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2020 US Presidential Election Discussion

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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Oh I'm well aware, it's just that he's REALLY going to suffer dire consequences for dire actions for once and it's kinda funny to me
The question is: how will he spend his last two months in office?


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
That's obvious, insist that the election's a scam while constantly kicking and screaming and egging on his supporters to start a civil war
Wonder what kind of scandal he'll try to pull on Biden.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
That's obvious, insist that the election's a scam while constantly kicking and screaming and egging on his supporters to start a civil war
He is going to burn the place down. Insight violence and whatever he can do before they kick him out.

Also recounts. Lots and lots of recounts.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
When was the last time we had a one-time-term guy? Carter? At least Carter went out on his own accord, so who ran again and lost last time?
There's also the case of incumbent George Bush, after Reagan. Lost to Clinton.

The Reeead myyyy lips, nooo neeew taxes guy


Heh. Thems were the days! **** B's Christmas commercials for sports illustrated... #EthcaSketchAnimator2000

But yeah. Out with old in with the new won Clinton his chance to... Enjoy being the President of the United States.

Americans have been trying to relive the freedom pre 9/11 which ruined America frankly.

This is technically an extension of Obama Era grandeur but we'll see how Joe Biden's personality differences shape this administration. Yaaaaay.

Interesting note looking at US counties basically Blue money outweighed Red money bc green is where it's at.

And this bunker story and parallel to the shamed Iranian Dictator means skeptics were right from the start. Game Show Hosts Make Terrible Presidents.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I' m glad that Biden won. Trump was an utter embarrassment to our country and I hope Bidan can fix this country.

Last thing I head about Trump is that he is on a golf course. I imagine his ego must be crushed and he's planning a way to get back at Biden. He said he was taking this to court. Something tells me that won't do much though.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
I know people are excited to see the orange obese turtle go, but we are still in quarantine people.

Looking up also. Not sure it us over. We still have recounts to survive. Looks like all key battleground states can or will be recounting. Which is plenty of time for trickery.
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Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2011
Lmao, it is what it is, you win some you lose some Can already see the softball criticisms yall gonna give biden. Yall really gonna act like there was 0 ****ery going on in ballot counting? Aight but keep that same energy in 4 years.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Lmao, it is what it is, you win some you lose some Can already see the softball criticisms yall gonna give biden. Yall really gonna act like there was 0 ****ery going on in ballot counting? Aight but keep that same energy in 4 years.
Softball critisms of what? The election or biden in general? He gets his critisims once he in office doing things.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
So as for a non-American view I'm happy that Biden has won. Brings a sigh of relief to people over where I am and for the better.

Pretty much speaking, almost everyone here in the UK and Ireland (unless you are Nigel Farage and his cronies) doesn't like Trump. All this means I can stop worrying each week whether he's cracked and decided to start a random war somewhere.

Biden however does mean that the "Special Relationship" with the UK isn't on the cards compared to Germany and France for closest European Allies cause of a certain Brexit. As for Ireland, I can see him visiting both the North and the South of Ireland on one of his first foreign visits. Joe is not a fan of Boris either.

He's not the perfect candidate in my eyes but I do believe he can help bridge the divides a bit. Now if only Brexit can be undone (or Scottish Independence and Irish Reunification to spice things up), then we can go back to normal somewhat, bar pandemic.


Sep 26, 2013
Lmao, it is what it is, you win some you lose some Can already see the softball criticisms yall gonna give biden. Yall really gonna act like there was 0 ****ery going on in ballot counting? Aight but keep that same energy in 4 years.
I believe that Chris Christie, a Republican who has worked with Trump in the past, to the point that Trump gave him COVID for crying out loud, put it best.

"If you're gonna say those things from behind the podium at the White House, it's his right to do it, it's his right to pursue legal action. But show us the evidence. I want to know what backs up what he said so that I can analyze it. And let me tell you, if he's right, I'll be outraged and I'm sure you would be too, and if he's wrong then the American people are going to be able to make the judgment about this election that the results have been fair."

He's effectively saying "Put up, or shut up", and unless Trump can actually provide evidence of fraud, all it does is make him look like a screaming manbaby. If there IS evidence we don't know about, by all means, show it, but if there isn't, then he has no excuse. The fact that soo many Republicans as of late have distanced themselves from him, even decrying the idea of fraud, seems to think they think this election is legitimate, and while of course you're going to have the wackjobs like Giuliani, the evidence will speak louder than any person on TV ever could, and until we see the evidence, the only people you're convincing that there's fraud are people who want to believe that the only reason that Trump could lose in the first place is because the election was rigged from the start.

As for Biden himself, look at this thread and see people realize "He's not who I wanted, but it's the hand we're dealt". You got to play with the cards that you're dealt. If you think the Left will go easy on Biden, a candidate that the die hard Left isn't even excited for, one that's extremely more Moderate than your typical Twitter Liberal, you're the crazy one. Biden will be torn into by the extreme Left like no one's business, that's already happening, and has been happening since Bernie or AOC lost the candidacy, two candidates which better represent what the hardcore Left want nowadays. Look how many people are going "Trump lost :)! Biden won :(..." Or "Sweet, I can now criticize Biden without being labeled as a Trump supporter!" right now.

I think this Tweet pretty much sums up how most people feel right now, or will feel once the "TRUMP'S GONE!" feeling wears off:


If there is fraud, by all means, bring it to light, bring it before the SC and show the whole world... we all want a fair and just election where every vote counts, but until that day comes, I'm sorry Mr.President, but it's like your die hard followers always said, "Cope." I will say, if nothing else, the things Trump said in the last few days were anything but patriotic or showing of a democracy. "STOP THE COUNT!" will probably go down in the books as one of the biggest memes of 2020. Declaring yourself the victor before the votes are even done being counted is extremely sus... and I'm sorry, but I need to say this now, how Trump has handled himself on Twitter over the last 4 years, especially in the last few days, isn't a good look for the leader of the friggen free world, it's how a 4chan troll looks.
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Deleted member

So non-Americans, I have a question.

How do you view this election?

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Biden will be torn into by the extreme Left like no one's business, that's already happening, and has been happening since Bernie or AOC lost the candidacy, two candidates which better represent what the hardcore Left want nowadays. Look how many people are going "Trump lost :)! Biden won :(..." Or "Sweet, I can now criticize Biden without being labeled as a Trump supporter!" right now.
Err, AOC didn't run for President. She was not old enough to. Did you mean Warren?


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2018
My house
Switch FC
I'll put my two cents here. Biden winning is great and all. We won't have to deal with Trump for four more years. He ain't Bernie, but he'll do fine.
The real concern is getting the Democrats the Senate majority. We need Ossoff and Warnocke to win their elections. If not, then we're gonna have to deal with McConnell's shenanigans again.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Not sure how likely this scenario would be, but I'd hate to see what'd happen if they did a recount and Trump miraculously took the victory again, after Biden is being declared the winner.

Deleted member

As for Biden himself, look at this thread and see people realize "He's not who I wanted, but it's the hand we're dealt". You got to play with the cards that you're dealt. If you think the Left will go easy on Biden, a candidate that the die hard Left isn't even excited for, one that's extremely more Moderate than your typical Twitter Liberal, you're the crazy one. Biden will be torn into by the extreme Left like no one's business, that's already happening, and has been happening since Bernie or AOC lost the candidacy, two candidates which better represent what the hardcore Left want nowadays. Look how many people are going "Trump lost :)! Biden won :(..." Or "Sweet, I can now criticize Biden without being labeled as a Trump supporter!" right now.
"You have to play with the cards that you're dealt."

I have an issue with the point you are trying to make. Policies like medicare for all, ending the wars, a green new deal, and removing the wealthy class are INCREDIBLY popular. For crying out loud, we have been in Afghanistan for over NINETEEN years. Just look at this poll that shows how many voters truly care about medicare for all. And Biden supports, well, none of those. During the Democratic primary, the media was bashing Bernie Sanders 24/7. They claimed Biden was more electable, and later in the primary, all of the other candidates jumped to Joe Biden. There are many left-wing people out there, especially young people, and Biden isn't left. Biden has a horrible history of heavily supporting the Iraq War (Image of Bush talking about the Iraq War with Biden), signing the Crime Bill of 1994, and many other horrible things. He straight up said that he would veto Medicare for All if it got into his desk, and told his firms that "nothing would fundamentally change". There is a valid reason that many leftists are frustrated with Biden. The reason why a lot of leftists voted for Biden is that they just wanted Trump out, not because of the candidate. Why do all presidents always end up being puppets for the rich? Why do socialists have basically no power? Ever since the Cold War, America went on its way to crush socialism, domestically and internationally. Climate change is rampant, these wars are causing a lot of civilian deaths, the richer are getting richer, and many people in America are still dying to COVID-19 today. Some policies such as medicare for all would help with these issues immensely. If the people were truly to decide what system they wanted, it would be socialism. Even if a progressive like AOC were to be president, she would still have to deal with the Senate and the House, and the wealthy class. The issues that plague America that can be solved by socialism, are rampant and are getting worse. More people are beginning to understand this. Capitalism is a failed system.

Also Bernie and AOC aren't "far" left. They are social democrats, you know, the people that want a system like what the Nordic countries have. The Nordic system is not a far-left system, like communism or anarchism. The Nordic countries aren't even socialist. The reason why their citizens have such high standards of living is because of imperialism, and unions being very powerful in there.

Also it is too late for Trump. You made a good point about Republicans distancing themselves from Trump. The election is over, Biden clearly won. And man, Trump is pissed, looool.
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Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
It was being discussed on chinese media. Something like 6000 votes were misgiven to biden
Sorry for the late reply, but Chinese media is often sketchy. If it is legit, I hope those votes get recounted properly. But I've come across a few instances of pro-Trump propaganda coming out of China, and outside-of-China media outlets owned by mostly-Chinese staff. It makes me skeptical of stories that come from Chinese sources.


Sep 26, 2013
"You have to play with the cards that you're dealt."

I have an issue with the point you are trying to make. Policies like medicare for all, ending the wars, a green new deal, and removing the wealthy class are INCREDIBLY popular. For crying out loud, we have been in Afghanistan for over NINETEEN years. Just look at this poll that shows how many voters truly care about medicare for all. And Biden supports, well, none of those. During the Democratic primary, the media was bashing Bernie Sanders 24/7. They claimed Biden was more electable, and later in the primary, all of the other candidates jumped to Joe Biden. There are many left-wing people out there, especially young people, and Biden isn't left. Biden has a horrible history of heavily supporting the Iraq War (Image of Bush talking about the Iraq War with Biden), signing the Crime Bill of 1994, and many other horrible things. He straight up said that he would veto Medicare for All if it got into his desk, and told his firms that "nothing would fundamentally change". There is a valid reason that many leftists are frustrated with Biden. The reason why a lot of leftists voted for Biden is that they just wanted Trump out, not because of the candidate. Why do all presidents always end up being puppets for the rich? Why do socialists have basically no power? Ever since the Cold War, America went on its way to crush socialism, domestically and internationally. Climate change is rampant, these wars are causing a lot of civilian deaths, the richer are getting richer, and many people in America are still dying to COVID-19 today. Some policies such as medicare for all would help with these issues immensely. If the people were truly to decide what system they wanted, it would be socialism. Even if a progressive like AOC were to be president, she would still have to deal with the Senate and the House, and the wealthy class. The issues that plague America that can be solved by socialism, are rampant and are getting worse. More people are beginning to understand this. Capitalism is a failed system.

Also Bernie and AOC aren't "far" left. They are social democrats, you know, the people that want a system like what the Nordic countries have. The Nordic system is not a far-left system, like communism or anarchism. The Nordic countries aren't even socialist. The reason why their citizens have such high standards of living is because of imperialism, and unions being very powerful in there.

Also it is too late for Trump. You made a good point about Republicans distancing themselves from Trump. The election is over, Biden clearly won. And man, Trump is pissed, looool.
I say "You have to play with the cards you're dealt", because you do. Our options were Trump or Biden, and we weren't given any other options aside from "lol Independants". What do you want to do in this situation? You can not vote, you can leave the country and... that's about it, you don't have any other options when it came to this. Dunno why you went on a tangent about Socialism when that wasn't relevant to my point about "Playing with the cards that you're dealt". I've also made it abundantly clear that Biden wasn't the best choice. If we were talking about Bernie or AOC, I'd understand the lecture, but that part of the discussion had nothing to do with it.

The most power we have as citizens is to leave, vote, or revolt, and I can guarantee you, Americans are not going to start a 2nd Civil War. We're too damn lazy and complacent.
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Deleted member

I say "You have to play with the cards you're dealt", because you do. Our options were Trump or Biden, and we weren't given any other options aside from "lol Independants". What do you want to do in this situation? You can not vote, you can leave the country and... that's about it, you don't have any other options when it came to this. Dunno why you went on a tangent about Socialism when that wasn't relevant to my point about "Playing with the cards that you're dealt". If we were talking about Bernie or AOC, I'd understand the lecture, but that part of the discussion had nothing to do with it.
I went on about socialism, because if more people were actually aware of socialism, then many people would support socialism over neoliberalism. These candidates aren't what the people really want. If the government did not get involved, and the people could change their system, the system would defenitly be a socialist system.

Biden nor Trump weren't chosen by the people. They were picked by the elites. Why do you think Bernie Sanders was constantly harassed by the media and other Democrats during his campaign?


Sep 26, 2013
I went on about socialism, because if more people were actually aware of socialism, then many people would support socialism over neoliberalism. These candidates aren't what the people really want. If the government did not get involved, and the people could change their system, the system would defenitly be a socialist system.

Biden nor Trump weren't chosen by the people. They were picked by the elites. Why do you think Bernie Sanders was constantly harassed by the media and other Democrats during his campaign?
I mean, if the elites are in power, then there's not a whole hell of a lot the average joe can do. :drshrug:

That's my stance on it. I have no real desire to continue this conversation since I'm finally starting to relax after a hellish last few days lol. No more politics for me.

Deleted member

I mean, if the elites are in power, then there's not a whole hell of a lot the average joe can do. :drshrug:

That's my stance on it. I have no real desire to continue this conversation since I'm finally starting to relax after a hellish last few days lol. No more politics for me.
I'll end this conversation too with my last post.

Going back to brunch is a mistake. We have to learn from 2008. Just because Trump is gone, does not mean that huge issues will vanish. Biden is a neoliberal capitalist, and he's a horrible person. I think we can all be happy that Trump is gone, but things are NOT going to be flowers and sunshine once Biden is in office.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'll end this conversation too with my last post.

Going back to brunch is a mistake. We have to learn from 2008. Just because Trump is gone, does not mean that there will be huge issues. Biden is a neoliberal capitalist, and he's a horrible person. I think we can all be happy that Trump is gone, but things are NOT going to be flowers and sunshine once Biden is in office.
We know.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
All I can say is. Yay. Trump is gone. but now F biden. He needs to get his butt in gear, fix the environment and all the Trump damage and better not continue selling us out to corporations.

We will get Trump 2.0 if he fails all that, and I guarantee that Trump 2.0 will not be so stupid.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
So, Reddit->Controversy is swamped with posts of voter fraud, etc. Any legitimacy. I saw one about Georgia investigating Fulton county, an other about dead people. I mean, i all looks like crazy talk to me, but I do want to see what others think of it.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
So just to be sure I'm up to date since Google fixin to go dark for me again...

Biden is correctly designated President - Elect.

Trump is boo whoing like a 5 year old.

And unless Pennsylvania recounts he couldn't be re-elected anyway.


Deleted member

To all of the people telling the left to stop criticizing Biden:

Are we just not allowed to point out the flaws? Biden's history is right there, and it is atrocious.

Yeah, it is nice to see Trump gone, but that doesn't mean you have to worship a war criminal and a cop taking office.
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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
So just to be sure I'm up to date since Google fixin to go dark for me again...

Biden is correctly designated President - Elect.

Trump is boo whoing like a 5 year old.

And unless Pennsylvania recounts he couldn't be re-elected anyway.

The Trump brigade is trying to recount all swing states, with the opinion that it was fraudulent. I am worried that the powers that be fall for the bull and Trump steals the election.

Deleted member

It's over for Trump, lol. He is grasping at straws.

Pretty much everyone accepted that Biden is president.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
He's not going to be able to get recounts in states he's not within the recount threshold though so unless Pennsylvania is within their threshold Biden has won.

I think most politicians will try to distinguish themselves by how they accept this transition.

And with Kamala Harris as VP I think the Progressive Agenda will actually align well with this Administration so long as politicians like Bernie Sanders help keep things on track. We'll know more when the Cabinet is fully assembled.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
So, Reddit->Controversy is swamped with posts of voter fraud, etc. Any legitimacy. I saw one about Georgia investigating Fulton county, an other about dead people. I mean, i all looks like crazy talk to me, but I do want to see what others think of it.
Unfortunately, the truth of the matter will be inherently less viral; people are more excited by and will more quickly share something if it seems like there's dubious/fraudulent/illegal activity. It's a lot less interesting if it's just "Nope, nothing wrong here."
I can't track down fact check pages without specificity, but tons of them are around right now and the vast majority of them related to the election process turn up false. Even the small number of ones that would favor Biden if true.

To all of the people telling the left to stop criticizing Biden:

Are we just not allowed to point out the flaws? Biden's history is right there, and it is atrocious.

Yeah, it is nice to see Trump gone, but that doesn't mean you have to worship a war criminal and a cop taking office.
Did anyone in this thread do this...? I'm not sure which users you're talking to.
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Deleted member

Did anyone in this thread do this...? I'm not sure which users you're talking to.
No, no one in thread did. I have seen a lot of people do this though.

They idolize Biden and Harris like they are some savior angel, and they get mad when leftists point out the correct flaws of Biden and Harris. You can't escape the truth.
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I will endure 2 more months of Trump. After that time, on Inauguration Day, I will close this discussion and we can discuss the importance of the grassroots, the overall momentum of the Progressive Movement, and future success of the Biden/Harris Administration.

In the meantime there's still plenty to discuss regarding the 2020 Election. Absolutely it has been an unprecedented event. What we should not do is continue this topic without at least a proper Thesis on the floor.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
So non-Americans, I have a question.

How do you view this election?
With a profound sense of joy and glee.

I'm mainly worried now about what Trump could be plotting from now until January 20th. Although I suppose if Four Seasons Total Landscaping is any indication maybe I shouldn't be all that worried....
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Trump sandbagged his whole universe from day 1 and now he's going to take as much of the US as he can down with him. I'm almost starting to get the impression he may fall under duress statutes and let Pence handle transition but that's Pelosi's call. Hopefully she won't take as long as getting a second stimulus payment out before Christmas. (still haven't gotten my first *cough").


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
Biden is far from my ideal politician. I'd much rather see Bernie or AOC as president (am of course aware she's too young right now, but she's the best example of a politician I like). Biden is neoliberal corporate scum. But is he a step up from Trump? In my eyes, definitely.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Biden is far from my ideal politician. I'd much rather see Bernie or AOC as president (am of course aware she's too young right now, but she's the best example of a politician I like). Biden is neoliberal corporate scum. But is he a step up from Trump? In my eyes, definitely.
I should like to know more about this... Neoliberal Corporate Scum aspect to President Elect Joe Biden. Do you have a good article on subject? From my voting perspective he isn't poor so fits the profile of typical presidential candidate, he has been in government forever and he's likeable. I'm not even surprised if a shady business deal took place so long as it didn't jeopardize America lives.
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