When did the kurds "fight on our behalf"?
World War 2. They just didn’t have a country then so they couldn’t fight as one.
Getting us into no wars
How about a trade war with China that’s hurting American consumers the most?
producing the greatest economy is history
This is just flat out wrong.
Also, he was handed an economy on the rise thanks to Obama. We likely won’t see the effects of Trump’s policies on the economy fully for another few years at least. The economy is a large ship that takes a long time to steer. Furthermore, this also depends on how you define “economy”. If by “economy” you mean the value of stocks and how the rich people in America are doing, then yeah it’s doing great (definitely not the greatest in history but yeah pretty good and again mostly thanks to Obama). But if by “economy” you mean the size of the middle class and the debt to income ratio of most Americans then it is in a horrible place.
drug prices down
Lowest unemployment
Sure. But I’d argue it’s more important that people are actually earning a living wage. If there’s more people working minimum wage jobs but they still can’t make ends meet and are just increasing corporate profits and helping the CEO buy his 3rd yacht it doesn’t really matter.
Highest GDP
Sure but this isn’t translating into a better standard of living for everyday people.
Strongest military
This is true, but this has been true since WW2 and Trump for all his bluster is actually WEAKENING the military because he illegally siphoned off money from the military to try to pay for his wall when congress wouldn’t agree to such a stupid plan.
Renewed sense of country patriosm/nationalism
So you mean white nationalists committing mass murders? Got it.
Getting more people out to vote in a mid terms by far in history
LOL THIS IS CAUSE EVERYONE HATES HIM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH. So yes that’s good but buddy did you SEE what happened in 2018?? Those people who came out and voted did not like Trump.
median wage increase
This is very hard to accurately measure, see this article:
Yes I concede that wages have risen on average in the last few years, but the cost of living VASTLY outpaces this. And I'm not sure exactly what Trump has done to specifically cause this anyway.
Great job growth
See my comment about lowest unemployment.
Criminal justice reform
If by “reform” you mean his “I’m the President so I can’t commit a crime” nonsense then yeah I guess so. Actually curious what you’re referring to with this comment.
Not really sure what the point of that CNN video is. I mean yeah people at news organizations, especially ones that cover politics, are going to have opinions. If they didn’t that’d be super weird. I get that it’s trying to say that CNN is biased but I’ve seen a steady stream of neutral and pro-trump articles on there so it’s really just about what you want to believe. It must be nice to be a Trump supporter because if there’s anything you don’t like you can just scream fake news and go back into your bubble without having to do any research or critical thinking.
“A shame the state can’t suppress such evil rebellion”
Do you even hear yourself?? This is the kind of stuff that authoritarian regimes do, stuff that is actively happening in Hong Kong right now! I’ll quote the first amendment here for reference:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The last line there specifically deals with protesting or “evil rebellion” as you would call it. Peaceful protest is the FIRST cornerstone of our country. If a democrat gets elected and you don’t like what they’re doing you have a constitutional right to protest against them just like Democrats are doing now. Obviously the condition here is “peaceful” which could be defined differently by different people. In my opinion this means not causing physical harm to people and/or property but I suppose this definition could be debated.
And lastly, in regard to the recent video that surfaced. It’s absolutely disgusting and promoting violence against anyone should be vehemently condemned. You should feel exactly the same about this as when Kathy Griffin held up Trump’s severed head. They both crossed a dangerous line.