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10 reasons why Ike sucks

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Dark Paladin X

Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2008
After playing target smash level 4 with him (which really was a complete hell) and attempting target smash level 5, I come to the conclusion that Ike sucks a lot. Sure he can inflict deadly damage, but here my 10 conclusions:

1) He has the worst recovery moves in the game. EVER! His Up-B is short ranged and Side B doesn't go much distance. Thus, he completely sucks. Heck when the AI gets knocked off the platform, the Ai would mostly panic and if the AI isn't high enough to the cliff, the AI will use the Up-B and end up SD. Heck, due to his worst recovery in his game, anyone, even Bowser, can rip Ike apart.
2) He is (nearly) impossible to do with for target smash level 5, i did exactly what this guy did in the video, but I really seldom reach to that platform. Everytime I Aether to that platform, the cracker launcher falls off. Thus, his Up-B always forces useful items off the platforms.
3) Has the slowest attack speed ever, thus he is really inappropriate for 100-multi man brawl (luckily, I used the golden hammer for the blue alloy trophy challenge part).
4) Due to his slow attacks, his smash and tilt attacks are quite predictable and one might easily roll to the left/right or block it.
5) Ike lacks good projectiles like Snake's Rocket Launcher and Pit's Arrow. Honestly, how are you able hit a guy from a distance without a projectile.
6) Lack running speed, well that doesn't really matter. Unless if you are dealing with Sonic.
7) Here is the biggest reason why Ike sucks, his second jump doesn't go as high, he jumps way shorter than any other characters, thus making target smash level 5 harder. Well it does make sense because he's wielding a stinking 2-handed sword!!
8) He falls TOO fast. Some people say fast falling is good. Well, guess what, if you are doing something like target smashes or stages that scroll upward like rumble falls, you're going to have a problem.
9) Can't kill people really fast, mostly because his attacks are too slow and has too much lag.
10) You cannot control where his 2-handed sword lands from his Up-B.

So there you go, Ike really sucks. I prefer Lucario over Ike because Lucario has better combos, is faster, has better benefits (like more hurt more damage) and a decent recovery. I don't care about spiking, I care about having good recovery moves and killing my enemies quickly with fast attacks.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2008
Moxee, WA
Obviously you suck with Ike, don't troll and cry more. Most of the reasons you listed are based on target smash? Thats hardly an argument for a character to not be good. You really don't know what your talking about, so don't try to convince people otherwise.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
He is talking about Ike right?
*raise hand*
Kirk does target smash have anything to do with fighting 1v1.
(Because we all know Kirk has the answers to everything) :)


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
1-I'd think Donkey Kong has the worst recovery in the game. At least Ike has SOME vertical recovery with Aether.

2,7,8, 10 -Why, thank you for pointing out all of Ike's flaws... in.. Target Smash. For avidly complaining about your lack of ability to control his Aether. Though its horizontal range might suck, Aether climbs upwards quickly as well, while "clearing out" people above you. Never had problems on Rumble Falls when I was an Ike player. Platforms in that level were made so people with low jumps could still climb anyway. Player's own fault for missing/failing to catch platforms.

3- Aye, slow moves with insane knockback and reach. If they were any faster, I wonder how many more people would complain about how "overpowered" he is.

4- That's why good players don't spam moves use mindgames to trick people into rolling and punishing with a charged smash...

5- You don't. In Snake's case, you grab a grenade. It's okay, you ARE used to a character with projectiles, so I guess complaining about it makes sense from... your point of view. If Ike was anything like his FE counterpart, he WOULD have a ranged attack from Ragnell (his sword). But then again, he'd also be considerably faster and overpowered.

6- Side B. But some Ike players (and Ganondorf players, while we're on the topic of slow runners) don't actively chase after people, but wait for them to attack (vs melee chars, which you seem to lack proficiency in)

9- Thanks for trying to provide a counter argument to the "Ike is Overpowered" noobfest, but part of playing Ike is knowing his lag and sometimes 'doing moves ahead of time'. I agree, he would kill slow... if people would freaking learn to dodge.

All in all, nice attempt to prove that Ike is not overpowered. But all in all, it could have been summed up in:
-Ike's recovery sucks, so he's easy to gimp.
-Ike's strong attacks have alot of lag, so he's easy to punish and dodge.
-I can't control his recovery moves too well :(

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
eh, no. you just suck with ike.
youre judging a character about their ability in ****ing target smash and multi-man brawl. QQ more noob.

Dark Paladin X

Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2008
oh yea, and Ike gets comboed too easily, I can combo onto Ike a lot with Lucario.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Everyone here are idiots and biased. DK has a WAY more horizontal range than Ike. Im not going to be an idiot and flame on Ike by saying his recovery sucks. It's mediocre (like DK) at best.

Olimar has the worst recovery.

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
You can't compare flaws of a character in target smash to actual flaws of a character in the real game...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
Doesn't matter even if ike doesn't suck in brawl they messed him up. In the Fire Emblem game he is in he is nowhere near the "slow" type. Literally however, he sucks balls.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
After playing target smash level 4 with him (which really was a complete hell) and attempting target smash level 5, I come to the conclusion that Ike sucks a lot. Sure he can inflict deadly damage, but here my 10 conclusions:

1) He has the worst recovery moves in the game. EVER! His Up-B is short ranged and Side B doesn't go much distance. Thus, he completely sucks. Heck when the AI gets knocked off the platform, the Ai would mostly panic and if the AI isn't high enough to the cliff, the AI will use the Up-B and end up SD. Heck, due to his worst recovery in his game, anyone, even Bowser, can rip Ike apart.
2) He is (nearly) impossible to do with for target smash level 5, i did exactly what this guy did in the video, but I really seldom reach to that platform. Everytime I Aether to that platform, the cracker launcher falls off. Thus, his Up-B always forces useful items off the platforms.
3) Has the slowest attack speed ever, thus he is really inappropriate for 100-multi man brawl (luckily, I used the golden hammer for the blue alloy trophy challenge part).
4) Due to his slow attacks, his smash and tilt attacks are quite predictable and one might easily roll to the left/right or block it.
5) Ike lacks good projectiles like Snake's Rocket Launcher and Pit's Arrow. Honestly, how are you able hit a guy from a distance without a projectile.
6) Lack running speed, well that doesn't really matter. Unless if you are dealing with Sonic.
7) Here is the biggest reason why Ike sucks, his second jump doesn't go as high, he jumps way shorter than any other characters, thus making target smash level 5 harder. Well it does make sense because he's wielding a stinking 2-handed sword!!
8) He falls TOO fast. Some people say fast falling is good. Well, guess what, if you are doing something like target smashes or stages that scroll upward like rumble falls, you're going to have a problem.
9) Can't kill people really fast, mostly because his attacks are too slow and has too much lag.
10) You cannot control where his 2-handed sword lands from his Up-B.

So there you go, Ike really sucks. I prefer Lucario over Ike because Lucario has better combos, is faster, has better benefits (like more hurt more damage) and a decent recovery. I don't care about spiking, I care about having good recovery moves and killing my enemies quickly with fast attacks.
1) Ganondorf's, Olimar's, and Ivysaur's recoveries are considerably worse. Ike's recovery isn't bad - QD is easily gimpable and while Aether is also gimpable, it's fairly difficult to interrupt if your character doesn't have a ranged attack (Sonic, Captain Falcon, etc.).

2) Target Test does not matter how good a character is. Falco is the best Target Test character, but that does not mean that he is the best (fighting) character. It's combat that counts.

3) Slow attack speed doesn't = bad character. Worst case scenario = bad knockback, slow attack, tiny hitbox. Ike is easily the best killer in the game and has huge range, balancing out his attack speed. Also, his attacks are reasonably slow, but not as slow as you say. While BAir is exceptionally fast and comes out in 8 frames, his aerials are all faster than Snake's FAir. His jab comes out in 2 frames (according to NoValombardia (spelling?)) and his UTilt is mediocre.

4) 1 word: mindgames. Bait your opponent into making a mistake and punish for it.

5) This is a legitimate reason and (after looking through your other reasons) your only good reason.

6) You admitted yourself that this doesn't really matter. It also doesn't really matter because you can QD if you're trying to go long distance.

7) His second jump is not as pathetic as Ganondorf's. It isn't good, but it certainly does not make him a bad character. With his double jump and his "short-ranged" up+B, you can short-hop FAir offstage, FAir again offstage with your double jump, and still make it back to the edge. Also, Falcon has a better double jump, but he is arguably the worst character in the game (horrible recovery and can't kill easily at all).

8) Falling fast increases the speed of your game; it would HELP you get faster scores in Target Test because you can get to the ground faster. You're talking about falling acceleration, which isn't bad at all because of Brawl's floaty physics.

9) You obviously don't use his aerials. Look at 3).

10) Yes, you can. You have limited control of where he lands left or right.

It's obvious that you have not actually tried getting good at Ike or watch how people play Ike.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
U of T
You know, I actually can't tell if this guy is serious or not. I pray for the sake of his intelligence that he isn't.

In which case...


Lol, you made me laugh. gj


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Angleton, TX
After playing target smash level 4 with him (which really was a complete hell) and attempting target smash level 5, I come to the conclusion that Ike sucks a lot. Sure he can inflict deadly damage, but here my 10 conclusions:

1) He has the worst recovery moves in the game. EVER! His Up-B is short ranged and Side B doesn't go much distance. Thus, he completely sucks. Heck when the AI gets knocked off the platform, the Ai would mostly panic and if the AI isn't high enough to the cliff, the AI will use the Up-B and end up SD. Heck, due to his worst recovery in his game, anyone, even Bowser, can rip Ike apart.
2) He is (nearly) impossible to do with for target smash level 5, i did exactly what this guy did in the video, but I really seldom reach to that platform. Everytime I Aether to that platform, the cracker launcher falls off. Thus, his Up-B always forces useful items off the platforms.
3) Has the slowest attack speed ever, thus he is really inappropriate for 100-multi man brawl (luckily, I used the golden hammer for the blue alloy trophy challenge part).
4) Due to his slow attacks, his smash and tilt attacks are quite predictable and one might easily roll to the left/right or block it.
5) Ike lacks good projectiles like Snake's Rocket Launcher and Pit's Arrow. Honestly, how are you able hit a guy from a distance without a projectile.
6) Lack running speed, well that doesn't really matter. Unless if you are dealing with Sonic.
7) Here is the biggest reason why Ike sucks, his second jump doesn't go as high, he jumps way shorter than any other characters, thus making target smash level 5 harder. Well it does make sense because he's wielding a stinking 2-handed sword!!
8) He falls TOO fast. Some people say fast falling is good. Well, guess what, if you are doing something like target smashes or stages that scroll upward like rumble falls, you're going to have a problem.
9) Can't kill people really fast, mostly because his attacks are too slow and has too much lag.
10) You cannot control where his 2-handed sword lands from his Up-B.

So there you go, Ike really sucks. I prefer Lucario over Ike because Lucario has better combos, is faster, has better benefits (like more hurt more damage) and a decent recovery. I don't care about spiking, I care about having good recovery moves and killing my enemies quickly with fast attacks.

You're flaming Ike on Target Test!!!???

I can't believe you're basing results on just Target Test!

Yeah, he's slow, but KO's people VERY easily. Lucario's the one that's weak.

Next time, try using Sonic on level 5 and find your OWN way to beat it under 30 seconds.


Tamed Beast
Feb 25, 2006
Boston, Ma
1-I'd think Donkey Kong has the worst recovery in the game.
no way man. DK's got awesome horizontal. His only problem is being spiked. Spike canceling DOES exist in brawl, and so far i've been doing alright with him.

Ike's vertical recovery is not that bad. It usually interrupts any enemy trying to gimp you from above.
His horizontal recovery is worse, because you need time to charge your forward B and the enemy can just take the hit to finish you.
It's when he's downward at an angle that he's absolutely done for.

if you want to talk about terrible recovery, look at Link.

he can be gimped SO EASILY. Well placed spikes/sex kicks/projectiles will just end him.

Tether recovery isn't ACTUALLY a "recovery" tool in the sense that it does not help you cover distances that your UP B can already go.

It's use is to stop horizontal knockback, edgehog and give you an extra option when close to the edge. It is quicker than using your UP B when you are horizontal with the edge and close.
But it isn't anything like the melee days.


Jun 7, 2005
Enough you guys. I should warn all of you but I won't. Please don't reply to these kind of threads anymore.
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