YOU F***ing ******, give me one reason Zant should not be in Brawl. You are h*lla stupid. YOU HAVE A TWILIGHT PRINCESS LINK ICON AND YOU DONT THINK ZANT SHOULDN'T BE IN BRAWL????
And for all you d*ck suckers who think Geno is gonna make it, forget it because he has almost NO chance. It doesn't matter if Super Mario RPG was a good game. Shadow the Hedgehog and TLOZ: Twilight Princess were ALSO good games. And Brawl characters so far are UP TO DATE, for all you ******* who didn't see Olimar's anonuncement. There will be NEW Nintendo characters and 3rd parties entering, too. I swear, some people are f***ing ********.
Aside from your, uh... *unique* character choices, your first post was so incorrect because you just had lots of false and/or stupid information.
1. SMRPG is not on VC.
2. Zant is in no way more popular than Ganondorf, Midna, or Wolf Link. He won't get in before they do, and Zelda won't have 7 reps. Sorry.
3. Good backstory? Err....
4. Sakurai never said a word about additional Sonic characters.
5. Shadow is only popular with the young'uns. And even then.... its Shadow. He's a horrible character.
6. Once again, good backstory? Ooooooook....
And then your response to my post just followed up with more wrong statements:
7. Shadow the Hedgehog was a awful game. Its games like these that are killing the Sonic franchise.
8. "All Brawl characters so far are UP TO DATE!". Wtf? Of course they are. Do you expect all the characters to be represented with their original graphics? You realize almost the entire cast would be 8 and 16 bit sprites, right?
About the only thing you were right about is, yes, some people are ********. I'll let you figure out who, if you can.