Please Know Your Facts First. Think B4 U Speak!!!
May as well add this:
Thunderstorming (Pika-Style)
Stolen straight from the Ganondorf Players, it's where you Dair and short hop at the EXACT same time so you get none of Dair's lag and autocancel it. How is it useful? You do 12 damage (2 more than the "bolt" in thunder) with VERY low ending lag.
FIRST of all, Muhznit used auto-canceling incorrectly.
might as well add the "auto-canceled" (not sure if the terminology is correct) nair and uair.
SECONDLY, K 2 said that he wasn't sure if in was being used correctly.
After this there were multiple posts on what auto-canceling is and it's correct usage, as well as the distinction between auto-canceling, landing with lag, and finishing an aerial in the air. There WAS confusion, there WAS misunderstanding. Some posts trying to explain were difficult to follow.
This post by Kupo15 explains everything quite nicely.
This is because the move finishes before you land. This move is fast enough to end in one short hop before you land giving you no landing lag. Its the same thing with Thunderstorming with Ganon.
His Dair is not an autocanceled move. But the reason he can thunderstorm is because the Player inputs the Dair fast enough while rising to allow the move to finish before he lands. Ask any Ganon or try for yourself about how precise you have to be for that move. Even if you delay the Dair for a split second, you will get lag. If Ganons Dair WAS an autocanceled move, then you don't need to worry about a thing. You can land at anytime without lag
You both are missing the point. Pika's dair is not an autocanceled move because there are times where if you land, you will have lag from pulling your head out. THe frame specific thing you are referring to is being able to land the frame after the move is finished. This is not autocanceled because you arent canceling anything since the move is done
The bold is like ganons Dair. See above.
Yes, Nair can end before you land but if you start the Nair just before you hit the ground, you get the lag from boucing..hence, not an autocanceled move.
The short hop Bair you will always get lag because the move is longer than the Dair or at least its longer than the time it takes you to land from a shorthop. Sprawling on the floor means, No autocancel
Uair does finish before you land but if you start it before you land, you will get lag. Im still not sure about this move because I forget what it looks like when you land.
Fair, you already said its not autocanceled so were good.
I need to play with pika for a minute to see the Uair and Fair for myself. But I know there is a list of autocanceled moves for each character somewhere. I believe pikas Uair is the only one.
Here is a test. Pick ROB, Do a Nair before you hit the ground while holding shield the whole time and notice how fast the shield pops up. Now do the same with Pikas move and you will find that the Fair, Nair, Dair, and Bair dont behave like this. ROBs nair is an Autocanceled move
That paragraph in specific, but even the entire post was there to explain the differences. Why was their a need to explain? People were confused.
Ok thanks. What is it called when the animation ends before you land? I used to call that auto-canceling (I thought it was a misnomer or something), but apparently I'm wrong. Is there a term for finishing the aerial before you land?
K 2 asked an honest question. He told us how the MISUNDERSTOOD auto-canceling with an aerial that ends in the air.
That's just a short attack.
ESAM decided to answer, and his answer was short attack. Now, if you tell someone to do a short attack, is it possible for that person to confuse it with auto-canceling or something else?
That's.... no offense, kind of stupid IMO. I think there SHOULD be a term for making sure the attack animation finishes in midair during a jump. Pikachu can do it will all of his aerials, however, they have different methods as pointed out earlier.
I mean, are we going to call short-hopped Fair approaches "Shorting" or something? I think we need an "-ing" term to describe such tactics some way or another...
Muhznit found that answer to be inadequate. And here HE WAS THE FIRST TO SUGGEST A TERM.
uair doesn't auto cancel, by the term we are using. "finishing a move before landing" is too long to type everytime you try to describe a combo or something. "finishing a move before landing" can refer to jumping and doing an aerial so you have do lag, or it can refer to doing an aerial when you are extremely high up so that you finish the move when you land. I think we should make up a word or phrase to describe SH or FH an aerial so that it has no lag.
Here K 2 was the SECOND TO SUGGEST A TERM. Note I didn't post anything until later, which I was trying to help come up with a phrase, but I ended up liking Muhznit's better.
Muhznit said:
Whatever the **** it is, let's follow what K2 said and come up with a term for finishing a "move before landing." This is getting nowhere at 80 mph.
For some strange reason, here, Muhznit gives the credit to K 2.
K 2 said:
Let's make up a shortcut name for it. I don't want to have to type "finishing the move before you land" as opposed to a word oe two everytime I want to describe something. Any ideas?
Here K 2 says it one more time, and the actual name making process begins here.
Later on Muhznit posts this.
Muhznit said:
If anything, Zylar is the one that suggested I get a list of moves for this. Then again, he only had 58 posts at the time of asking, so I guess he may have not known the right term.
But what the hell is the right term, then? If there's a term for flailing a crow tied to a bar around your head, are we going to call it crowbarring? What happened to the days of Melee when things actually were pretty **** simple; Shffl: Short-Hopped Fast Falled L-Canceled ring a bell anyone?
I am quite surprised that I'm SUPPOSEDLY the one that suggested using a shortcut name, and that JUST BECAUSE I have a low amount of posts it is assumed I don't know the right terms for things. I'm a little offended by that last part, but I don't really care. I just really don't want people to assume this was all MY fault. BTW Muhznit no hard feelings whatsoever, just wanted to correct you.
As SilverSpark (The maker of this thread that is SUPPOSED to be on tricks for pika) said it :
SilverSpark said:
You guys are taking taking this way too seriously :\
The last BTW...
ESAM said:
But...its already simple enough, we don't need simplifying...try making a topic about it in tactical discussion and see the responses...
ESAM how can you say that this has been simple? How can you say that now, when there is a need for a distinction between auto-canceling and finishing an aerial in the air, that it is simple? We don't need simplifying? Are you serious? That was some of the most complicated and frustrating posts to describe that one simple thing. Obviously complicated is simple enough. Maybe for some, but what about anyone else that WOULD get confused between the distinction? THAT is why there is a NEED for such a term.
There, I rest my case. Now it is the prosecutor's turn to state his case to the jury. (LOL)
Edit : ROFL at the frustated monkey, pokemon trainer, and the earth kingdom king.