Videos aren't absolutely proof of wrong doing, though. I mean, unless you were there, and know the context of the moment in a video - whether edited or raw - it's still just a video. I won't ever profess to KNOW what these instances since 11/3 actually are.
I know that poll workers sent poll observers home (this was verified by ABC and other news outlets at the time, and backed up by sworn witness testimony), then pulled out boxes of ballots and started tabulating them with no one else present (as shown by video evidence). Do I know exactly what happened? Nope. That's what the poll observers are supposed to be there for, but they were sent home. Is it proof beyond a reasonable doubt of wrong doing? Yep. Does it mean that they counted all of those votes for Biden? No (although it's highly likely, given that the number of ballots in those crates would correspond to the vote dump that happened when it was officially announced that counting was resuming hours later).
It's entirely possible that they were counting them all legitimately. That they were hidden under the table for some valid reason, etcetera. You are correct in that we cannot tell if they were counted accurately in the video. That's why we have poll observers there, to question such things and to reassure us all that everything's okay. They're there so that I can't make these claims. That's why the law requires them to be there. So that I can't call the election fraudulent. It's an important step. At least, it's important to those who care about open, honest, and fair elections.
I mean, wouldn't you much rather be able to go "see, everything was counted normally, there were no questions, the annoying Republicans were there making a bunch of challenges, but everything was cleared up and we won" than just "well, witness testimony and video still isn't enough. Everything was normal because that's what the media said"?
What I do know is that ever since Trump "won" in 2016 the American People have had to spend more time and effort on Politics than I can remember going back to the Carter Adminstration. Good or bad? Bad! Because instead of handling our **** we've allowed ourselves to degenerate to 3rd world status in dozens of categories and it's frankly sad.
Which categories, exactly?
If you only decided that politics are important because the legacy media has been screaming "orange man bad" for the past four years, maybe you should rethink what you actually support and believe. Because that's the biggest thing that's changed about how we view politics.
Well, that, and that Trump has proven the corruption of the mainstream political establishment over and over again.
And now you're admitting that you're just going to go to sleep and ignore the political world because the media won't be screaming at you about it? Because they'll be giving you stories about Biden getting a cat instead of actually covering news? And that's all you want? To be able to ignore political reality?
As for the 2020 election look...even GA's own government won't move because it's all smoke. The fire went out when Biden took PA.
Trump and Kemp spoke by phone hours before Trump held a rally on Saturday
Um... If anything, that's not a point in Biden's favor. Because "Biden took X" is largely all media calls, and has been since the beginning. Pennsylvania has just as many questions as Georgia. They not only kicked out poll workers, they boarded up windows and moved objects in between observers and the ballots to ensure that they could not be witnessed. If an official in one state is giving up because of the messaging in another state, then all that means is that the election is being decided by media messaging, not voters. Is that what you want?
If there is smoke, you investigate for fire. Then you're done investigating and you say "yep, it was just your neighbor burning his turkey in the oven" and everyone goes back to normal. You don't just say "well, there's smoke, so there can't be fire and we're not going to look at it".
Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Nevada all announced that they were stopping counting ballots around midnight on election night, then resumed with massive spikes for Biden. Video in Georgia is now showing that the idea that they stopped was a lie.