Thanks for holding the tournament, Josh. I probably won't play this game again until whenever the next local tournament rolls around. From the difficulty I had at the tournament and at the practice we had the day before, I can see that see that you, Alex, and Trent are getting a lot better at this game. (Probably others too, but I didn’t get a chance at the tournament to play against anyone else that I had played against before to gauge their abilities.) There was quite a difference from this time and the last time I played 2 weeks ago.
I don’t really practice or anything so the only thing that keeps me competitive is the years of experience I have from playing from the very beginning, but you guys are catching up really fast. By the time the next tournament comes, I don’t think I’ll be able to withstand you guys any more. And if there’s no chance for me to make money at this game anymore, I’ll consider myself officially retired.
We’ll have a chance to start over again when the Revolution version of Smash comes out. I’m sure my friends will want to pick it up and I’ll have a chance to play again. I can’t wait.
If anyone cares, when I left the tournament, I went right to Compusa, where I used the money I won to buy this:
The remainder was spent on gas and Chinese Food.