I just realized something. If Fino and I did it correctly, are we also able to whistle through jab->jab cancel-> jab?? And if that's true, that'd mean we could whistle through all of his jab mixups except a grab. ^______^
If these calculations I'm doing really quickly in my head are right, he can just punish a whistled jab after a jab cancel with an upb. :/ He can also just wait for you to whistle after a jab (in anticipation of you whistling an upb) and then upb after afterwards. That or just continuously jab->jab cancel->jab (you whistle the jab)-> jab (as a punishment) and start it all over again. It'll be hard DIing the jabs AND focusing on whistling at the right time. :/
So really, instead of a guaranteed shoryuken after a jab, he's got (very roughly- a guesstimate) about a 60-70% shot at it if he does his mixups well. :/ If he messes up about 2 times a game, that's only 2 upairs or upsmashes to punish him with. ~30% and a good chance to SDI any upair (if you choose to punish with that instead of an upsmash of course) is nothing.
If all else fails and you manage to DI out of his jabs, he's still got a **** zoning game in tornado and his awesome shield pressure game to force you to pivotgrab all the time and get you to the edge and get a jab on you then when you really have no options. Imo, realistically, I'd say the matchup didn't change much at all. Probably just 35:65 or so. It's still stupid. <_<
Well, I hope that wasn't too confusing. T___T I'm not even sure you can whistle through a jab cancelled jab. >_____>