Smash Ace
Actually, by last 2 tournaments I mean the last two I was at specifically (FRXII and last Waba) which had a much better turnout from the waba monthlies I was at prior to last one. I guess I should have clarified what I was talking about.Done.
For the sake of this thread, I'll assume last 2 tourneys means last 2 ICs, and those were our fault, not the tourneys. I dunno the details about IC1. IC2, yeah they gave us an HDTV for melee, but we actually had a second setup in the front of the room that we NEVER used. That's all on us. And we all know what happened with IC3 (er, the 6 or 7 of us that actually showed up.) Considering that it takes a ridiculous amount of work just to get people to show up to a monthly, but then there was a decent amount of people at FRXII (I mean seriously, where the **** did Ali come from? XD) Who knows what's gunna happen.
First off, I appreciate that. And yeah, you're right, we wouldnt be able to get our 1-on-1 Goverment on if we were chillin in the back room. In Shinblanka's defense, though, I completely understand why he does it for FR, it wasnt as big of an issue this year as it was last year.
And 4 setups of ustream. Awesome. Now I gotta play some more stuff so I can walk around, do commentary, and actually know what I'm talkin about.
Also, I searched One on One Government in youtube in an attempt to find out more about the game and I'm convinced there are no 1v1 gov gameplay vids on youtube.
Also @ Dogy: Do you still have a link to that vid of the TMNT throw loops? I can't find that **** anywhere!