Hi guys. I'm looking for a bit of advice. I love cloud and FF7 Very deeply. Before clouds release, I was determined to main him whether if he was bad or not. But my problem is, I don't seem to be very good with him! It's deeply saddening for me as I stroll through this thread and see many people saying how he is a natural fit. Initially, I found him very novel and refreshing to play. But as time has gone on and me coming across more clouds online, I realise I'm completely trash. I used to main ike in brawl but dropped him in s4 and decided to main little Mac solely. Perhaps part of the problem Is I'm too used to playing Mac that I'm using cloud in a similar way? Has anyone else felt this way about cloud? Or is everyone just natural fits and I'm the only one who is not?
It's just a matter of getting used to him...It didn't take me long once I learned what he can do, and how to approach his moveset...
Best thing to do is to do Lab-work with him....which means go into Training mode and experiment with everything he has...Kill Percents, Follow-ups, percentages, movements, anything and everything you can figure out be creative as you might learn something others haven't...ledge options, shield options, edge-guarding, how does his recovery work, can he wall jump? (yes he can), crawl? projectile distance coverage, damage dealt, start-up lag....perhaps cheat a little and look up what others have found to see his possible combos and follow-ups... and of course if you ever go on For Glory and ditto Cloud see what the other players do in addition to what you yourself are doing...you eventually figure out what his strengths (lots of kill power, zoning, decent follow-ups and quick) and weaknesses (poor recovery, some start-up and end lag on some attakcs, heavy can be juggled) are...
One good thing about Cloud is that he has a projectile, one that is actually pretty safe, and also great for Edge-guarding pressure...
Also his Limit Charge is cancellable if you input B again or shield or move sideways...inputing B the second time is the best option as it leaves lamost no lag...SH LCC (Limit Charge Cancel) can lead into a lot of mix-up options, if you input it quick enough you can double jump before hitting the ground, and his initial hit frames on his nair activates right behind him and you can actually catch your opponent if they are directly behind you, it has almost no lag upon landing making it a very safe option at times...of course his Limit once fully charged you want to treat it similarly to Mac's KO, cept Cloud's doesn't go away unless you use a special or die...so you can be as patient as possible or apply pressure...
Also note Cloud's got some amazing range, his nair does a full 360 around him and is actually a fairly safe option for sheild pressure if you space it properly as most character won't be able to punish with a grab...
Just work yourself slowly with him, if you're committed you'll get the hang of it...