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Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Yeah man, like I said, those are just people ive played and have seen play. Id be happy to play you on wifi anytime and, how should I put it, gauge your skill? XD


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Who have you heard complaints from? Me and alaxe lagged from distance. I have perfect connection, but there would obviously be button lag from distance. I dont know where you get your information from.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
You don't know because I didn't post their names...

I'll lag test with you though. If it's ridiculous I'm not playing :3


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA

**** couldn't do anything w/ the delay -_-

1 second :x

Edit: When you were beating me up that was a lag test btw. >_>


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Let me explain. Lag is when your game is not running at 60 frames per second. We were running at 60 fps the entire match. Button delay is the time it takes for the button you pressed to reach the screen on the other guys tv. We did not lag, we had button delay. If we lagged, it would have been because of your connection, not mine.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I know what lag is.
As irrelevant as what you just pointed out was...

There was lag [minor issue], but there was delay [main issue].
And no, it's not me lagging.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Delay is just a part of online play. The only way to get around it is living closer to people. Your just going to have to get used to it.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
You make it sound as if I've never played online before.. of course delay is always going to be there.

Stop trying to justify your lag -_- The delay was bad, end of story. Skill can't be judged at that level.

I'm apparently not the first to point that either. *last post concerning lag* I'll let you get the last word buddy :o


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Skill can be judged at that level. Think of it this way. If I'm better than you on lag wifi, I'm going to be better than you in real life. Everyone does worse on wifi. And to get the last word, we live far away, there will be lag, you lost, I won, End of Story. :)

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
I hate to break up this little party going on in this threadz, but Kosk, because you beat him online doesn't automatically make you the better player offline. Online and offline are completely different games. Everyone knows this, you cannot judge someone's offline skill from their skill that they possess online.

I would probably get beat by an 8 year old online, mainly because I never play online and I don't really know how to play online. The lag throws my game off so bad I quit trying and just mess around. I know for a fact that some of the people that I've played online and they've got me to last stock and won matches or whatever, they wouldn't beat me in a single match in an offline match, because I've already proven this.

Someone I played who lived a city over played me online and beat me in games, and it had button delay. Played him in person a few days later and I constantly beat him by three stocks. Online skill doesn't automatically translate to offline skill. It takes a different kind of skill to be successful in online and offline matches.

The only way to really prove who the best Wolf is to have a national level tournament with all of these people claiming to be amazing attend and see what happens. And since that hasn't happened yet, we can only go by regional results and videos of how good they are doing against other big names. Until that happens, it's all speculation. So, we don't need any of these "I'M BETTER THAN YOU, HE SUCKS" posts, because it's not really justified, and it's not really necessary.

Thank you, that is all.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
The only reason I've taken it to this level is he was claiming that he has heard from all these people that I lag. Things like that don't sit well with me, and he wouldn't even say who said these things. Other than that, yeah your right, but online play is a rough estimate of skill. If I'm playing someone who doesn't know how to scar or 0 lag fair, or even step dodge, I'm assuming im going to be better than them in real life. Im not saying that K9 doesnt know how to do these things, it was just an example.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Yea online matches don't prove anything, and neither do wolf ditto's, they just prove who the best is at online play, and who the best wolf dittoer is. It would be the wolf who has won the most matches against high caliber people of another character, offline. So stop arguing and look at people's offline records. And if anybody who doesn't have vids or somebody else backing them up saying they're awesome that isn't a close friend, then don't say you're awesome. And no johns, you lose you lose, that person is better with button lag either play them in real life or shut up.

Edit: this wasn't aimed at K-9, it was more of a general statement

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Well, there is no point in taking it to that level. We aren't supposed to bickering over stupid crap like who is better than who, since that isn't really going to help fuel anything except hatred. Hate is good, but only when it is against stupid people and scrubs, both of which we aren't.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that online isn't even a rough estimate of skill to me, because I am about three zillion times worse online. You wouldn't even recognize it was me. That's how bad it is. K-9 is a very talented Wolf player in offline games, so there's no need to disrespect. Everyone is probably better offline, you just can't be sure how much better they get when they're offline.

Either way, it's just online friendlies, don't take these matches to heart. They're just that: a friendly.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Yea online matches don't prove anything, and neither do wolf ditto's, they just prove who the best is at online play, and who the best wolf dittoer is. It would be the wolf who has won the most matches against high caliber people of another character, offline. So stop arguing and look at people's offline records. And if anybody who doesn't have vids or somebody else backing them up saying they're awesome that isn't a close friend, then don't say you're awesome. And no johns, you lose you lose, that person is better with button lag either play them in real life or shut up.
For the record it was a lag test.

It was an online friendly, I was searching for a wolf to ditto. Don't make it sound so competitive! >_>


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Thanks for clearing the waters. But I'd have to say that online skill translating the offline skill is a debatable topic. Your skill it both areas of the game varies from person to person, so it would be a tough debate. But yeah, GG's anyway K-9, I'm down anytime, your good, unless I lag too much :p


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Yayuhzz is right...Some people base a lot of their game on precision...like, for example.

If you airdodge into a shield, your opponent has 3 frames to punish you in between. There is no way online that you can punish that. Online is completely different imo.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
Why do we need to know who the best wolf is? I'd like to know who is the best in the world but there are 2 obvious problems. 1) "best" is a relative term that varies based on opinion/experience 2) the way to test who is the "best" if we solve #1 would be waaaaaaaaayyy too difficult and not worth the information gained in the end in my opinion. Actually the concept of being best may or may not exist since there may be 2 wolfs of very similiar skill when best calls for one.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
honestly...i think im pretty high in the wolf rankings....and im not just saying that for no reason...i think im one of the best because ive played alot of wolf mirrors and it is extremely lose
and for the record...k9's wolf is super sexy ^_^
but yea...another reason is because i consistently place top 4th-7th in tourneys around 60 ppl such as critical hit and c3...and those of you that live in VA know how hard those tounreys are because basically the best ppl live there such as azen, chillin, chudat, forte, light, m2k( usually comes every other tourny with velocity), greg, meep, kirbster and many many many others...i can honestly say critical hit is probably 1 of the most competitive tounrey there is
ps: i will be uploading some videos either tonight or tomarrow morning because all the 1st online are pretty old...and i will be asking for ppl to rate my wolf and will ask for some criticism ^_^...this is probably the 1st time ive looked in the wolf forum haha but i think i'll be checking this place out more often =]


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
No candy, run. I regret ever posting in any of these threads >_< RUN!
You've been somewhat crowned in this thread, but RUN!
I know light is alright, but "best"? -_-;


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
You guys are lucky, some of us can't compete in regional tournies, because there aren't any within half a days trips. I'm tired of the myth that only good players are the ones in big tournies. Makes me sad to think people would give me 0 credit just because of where I live. Adjusting to online play is no different, from adjusting from melee to brawl. You just adjust to it.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
People that don't [or can't] attend tourneys can't complain about good players getting recognition though :x
They're considered good in the first place because they place consistently in tourneys.
It's not that people won't believe that you're good, it's just that they have no reason to :3

I don't understand your adjusting statement btw. T_T
Are you implying that an offline player should adjust with ease to online and play as if they were offline still?

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
You guys are lucky, some of us can't compete in regional tournies, because there aren't any within half a days trips. I'm tired of the myth that only good players are the ones in big tournies. Makes me sad to think people would give me 0 credit just because of where I live. Adjusting to online play is no different, from adjusting from melee to brawl. You just adjust to it.
You get no credit because you've earned no credit. Why should I sit here and believe that you're some amazing player when you've never done anything that has impressed me? Go win a big tournament or beat some big names in OFFLINE games and people will change their minds.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
I'm saying I can't prove it. My only way is online, and so many people just write it off saying onine doesn't matter, when in reality if you take time to adjust, it can be just as competitive. I CAN:T GO TO ANY DAM TOURNIES CAUSE THEY 6+ hours away. I don't think people can claim that only offline play matters, when alot of brawl players can't compete in live tournies.

It was the same way in melee, yet there was a group of pro's that came to town once a year, and I was able to beat some of them, but since I couldn't compete in tournies, everyone always assumed I was a scrub. Its frustrating that region confines who is the best players.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Ok this topic is turning in to crap now, I mean seriously. All in all, online play is different from offline play. Simple as that. We can only tell a good wolf player by"video" proof and maybe a few people stating that this person has a good wolf(but this has to be from reliable sources of some sort/someone thats already known as a powerhouse player and thus refers to another player with "skill." Ex. GERM/candy/my ***/wtf doesnt matter being played by another well known player). So either way, dispite what people say, some can still be better then you dispite tournament rankings and online rankings or whatever you go by to classify yourself is the"best". Once again, not all people can attend tournaments in other areas due to god knows what reason, BUT still have that possiblity of beating you. If anything, this has become a stupid argument over glory on being who's the "best". And in order to be the best wolf player, you still have to score higher in tournaments, offline, and score well on tournaments online, and in the other things. You would also have to beat the many other wolf players that are acclaimed to be the "best" in order to show your superiority. Either way my point is that, their is currently not enough information to conclude who's the BEST wolf player.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
I'm saying I can't prove it. My only way is online, and so many people just write it off saying onine doesn't matter, when in reality if you take time to adjust, it can be just as competitive. I CAN:T GO TO ANY DAM TOURNIES CAUSE THEY 6+ hours away. I don't think people can claim that only offline play matters, when alot of brawl players can't compete in live tournies.

It was the same way in melee, yet there was a group of pro's that came to town once a year, and I was able to beat some of them, but since I couldn't compete in tournies, everyone always assumed I was a scrub. Its frustrating that region confines who is the best players.
I'm sure you beat big name Melee pros (lol), but seriously. If you want to prove yourself, hold your own **** tournament so you don't even have to go anywhere. Hype it enough and big names will show up.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
We can only tell a good wolf player by"video" proof and maybe a few people stating that this person has a good wolf(but this has to be from reliable sources of some sort/someone thats already known as a powerhouse player and thus refers to another player with "skill."
Are videos really valid unless it shows them fighting someone that's actually good? >_>

And I don't have to say someone is good... I could always just link you to the tourney results forum ^^

Once again, not all people can attend tournaments in other areas due to god knows what reason, BUT still have that possiblity of beating you.
Nevermind, you're the greatest wolf ever. You have the most POSSIBILITY out of anyone to be good!

-Others have acted on their potential. It's understood that location makes a difference but don't sound so sour towards people that have made names -_-;

And in order to be the best wolf player, you still have to score higher in tournaments, offline, and score well on tournaments online, and in the other things. You would also have to beat the many other wolf players that are acclaimed to be the "best" in order to show your superiority. Either way my point is that, their is currently not enough information to conclude who's the BEST wolf player.
You're right, there is insufficient evidence. So far we are just nominating people that we think are some of the best. -.-
This thread wreaks of jealousy imo now :X

Edit: I didn't know Lucien was that good x.x Time to check him out :O


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
I could a hold a tournie, and I'ms ure the big names would trvael 13 hours from NY, or 8 hours for Richmond, or days fly from west coast. You can't organize a big tournie when you live in the middle of knowwhere. no one will show.

Deleted member

Last edited by a moderator:


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2003
Concord CA
I wasn't gonna post....but WTF

I'm surprised to see no mention of Luciens Wolf. He constantly beats Germ in tourney matchs.

First of all , I've only played Lucien in one tourney set, which was at Capital Brawl, where I won 2-0. I've yet to play him in any other local tournament we both attended here in the bay area so get your facts straight before you post. With that said, let me say that Lucien plays Wolf extremely well, and though the game hasn't been out long enough to decide who's really "good" with Wolf, nevermind "best", he is very consistant in his tourny placings and has beaten a lot of Norcal's best.

2nd, the people on this thread posting about their Wolf and how good it is against random online scrubs, need to find a fu**ing tournament to go to. If you're not attending non-online tournaments, or attending tournaments and doing horribly, you have no business saying anything about how good your Wolf is, plain and simple.

Let me end with this. To become the best at this game with any character, you have to do more than just place at local tourny's, win online tournaments, or beat all your friends. You have to fu**ing TRAVEL and **** countrywide, coast to coast, and state your dominance. All players who were considered masters of their character in melee had one thing in common, they got out of their fu**ing region. Who cares if you can beat the same 20 or so people in your region who you play every weekend. If you crumble under pressure against new talent, if you can't quickly become adjusted to new styles and new character match ups, If you rely on johns as a scapegoat for you incompitance in this game, If you can't properly exploit your characters strengths and mask its weeknesses, then you need to stop posting on this go**amn thread, and go practice.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
First of all , I've only played Lucien in one tourney set, which was at Capital Brawl, where I won 2-0. I've yet to play him in any other local tournament we both attended here in the bay area so get your facts straight before you post. With that said, let me say that Lucien plays Wolf extremely well, and though the game hasn't been out long enough to decide who's really "good" with Wolf, nevermind "best", he is very consistant in his tourny placings and has beaten a lot of Norcal's best.

2nd, the people on this thread posting about their Wolf and how good it is against random online scrubs, need to find a fu**ing tournament to go to. If you're not attending non-online tournaments, or attending tournaments and doing horribly, you have no business saying anything about how good your Wolf is, plain and simple.

Let me end with this. To become the best at this game with any character, you have to do more than just place at local tourny's, win online tournaments, or beat all your friends. You have to fu**ing TRAVEL and **** countrywide, coast to coast, and state your dominance. All players who were considered masters of their character in melee had one thing in common, they got out of their fu**ing region. Who cares if you can beat the same 20 or so people in your region who you play every weekend. If you crumble under pressure against new talent, if you can't quickly become adjusted to new styles and new character match ups, If you rely on johns as a scapegoat for you incompitance in this game, If you can't properly exploit your characters strengths and mask its weeknesses, then you need to stop posting on this go**amn thread, and go practice.

well said sir

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
First of all , I've only played Lucien in one tourney set, which was at Capital Brawl, where I won 2-0. I've yet to play him in any other local tournament we both attended here in the bay area so get your facts straight before you post. With that said, let me say that Lucien plays Wolf extremely well, and though the game hasn't been out long enough to decide who's really "good" with Wolf, nevermind "best", he is very consistant in his tourny placings and has beaten a lot of Norcal's best.

2nd, the people on this thread posting about their Wolf and how good it is against random online scrubs, need to find a fu**ing tournament to go to. If you're not attending non-online tournaments, or attending tournaments and doing horribly, you have no business saying anything about how good your Wolf is, plain and simple.

Let me end with this. To become the best at this game with any character, you have to do more than just place at local tourny's, win online tournaments, or beat all your friends. You have to fu**ing TRAVEL and **** countrywide, coast to coast, and state your dominance. All players who were considered masters of their character in melee had one thing in common, they got out of their fu**ing region. Who cares if you can beat the same 20 or so people in your region who you play every weekend. If you crumble under pressure against new talent, if you can't quickly become adjusted to new styles and new character match ups, If you rely on johns as a scapegoat for you incompitance in this game, If you can't properly exploit your characters strengths and mask its weeknesses, then you need to stop posting on this go**amn thread, and go practice.
pretty much what I said on the page before, expect a bit nicer lol. But, it gets the point across ^.^

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
First of all , I've only played Lucien in one tourney set, which was at Capital Brawl, where I won 2-0. I've yet to play him in any other local tournament we both attended here in the bay area so get your facts straight before you post. With that said, let me say that Lucien plays Wolf extremely well, and though the game hasn't been out long enough to decide who's really "good" with Wolf, nevermind "best", he is very consistant in his tourny placings and has beaten a lot of Norcal's best.

2nd, the people on this thread posting about their Wolf and how good it is against random online scrubs, need to find a fu**ing tournament to go to. If you're not attending non-online tournaments, or attending tournaments and doing horribly, you have no business saying anything about how good your Wolf is, plain and simple.

Let me end with this. To become the best at this game with any character, you have to do more than just place at local tourny's, win online tournaments, or beat all your friends. You have to fu**ing TRAVEL and **** countrywide, coast to coast, and state your dominance. All players who were considered masters of their character in melee had one thing in common, they got out of their fu**ing region. Who cares if you can beat the same 20 or so people in your region who you play every weekend. If you crumble under pressure against new talent, if you can't quickly become adjusted to new styles and new character match ups, If you rely on johns as a scapegoat for you incompitance in this game, If you can't properly exploit your characters strengths and mask its weeknesses, then you need to stop posting on this go**amn thread, and go practice.
This. I tried saying it nicer.
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