"You have to play with the cards that you're dealt."
I have an issue with the point you are trying to make. Policies like medicare for all, ending the wars, a green new deal, and removing the wealthy class are INCREDIBLY popular. For crying out loud, we have been in Afghanistan for over NINETEEN years.
Just look at this poll that shows how many voters truly care about medicare for all. And Biden supports, well, none of those. During the Democratic primary, the media was bashing Bernie Sanders 24/7. They claimed Biden was more electable, and later in the primary, all of the other candidates jumped to Joe Biden. There are many left-wing people out there, especially young people, and Biden isn't left.
Biden has a horrible history of heavily supporting the Iraq War (Image of Bush talking about the Iraq War with Biden), signing the Crime Bill of 1994, and many other horrible things. He straight up said that he would veto Medicare for All if it got into his desk, and told his firms that "
nothing would fundamentally change". There is a valid reason that many leftists are frustrated with Biden. The reason why a lot of leftists voted for Biden is that they just wanted Trump out, not because of the candidate. Why do all presidents always end up being puppets for the rich? Why do socialists have basically no power? Ever since the Cold War, America went on its way to crush socialism, domestically and internationally. Climate change is rampant, these wars are causing a lot of civilian deaths, the richer are getting richer, and many people in America are still dying to COVID-19 today. Some policies such as medicare for all would help with these issues immensely. If the people were truly to decide what system they wanted, it would be socialism. Even if a progressive like AOC were to be president, she would still have to deal with the Senate and the House, and the wealthy class. The issues that plague America that can be solved by socialism, are rampant and are getting worse. More people are beginning to understand this. Capitalism is a failed system.
Also Bernie and AOC aren't "far" left. They are social democrats, you know, the people that want a system like what the Nordic countries have. The Nordic system is not a far-left system, like communism or anarchism. The Nordic countries aren't even socialist. The reason why their citizens have such high standards of living is because of
imperialism, and unions being very powerful in there.
Also it is too late for Trump. You made a good point about Republicans distancing themselves from Trump. The election is over, Biden clearly won. And man, Trump is pissed, looool.