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11/17/07-11/18/07 Final Smash: S.O.S.'S Final **** in San Antonio TX: Results!

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
11/17/07-11/18/07 Final Smash: S.O.S.'S Final ****: Results!

To everyone who came:
I'm amazed that I had such an amazing turnout. When I got there at 11 am the first day and only saw 3 people, I was only expecting 40 to 50 max. But all 3 states showed up, there was 72 entrants for singles, 28 teams and 9 crews, and I couldn't have been happier. This is far and away the biggest player ran Smash tournament in Texas since MOAST 3. I hope this restores San Antonio's status as a great place to have tournaments. But enough about this, here's what everyone wants to see:


1: Caveman
2: Xelic
3: DoH
4: Broly
5: Kyle
5: Rob$
7: Rice
7: Ram
9: Hylian
9: Mr. C
9: Smiles
9: Cyphus
13: XLR8
13: Lee
13: Save The Queen
13: Boomstick
17: Bear
17: Pneuma
17: bluezaft
17: Raki
17: SOS
17: Taylor
17: Vash
17: Flarefox
25: Rok
25: Break
25: Fear
25: Ragnarock
25: Mr.P
25: Drumma Boi
25: Swift
25: Kite
33: Rage
33: Mosquito
33: Zach
33: Vlad
33: Santi
33: Puffball
33: haha
33: Sethlon
33: Galt
33: F4L
33: LG
33: teh pope
33: Jared
33: DV8
33: Majin
33: Lep
49: Varuna
49: forkgirl
49: Buh?
49: Gus
49: Wombat
49: SHYG
49: Box
49: LAM
49: RAWR
49: DJG
49: EHA
49: AGA
49: EDDY
49: Klown
49: tac0
65: APOC
65: FC
65: Dojo
65: Carlie
65: MEAN
65: Jay
65: Cake
65: Naon


1: Campy McBackair (bluezaft/Smiles)
2: Legally Blonde (SOS/DoH)
3: ********* (Forkgirl/Xelic)
4: ISAIII!!! (Hylian/Espy)
5: Thin Chicks Need Lovin' Too (Kite/Mr C)
5: I herd u liek Mudkips (Reqy, JF)
7: Magical Unicorns (Cyphus/Lee)
7: The Coheed Empire (haha/Darkrillin)
9: Taylor/Kyle (Taylor/Kyle)
9: Team Never Dies (Majin/Mosquito)
9: Team Blaba (Lep/Zero)
9: Turbo Fudge (Ram/Drumma)
13: Blue Magic Sponsored by Chris Chu (Fyre/XLR8)
13: Swift Gangastas (Swift/LG)
13: No Johns (Dyse/Carlie)
13: Strawberry Kiwi (teh pope/Kal)
17: Big Hot & Karl (Rice/Boomstick)
17: Who Needs Mario? (Pneuma/Naon)
17: RBF (Knives & Broly)
17: PAGS (Ragnarock/Mr. P)
17: Jellyfish Pirates (Bear/Sethlon)
17: Angry Taco (RAWR/tac0)
17: RockIV (Gus/DJG)
17: URFUK'D (Flarefox/Varuna)
25: Handicap (Vash, Apoc)
25: Team ***** (AGA/Break)
25: Boondocks (F4L/Rok)
25: Herbavores (Jared/Poot)

Crews (due to time constraints, we had to leave out grand finals, and thus no true 3rd place.)

1: Team Magnolia
2: The Romosexuals
Tied for 3rd: Team Dat and Half of our crew is wasted. Guess who!
5: Xelic is Gay!!!
5: Magical Unicorns
7: I'll throw a Ness ditto at you!
7: San **** Antonio
9: Pues a la verga

NOTE: SOS set the record for most stock taken in a single crew battle, 16!
And Sethlon is too good. He definitely carried Magnolia's victory, right down to the last fight between him and Bluezaft (truly an epic match).

My Shout Outs:

First to the people that helped me:

DOH: thanks for simply busting out your lap top when Smiles screwed up royally. Also your understanding of Tio helped out a lot. We would have been horribly delayed if you didn't do that. Thank you. Seriously, I really appreciate it. I can't say it enough.

Forkgirl, Bear, UglyWombat: thanks for helping me call out matches and manning the station when I was up. The host can't simply sit down the entire time (and I have the sore legs to prove it.)

SOS, UglyWombat, and Kite:
thanks for housing people (since I couldn't do it anymore:()

And Smiles: Well, I guess you made a banner..... less than a week before the tournament, and one I had to finish myself. And you totally bogged us down by saying "oh, my bracket program is great! I've used it before. It'll be fine:cool:." Shoulda stayed in school! So why are you getting a shout out in this section? So I can call you a NOOOOOOOOOOOOB lol:psycho:

Now, on to the players:

SOS: You will have your revenge. But next time, you're going to have to do more than show up late with a hangover and play friendlies the whole time.

AustinRC: Boo you beat SOS:( oh well, it just goes to show how you improved from when I first played you WAY back at WTYM 2. Thanks for the show of support. It's nice to know you're appreciated.:)

Caveman: Well, I guess you managed to disprove the rumors that you stop caring and wouldn't be able to win. Good stuff.

Rob$: Shoulda gone Falco;)

Smiles: From this :) to :( oh how cruel it is to be beaten twice. Don't drink and drive son.

Johnny Quest ftw lolz. Good job in crews.

Still too good. I saw your Roy beasting in crews, even against Peaches(!) and it's a shame that we couldn't have gotten most of it recorded. Plus, thanks for all the Guilty Gear we played at SOS's apartment. I learned a few things, and finally ***** your Johnny. Robo Ky dittos are too much fun. You have to come to my GG tournament. You'll be the first smasher to know the date.

Bear: Still of the greatest smashers to ever party with. Can't wait for you to come down again just to hang.

To the rest of Magnolia who DIDN'T COME:
you guys missed out.

Must you and DOH be in the finals AGAIN? Peach dittos hurt my eyes because they take so **** long. Maybe if you learned another character you can stop losing to Sheik:laugh: Thanks for coming Jordan.

Hylian: I really do want to rematch you. I just won't pick Dreamland anymore against Fox.

Taco: We had a great match. But my Gannon is amazing at comebacks >.> Chainthrow to dsmash to fair just wrecks too much.

Cyphus and the rest of LA: I'm actually amazed I went stock for stock with your Doc in crews. I usually choke under such pressure. However, I really should have just restarted the whole. But I didn't know that Lee wasn't supposed to be Mario until he took out 2 people. If I wasn't so concerned about the time, we would have done that. I look forward to a rematch in future. I sure you do as well.

Drumma Boi and the rest of FL: thanks for being cool about the second day. Your crew definitely made quite the comeback against San Antonio. Of course, I think I will be banning Poke floats next time around:ohwell: I saw a lot of interesting techniques from you guys. Each state seems to have their own unique tactics. I hope you all made it home safely and can come again in the future.

come to think of it, we totally forgot about the Peach ditto we were supposed to play. But that's both of our faults. I really wanted to see if I could beat you (I was playing so horrible last time at Trader's Planet). As for the money thing...... go check page 65 for my response to the matter.

Kal, Galt, Dojo, Santi, numerous others I played in friendlies:
gg everyone. Especially Kal for getting way better in such a short period of time.

LG:your smack talk is too good. I can't wait to get a link up in this thread to what Austin RC recorded (it was at least most of your match against Bluezaft, maybe more than that).

Waco: While you were a big part of the inspiration to hold this, I'm sad not a single one of you came, especially since you showed up to the BETTY tournament and didn't even post you were coming.

If I think of anyone else I forget, I'll try to add them.

In conclusion:

I really do apologize for anything that went wrong with this event. I thought the first day was stupendous, but I know the second day could have gone much smoother if people arrived sooner and we did not try to run crews alongside teams. Plus we didn't get to do random or the low tier events either. And since the delay on Brawl wasn't announced when I first put this up, I want to try to get it done bigger and better, so......

Keep an eye for the sequel: Final Smash 2: SOS's Revenge!
Date: TBA

<3 to all the smashers that thanked me for holding the tournament.

Boo on Forkgirl and Smiles for getting up everyone's hope for a tournament that they didn't hold, and I decided to take over myself.

Hail to the King Mosquito, baby.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
no shoutouts for me. XD. and i had da most fun. i hope that i proved valley have some talented smashers n not to talk smack, but if our crew woulda been here, we woulda won hands down. our crew took magnolia to the last 2w stocks w/ 2 ppl that sucked, but no johns.



Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
This tourny was too epic.


Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2007
Ok so shoutout's *not looking forward to this*

OOS first.

Taylor - OMFG so lost where the **** did we go dude? LOL *thumbs up* no worries you still got us there safe and sound with an empty tank!!! LOL

Kyle - Your marth is pretty **** good man keep it up! Had fun and again good ****!

Shyguy - Just one question. How's the gas?

Rice - I didnt get to play you very much and thanks for taking off 9 stock from my crew you will get yours next time I promise!! :)

Mr.P - It was fun playing you man *power shield* lol your Fox and Falco are both good and dont worry you got nervous in crews man no sweat!

Louisiana people!!!

Lee - What to say about Lee.... **** ur Mario thats what LMFAO seriously wtf why wasnt I informed when they made Mario top tier HOLY **** btw ur matches with Sethlon will be put up as soon as I get time to alright man.

Boomstick - awesome playing you man thanks for beating me in crews! *stares* anyway nice solid falcon keep it up man!

Drummer boi - lol nice **** later on ur fox is very different from most fox's I play and your peach is solid as well! Good **** in crews also.

Cyphus - Really nice Doc man I got ***** *frowns* anyway hope to play you again soon man.

Ram - We didnt really get to play that much sorry man next time defenately!!!! peace bro!

---Btw if I get yall mixed up between Florida and louisiana sorry lawl I'm a noob at OOSers.


First lets start with The SA guys!

SOS and Skeeter - thanks for the tournament had a BLAST!!!! SOS better luck next time and just pick Falco OH and SOS just make him talk!

K1t3- DUDE lawl lawl lawl thanks for letting me stay at your place and dude you got much better! wtf seriously though good **** in crews man! no worries all for fun!

Mr.C - Sexy as ever what else can I say Brad pitt aint got **** on you.

Fear - Always a pleasure to hang with you man and complain with you LAWL.

Xelic - Nice to see you again man had fun! lawl kekekekeke

Haha - Wow you got a lot better since last time you were beating me solidly I wont john so *shakes hand* good ****.

Lep - DUDE thanks for all those pics omfg LOL they are amazing!!!!!! <3 ya man


Bear - Always a pleasure being near ya man! FUN ****

Sethl0n - um.... Just erm WTF at ur Roy **** dosent make sense STILL. lawl seriously though good **** in crews man omfg ***** hard. with ROY WTF!??!?!

all you other Houston peeps that didnt make it... OMFG yall missed out HAHAHAHA owned

Dallas guys

Bluezaft - Didnt get to see or play you at all. Kind of sad really.

LG - Not much to say cept wtf no seriously... WTF Who the **** knew that **** talk was an actual mind game holy crap.

DoH - We need to play more.

Austin Peeps

JF - lawl at u only getting there on the second day.

Jordan - Wow ***** in singles and got ***** in Crews oh well all for fun!

Levi - Holy **** we lost ur *** the first day sorry bout that lawl wtf.

Kal - Always fun keep up with good **** ur getting much better man... Six stock in crews WTF AND WITH ZELDA WHO THE **** LOSES A STOCK TO ZELDA!?!?!?!

To all my other people if I didnt shout out to you I'm sorry I'm in a bit of a hurry I got lots of children to **** so I'll be on my way EVERY ONE have an amazing next couple month's till I see yall again at SOS's next...final tournament? lol peace



Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2006
Pflugerville, TX
Thanks ARC. Your Marth ***** with his silly, insane combos. Good game sir! Save Our Ship got the pwnage he deserved from you. :)


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Rok: The other ragnarok was registered before you and I don't think tio would have differentiated between the sticky caps, so I put you as Rok

And shout outs.

Galt: I won money in every event too...and I get nothing.

Cave: we never get to play

Rob$: ... lolz man you're loosing weight

Broly: get a controller mod so you can use l/r and **** sauce. but not SOS, he's a girl.

Kyle: omg Yoshi's story = peach story. but gg on ****** me on battlefield

Hylian: Sorry for crushing your dreams. Hey look, I'm the new Drew!

Rice: omg i hearted green greens for a second and then no. I think you should pump out your shine faster, it seemed like it was easy to sheild grab you.

RAM: Worst counter pick ever. Best almost comeback ever.

Pneuma: boo luigi ick

Boomstick: you should have played for Dallas. Seriously. Destruction.

Lee: omg we didn't play

Cyphus: I think I called your name a lot. We didn't get to wrestle. nekkid.

Swift: rapesauce in crews

LG: wtf this guy is playing luigi! sex kick more!

DrummaBoi: Xelic wants to ask you out, but he doesn't have any balls. But we didn't get to ditttttooooooooo

Carlie: Holy **** your peach ***** me in teams.

Taylor: You're so meaaaaan. I don't know how you get the best players to team with you...lend me your feminine wiles.

Chris: Stop keeping me away from smiles in teams. You're mean. Yay for cews!

Smiles: lololz drinking, boo for teams wins

SOS: I <3 teaming with you, we should have gone all Peach/Falco, but 2nd w00t!!

Xelic: You're so mean to me. All the time. And you cheated more than I did with those stitches. *****es. <3 <3 I'll beat you sometime. I wub you though.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Broly - Dang what a beast!!! Keep that good **** up bro!!!

ForkGirl - you are really cool and we will definitely hang out more next time where ever it is, FL or TX.

Caveman - too good I wish I could've played you. Nice talking to you tho man. You are too chill.

Xelic - your too cool man!! funny as hell shouldve played more than just tourney with you. COME TO FLORIDA!!!!

Smiles - Dang bro you were sooo happy singles night.... I wonder why.... hrmmm... your too awsome good games.

DrummaBoi: Xelic wants to ask you out, but he doesn't have any balls. But we didn't get to ditttttooooooooo
aww tell him sorry I have a girl friend for like 2 years now ;)
also yea wtf at no dittoes?!?!?!

Misquito - Hey man you are a cool person hope to see you around at tournaments

Tommy aka KITE - dang bro you are too nice letting us party at your house

SavetheQueen - hey man nice meeting you! thanks for the friendlies cool dude ....... o yea bro btw me boom ram and rice are not Louisiana we are florida.... but thanks for almost knowing who we are ;)

HAHA - dang bro i should owe you a mcRib just from you trying soo hard to get one out of me

Sethlon - **** *** mind game roy you got there good ****

SOS - thanks for houseing us the first night even tho we ended up in our car lol good times either way man your too cool!! you owe me friendlies

Bear - dang bro your too nice. I didnt even get to play you you owe me friendlies next time we meet

Lep - dang bro you stole my controller idea lol j/k we just both have good taste we need to play next time bro

Hylian - nice too meet you man you are really nice. and you are one more person to add to my list of people i didnt get to friendly

Puffball - dang bro nice puff. fun team matches we had in tourney


ShyGuy - dang bro you talked to me a tiny bit this time. your a funny dude

Taylor - dangit stop pinching my nipples!!!!

Varuna - didnt realy talk to u much man we need to friendly

Kyle - your too patient of a player stop it!!! lol crazy man

Flarefox - dude hit me up on aim your too cool!!

Cyphus - dang at your matches with Ram crazy **** dude. We need to play next time

Lee - dude I-phones are totally worth it.......... starfish are hot bro......


Rag and Mr.P - You guys are going to make a great addition to our NFL crew as long as this takes off!! I am glad you guys got home ok I was worried. You guys better make it down this Friday!!!


Boomstick - dang man way to be the funnier than Ram :)
................. hrng nya nla happy birfday rgh rah....
also hope i didnt scare you too bad driving your car through LA

Rice - dang bro best thing I ate on that trip was your tostitos and cheese dip lol awsome breakfast today.

Ram - my navigation skills are top maybe even better than your attentiveness to things while driving ;) good **** doing that last driving. Also bro it isnt your bad in teams we are a team sooo we have to work together. soooo yea thats our bad :) and **** right we will **** some poo-hole next time.

Hopefully people will see who is LA and who is FL from the shout outs and not have this mix up anymore lol

This was a fun tourney and I hope that meeting you Texas people will inspire you to travel like us to meet new people and come to Florida for our tourney or smash party retreat when we have it. Good times.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Shout outs!

Caveman - Good **** winning. You still have it in ya man. Too bad you couldn't make it sunday until the very end.

Xelic - Hylian is why I'm Xelic = lawl.

DoH - You beat me in tournament in teams and singles!!! AGAIN! XD. I will get you eventually. Grats on 3rd.

Broly - You are pretty much the best smasher ever. I was sad I didn't get to play you. Good stuff.

Kyle - I never played you!!!! I think >_>...

Rob$ - You know I should of won our set .

Rice - You owned my crew. Thanks for coming all the way to texas and very nice falco.

Ram - Sick luigi. Seriously. Fun talking with you when we got a chance. I don't remember if I played you or not though >_>.

Mr. C - I can't believe we came back and won in teams against you and kite. Good games.

Smiles - You are a beast. And pretty funny. Don't drink and smash!

Cyphus - Your doc is amazing. I never did wrestle you though XD. <3. And thanks for coming to texas again!!!!

Lee - I <3 you. XD. Seriously your mario is insane. You should come live in texas!!! <3. Sorry about owning you and cypus in teams haha. Jk .

Save The Queen - I play you like..everyday. GS beating SOS.

Boomstick - You slaughtered me in crews. I did beat you in tournament though so I guess we are even? XD Good games man. Nice Falcon.

Bear - NEver played you...and I can't drive your car! ITS TOO SIMPLE!

Pneuma - I haven't seen you at a tourny in forever! Good friendlies.

bluezaft - LMAO at LG trash talking you. Good **** in teams! I am sad I didn't get to play you!

SOS - You lost to austin?!?! GG sir. XD Thanks for the housing and you are seriously an awesome guy. You must hold another tournament like this.

Taylor - not forkgirl taylor but the other one...You 4 stocked my step-brother..LMAO. Good ****!

Vash - Sorry I couldn't find someone good to team with you!!! Cool guy .

Flarefox - Thanks for recording all those matchs! You played much better in crews then in tourny..fun matchs though!

Rok from dallas - ...

Ragnarock from florida - I think I played you...not sure heh.

Mr.P - same with you >_>.

Drumma Boi - Ughh...peach...Just kidding haha I loved all you florida people.

Swift - I don't think I got the chance to play you bleh.

Kite - Nice finally meeting you!!! Good games in teams and crews!

Rage - Don't think I played you either!

Mosquito - Good tournament games. Close.

Santi - I remember playing you in friendlies!!

Puffball/Espy - Wow we own in teams. We will win next time!!!!

haha - Good stuff beating STQ in tourny.

Sethlon - You are a beast. Enough said.

Galt - Holy crap you came. And you have lee's controller. I envy you haha.

LG - Holy **** you are loud.

Majin - I never got to play you!!!

Lep - Never played you either...

Varuna - I don't think I played you but you played against our crew! GG;s.

forkgirl - You're lucky jordan was on your team lawl. Good games ^_^.

Wombat - Long time no see.

SHYG - You just kinda...disappeared >_>...

KNIVES - Good friendlies.

Dojo - You had one hell of a sexy falco.

Carlie - I remembered you!

Major thanks to florida and lousiana for coming!!! All of you were awesome. Good games everyone!


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Great tourney. So many great things happened. Getting around San Antonio without a map was fun, too.

Special thanks to SOS for the housing friday night and to KITE for housing Saturday night. LA and FL loves you!

I hope I don't forget anyone, but here goes...


Varuna-I don't know if I should shout-out to you on the forums since we play every other day. Thanks for the ride and everything. Fun times with the Falcon punches on PokeFloats.

Cyphus-Good seeing you as always. :D I'm glad that you got to carpool with Varuna and I, we got lots of good talking in. Can't wait until next time! DocGoodGainstMar.

Lee-Lee...Lee...Lee. Fun as always. I really enjoyed watching your Mario in crews and the friendlies with your fox were insane. Stop playing Duck Hunt on you phone so that we can call you next time. -.-

Taylor-Good seeing you again. Maybe we can come to BR more often (I10 just got blocked off for a few weeks though). :O

Kyle-Really nice Marth in the tourney. You had some trouble in the beginning of crews, but you guys were late and had no warm ups that morning. You came back anyway, :p. Good ****. Hopefully I'll seeya soon. You're too nice. Thanks for the directions when we were lost on Friday night. xD

ShyGuy-Good ****. Don't worry about crews or anything ShyGuy. We should play more friendlies next time!

Florida-I'm really happy that Louisiana and Florida had housing together for 2 nights. We got plenty of good friendlies in, and I got to meet all of you this tournament.

Rice-I didn't say much to you, but I really enjoyed playing team friendlies at Kite's!

DrummaBoi-Aim for sure drumma. I enjoyed our small chats, even though it was about Calc 3. xD

BoomStick-Thanks for playing so many matches with me Friday night. Lots of fun. Your captain falcon is a hoss.

Ram-Never got to play you, but your luigi is amazing. I really enjoyed watching your friendlies with Cyphus before the tournament. Good ****


Ragnarok-Your fox is too fast. Having you in our crew was the best ever! Good **** against DoH. The name match was epic as well. Hopefully we'll see each other next time!

Mr.P-I watched a lot of your matches and played some team friendlies against you and Rok. You guys destroyed me. xD Good stuff. I learned a lot from our matches and look forward to seeing you again.

So many new faces everywhere else. I really enjoyed watching Caveman, SOS, Bear, DoH, Xelic, Hylian, Lep, Kite, SavetheQueen, Sethlon, Smiles, Rob$, Broly, and so many others play smash (just to name a few out of the countless number of amazing smashers). I'm glad that I did manage to get a friendly or two with some of you. I don't mean to forget anyone, but I'm extremely tired since I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a while. xD Looooong trip.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2006
Pflugerville, TX
Shout outs... or whatever.

Shout outs? Sure.


You ****. Nice Sheik, Doctor Mario, Young Link, and I hate that you beat me with all of your characters.


You're my hero. Your Peach is awesome, and some of your turnip set ups just scare me ****less. You should stop punishing me for not sweet-spotting the edge.


We were supposed to have a money match for a gum ball. What the hell happened?


I saw you play, and you **** face man. It's crazy. Your spacing is amazing. You should definitely get a modded controller so that you can press L and R.


Can't believe your Falco lost a stock to my Zelda. =P


Pretty sure I ***** your face in friendlies today, except when you picked Sheik. Also, you're messed up for not including me in your list of shout outs. You included ARC, but not me?

But nice job placing so well, and almost ****** Rob$. You've improved a lot playing me, which is strange because I suck *** at this game.


Smiles, you should change your name to... *****.



You ***** me. I'm emotionally unstable after that pwnage you gave me.

Save The Queen

Suicide spike more and I promise you'll get more ladies.


You snore REALLY loudly.


Thanks for watching me **** face in crews.


Your Falco pwns.


Glad we had so much fun this weekend. I'll head over there some time and you can teach me to button mash like you.


Pretty good Fox.


Crews were fun. It was cool meeting you.


Thanks for hosting.


Your Roy is incredible! It's just unbelievable how much soul you **** with that stupid red-haired *******.


Nice Luigi.

teh pope



Glad we didn't play in tournament. Would've been embarrassing to lose to a girl. :chuckle:


Carlie, please don't ever counter-pick Luigi against Marth again. T_T

It was fun playing you in tournament, though.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
13 hrs later and We're just getting home. also you'll never guess what happened on the way home.

ANOTHER BLOWN TIRE!!! this time on the passenger side. man the ride sucked but the tourney was great.

I'm actually going to do my shoutouts now. then go to sleep.


First of all I have to give my first shoutout to Broly

Broly - My man. you're too good to describe and a amazing person. I wanted to get the chance to get some friendlies in with you but the line to play you was really long lol. good job getting 4th, u earned it.

S.O.S - It was nice to meet u man. every char I seen u play with was amazing.

Pneuma - I wish we could have played. it would have been epic my friend.

King Mosquito - U did your best running this tourney from one King to another. I enjoyed every min of it.

ForkGirl - best Female Smasher EVA!!!! I was scared when u counter picked me on Mute city. I was the Luigi that played played you.

Smilez - U have the best smile in the entire smash community and the fastest Peach I've ever seen.

DoH - we pretty much ***** each other in our set man. good games.

Xelic - Jordan ur like a modern day Jesus. I enjoyed hanging with you and those friendlies were too good.

Lep - good job in our crew battle and we had a good set.

Bear - ur too cool of a person to hang our with. DK taunt!!!!

Hylian - ur Fox is pretty **** tricky. it was nice meeting u man.

HaHa - You seem like I would get along with you well, you are just as Random as I am. just walked up to me and said did u know the McRib was back at McDonalds? lol I hope that next time we meet. we actually get to play a couple of games.

Kite- Thomas you're one of the very few good ppl in this world. thanks for the housing. and the friendlies were fun as hell.

Save the Queen - That Yellow Yoshi of yours is crazy. it was nice meeting u. Also I want to see those pics u took.

Sethlon - Greatest Roy I ever seen. our friendlies were too fun. I wish Low tier would have happened, to see how it would have unfolded between such awesome low tier players such as ourselves, until next time Take care man. ^_^

Caveman - That last min cape scarred me for life. thank you for taking out the time to play me in some friendlies before we were booted out of Gamelot. ur too good and ur Shiek is the only one that was'nt boring to watch. Crazy Spacing!


Shyguy - good friendlies man. we did'nt get to play that much.

Taylor - Ur always cool to talk to, we did'nt play at all this time.

Kyle - I hate Marths. LOL luckily you're cool so you're forgiven this time ^_^

Cyphus - our set was my closest set in a long, LONG time. 1 stock each game with high or mid damage. next time we play we have to keep it that exciting.

Lee - U eat too much lil buddy. we did'nt get to play either but it was fun as always hanging with you man. until next time.

Flarefox - quiet as always. we should play next time.

Varuna - it was nice to meet u. ur Falcon have the potential to be a monster.

And Lastly my crew FLORIDA!!!

Ragnarok - I heard u named battle the other Ragnarok and won! good ****. we went thru alot to get to this tourney but it was fun as hell when we actually made it.

Mr. P - Your a good minion, ur moving up in the world. try not to be so nervous when u play. u can do alot better then ur doing now.

Ricey Poo - Still good as always taking 13 stocks and 9 stocks in two diffrent crew battles. but since ur so good ur also an A$$ I only got to play in 1 crew battle out of 3. So I say poo to you!

Boomstick - I guess ur Falcon is alright. I'm gald ur in the same crew as me.

Drumma Boi/ Leprechaun/ Circles / Stumpy / Tickle Me ****** - I think I got all of your major nick names LOL, As always ur navigation skills are top.
notch. but seriously ur a good lil buddy and my bad in teams. next time we'll do better. Call me later for some smash if u can.



if I forgot anyone I'm sorry I'm a jerk, Please forgive me and let me know if I have forgotten u, and I'll make my shoutout for you. as for me, I'm going take a shower and sleep till Wensday. God Bless everyone, I had an awesome time and wish we could have stayed for the after party but things happen and



Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2004
San Antonio/Austin, Texas
Thanks for the vid, Broly. I'm still looking forward to the rest of them. <3

Also, I'll copy/paste my shoutouts from the other thread later. I have time to type THIS but not CTRL + C/V a single post. So busy. >_>


Anyway, I have some time before I go to class, so I'll see what I can do in the way of shoutouts:

First of all, thank you North Florida and Lousiana for driving all the way out to the middle of ****ing Texas just to play with us. Y'all were a lot of fun and soso good. I hope y'all had a great time, and I'm looking forward to visiting y'all in the future. Way to step it the **** up and I hope you all made it back home in one piece. That being said, I'll move onto the individuals...as I remember them.

Galt- LOLZ. That's all I have to say to you.

Taylor- We ****ing ***** in teams. Oh my god I almost feel bad for the poor noobs that had to play us, but it's their fault for being such noobs. =D

Broly- I don't know if I was really hurt. Taylor carried our team QUITE a way through the tourney. Anyway, you're ****ing amazing, and I think you have earned an incredible degree of respect with your performance. Most people would be happy just to get 4th at a tourney of this size, but to get 4th without being able to even touch the shoulder buttons or Z is beyond ridiculous. It may even be ludicrous. You are truly too good.

DoH- Stop trying to beat me in tournaments! =D Also, that crew match was so messed up. You hit me with a bomb and then we had a lightsaber battle. Stupid match.


Cave- Once again, your Sheik prevails, but I AM getting closer. =D

Kite- Thanks for starting the tourney with me. <3

Austin people- **** you guys. You don't deserve shoutouts.

SA people- I'd say the same thing, but I don't live in SA. Anyway, it was good fun to see Dyse, Wombat, Ben, Kyle, Tommy, SOS, and everyone else again. I even caught a glimpse of the rare and elusive retired Smashers. <3

SOS- Man, what the ****? Don't lose before we even fight. =/ Good fun at your place, good fun everywhere.

Sethlon- Holy ****ing ****. I love you. You carried our crew to victory. I'm honored to have been a part of Magnolia. <3

Bear, Lep, Zero- Good **** to all of you guys in crews as well. Everyone did their part, and it was amazing. =D

Smiles- YOU know. =D

Hylian and Espy AKA ISAI!!!- Sorry I had to Isai(!) you guys in team. I only did it because it was horribly ironic. <3

Pneuma- Good job defeating the 3rd place singles tourney winner...with Luigi. =DDDDDDDDDDD

Houston- Good **** you guys OH WAIT YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP

Bluezaft- **** you and your sword.

JR- Always great to see you again. We should play some Smash when I'm back in SA.

Haha- We had some fun matches, and you're surpisingly good. =D

FC- =) Hehehe ginger kids.

Boomstick- Your Falcon was fun to watch, but I didn't get to play you. =(

RAM- You're Luigi is great, and you're an awesome guy. I enjoyed hanging out and talking with you. North Florida is too good.

Drumma Boi- You're my new favorite person. You and RAM made this tourney so awesome for me. I hope I can actually make it out to Florida at some point so we can hang out some more. <3

LG- I'll admit that you're a worthy opponent in the **** talk arena, but I do believe that I am more brutal, though you ARE louder. I salute you.

Swift John- Good ****. You're another cool dude. Come hang out in Austin and play with us.

Drew and Chang- **** you two for not coming. </3

Xelic- Thanks for bringing spirit to the tournament with your top tier trash talking. I pity the fools who were on the receiving end. Being so awesome, it's no wonder people at the tourney were mistaking you for Jesus.

Smiles, Forkgirl, and DoH- Thanks for running the brackets and making sure that the tournament actually happened.

Rayzorium- Where the hell where you?! ='(

Cyphus- I'm sad that I only got to **** talk you and we didn't play at all. =( Thanks for stopping by.

Lee- <3 Good games, and thanks for selling Galt your controller, because I was tired of his bull**** controller johns. Come live here kthx. =D

Taylor/Kyle- Good games, and great time hanging out at Whataburger. <3

Sun and the guy with the ponytail- Fun matches we had, and thanks for getting a lot of matches on tape. Do try to put them up on YouTube. <3

Taco- Thanks for the Bowser ditto. =D

Everyone else: <3

There we are.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Get It Right Anus


(Notice the C and no more caps) IS THE ONE FROM ALABAMA

RagnaRoK (Notice the exemption of a C, the capitalizatin of the R, the K at the end making for my nick name "RoK", as well as the correct spellilng of it)


Okay, now you've actually made me angry enough to post JOHNS about this tournament.

Broly: This dude is the legendary super Saiyan and he *****. He was born with a power level of 10,000, while everyone else was born with 1. His ****** ability isn't fair. Thus, I john him.

Bluezaft: I don't like blue, you should call yourself Redzaft, would sound better.

Forkgirl: ****s suck, if you called yourself Sporkgirl, you'd be so sexy.

Smiles: SMILES ARE RIDICULOUS!!! Frowns are the only way to see realistically through life! So, stop smiling ****it.

Bear: If you changed your name to Grizzly it sounds more beastly.

Ugly-Wombat: You erm... Um.. RAN OUTTA CHICKEN! Yeah.. thats it.

I'll John moar l8er.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2005
San Antonio, TX
shoutouts :D

xelic: <33333 hanging out was fun, sorry about 3rd in teams. we did ****, but i guess i brought us down, sigh :/ come back to SA already.

DoH: besides teams and that one peach ditto, we didn't get to play at all hanging out was fun though.

Adrian/cave: i knew you would win

broly: amazing! congrats at 4!!! boo for not playing you, but it was cool seeing ya

smiles: hey taylor i brought you dr pepper
me: really?
smiles: yea
me: its really for me?!
smiles: yea
*takes a big mouthful of alcohol* *almost throws up*
:/ thanks buddy!!

bluezaft: boo for green greens. > did our teams matches get recorded??

taylor: thanks for all the friendlies, good matches you're definitely the better taylor

cyphus: crazy doc! good meeting you

drumma boi: you're awesome! come to more tx tournaments!! too bad we couldnt hang out more at this one

kal: nice meeting you and owning your marth ;D you destroyed all my non sheik characters though

levi: cool hanging out

kyle/mosquito: thanks for the tournament, it was a lot of fun, hope you weren't too stressed

sos: most annoying falco EVER!!! i couldn't touch him in teams...i didnt completely suck against your other characters though

coach: you're a noob for not coming to the tournament!

florida, lousiana: thanks for coming you guys, it was cool playing new people!!!

shyguy: i remember you i played you a few freindlies right?? i dont think i ever saw you smile, lol

RAM: you're luigi is too good. low tier shouldnt be allowed to beat sheik that badly XD

george: i still dont think i've ever played you, but you're super nice it was cool hanging out. y'all should have had a crystal city crew

Rob$: boo, you left before teams you should have stayed and hung out but it was cool seeing you

lep: cool seeing you again, boo for not avenging me by beating that luigi (mentioned above)

majin: we never did our mm.

bearr: you eliminated me, so mean. ;_; way to own sos' chair, lol

everyone who comments on how lucky i am that jordan teamed with me: you guys are jealous!!! ;D

galt: for some reason i thought you'd be good at strategy games. I understand that you're scared though. losing to a girl is not something to brag about ;D

i'm probably forgetting poeple, but i'm kind of in a hurry
omg i know i'm forgetting people...


Nov 26, 2004

(Notice the C and no more caps) IS THE ONE FROM ALABAMA

RagnaRoK (Notice the exemption of a C, the capitalizatin of the R, the K at the end making for my nick name "RoK", as well as the correct spellilng of it)

If you change your name like you are supposed to you wouldn't have this problem : )


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006

(Notice the C and no more caps) IS THE ONE FROM ALABAMA

RagnaRoK (Notice the exemption of a C, the capitalizatin of the R, the K at the end making for my nick name "RoK", as well as the correct spellilng of it)


Okay, now you've actually made me angry enough to post JOHNS about this tournament.

Broly: This dude is the legendary super Saiyan and he *****. He was born with a power level of 10,000, while everyone else was born with 1. His ****** ability isn't fair. Thus, I john him.

Bluezaft: I don't like blue, you should call yourself Redzaft, would sound better.

Forkgirl: ****s suck, if you called yourself Sporkgirl, you'd be so sexy.

Smiles: SMILES ARE RIDICULOUS!!! Frowns are the only way to see realistically through life! So, stop smiling ****it.

Bear: If you changed your name to Grizzly it sounds more beastly.

Ugly-Wombat: You erm... Um.. RAN OUTTA CHICKEN! Yeah.. thats it.

I'll John moar l8er.
Then what was the purpose of the name match. If you would have won the name match (which you wouldn't have, not trying to sound cocky.) you would wanted me to change my name. and if I had lost i would have chaged my name. How about this I change my name to RAGNAROK and then we play again and then you change your name........... Just playing. You agreed to the match and the terms change the name.


I don't really remember anybody names (sorry about that its the crack), but the only thing I do knoe that everyone iin texas is of the chain anf I had alot of fun. And I can't to you guys again.but I do remember my crew battle mates, good job guys we will do better next time.

Kite: thanks for the housing I really apprciate it. I got your back playa if you come to my hood.

to my team mates thakns for helping me when my tires bust if it wasn't for you guys I would made it home thanks for everything guys I owe you guys one.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
UglyMongoose: THANK YOU for housing me and everyone, I'm just sad I didn't get a taste of your waffles :(

LG:You had me cracking up the whole time

Swift: **** you and your fox

King Mosquito: I was sooooooo sure I had that match, But then you had to go and make a comeback out of no where hahahaha, Next time I'll get you though.

Xelic: I wish I had bowser ditto'd you before, You handed my *** to me lolololol

Buh: Good stuff mannn, Hopefulyl I'll see you again yes?

Random bowser player I played after Xelic: Good match.

I think those are the only one's I remember


Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2007
How could I forget you RAM? And sorry for getting the OOS'ers all messed up just as long as I know yall are out of staters is an acomplishment for me. lawl lawl lawl anyway peace


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
lol, I didn't have my name tag on the second day, and we didn't really play the second day, I was the one that bowser ditto'd you and barely won :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2007
Austin, TX
This thread doesn't mention enough how much Sethlon destroyed in crews. I just want to make that clear. I'm pretty sure he took more stocks in crews than anyone.

Also, if I go to another tournament, I think maybe I'll participate more. Maybe not crews, but possibly teams, if I can team with someone I know. Reqy and I destroyed in teams friendlies. G&W + Falco team = unbeatable. I'll also play more random friendlies, so I can beat loads of people with G&W and make them feel bad about themselves for losing to G&W. Once I get used to my new controller, she and I are going to ascend to a new level. Black is the color of death, you know.

The following people should move to Austin:
1) Lee
2) Sethlon
3) Rams
And also, we should go back in time 2 years.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
This thread doesn't mention enough how much Sethlon destroyed in crews. I just want to make that clear. I'm pretty sure he took more stocks in crews than anyone.

Also, if I go to another tournament, I think maybe I'll participate more. Maybe not crews, but possibly teams, if I can team with someone I know. Reqy and I destroyed in teams friendlies. G&W + Falco team = unbeatable. I'll also play more random friendlies, so I can beat loads of people with G&W and make them feel bad about themselves for losing to G&W. Once I get used to my new controller, she and I are going to ascend to a new level. Black is the color of death, you know.

The following people should move to Austin:
1) Lee
2) Sethlon
3) Rams
And also, we should go back in time 2 years.
Lee needs to move to austin.



Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Shoutouts, shoutouts, shoutouts.

Bear: Thanks for the ride, as always. We need to stop sucking in teams, yeah?

SoS: I was inebriated too, stop johning and **** me in GG already :mad:. Roy vs sheik in tourny makes me wanna cry.

Kite: Thanks for housing us the first night. You stole our pizza!!! :mad:

Mr.C: Finally we play again =} Good stuff with the bowser. Maining low tier is difficult at times, but somebody's gotta do it.

Smiles: Lol, i forget you could powershield when i was friendly-ing against your doc, that one powershield -> dsmash really caught me off guard. We should play more GG next time :) (catching chipp with johnny is a pain in the ***, lol)

KING Mosquito: Good tourny man, although i think things could've definately ran smoother the second day, even with crews and teams going on at once. Taking money outta the pot is also pretty :(. Haha, good stuff with the GG, RK dittos are too good, missles EVERYWHERE! Yeah, tell me when you're gonna throw that GG tourny, I would definately be up for it :cool:

Caveman: Yay for GG! I'm a bit better than I was at FC6, yeah? :cool: We should get some smash in next time, last time we played was too fun.

Leprechaun: Thanks for crewin' with us. Good stuff with the fox =}

Zero: Good **** man, you did better than i thought you'd do in crews. ****in ROFL at the uptilt and downB egdeguards on that capt falcon :laugh:

Xelic: Thanks for crewin with magnolia. 90% of roy combos don't work, but if you pretend hard enough, you'd be suprised at the stuff he can pull off. We need to play more roy vs peach next time, i want to get better at that matchup =}

Forkgirl: You and xelic make a good team *nodnod*

Bluezaft: Man, that last crew match was intense. I really thought i was dead when you snatched my jump from me after that uthrow. (However, if you call the downsmash the RagnoRoK one more time....:mad: Lol)

RagnaRoK: So whats your new name going to be, lol. You're going to make sure that our match gets online, right? ;)

DoH: We didn't get to play this time =/ Lol at you pulling a bomb and a saber against Xelic in crews. The beamsaber fsmash kill was too good.

LG: Rofl at magnolia crew out **** talking you @ crews, although i suppose we did have the 3v1 advantage.

Cyphus: Fun stuff man. Lawl @ marth in crews. I woulda gladly played roy on you on a neutral stage, but marth's fin **** is 10x harder than roy's. Come back sometime =}

Lee: Good stuff with the mario. How the hell do I get through fsmashes, lol. Got my revenge on you in the crew battle though :cool:

Drumma boi: Fun stuff in the crew battle. Gotta watch out for those dsmashes, its the peach killer for a reason :cool:

Ram: Wow, your luigi is really good. All around a cool guy :)

Broly: Jeeeeeesus, your spacing is amazing. Fun stuff with the roy dittos =}

Galt: Nice G&W you've got there. His shield sucks, its way too easy to eat through it with dtilt/fsmash/DED final swipe =/

...and I think thats just about everybody. Fun matches all around. My bad if i didn't catch your name/remenber you =/


Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2006
Pflugerville, TX
Lawl. Isn't there some legal threat I can make to have you take that video off of ****ing youtube? >_>

That night was pretty fun, though.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
This person whom you speak of named RagnaRoK. If his existence is no more, how shall he be able to provide such media? However, I'm sure others would recollect upon them for future battles.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
Random bowser player I played after Xelic: Good match.

I think those are the only one's I remember
That was me =] and yessir good match.

Ya Sethlon it was fun playing you...actually the most fun I had playing with anyone the entire tourney =] lol


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2007
Austin, TX
Ya Sethlon it was fun playing you...actually the most fun I had playing with anyone the entire tourney =] lol
I was going to point out how much I hate you, but then I remembered that I intended to say the same thing before. So I don't even care about you anymore. You're only, like, 5'10" you ******.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
I was going to point out how much I hate you, but then I remembered that I intended to say the same thing before. So I don't even care about you anymore. You're only, like, 5'10" you ******.
LOL dude I love you! and I'm taller that 5'10 fo sho lol 5'11-6ft =]
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