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2020 US Presidential Election Discussion

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Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2018
Switch FC
There's a guy who's username is "Enterprise" who is fuelling the conservative conspiracy theory dumpster fire.
His conservative bull**** begins with post #13.
The thread's archived, so you won't be able to post there.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Did you know the moon landing was faked. There is a c on a rock, no stars in the sky, the wind in the flag. A stage was used.

It is conspiracy theories to help those cope with reality. Again, looking for "proof" to justify ones position instead of following proper scientific procedure.

And why are you assuming fraud only happened for democrats? This is your bias showing. You assume everyone was fine with the last 4 years without actually critically thinking about what has been happening and how people would respond. Acting like the election is in a vacuum. How do you explain usps and it killing the machines beforw the election? How do you explain any of trumps bull? You dont see it. Rose colored classes.
You aren't assuming fraud only occurred that benefitted Trump, you are stating it outright. I have made no such claim. We call this "projection".

As to why such an assumption is reasonable: You aren't asking for investigations. In fact, you are trying everything you can to stop them. If there's nothing wrong with the election, where's the harming in auditing and investigating? We put up with three years of investigations into your Russian collusion conspiracy nonsense. Yet pointing out hard data (including video evidence which, again, everyone will note that you're avoiding as intensely as you did the Hunter Biden laptop story) and asking for verification, explanation, and investigation is suddenly off limits.

If you thought there was fraud in the election that benefitted your opponent, you'd be asking to investigate. You don't. There likely is some, and I welcome audits that would point that out. But we BOTH know that whatever small amount there is in that regard is dwarfed by the enormity of the massive fraud perpetrated by the Dems in this election.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
You aren't assuming fraud only occurred that benefitted Trump, you are stating it outright. I have made no such claim. We call this "projection".

As to why such an assumption is reasonable: You aren't asking for investigations. In fact, you are trying everything you can to stop them. If there's nothing wrong with the election, where's the harming in auditing and investigating? We put up with three years of investigations into your Russian collusion conspiracy nonsense. Yet pointing out hard data (including video evidence which, again, everyone will note that you're avoiding as intensely as you did the Hunter Biden laptop story) and asking for verification, explanation, and investigation is suddenly off limits.

If you thought there was fraud in the election that benefitted your opponent, you'd be asking to investigate. You don't. There likely is some, and I welcome audits that would point that out. But we BOTH know that whatever small amount there is in that regard is dwarfed by the enormity of the massive fraud perpetrated by the Dems in this election.
Classic projection. And avoiding. Is 40 cases not enough? Do you understand statistical significance? And where is that laptop now? One would think it would have arrived by now. It just disappeared.

You are looking for white noise at this point.

And i see implicit bias. You assume democrats did massive voter fraud, yet have no real proof, grasp at straws and claim your side is innocent. Your bias is showing. Badly. I think you need to crawl out of your bubble.

The earth is not flat.
We did goto the moon.
Vaccines are safe.
Those are not chem trails.
Biden cannot be sleepy and dumb, and a mastermind all at the same time.
If there was fraud, republicans would not ve crapping 40 loses and republicans would not be looking for a constitutional crisis to push trump back into office.
You cannot have it both ways.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Classic projection. And avoiding. Is 40 cases not enough? Do you understand statistical significance? And where is that laptop now? One would think it would have arrived by now. It just disappeared.

You are looking for white noise at this point.

And i see implicit bias. You assume democrats did massive voter fraud, yet have no real proof, grasp at straws and claim your side is innocent. Your bias is showing. Badly. I think you need to crawl out of your bubble.

The earth is not flat.
We did goto the moon.
Vaccines are safe.
Those are not chem trails.
Biden cannot be sleepy and dumb, and a mastermind all at the same time.
If there was fraud, republicans would not ve crapping 40 loses and republicans would not be looking for a constitutional crisis to push trump back into office.
You cannot have it both ways.
I have plenty of real proof. For example: VIDEO EVIDENCE. Thousands of people (including Dem poll workers) who are making sworn statements about fraud. And, again, the statistical anomalies.

Biden is not a mastermind, he's a gibbering idiot. The Dem party, however, are the masterminds. The same people who screwed over Bernie in their primaries.

Your entire argument is that "you wouldn't lose cases if you had evidence". When the judges in question are literally doing exactly the same thing you are. Just making a declaration while ignoring evidence presented. Or saying that the point is moot due to the small amount being challenged in a particular case.

I can point to thousands of signed witness statements, photographs, video evidence, statistical analysis, and more, all indicating fraud.

You can point to 40 statements by judges. While at the same time advocating for packing the courts because you FREELY ADMIT that you use the judiciary to push your partisan politics.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
I have plenty of real proof. For example: VIDEO EVIDENCE. Thousands of people (including Dem poll workers) who are making sworn statements about fraud. And, again, the statistical anomalies.

Biden is not a mastermind, he's a gibbering idiot. The Dem party, however, are the masterminds. The same people who screwed over Bernie in their primaries.

Your entire argument is that "you wouldn't lose cases if you had evidence". When the judges in question are literally doing exactly the same thing you are. Just making a declaration while ignoring evidence presented. Or saying that the point is moot due to the small amount being challenged in a particular case.

I can point to thousands of signed witness statements, photographs, video evidence, statistical analysis, and more, all indicating fraud.

You can point to 40 statements by judges. While at the same time advocating for packing the courts because you FREELY ADMIT that you use the judiciary to push your partisan politics.
Post it. Saying and proving are two different things. And i have thousands of proof the earth is flat. Do you need it also?

And it is always nice to see people ignore the court packing from before. Let me guess. You are going to care about the deficit again in 2 months also? You sit there acting like a legal expert yet when 40 legally binding cases get tossed out because lack of evidence, you act like the system is corrupted.

The ultimate victum complex. Lets make a deal. I will prove the earth is flat to you. Using all the exact same reasoning you will use to prove the election is rigged. Make your case. And if is even remotely like the boston bomber witch hunt, we will know you are not capable of actually using critical thinking.

You are selectively blind. In the last 4 years, what did trump accomplish that makes you so loyal to him that you are willing to sacrifice the usa? Do you fly trump flags instead of the red white and blue? Why are you putting trump above your country?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Post it. Saying and proving are two different things. And i have thousands of proof the earth is flat. Do you need it also?

And it is always nice to see people ignore the court packing from before. Let me guess. You are going to care about the deficit again in 2 months also? You sit there acting like a legal expert yet when 40 legally binding cases get tossed out because lack of evidence, you act like the system is corrupted.

The ultimate victum complex. Lets make a deal. I will prove the earth is flat to you. Using all the exact same reasoning you will use to prove the election is rigged. Make your case. And if is even remotely like the boston bomber witch hunt, we will know you are not capable of actually using critical thinking.

You are selectively blind. In the last 4 years, what did trump accomplish that makes you so loyal to him that you are willing to sacrifice the usa? Do you fly trump flags instead of the red white and blue? Why are you putting trump above your country?
I've always cared about the deficit. Unlike leftists, I actually have principles and hold to them. I don't scream "private companies are bad", then high five them when they censor my political foes. I don't advocate against money in politics, then support the guy funded and supported by every multinational corporation on the planet. I don't claim to be antifa, then support the state shutting down every small business in the country while propping up major companies with political connections, etcetera.

I haven't supported Trump in everything he's done. I still won't. He is and has been, however, the best President we've had in my lifetime. For one thing, he's actually kept and endeavored to keep his campaign promises. Heck, he's kept campaign promises that PAST Presidents made and reneged on. This alone makes him better than any other President we've had, as it means that you know he's going to try to do whatever he claims, unless he can be given a convincing reason to change his mind. Versus Biden, who flip flops on everything because he just promises whatever he thinks you want to hear.

He's the only President during my lifetime who has not embroiled us in a new foreign conflict. In fact, by scrapping the foreign policy of the establishment, he's managed to secure unprecedented peace deals in the Middle East. But of course, the former anti-war left are now the staunch warmongers backing the military industrial complex, because the left has no principles (or memory), just a lust for power.

He has massively reduced regulations, allowing for a major economic boom. This resulted in record low unemployment numbers, and the tightening of the labor market (also buoyed by his lockdown on illegal immigration) allowed for real wage growth for the first time in decades, as well as multiple improvements in employee benefits among major corporations.

He signed a tax cut that benefitted the vast majority of the population, expanding tax credits for families. He put a cap on the State and Local Tax deductions, so that wealthy individuals can't get out of paying federal taxes simply because they're paying a lot of state taxes (but, again, the left's "make the rich pay their fair share" credo is just another one of their lies that they only use for rhetoric).

And I'm not putting him above country. I'm putting my country and its systems first. I'm a conservative, that's what we do. We conserve. YOU are the radicals constantly trying to destroy everything. The electoral college, the filibuster, the Supreme Court, etcetera. You always want to change the rules whenever you lose. And, yes. You cheated. It's obvious. Again, just look at the county by county vote.

What I really understand is why you aren't bothering to admit it. I mean, again, it's obvious. Just admit it. What, are you afraid someone's going to screencap your post on a dying forum and use it as evidence in court? Just laugh it up. "Ha ha, we cheated, we won. Suck it loser". Be honest with yourself for once. I can at least respect honesty.

Though, again, that's a virtue the left doesn't have.

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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
There is a lot to unpack in here. going to have to tackle it in parts.

I've always cared about the deficit. Unlike leftists, I actually have principles and hold to them. I don't scream "private companies are bad", then high five them when they censor my political foes. I don't advocate against money in politics, then support the guy funded and supported by every multinational corporation on the planet. I don't claim to be antifa, then support the state shutting down every small business in the country while propping up major companies with political connections, etcetera.
Lets take this nugget of denial.

Supposedly your morals are blind. For one saying "I care unlike the leftists", you seem to ignore the fact that Trump has not helped the deficit. He has ballooned it. So what are you saying. The rest of this entire paragraph was about how you try not to be a hypocrite, yet the very first part is about being a hypocrite. Puzzling. I would assume you are just missing the point of the arguments being made. Most republicans lack the ability to show empathy, going as far as saying that they cannot see the problem until it directly impacts them. You are clearly showing that sign because you say the lefts have no morals in a paragraph starting with the deficient, yet you ignore the man that added 33% plus to it whilst cutting taxes for the wealthy.

I haven't supported Trump in everything he's done. I still won't. He is and has been, however, the best President we've had in my lifetime. For one thing, he's actually kept and endeavored to keep his campaign promises. Heck, he's kept campaign promises that PAST Presidents made and reneged on. This alone makes him better than any other President we've had, as it means that you know he's going to try to do whatever he claims, unless he can be given a convincing reason to change his mind. Versus Biden, who flip flops on everything because he just promises whatever he thinks you want to hear.
You must either be very very young, which means you don't have enough experience to understand what we are talking about, or you are very very blind to think he is so good at failing all the time. Given the account, the fact that you think trump is so great even with the contrary being reality, You are in the Young adult category. So the angry male that thinks the world is out to get them and is against anything because I can do what I want kind of mentality. How can you sit there and say "he's kept campaign promises that PAST Presidents made and reneged on" when all presidents have done this. Why is Hillary not in jail yet? Were did that investigation go? Why are we not great again?

Looks like he side stepped or ignored a good portion of them. Like all politicians.

and I have to come back to your massive post of half truths. I will leave on this statement.
" Biden, who flip flops on everything because he just promises whatever he thinks you want to hear" This line is projection. very loud and clear. You do know Trump has done this for 4 years right. Where is the Hillary incarceration? What about these

The fact is, that people that will and can change their mind take new information and adjust or modify their opinion. It is how science works. We learn and move forward. You clearly are not doing that because if you think "I did my feet into the sand and refuse to budge" is any form of winning strategy. you are clearly mistaken. How do you expect science to function if people cannot reexamine their ideas and notions? Very close minded thinking.

I will be back to tackle the rest of your post later. Either wait for the response or post again. If I see another post, I will ignore the rest because it is clear you are speaking in absolutes and clearly do not understand anything you are talking about.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
There is a lot to unpack in here. going to have to tackle it in parts.

Lets take this nugget of denial.

Supposedly your morals are blind. For one saying "I care unlike the leftists", you seem to ignore the fact that Trump has not helped the deficit. He has ballooned it. So what are you saying. The rest of this entire paragraph was about how you try not to be a hypocrite, yet the very first part is about being a hypocrite. Puzzling. I would assume you are just missing the point of the arguments being made. Most republicans lack the ability to show empathy, going as far as saying that they cannot see the problem until it directly impacts them. You are clearly showing that sign because you say the lefts have no morals in a paragraph starting with the deficient, yet you ignore the man that added 33% plus to it whilst cutting taxes for the wealthy.
I said that I cared about the deficit. I never said that it was the most important policy position to me.

I also don't blame the President primarily for the deficit, I blame Congress, as per the Constitution, they control the purse strings and are responsible for the spending bills. Which is where the deficit comes from. We've actually had increased tax revenue (even after the tax cuts), but since Congress just keeps spending more and more money than they're taking in, the deficit explodes. And, yes, I do blame Trump for signing those bills, but I do not lay the primary blame upon him.

Also, can you cut the "tax cuts for the wealthy" BS? You're literally admitting that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Nobody likes to give themselves credit for this kind of messaging success, but progressive groups did a really good job of convincing people that Trump raised their taxes when the facts say a clear majority got a tax cut. https://t.co/tcZFr8l9Ck

— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) April 8, 2019

That's the NYT saying that the majority of Americans got a tax cut, and Vox's Matthew Yglesias in a deleted tweet cheering on that he convinced sheep like you of a false narrative.

You must either be very very young, which means you don't have enough experience to understand what we are talking about, or you are very very blind to think he is so good at failing all the time. Given the account, the fact that you think trump is so great even with the contrary being reality, You are in the Young adult category. So the angry male that thinks the world is out to get them and is against anything because I can do what I want kind of mentality. How can you sit there and say "he's kept campaign promises that PAST Presidents made and reneged on" when all presidents have done this. Why is Hillary not in jail yet? Were did that investigation go? Why are we not great again?

Looks like he side stepped or ignored a good portion of them. Like all politicians.
Ah, yes. Politifact. One of your "unbiased" sources, right?

Here's a better list for you:

and I have to come back to your massive post of half truths. I will leave on this statement.
" Biden, who flip flops on everything because he just promises whatever he thinks you want to hear" This line is projection. very loud and clear. You do know Trump has done this for 4 years right. Where is the Hillary incarceration? What about these
Yes, let's look at those 17 (huge number there) claims...

Huh. You...didn't actually read past the headline, did you?

"Four times, I said he is a hero," he said on July 19 on ABC. "But you know … people choose little selective pieces."

We rated his claim Mostly False. Looking at the transcript, Trump literally said McCain is a hero five times, but never without caveats. Once, he added "perhaps, I believe" before conceding the point. Twice, he was interrupted. And the last two times, Trump said, "He is a war hero because he was captured." In other words, Trump also cherry-picked his interview and misquoted himself.
So, the statement is literally true, your "fact checkers" just ignore the facts to add opinion statements to it. Hilarious that literally their very first "fact check" can't actually check facts.

The fact is, that people that will and can change their mind take new information and adjust or modify their opinion. It is how science works. We learn and move forward. You clearly are not doing that because if you think "I did my feet into the sand and refuse to budge" is any form of winning strategy. you are clearly mistaken. How do you expect science to function if people cannot reexamine their ideas and notions? Very close minded thinking.
There's a difference between changing your mind on a policy because of new information (such as changing a solid concrete wall into bollard fencing because the agents on the ground say that they need to be able to see through it) and flip flopping on issues multiple times within two weeks depending on who you are talking to.

I will be back to tackle the rest of your post later. Either wait for the response or post again. If I see another post, I will ignore the rest because it is clear you are speaking in absolutes and clearly do not understand anything you are talking about.
Ah, I see. Convenient excuse for you to ignore things you don't like or can't answer.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
I said that I cared about the deficit. I never said that it was the most important policy position to me.

I also don't blame the President primarily for the deficit, I blame Congress, as per the Constitution, they control the purse strings and are responsible for the spending bills. Which is where the deficit comes from. We've actually had increased tax revenue (even after the tax cuts), but since Congress just keeps spending more and more money than they're taking in, the deficit explodes. And, yes, I do blame Trump for signing those bills, but I do not lay the primary blame upon him.

Also, can you cut the "tax cuts for the wealthy" BS? You're literally admitting that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Nobody likes to give themselves credit for this kind of messaging success, but progressive groups did a really good job of convincing people that Trump raised their taxes when the facts say a clear majority got a tax cut. https://t.co/tcZFr8l9Ck

So many publicans. but let me guess. One little twitter rant is good enough to combat all that? Do you really have this false equivalence issues here. I assume you dont even pay taxes at this point given your lack of patience.

— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) April 8, 2019

That's the NYT saying that the majority of Americans got a tax cut, and Vox's Matthew Yglesias in a deleted tweet cheering on that he convinced sheep like you of a false narrative.

Ah, yes. Politifact. One of your "unbiased" sources, right?

Here's a better list for you:
We...love...trump. Are you even taking this discussion seriously?

Yes, let's look at those 17 (huge number there) claims...

Huh. You...didn't actually read past the headline, did you?

So, the statement is literally true, your "fact checkers" just ignore the facts to add opinion statements to it. Hilarious that literally their very first "fact check" can't actually check facts.
Guess you did not even read the article. Given your link above, if it is not "accepted" by your narrow mind, you will just ignore the contents. I did most many many more links and I can even start delving into actual policy if you truly cannot have journalists actually do their job. Rather then then little twitter bobby.
Here is another budget failure.

There's a difference between changing your mind on a policy because of new information (such as changing a solid concrete wall into bollard fencing because the agents on the ground say that they need to be able to see through it) and flip flopping on issues multiple times within two weeks depending on who you are talking to.
You would clearly know given how Trump will literally say anything he wants to get what he wants. Oh the election is rigged. dont trust the system. but also go vote. make sure you do.

Ah, I see. Convenient excuse for you to ignore things you don't like or can't answer.
Clearly could not wait. Typical. Well, as promised. I am going to ignore your above post. Shame. I am not arguing multiple posts at once.

But lets look at it this way. You say Trump has been the best president. what has he done for you specifically? What policies has he put in place that has helped you. because I can name many policies that has done more damage. Lets take the environment. Are you one of those that actually denies the climate crisis? If you have a bowl of water and start adding in red die. eventually, the water will turn red. A big enough bowl, the die will fade, but in time it will turn red. Where do you think all the CO2 is going? Does it just fly off the side of your flat earth?

in fact, I am going to narrow down this discussion to specifically Trumps pathetic stance on the climate crisis. because that is a decent flag pole with enough hot button issues to truly prove the point I am going for.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Skyblade12 Skyblade12

I believe Biden is rightfully President Elect and will be Inaugurated.

I believe that legitimate clerical errors happened during literally the most ridiculously difficult election we've had in living memory.

I believe Trump and his faithful entourage would say and do anything to get re-elected. Especially after the results have been certified just about everywhere by all corners of government and governed.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Skyblade12 Skyblade12

I believe Biden is rightfully President Elect and will be Inaugurated.

I believe that legitimate clerical errors happened during literally the most ridiculously difficult election we've had in living memory.

I believe Trump and his faithful entourage would say and do anything to get re-elected. Especially after the results have been certified just about everywhere by all corners of government and governed.
Here's the interesting thing about legitimate clerical errors. Legitimate clerical errors don't all go in favor of a single candidate. When every documented instance of votes being switched, such as the 6000 due to the "glitch" in Michigan or the 5500 found in the recount in Georgia, all go in the direction of a single candidate, that is not due to "legitimate clerical errors". It's funny how there has not been a single recount, glitch, or error that has resulted for Biden getting more votes.

Also, falsely claiming that a pipe burst and will impact your counting is not a legitimate clerical error. Coordinated shutting down of four swing states on election day is not a legitimate clerical error. And pulling out boxes of votes after you have sent observers away and continuing to count them with no one else present in direct violation of election law is not a legitimate clerical error.

If you (and the Dem party in general) are so convinced that there are merely some minor, legitimate clerical errors that won't affect the results, why are you so adamantly against investigations?
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I am not against investigation, of course. It's just that nothing major has panned out...

And in some cases Biden's lead actually increased lol

Too many Republicans have agreed there was no secret agendas or widespread voting fraud. If Trump's claims were legit Mitch, Barr, etc they'd all be supportive instead they're talking about moving ahead.



Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007

Oh look. A policy that trump has done that will help the usa./s


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I am not against investigation, of course. It's just that nothing major has panned out...

And in some cases Biden's lead actually increased lol

Too many Republicans have agreed there was no secret agendas or widespread voting fraud. If Trump's claims were legit Mitch, Barr, etc they'd all be supportive instead they're talking about moving ahead.

Our of curiosity, did you actually read those stories and/or watch the videos? The claims made by the "fact checkers" are completely debunked by the video in question. So the guy who runs the elections says "this did not happen", and you take his word over the video evidence that you can see with your own eyes?


So, they weren't asked to leave, right? That didn't happen, because the "fact checker" spoke to someone who said it didn't happen? Even though the video shows them being spoken to and then leaving, and left wing news reported them being asked to leave at the time?

I mean, for one thing, the video in question is a lot longer than the 90 seconds that they "fact check" there. Let alone the idea that asking someone who ran a system if the system had problems is also not a "fact check".

Also, I'd be a little less about the political party of those involved. The establishment is corrupt as hell, in both parties.

Oh look. A policy that trump has done that will help the usa./s
Oh look. More completely off topic discussion because you are desperate to discuss anything EXCEPT the obvious and blatant election fraud that took place.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Our of curiosity, did you actually read those stories and/or watch the videos? The claims made by the "fact checkers" are completely debunked by the video in question. So the guy who runs the elections says "this did not happen", and you take his word over the video evidence that you can see with your own eyes?


So, they weren't asked to leave, right? That didn't happen, because the "fact checker" spoke to someone who said it didn't happen? Even though the video shows them being spoken to and then leaving, and left wing news reported them being asked to leave at the time?

I mean, for one thing, the video in question is a lot longer than the 90 seconds that they "fact check" there. Let alone the idea that asking someone who ran a system if the system had problems is also not a "fact check".
Videos aren't absolutely proof of wrong doing, though. I mean, unless you were there, and know the context of the moment in a video - whether edited or raw - it's still just a video. I won't ever profess to KNOW what these instances since 11/3 actually are. What I do know is that ever since Trump "won" in 2016 the American People have had to spend more time and effort on Politics than I can remember going back to the Carter Adminstration. Good or bad? Bad! Because instead of handling our **** we've allowed ourselves to degenerate to 3rd world status in dozens of categories and it's frankly sad.

As for the 2020 election look...even GA's own government won't move because it's all smoke. The fire went out when Biden took PA.



Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Videos aren't absolutely proof of wrong doing, though. I mean, unless you were there, and know the context of the moment in a video - whether edited or raw - it's still just a video. I won't ever profess to KNOW what these instances since 11/3 actually are.
I know that poll workers sent poll observers home (this was verified by ABC and other news outlets at the time, and backed up by sworn witness testimony), then pulled out boxes of ballots and started tabulating them with no one else present (as shown by video evidence). Do I know exactly what happened? Nope. That's what the poll observers are supposed to be there for, but they were sent home. Is it proof beyond a reasonable doubt of wrong doing? Yep. Does it mean that they counted all of those votes for Biden? No (although it's highly likely, given that the number of ballots in those crates would correspond to the vote dump that happened when it was officially announced that counting was resuming hours later).

It's entirely possible that they were counting them all legitimately. That they were hidden under the table for some valid reason, etcetera. You are correct in that we cannot tell if they were counted accurately in the video. That's why we have poll observers there, to question such things and to reassure us all that everything's okay. They're there so that I can't make these claims. That's why the law requires them to be there. So that I can't call the election fraudulent. It's an important step. At least, it's important to those who care about open, honest, and fair elections.

I mean, wouldn't you much rather be able to go "see, everything was counted normally, there were no questions, the annoying Republicans were there making a bunch of challenges, but everything was cleared up and we won" than just "well, witness testimony and video still isn't enough. Everything was normal because that's what the media said"?

What I do know is that ever since Trump "won" in 2016 the American People have had to spend more time and effort on Politics than I can remember going back to the Carter Adminstration. Good or bad? Bad! Because instead of handling our **** we've allowed ourselves to degenerate to 3rd world status in dozens of categories and it's frankly sad.
Which categories, exactly?

If you only decided that politics are important because the legacy media has been screaming "orange man bad" for the past four years, maybe you should rethink what you actually support and believe. Because that's the biggest thing that's changed about how we view politics.

Well, that, and that Trump has proven the corruption of the mainstream political establishment over and over again.

And now you're admitting that you're just going to go to sleep and ignore the political world because the media won't be screaming at you about it? Because they'll be giving you stories about Biden getting a cat instead of actually covering news? And that's all you want? To be able to ignore political reality?

As for the 2020 election look...even GA's own government won't move because it's all smoke. The fire went out when Biden took PA.

Um... If anything, that's not a point in Biden's favor. Because "Biden took X" is largely all media calls, and has been since the beginning. Pennsylvania has just as many questions as Georgia. They not only kicked out poll workers, they boarded up windows and moved objects in between observers and the ballots to ensure that they could not be witnessed. If an official in one state is giving up because of the messaging in another state, then all that means is that the election is being decided by media messaging, not voters. Is that what you want?

If there is smoke, you investigate for fire. Then you're done investigating and you say "yep, it was just your neighbor burning his turkey in the oven" and everyone goes back to normal. You don't just say "well, there's smoke, so there can't be fire and we're not going to look at it".

Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Nevada all announced that they were stopping counting ballots around midnight on election night, then resumed with massive spikes for Biden. Video in Georgia is now showing that the idea that they stopped was a lie.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I know that poll workers sent poll observers home (this was verified by ABC and other news outlets at the time, and backed up by sworn witness testimony), then pulled out boxes of ballots and started tabulating them with no one else present (as shown by video evidence). Do I know exactly what happened? Nope. That's what the poll observers are supposed to be there for, but they were sent home. Is it proof beyond a reasonable doubt of wrong doing? Yep. Does it mean that they counted all of those votes for Biden? No (although it's highly likely, given that the number of ballots in those crates would correspond to the vote dump that happened when it was officially announced that counting was resuming hours later).

It's entirely possible that they were counting them all legitimately. That they were hidden under the table for some valid reason, etcetera. You are correct in that we cannot tell if they were counted accurately in the video. That's why we have poll observers there, to question such things and to reassure us all that everything's okay. They're there so that I can't make these claims. That's why the law requires them to be there. So that I can't call the election fraudulent. It's an important step. At least, it's important to those who care about open, honest, and fair elections.

I mean, wouldn't you much rather be able to go "see, everything was counted normally, there were no questions, the annoying Republicans were there making a bunch of challenges, but everything was cleared up and we won" than just "well, witness testimony and video still isn't enough. Everything was normal because that's what the media said"?

Which categories, exactly?

If you only decided that politics are important because the legacy media has been screaming "orange man bad" for the past four years, maybe you should rethink what you actually support and believe. Because that's the biggest thing that's changed about how we view politics.

Well, that, and that Trump has proven the corruption of the mainstream political establishment over and over again.

And now you're admitting that you're just going to go to sleep and ignore the political world because the media won't be screaming at you about it? Because they'll be giving you stories about Biden getting a cat instead of actually covering news? And that's all you want? To be able to ignore political reality?

Um... If anything, that's not a point in Biden's favor. Because "Biden took X" is largely all media calls, and has been since the beginning. Pennsylvania has just as many questions as Georgia. They not only kicked out poll workers, they boarded up windows and moved objects in between observers and the ballots to ensure that they could not be witnessed. If an official in one state is giving up because of the messaging in another state, then all that means is that the election is being decided by media messaging, not voters. Is that what you want?

If there is smoke, you investigate for fire. Then you're done investigating and you say "yep, it was just your neighbor burning his turkey in the oven" and everyone goes back to normal. You don't just say "well, there's smoke, so there can't be fire and we're not going to look at it".

Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Nevada all announced that they were stopping counting ballots around midnight on election night, then resumed with massive spikes for Biden. Video in Georgia is now showing that the idea that they stopped was a lie.
I get all that but it still doesn't change anything... there's just not enough substantiated findings. At least not yet. I'm well aware that legitimate court proceedings are still playing out but to be perfectly blunt.... Yes. I'm tired of MAGA. And I know he won't go away. 2024 will be a dumpster fire. But at least I can watch the news again without bursting out laughing at the latest idiocracy.


See what I mean? Real fraud stands up to legal scrutiny. Whining does not.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I get all that but it still doesn't change anything... there's just not enough substantiated findings. At least not yet. I'm well aware that legitimate court proceedings are still playing out but to be perfectly blunt.... Yes. I'm tired of MAGA. And I know he won't go away. 2024 will be a dumpster fire. But at least I can watch the news again without bursting out laughing at the latest idiocracy.


See what I mean? Real fraud stands up to legal scrutiny. Whining does not.
From that article:

"Parker’s 35-page opinion, released just before 2 A.M. Monday, found the legal argument of the Trump electors defective for multiple reasons, most notably that the suit was moot because the state had already certified President-elect Joe Biden’s win in the state, sending his slate of electors to the Electoral College. She also found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the suit, and brought it too late to be heard."

So, no findings at all about the fraud. In fact, the judge didn't even bother to look at the evidence. Instead, we just get a "too late, it's over, you lose".

And, frankly, I'm fairly sure that's the end result. I'm not trying to change or overturn that. I'm just trying to see if anyone actually believes it was legitimate. I know of no one who does personally, so I'm checking online.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Our of curiosity, did you actually read those stories and/or watch the videos? The claims made by the "fact checkers" are completely debunked by the video in question. So the guy who runs the elections says "this did not happen", and you take his word over the video evidence that you can see with your own eyes?


So, they weren't asked to leave, right? That didn't happen, because the "fact checker" spoke to someone who said it didn't happen? Even though the video shows them being spoken to and then leaving, and left wing news reported them being asked to leave at the time?

I mean, for one thing, the video in question is a lot longer than the 90 seconds that they "fact check" there. Let alone the idea that asking someone who ran a system if the system had problems is also not a "fact check".

Also, I'd be a little less about the political party of those involved. The establishment is corrupt as hell, in both parties.

Oh look. More completely off topic discussion because you are desperate to discuss anything EXCEPT the obvious and blatant election fraud that took place.
Oh look. A lemming.

And given you completely ignored my other post, I would say you are terrible at debating. But I will ask again, if trump is soooo great. What has he done in policies that has directly benefitted you? What monumental thing did he do that makes you so gullible happy.

I see him cutting environment restrictions when our climate is dying.
I see him putting children in cages.
I see him damaging relations with allies.
I see him making friends with russia and others that wish to do the USA harm.
I see him eroding our freedom of press.

From that article:

"Parker’s 35-page opinion, released just before 2 A.M. Monday, found the legal argument of the Trump electors defective for multiple reasons, most notably that the suit was moot because the state had already certified President-elect Joe Biden’s win in the state, sending his slate of electors to the Electoral College. She also found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the suit, and brought it too late to be heard."

So, no findings at all about the fraud. In fact, the judge didn't even bother to look at the evidence. Instead, we just get a "too late, it's over, you lose".

And, frankly, I'm fairly sure that's the end result. I'm not trying to change or overturn that. I'm just trying to see if anyone actually believes it was legitimate. I know of no one who does personally, so I'm checking online.
When it comes to the fake fraud screaming. so far they have had 46ish suits and not provided anything substantial that could say fraud. You would think they would have so much evidence that those 46 loses would not have happened. they had a hearing where people where no under oath and could ramble all they wanted. We had a lady say all Chinese looked alike.
So far nothing. It is LITERALLY the boston bombers witch hunt all over again. Arm chair detectives hunting for absolutely anything they cannot explain so they can justify their position. So far, most if not all inconsisitencies have been explained without the need for flailing around fraud. You cannot look at a video go "SEE PROOF OF FRAUD!!!!" and beleive it in your heart when mostly likely it was standard protocol. We would have expected atleast some form of proof, but nooooo. They are supposedly hiding ALL the proof until they get to the SC or some stupid thing like that. This is a witch hunt. plain and simple and you and all the others are looking for truth in white noise and misinformation.

Man. Those leftists and their protests and threats.

And lets not forget about priorities with covid.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
From that article:

"Parker’s 35-page opinion, released just before 2 A.M. Monday, found the legal argument of the Trump electors defective for multiple reasons, most notably that the suit was moot because the state had already certified President-elect Joe Biden’s win in the state, sending his slate of electors to the Electoral College. She also found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the suit, and brought it too late to be heard."

So, no findings at all about the fraud. In fact, the judge didn't even bother to look at the evidence. Instead, we just get a "too late, it's over, you lose".

And, frankly, I'm fairly sure that's the end result. I'm not trying to change or overturn that. I'm just trying to see if anyone actually believes it was legitimate. I know of no one who does personally, so I'm checking online.
...you don't really think a federal judge makes a statement without thinking do you? Obviously they read it all and found that whatever was there wasn't enough to stand against precedent.

Look at it like this...

Democrats felt the same way when they thought russia handed Trump the presidency.

OH yeah...

I believe it's as legit as we should expect. I truly believe there's more support for Biden than Trump just like Clinton vs Bush


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Alright now, no need to stick it with a poke.

Wait I have to Understand. How can millions of votes for Biden and Trump be so close?

Answer: The voting districts are carefully... brilliantly planned decades ahead of time by the Gurus at the top of the DNC and RNC machines.... So honestly the only way to stay ahead of the game is watching where your supporters live and buttering them up.

Both of them did that... People think Trump's campaign never ended because that's how he works. But that's beside the point. I think everyone that wanted a say had one and a lot of people wanted a say this time AND it was easier to vote so long as you can follow instructions like when you do taxes so everyone hopefully.
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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007

That is not authoritarian by any means. This is a disgrace.

And look at those peace loving Non violent Trump supporters. I mean. They would never be as bad as ANTIFA.

And this is not terrorism. It is just a friendly brunch.

And now police kill a violent man that was just following the law. I mean, he deserved it right? The police surely werw justified and qe should just ignore another example of this crap. /s
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains

That is not authoritarian by any means. This is a disgrace.

And look at those peace loving Non violent Trump supporters. I mean. They would never be as bad as ANTIFA.

And this is not terrorism. It is just a friendly brunch.

And now police kill a violent man that was just following the law. I mean, he deserved it right? The police surely werw justified and qe should just ignore another example of this crap. /s
Can someone do me a solid and post the most violent and least violent raw videos of both ANTIFA and Proud Boys? So 4 links. Doing what? I dunno, eating cheeseburgers - it's irrelevant to this request.


Do I believe my vote counted toward Biden in Jackson CO MS? Sure! I guess...it was easy. Show up on Saturday before election day at the courthouse with mask on. Why won't you be able to vote in your designated polling sight on Nov 3?

They ask after a 40 min line.

I will be out of the county that day.


I present my Shiny new RealID MS DL AND Voter Registration Card with Matching Addresses.

Thank you fill this out. And hands Me an Absentee Ballot.

Drop in bucket labeled BALLOT BOX when done.

Jackson CO MS voted
JacksonTrump +35



Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007

Ugg. More political theater. Hopefully it is thrown out given there is no evidence. But i also think we should sure south carolina, florida, ohio and Kentucky given gerrymandering and using the pandemic to squash the vote.

Will you lookat that. Trump did notnstartany new conflicts. He certainly did not stop any. Looks like he made one worse.

BREAKING: Michigan Federal Court DENIES Republican motion to maintain and preserve election data and machines for inspection.

Trump and his allies are now 1-51 in post-election litigation.

They lost 51 times so far... let that sink in.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I voted completely out of the country and back in September.

1. Contacted my county office in Ohio by email and filled out a form to request my ballot. Included my expired drivers license and my Japanese foreigner registration ID card plus it’s translation.

2. Two days later, I received my ballot which I printed out. I then voted for each section.

3. I addressed it to my county office in an envelope and attached a “postage paid” sticker provided by the internets. Then placed said envelope in a larger one addressed to the US Embassy in Tokyo. I then paid to have it sent there so that they would send via expedited shipping. Postage to Tokyo was about $5.

Easy peazy. I found my ballot was processed on the 25th of October. Other americans here had no idea what to do. I know at least four who sent their ballot via snail mail and not the embassy route on November 2nd in Japan and would arrive four weeks later. Another mailed it to her sister instead of her polling station and her sister never received that mail. Most I talked to did do it correctly and early; even in August.

A good majority of expats tend to vote Democrat and has a rather dismal view of the US. Of course, a few of them have nice things to say of America but most are very happy to live out of the country but still enjoy the benefits of being an American citizen abroad.

I’ve only met one person who was outspokenly Republican during my time here. He’s Q/Flat Earther/Anti-Vax/Proud Boys/Race Realist/Holocaust Denier/etc. He is generally a very horrible, angry, condescending person to be around and has made offensive statements against blacks (one of our teachers is African American) and Jews (and we have a Jewish teacher). I could go on at length about this guy but I’ve tried to distance myself from his (despite sitting next to him at the office) after he said I should be arrested for giving my children autism for giving them mandatory vaccinations to attend schools here and, more recently, mocking my parents and grandma for catching the “wuflu” as he calls it.

The Japanese also has a negative view of the US with most usually citing Trump and his policies. While the Japanese tends to be apolitical, they are interested in Japanese politics. Most I’ve talked to said that American politics (including Trump) are crazy, idiotic, chaotic, and entertaining. In fact, I have made a good amount of friends all over the world in my line of work and have talked to many people from different countries. Many of them had anywhere from a slightly to a fully negative view of America which I noticed had become more pronounced since 2016. It’s become a point where I say “Yes, I’m American”, and you get “oh...that’s nice”, “Oh, that’s too bad.” or even an eye roll. It can get a bit unnerving but it’s understandable from my point of view since America doesn’t give a good impression from the outside looking in. I’ve tried to reassure my mother-in-law but she is worried my wife is going to get shot or attacked cause she’s asian when we move back to Ohio come Spring.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
The Attorney Generals of the four battleground states mentioned in Paxton's lawsuit condemned his legal filing as anti-democratic and without merit.

It's going to be a long few weeks to January 20. I'm going to bite a hole through my lip until then.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
The Attorney Generals of the four battleground states mentioned in Paxton's lawsuit condemned his legal filing as anti-democratic and without merit.

It's going to be a long few weeks to January 20. I'm going to bite a hole through my lip until then.
I think it will all be over tomorrow. This is all straw grasping. The Supreme court threw out one of the more reasonable cases yesterday. So it is home stretch.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I think it will all be over tomorrow. This is all straw grasping. The Supreme court threw out one of the more reasonable cases yesterday. So it is home stretch.
Because they'd rather focus on one complaint which what they're designed to do. With the scotus being redder than blue riprgb ... We'll see. If they hear the complaint by the great state of Texas (ticksiss) then I will know how much bottom lip to expect lost.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Because they'd rather focus on one complaint which what they're designed to do. With the scotus being redder than blue riprgb ... We'll see. If they hear the complaint by the great state of Texas (ticksiss) then I will know how much bottom lip to expect lost.
From what I saw, the complaint has no merit. and If the SC does take the case and sides with Texas, state governments will be considered ineffective. I see it going nowhere.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
The language is crafty

But it boils down to whether or not the US Constitution was violated. It wasn't.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
The language is crafty

But it boils down to whether or not the US Constitution was violated. It wasn't.
Given 51 loses. I find it a frivolous lawsuit. And the old one wast not turned down due to the new one. that would make no sense. Tomorrow is the end unless the supreme court tries something funny, which I am doubting at the moment.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Well like I said they're not going to hear multiple versions of the same rhetoric. The reason they may have to hear it is because Texas is sueing those battleground states because their victor Biden et al will hurt them in down ballot races


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Well like I said they're not going to hear multiple versions of the same rhetoric. The reason they may have to hear it is because Texas is sueing those battleground states because their victor Biden et al will hurt them in down ballot races
I dont see that logic. Why throw a suite you already have out to accept another one that has even less merit. And given that so far they have so many cases saying nothing happened, it is basically Texas just mad on how those states did business. Which is breaking the whole state rights concept. It is just a shot in the dark by a guy whom himself is under pressure. if anything, he is trying to get a pardon from Trump. But given everything and the way the winds are going, I see it as another desperate act that will go nowhere.

Lets look at the flip side of this. If the SC does take the case and does actually rule on it to change the election, the entire voting process will be axed. States can and will sure other states all the time to push their agenda. Imagine California suing the entire East coast for voting fraud due to gerrymandering. It would be a disaster. Nothing is going to happen.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I dont see that logic. Why throw a suite you already have out to accept another one that has even less merit. And given that so far they have so many cases saying nothing happened, it is basically Texas just mad on how those states did business. Which is breaking the whole state rights concept. It is just a shot in the dark by a guy whom himself is under pressure. if anything, he is trying to get a pardon from Trump. But given everything and the way the winds are going, I see it as another desperate act that will go nowhere.

Lets look at the flip side of this. If the SC does take the case and does actually rule on it to change the election, the entire voting process will be axed. States can and will sure other states all the time to push their agenda. Imagine California suing the entire East coast for voting fraud due to gerrymandering. It would be a disaster. Nothing is going to happen.
I am definitely not predicting scotus will vote to overturn appointed electors. I do however agree with their decision to not take up PA issue because it's already been decided by their state and this was an appeal of a state decision which they have no real jurisdiction over.

However, Texas is taking it straight to scotus so they have an argument. They have to prove harm by the defendents, the 4 states Paxton is suing. Totally different case type and like I said cleverly written. Proving harm is the tough part. I don't personally buy that Biden winning those 4 states makes Texans hurt somehow. It's kinda dumb. Plus as you've pointed out Precedent is kin to Scope and scotus doesn't make decisions lightly so throwing it out by not hearing it is the safest non political move.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
I am definitely not predicting scotus will vote to overturn appointed electors. I do however agree with their decision to not take up PA issue because it's already been decided by their state and this was an appeal of a state decision which they have no real jurisdiction over.

However, Texas is taking it straight to scotus so they have an argument. They have to prove harm by the defendents, the 4 states Paxton is suing. Totally different case type and like I said cleverly written. Proving harm is the tough part. I don't personally buy that Biden winning those 4 states makes Texans hurt somehow. It's kinda dumb. Plus as you've pointed out Precedent is kin to Scope and scotus doesn't make decisions lightly so throwing it out by not hearing it is the safest non political move.
I dont think they will hear it. Texas should have sued a month ago if it was really harm.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains

For entertainment:

For those interested this map includes the 4 States in the Paxton Maneuver's electors but adds Arizona (11) and Nevada (6).

Seeing as the door is shut on Arizona (the map hasn't been updated since the 4th) and other updates like PA there's no reason to not report Arizona, Nevada and PA as locks so it'd be Biden 264 Trump 232. Meaning Biden needs only 1 of the Paxton states truly flipped from Trump for US voters of the mindset the election was untrustworthy to say OK we lost.

Back to reality now.

In truth MI and WI are also locked Biden.

Ha. So honestly it's just hanging on threads. He should have conceded with a dignified elbow bump while masked and winked as he left bc he gonna be the 2nd President in US history to run again 4 years later and win.

(Reality, remember?)

Oh, right... Dignified isn't he. Moreso like a man whose lifelong tantrums have taken their toll.

Doesn't he look tired?


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007

For entertainment:

For those interested this map includes the 4 States in the Paxton Maneuver's electors but adds Arizona (11) and Nevada (6).

Seeing as the door is shut on Arizona (the map hasn't been updated since the 4th) and other updates like PA there's no reason to not report Arizona, Nevada and PA as locks so it'd be Biden 264 Trump 232. Meaning Biden needs only 1 of the Paxton states truly flipped from Trump for US voters of the mindset the election was untrustworthy to say OK we lost.
Given they did 3 recounts in Georgia and fund no discrepancies, I think it will be Georgia to decide the victory.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Nevada has not joined the suit but apparently Arizona did heh whatever now they're just telling the world they're willing to sign their states off as Trump States.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Nevada has not joined the suit but apparently Arizona did heh whatever now they're just telling the world they're willing to sign their states off as Trump States.
Might be civil war part 2. We will see what happens.
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