actually you can do a short hop Dair without lag
This is because the move finishes before you land. This move is fast enough to end in one short hop before you land giving you no landing lag. Its the same thing with Thunderstorming with Ganon.
His Dair is not an autocanceled move. But the reason he can thunderstorm is because the Player inputs the Dair fast enough while rising to allow the move to finish before he lands. Ask any Ganon or try for yourself about how precise you have to be for that move. Even if you delay the Dair for a split second, you will get lag. If Ganons Dair WAS an autocanceled move, then you dont need to worry about a thing. You can land at anytime without lag
Um...i don't get it.
The only one of pikachu's aerials that is autocancelled is dair, and that is frame specific. All of pikachu's aerials are fairly short, save bair and dair. Dair has frame specific auto-cancelling, most known as when you do it JUST as you leave the ground. Nair ends before you land (hence why you can make the dair shock after it in a SH) Bair doesn't end or have autocancel frames (which is why SH bair isn't very reliable, for you will get punished) Uair, normally ends, for it is the quickest of all of pikachu's aerials. If you use it too close to the ground, you will have some lag, but not a tremendous ammount. Fair has little noticable lag, but isn't lagless. If you use it right after a SH or FH, it will end before you land, so you can do anything else (not autocancelled.) Get my point?
You both are missing the point. Pika's dair is
not an autocanceled move because there are times where if you land, you will have lag from pulling your head out. THe frame specific thing you are referring to is being able to land the frame after the move is finished. This is not autocanceled because you arent canceling anything since the move is
The bold is like ganons Dair. See above.
Yes, Nair can end before you land but if you start the Nair just before you hit the ground, you get the lag from boucing..hence, not an autocanceled move.
The short hop Bair you will
always get lag because the move is longer than the Dair or at least its longer than the time it takes you to land from a shorthop. Sprawling on the floor means, No autocancel
Uair does finish before you land but if you start it before you land, you will get lag. Im still not sure about this move because I forget what it looks like when you land.
Fair, you already said its not autocanceled so were good.
I need to play with pika for a minute to see the Uair and Fair for myself. But I know there is a list of autocanceled moves for each character somewhere. I believe pikas Uair is the only one.
Here is a test. Pick ROB, Do a Nair before you hit the ground while holding shield the whole time and notice how fast the shield pops up. Now do the same with Pikas move and you will find that the Fair, Nair, Dair, and Bair dont behave like this. ROBs nair is an Autocanceled move