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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Bubbleman_Nsider said:
Karura's becoming a teacher now, Smash teacher. I tried to so with my friends on the neighborhood, but the Smash fever went down... so there's literally almost no good smashers in the 'hood, except for my cousin, bro and I.

The guy's back, and so are the Fidel pictures, lol@'em

Blazing, I've never seen you play(I think) so I can't really give a vote, but as a random, take low tier, can't really see why.
yeah i did play you i was the link whit BM and the guy who 2 stock you then after that match a guy came and asked for you(that was uriel) and i said miralo aqui remember?

oh moving myself to bottom tier cause i really suck and really deserve to be there i and getting ***** slap alot lately so i figure that is mi spot is like hey i am going to do a combo video lets record a match whit blazing so i can combo the hell out of him ,one match is good enough for a combo video


Smash Clone
May 15, 2006
docoter mario cuidadito si no quieres que llame a mi hermano y te bote de aqui


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
@Blazing, I do remember that, but I don't think we played a 1vs1, I remeber playing free-for-alls with various smashes, but I remember that quote.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
hey hey hey, yo quiero subir en ese tier list lol, aunque no me molesta estar en el mid lvl pero quiero estar por lo menos en el upper tier, so, ese evento de tier battles me interesa mucho asi que cuenten conmigo para eso.

and zyko, which part of bayamon do you live in?

blazing, you deserve to be in upper tier if you ask for my oppinion.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
wow hace tiempo q no posteo(jangueo y trabajo)anyways...

se q es tarde pero el biweekly rulio estuvo broken tripie bien brutal
y fue bien funny porque ATH tuvo q ir a la ATH a sacar chavo junto con EV1L lol
espero q se repita pronto y otra cosa q estuvo tripy fue el tourney de middle tier pa bajo
en el cual DK ownio lol :chuckle:


tier list de blazing.... lol :chuckle:

BLAZING tu no eres bottom lechon! and bubble man's father should be in the list beacause of what bubbleman said about his father telling him that he should be more agresive edge guarding I guess it runs in the blood.

dococter_mario:tu avatar esta cool pero John stewart es mas funny. lol


estoy loko por volver a jugar, hace tieeeempo q no juego creo q desde el biweekly
y quiero organizar un gathering en mi casa y me gustaria q fuera pal de personas por lo menos no mas de 12 o 13 personas de gente de aqui del east y los q se quieran tirar del west(se q esta fuerte el viaje) so... avisare .

Blazing: me vino a la mente un nombre pa un torneo chequeate el nombre es :True Newbie tournament lol (chiste interno..) jajajaja!!! :chuckle:

ATH~ {-Transaction complete-}/[via^paliza^]


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Blazing said:
Ok i know is kind of late but here they are:

B4K4-our match was the fisrt one and the most intense one but you took it good job.
H@wk-lol i always eliminate you at the tournaments but your falco is sexy good job.
EV1L-man your falco is awesome man and so is your fox came close to beat your fox whit my ganon but you took it at the end.
ATH-great joob man i think you could have won it but i guess like carlos said shiek is to broken lol
KAMA-awesome job you did better than i did keep it up.

to the rest great job and it was fun

now for the east tier list lol

top tier

Upper tier

High tier:
EOTG Brother (lol i dont know his name i think it was manolo)
Laser kirby

Middle tier
Zero FX

Low tier
Wandering Angel

Bottom Tier
WOLF E. URAMESHI(sorry is just that we havent see you play)

if i forgot somebody let me know lol


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
ATH said:
and bubble man's father should be in the list beacause of what bubbleman said about his father telling him that he should be more agresive edge guarding I guess it runs in the blood.
He was a gamer back in the days of DonkyKong and SpaceInvaders. Hehe, I do need to practice more edgeguarding, since I made a huge mistake on team battles, I tried to WD on an edge to edgehog and miserably lost since my Ness made an air-dodge and fell. Oh well, a little more practice can fix that.

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Karura's becoming a teacher now, Smash teacher. I tried to so with my friends on the neighborhood, but the Smash fever went down... so there's literally almost no good smashers in the 'hood, except for my cousin, bro and I.
Hell Yeah (H) I'm like Iruka-sensei now

hey hey hey, yo quiero subir en ese tier list lol, aunque no me molesta estar en el mid lvl pero quiero estar por lo menos en el upper tier, so, ese evento de tier battles me interesa mucho asi que cuenten conmigo para eso.
Ah no!! Tu no subes de nivel hasta que yo este en el Mid.Tier!!>__>!! (Sorry gente tengo algo de competencia con el, aunque no estoy segura si lo sabe lol)

Oooh evento de tier battles?;__;!! Yo kiero yo kiero!! Yoooooo kierooooooo!!! (Lo que hago por jugar..)


My 10th post!!!!!!! desde diciembre!!!

That's like 2 posts per month!!!!
Yay ATH!!! El que fue a la ATH a sacar dinero(eres una ATH con patas andante, cuidao que no te confundan xD!!) Welcome back!!<(^__^)>!!

Hey guys!! Los puntitos "......................." estaban buenos? xD!!


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Karura here is the reponse to the question you made 2 pages ago(thanks to some people).
Here is the Rum Tier list, I will post it like it was done, as you can see it has a lot of joking in it and is not exactly acurrate. Eval should be middle tier by now, also loosing once to Moca does not make him better than me. HHH should be in Knux's place and Knux go down to bottom. As you can see the list is really small since people that don't play anymore where taken out and the inactive list is 3 times longer tham. Good news, we have Spin and OMFG back to the Rum, I played Spin the other day and he took out the rust of his controller, he is playing even better than before.
# Top Tier-EVAL
# MIZU (no more gay MXP crap)

High Tier-

Mid Tier-

Low Tier-


Smash Rookie
Jun 9, 2006
La Havana, Cuba
Mic_129 said:
docoter mario cuidadito si no quieres que llame a mi hermano y te bote de aqui
Quien carajo eres tu? El direcor? con 2 post? Come mierda pendejo. Y tambien, hablas como un bebe, como la india. Lo que te falta de decirme es como nunca te olvidara de tu y tu hermanito y el olorsito de culito en sus casita cuando jugaban juntitos.

pms: dococter doc-oc-ter
dilo bien


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Bueno Gente, time to Vanish for a while.

Tengo Summer Army Training de 24 de Junio a 8 de Julio, so I'll miss out on any tournament,gathering of the sort in that time. Don't miss me too much :ohwell:
My car's out for repairs at the moment but I'm hoping to go down to Mayaguez tomorrow for some Smashing (I'll probably end up playing Third Strike ><).
Hope you guys do well and Happy Smashing.
Vain whos Marth becomes scarier each day /gg


Smash Lord
May 16, 2005
Puerto Rico
TVs and GameCubes needed!

Yo guys. Regarding the July 1st tournament:

I'd give you the details, but that's Carlos/Evil/Uriel's job. Instead, I'm in charge of keeping track of the TVs, VCRs, GameCubes, copies of Smash, electricity multi-plugs, etc. Those of you who will be contributing, please, send me a private message (it's easier for me to keep track that way.) No need to get fancy, just tell me what you can bring and how many. Help out if you can! Thanks in advance. ^^


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2005
Bubbleman_Nsider said:
He was a gamer back in the days of DonkyKong and SpaceInvaders. Hehe, I do need to practice more edgeguarding, since I made a huge mistake on team battles, I tried to WD on an edge to edgehog and miserably lost since my Ness made an air-dodge and fell. Oh well, a little more practice can fix that.
I bet he can't beat me in Pong. I have mastered all the advanced tactics and perfected my superior mind games.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
hey guys, my cousing was at my place today and we played, yuca played him too, anyways, he plays fine, basic, no advanced moves and he still kicked some, SOME butt here today, yuca beat him and so did I; so...you should know mas o menos how he plays.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Yo all. Recently a friend and I have been working on improving the forums that I’ve had lying around like forever. It’s actually getting some progress after a few years (that’s right, years) of just being there with no activity. Since you guys post so much I figure it would be a nice central hub for the entire PR community to talk about whatever (since there is no specific subject the forums are based on). I’m sure you guys have more to talk about than just Smash. If you find it to your liking, click here and post. Unlike this thread, general talk and talk about other stuff is suitable for those forums. Stuff that would be spam here wouldn’t necessarily be spam there. My main goal is to eventually build a nice “whatever” type community that can talk about a lot of different things. This is, of course, not limited to just males. I’m sure the females have plenty to talk about. Anyway check it out at least.

By the way, if you are not seeing the banner, or somehow not seeing the forums the way they are (they normally look mostly blue, but one person has reported seeing it completely white with no banner), try loading it with your firewall turned off (you can turn the firewall back on and it’ll continue to load fine). Make sure not to use IE either. If you still have problems, send me a screenshot of what you see.


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2006
Guaynabo - Puerto Rico
Hello everyone, i'm new to the board and since this is the only place i'm going to post, i wanted to introduce mysefl here, if its possible. Well anyways my name is "Israel" i'm from Guaynabo, i'm a friend of Karla and Jose (Karura and Rasalas). karura ask me to post here because i use to play smash at school with her and my friends and she told me i was a really good smasher(She Felt SOrry for me). Well my problem is that i don't have anyone to play with because where i live there aren't any smash players and the only guy i know that i think steal likes the game, won't play me anymore i don't know why but what can you do. So i came here for some help and because karla told me there are some great smash players in this board and i'm willing to learn and get better at this game.

My main Characters are Ganon-Link-Marth, i use almost all the characters but this are the three i use the most. I'm not good at smash but i can get better, my problem is i'm not good with the defense so i always get eliminated first(if fighting in a free for all) but some how i manage to win some times, in a 1v1 a feel more confortable, i can take things easy but i get too nervous so that ruins my last stock :laugh: well thats all i have to say for now and if is not to much trouble can someone tell me how things work around here so a don't get banned on my first post.

Thanks and karla i finally posted, Happy :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Welcome RFTS, this thread is mostly used to know when people are going to make smashfests and/or tournaments. There are plans for a tournament somewhere in July, be sure to come in to Smashboards for more info soon. Now about defense tactics, get Rasalas to teach you ShieldGrabbing, it'll come in handy soon. Well, I'm off.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
hey man, nice to see you, anyways, i can teach you a thing or two about shieldgrabbing like bubbleman said, and some nasty tips i use to beat those guys on your school, but dont get intimidated cuz you are called cheap by them because that doesnt really matters, you play like you want to. oh, and heres my email address if you dont have me in your list, if you do, just tell me cuz i forgot your name lol and i can give you some tips about the characters you use.


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2006
Guaynabo - Puerto Rico
Thanks Aeon and bubbleman!! So en donde va a ser el tourny? Rasalas i'll tell karla to give it to me, i'm ISRAEL or REACH FOR THE SKY and lets see how much you have improved since the last time we played!! :) man Rasalas was using jiggly puff and was giving my ganon a hard time!! thats how Crappy i am!! :chuckle: note: that by that time rasalas was not as good as he is now!! i think :laugh:

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
Haces ver a Jigglypuff como una porkeria, o almenos, eso me diste a entender...

ATH me gano par de veces con Jigglypuff.. so.. Jigglypuff isn't that bad.. I think..


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2006
Guaynabo - Puerto Rico
Oh no Aeon, i said that because Rasalas had never ( i think) use jiggly puff before, coz he was really BAD with her :laugh: but not as bad as me( Perdon jose, you are an awesome smasher don't listen to me) but manage to give me a hard time!!!

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
OK. Sorry for the tardiness. I'm gonna post all the info I have for now.

The location of the tournament is still being decided. I think I will have that information for Friday.

This is the agenda for the tournament day:

Inscriptions will be done at 11:00am to 1:30pm

I will explain the rules thoroughly so there is no confusion. I will not post them. I will bring 20 copies and I will sticky them everywhere. Also I will memorize the rules blah blah blah. I will also announce all the acitivities etc. We will be using the MLG ruleset for all activities. I may modify the rule for the sake of the activity. But for singles the only modification is Venom being banned.

First Activity: Singles ( 10$ entry fee).Singles will start 1:45pm. We will be using the MLG ruleset double elimination format. With one small modification, Venom is banned. The pot will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

We estimate that with the number of T.Vs we are planning to have the tournament will move fast. So I expect to finish singles at 4:00pm or 5:00pm. When we finish singles we will have one hour break to eat and to prepare for the next activity.

Second Activity: Crew Battles ( 2 $ per person). We estimate it will start at 5:00pm. This is not going to be East vs. West Crew Battle. But we decided everybody can participate. It's going to be like this:

1. Each Crew will be consisted of 7 players and will have a name for the Crew.
2. It's 4 stock per person so it's a total of 28 stocks per Crew.
3. The one who chooses the counterpick stage is the next person the Crew chooses to fight.
4. Character pick: Both players choose their character and stick to it till they lose. They can't change characters.
5. Banned stages: The same as MLG ruleset, which I will explain before starting and will specify.
6. The pot will be given to the Crew that wins. No prizes for second and third.

Special Activity: This activity will be done if the Crew Battle activity fails.

It's called: /b/ ( As in plan B and Random) Fee ( 3 $)

It goes as follows:

1. Character pick: 1st time: Both players choose a character at random. 2nd pick: Winner chooses the character the looser will use from High Tier and up.Then the looser chooses the character the winner is going to use. Carlos's stupid rule ( Made by Armando lol): You can't choose a same character twice in the set.

2.Stage Pick: Will follow the same rule as MLG. Goes the same for banned stages and random stages.

3. The pot will be divided among 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place.

4. Bottom Tier is banned.

That's all the info I have for now. I will keep updating this same page. So please people don't spamm too much otherwise it will be lost in spamm.

The MLG ruleset for those who don't know it:
Ruleset: Standard MLG Rules (double elimination) which are as follow

General Rules and Regulations

1. During scheduled warm-up periods the winner stays and the loser must get up.
2. If a player or team doesn't show up on time for their match, they will be given a 5 minute grace period before it will go down as a forfeit.
3. In the case of a GameCube/TV malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed.
4. All decisions made by tournament officials are final.
5. Players must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. Permanent ejection of a player from the tournament is at the staff's discretion.
6. Spectators may not communicate with a player while he or she is competing. Breaking of this rule will result in ejection of the spectator and forfeit of the game.
7. Any intentional forfeiting or conspiring to manipulate the rankings/brackets will result in ejection and possible suspension from future tournaments.
8. Any other sign of cheating will also result in forfeit of the game.


1. You are responsible for bringing your own controller.
2. Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
3. Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.

Tournament Rules

1. The Singles and 2v2 Brackets will be Double Elimination.
2. The Losers Bracket will have mixed placement to avoid players being eliminated by the same opponent that beat them in the Winner's Bracket.
3. All matches are best of 3 except for the Finals (best of 5).
4. Lives will be set at 4 stock with an 8 minute time limit.
5. Ties will be broken by stock left and then by percentage of health. Sudden death will be played if both the stock and percentage are tied at the end of the time limit.
6. Items will be turned off.

Stages & Character Select

1. The first round stage is selected by random, but if both players (teams) can agree on a stage then the first match can be played on any stage they agree upon except one from the banned list below.
2. Random Select Stages - Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Rainbow Cruise, Kirby 64, & Pokemon Stadium.
3. Stages Banned - Hyrule Temple, Fourside, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Termina Bay and Yoshi's Island 64.
4. Stages not listed on the random select list, that are not banned, are open for counter picks by the losing player.
5. "Dave's Stupid Rule" - no stage can be used twice in a single match, whether by random select or by picking.
6. Knock-out - after initial characters have been selected and only before the first match is played, each person may knock off one stage from the available tournament stages. That stage will be turned off for the entire set.
7. Advanced Slob Picks - the loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then the winner may change characters, and then the loser may change characters.

Special Team Rules

1. Team Attack ON
2. Life stealing allowed
3. During teams (2vs2) Mute City and Fountain of Dreams are banned due to match disrupting lag.

Other Rules & Special Issues

1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as droping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic.

Match Format

1. Each player chooses a seat and controller port. If both players want the same controller port, a coin flip will determine the winner of the port. The loser may then choose whichever seat he wants.
2. Players then choose their character and have 30 seconds to do so. If any player does not select their character at the end of 30 seconds or if any player calls for it, a double blind pick will be used. Once a player has placed their coin on a character's image to select it, they may not change characters
3. Once characters have been selected the highest player in the highest controller port position may press start to go to the level select screen. Once on the level select screen, each player may choose their stages to knock-out (see Stages & Character Select rule #6) and then either agree on a stage together or select a stage at random. Any arguing over stages will be interrupted by the judges and random stage select will be used.
4. Players play their first match.
5. Once they have returned to the character select screen, the losing player from the previous match must announce their choice for the next level or elect to have the next level selected at random. Once the stage selection has been announced, the winning player may choose to change their character. Once the winning player has chosen his character for the next match, the losing player may then choose to change characters. After the stage and characters have been set, the players play their second match.
6. If the winning player wins again, he wins the set and must report the score to a judge. If the losing player from the previous match wins, repeat #5 (above) and play the third match. Winner of the third match must report the score to a judge.

And lastly thank you for your patience and sorry for tardiness.I will get back on you guys with the location.

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Dojima said:
Karura here is the reponse to the question you made 2 pages ago(thanks to some people).
Here is the Rum Tier list, I will post it like it was done, as you can see it has a lot of joking in it and is not exactly acurrate. Eval should be middle tier by now, also loosing once to Moca does not make him better than me. HHH should be in Knux's place and Knux go down to bottom. As you can see the list is really small since people that don't play anymore where taken out and the inactive list is 3 times longer tham. Good news, we have Spin and OMFG back to the Rum, I played Spin the other day and he took out the rust of his controller, he is playing even better than before.
# Top Tier-EVAL
# MIZU (no more gay MXP crap)

High Tier-

Mid Tier-

Low Tier-
Oh, I see o__o

Yo creia que Eval era un Top Tier. Entonces la gente inactiva se ha ido sacando y esos son los pocos que han quedado.

Aight, gracias por haberte tomado la molestia en contestar a mi pregunta, Doji!! ^^

Es que tenia curiosidad en conocer los del West tambien, lol.

Hello everyone, i'm new to the board and since this is the only place i'm going to post, i wanted to introduce mysefl here, if its possible. Well anyways my name is "Israel" i'm from Guaynabo, i'm a friend of Karla and Jose (Karura and Rasalas). karura ask me to post here because i use to play smash at school with her and my friends and she told me i was a really good smasher(She Felt SOrry for me). Well my problem is that i don't have anyone to play with because where i live there aren't any smash players and the only guy i know that i think steal likes the game, won't play me anymore i don't know why but what can you do. So i came here for some help and because karla told me there are some great smash players in this board and i'm willing to learn and get better at this game.

My main Characters are Ganon-Link-Marth, i use almost all the characters but this are the three i use the most. I'm not good at smash but i can get better, my problem is i'm not good with the defense so i always get eliminated first(if fighting in a free for all) but some how i manage to win some times, in a 1v1 a feel more confortable, i can take things easy but i get too nervous so that ruins my last stock well thats all i have to say for now and if is not to much trouble can someone tell me how things work around here so a don't get banned on my first post.

Thanks and karla i finally posted, Happy
ISRAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!^_____^!!!!! Al fin pudiste entrar!!! Y nos encontraste!!

Viste que facil era?? >__> y tu ahi quejandote!! Pero nada, bienvenido al foro de Smash xD :004: me alegra que tu tambien estes por aqui, y no te vayas>__>!!

Mano pero estas a tiempo para mejorar y seguir por ahi lol, so si yo pude tu tambien podras(y yo creia que iba a quedarme ahi ;__;!!). Para que le des pela a Alexis, Gabriel y esta gente. :yoshi:

Oh no Aeon, i said that because Rasalas had never ( i think) use jiggly puff before, coz he was really BAD with her but not as bad as me( Perdon jose, you are an awesome smasher don't listen to me) but manage to give me a hard time!!!
Si no me equivoco, lo que creo que paso con Jiglypuff fue que estabamos haciendo un free 4 all, entonces Rasalas la escojio y empezo a hacer el Roll-over ese por chavar xD Nosotros ahi bien entretenidos y de momento llega la bola esa a darnos a todos y bam. So el la estaba usando por usarla y no del todo en serio.

OK. Sorry for the tardiness. I'm gonna post all the info I have for now.
Aight. I understood.
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