I've been thinking lately.
One of the weaker aspects of our community's disadvantage is knowing what characters you can wait on the ledge against. Some of those ledgetrap options a lot of characters put you in(ROB Gyro and certain DDD setups, for example) can be beaten out by sitting there with no vulnerability and reacting to their commitment.
You should know that characters like

largely have poor options to force you off the ledge.

, however, WILL kill you with an unreactable setup or move if you don't get off almost immediately.
Now, all that being said, I have theoretical question.
In my eyes, this is a faux-lockdown scenario where the Diddy misdirects you into thinking you need to deal with banana. In reality, he cannot dtilt you without grabbing the banana, and his only other option for forcing you off is a ledge trump. His ledge trumps are reactable while your ledge jump is not, so in theory couldn't you just wait until the banana disappears? If he does commit to the ledge trump, buffering ledge jump or ledge roll would be the best options, as Diddy is absolutely horrible at killing opponents off of either until ~150%(not accounting for rage).
Unless I'm missing something, nothing is stopping people from sitting there until the banana disappears and getting off depending on the option Diddy goes for. If he pulls another, you can get up during its pull since it does have a good deal of endlag. If he doesn't, just play the game normally.