and unique) in Smash so badly!
I can't believe that Chris Seavor still stayed that long since Rareware went to the dark side! I heard that, along with Conker's Other Bad Day, he had another project called Urchin! It was going to be sort of a fantasy/horror series, and its art style was pretty neat (it kind of reminds me of Tim Burton's animation style)! But Microsoft refused to let them advance with the project, so it's no wonder he left the company, but I actually thought he left it earlier than 2011!
Absolutely! By that video, you could already tell that twelve tales was going to be a hell of a lot more than just another kids' game (which is what most people called it at the time)!
The levels, the soundtracks, the enemy and character design, and the hat idea looked really inspiring, original and interesting! I'd even say (without any hate on BK intended) that it even looks much more creative and appealing than Banjo Kazooie and Tooie (and that is saying a lot)!
The character's facial expressions and reactions to where they are or what happens around them, was a really unique and innovative feature for a N64 game (I think The Legend Of Zelda: the Wind Waker got to be the first game to have that kind of feature)!
You could even rotate the camera towards Conker's front view, and he would start looking at you, and interestingly enough this feature was included in Bad Fur Day, even the multiplayer characters do that!
Speaking of which, its multiplayer Deathmatch mode looked really neat too, it's almost like the one from BFD, but without the Blood and Gore, of course!
Yes, Berri was able to tame certain critters like that purple dinosaur (who really reminds me of the baby dino from BFD who met with a terrible fate)!
And Conker had many items, besides the slingshot, he had a shovel, a kyte, a raucous, and a unicycle!
I think both of them were going to have different types of adventures, but the objective was still the same, collect as many presents as you can (much like the
from Mario 64)!
I still can't believe that with how much was made with that game (like the levels, soundtracks, enemies and bosses), the only recycled content was Conker's design, the slingshot, the dancing sunflowers, the Rome theme, and the piss theme (this is not a complaint, BTW, but it still feels a bit wasted)!
The enemies/bosses, such as the evil acorns and K.O. the cat were so cool too! It's a shame they were pretty much wasted content!
You know if Microsoft was smart and actually liked money and success, they could easily tell the people that's left from Rare to finish it, and release it as a downloadable game for the Xbox one! I mean the game was pretty much already at least 80% completed (it was even available to play at E3 1999)!