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Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2003
Concord CA
Oh Jeebus

You know why nobody bases skill on online play Snadmonkey? because it's laggy as fu**. I can probably tap B, then go make a sandwich and fu** my girlfriend before my laser comes out. Why would anyone spend so much time getting adjusted to laggy a** online play and jeopardize their sense of timing for real tournament play where it matters, in a game that relies so heavily on timing? How are you supposed to shield sh** that already hit you? you fu**ing can't can you? No, you can't. I'm not made of money guy, and you know how many times I took an 8 hour roadtrip to Socal last year? 6 times, 6 fu**ing times. You know why? to ****. **** **** **** **** ****. And that's exactly what I did. I like ****** so much, I went back 5 more times. In fact, I like ****** so much, I went to the worst state in the country, Indiana of all places. Then I went to Vegas, then Reno, then the fu**ing moon, to **** whatever I found there, and I did. Now, I'm going to bed, so I can go to work at 5 in the morning and **** everyone there.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Wow, The GERM may be the funniest smasher I've ever seen post. Wow. WOW. LOL I'm going to work @ 5 AM to **** everyone there. Good ****.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Well, I care to disagree with that online is as bad as you claim. The lag is typically extremely minimul, sorry if your using some ****ty connection. Anyways, the only big tournies that I've found, outside little 10-16 man's is NY which is 13 hours away. I only get one day off a week, so its basically impossible for me to make any big tournies. But whatever, you can't play online, I can't go to play offline. you'll prolly never agree with me that online can be almost as competitive but whatever. You people can continue to assume I suck doesn't matter to me, I've seen the videos of tournies, I wouldn't get blown away. I'll continue to play online and love it since it's competitive and actually doable for me, you guys don't care whatever ur local tournies don't matter to me.


Smash Ace
May 16, 2007
Concord CA
Well, I care to disagree with that online is as bad as you claim. The lag is typically extremely minimul, sorry if your using some ****ty connection. Anyways, the only big tournies that I've found, outside little 10-16 man's is NY which is 13 hours away. I only get one day off a week, so its basically impossible for me to make any big tournies. But whatever, you can't play online, I can't go to play offline. you'll prolly never agree with me that online can be almost as competitive but whatever. You people can continue to assume I suck doesn't matter to me, I've seen the videos of tournies, I wouldn't get blown away. I'll continue to play online and love it since it's competitive and actually doable for me, you guys don't care whatever ur local tournies don't matter to me.
It doesn't matter what you think about online. The fact is, is that online is laggy, and a terrible test of skill. You are the only person I've ever heard of trying to say that online is competitive, it's not, nobody but you is trying to bother with the crappy online mode. You prove yourself at tournaments, and if you don't show up you can't prove yourself, and if you can't prove yourself, you're not going to be considered for the best, tournaments have always been what has decided that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
This question will never be answered accurately. There are too many people that play this game to just declare one person the best. Brawl's wifi garbage doesn't help answer this question either. There's just no possible way to prove that one person is the best wolf. This thread is pointless.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
Well, I care to disagree with that online is as bad as you claim. The lag is typically extremely minimul, sorry if your using some ****ty connection. Anyways, the only big tournies that I've found, outside little 10-16 man's is NY which is 13 hours away. I only get one day off a week, so its basically impossible for me to make any big tournies. But whatever, you can't play online, I can't go to play offline. you'll prolly never agree with me that online can be almost as competitive but whatever. You people can continue to assume I suck doesn't matter to me, I've seen the videos of tournies, I wouldn't get blown away. I'll continue to play online and love it since it's competitive and actually doable for me, you guys don't care whatever ur local tournies don't matter to me.
Maybe online works for you but for most people it doesn't. Your connection doesn't matter when it comes to lag. I have a great internet connection and I still have insane button lag. Your just lucky that online doesn't lag for you. It's probably only because of where you live. Bottom line is that Brawl's online is a failure.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
This question will never be answered accurately. There are too many people that play this game to just declare one person the best. Brawl's wifi garbage doesn't help answer this question either. There's just no possible way to prove that one person is the best wolf. This thread is pointless.
Maybe not now, but in future tournament standings and such(which is what MOST pro players are based off of) we'll have a pretty good estimate of who that is.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
You know why nobody bases skill on online play Snadmonkey? because it's laggy as fu**. I can probably tap B, then go make a sandwich and fu** my girlfriend before my laser comes out. Why would anyone spend so much time getting adjusted to laggy a** online play and jeopardize their sense of timing for real tournament play where it matters, in a game that relies so heavily on timing? How are you supposed to shield sh** that already hit you? you fu**ing can't can you? No, you can't. I'm not made of money guy, and you know how many times I took an 8 hour roadtrip to Socal last year? 6 times, 6 fu**ing times. You know why? to ****. **** **** **** **** ****. And that's exactly what I did. I like ****** so much, I went back 5 more times. In fact, I like ****** so much, I went to the worst state in the country, Indiana of all places. Then I went to Vegas, then Reno, then the fu**ing moon, to **** whatever I found there, and I did. Now, I'm going to bed, so I can go to work at 5 in the morning and **** everyone there.
First of all , I've only played Lucien in one tourney set, which was at Capital Brawl, where I won 2-0. I've yet to play him in any other local tournament we both attended here in the bay area so get your facts straight before you post. With that said, let me say that Lucien plays Wolf extremely well, and though the game hasn't been out long enough to decide who's really "good" with Wolf, nevermind "best", he is very consistant in his tourny placings and has beaten a lot of Norcal's best.

2nd, the people on this thread posting about their Wolf and how good it is against random online scrubs, need to find a fu**ing tournament to go to. If you're not attending non-online tournaments, or attending tournaments and doing horribly, you have no business saying anything about how good your Wolf is, plain and simple.

Let me end with this. To become the best at this game with any character, you have to do more than just place at local tourny's, win online tournaments, or beat all your friends. You have to fu**ing TRAVEL and **** countrywide, coast to coast, and state your dominance. All players who were considered masters of their character in melee had one thing in common, they got out of their fu**ing region. Who cares if you can beat the same 20 or so people in your region who you play every weekend. If you crumble under pressure against new talent, if you can't quickly become adjusted to new styles and new character match ups, If you rely on johns as a scapegoat for you incompitance in this game, If you can't properly exploit your characters strengths and mask its weeknesses, then you need to stop posting on this go**amn thread, and go practice.

By far the funniest two posts I have ever read. In my life. Period.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2008
It is annoying to hear people talk about how good they are online because i don't think online is a good way to estimate there skill. For instance a offline tournament has 0 button delay and it also shows true skill because offline tournaments you got tons of people screaming in your ear and and are all out to ge t you and play for money and want to win and the players are passionate about winning and wanto to do no more than pwn you try keeping your cool with all that craziness. and my post may sound like gibberish but i am in a rush.

srry if isound mean im just trying to give you my point of view so don't get mad at me and koskinator i think you might have an awesome wolf but most people i know consider offline true skill.
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