Uriel Vinellus said:
1st : Evil
2nd : ATH
3rd : B4K4
4th: Kamahl
5th : YUCA ( Estuvo yucoso hoy)
6th : Good
7th : Ish
8th : Zyko
Hey! Where's Blazing??? lolz
First of all - Wolf U RULE ( like the new thread name )
OK on the Tourny
I had a lot of fun as I always do ( specialy with the one's that stayed until the end of the night, you guys know who you are

you all rule I hope we can keep pulling this off and to keep everyone active and getting better each time )
1st Match
We agreed on playing FD for the 1st match. I got a couple of good CG's since I was using Marth vs zyko's fox, at the end I got the job done and he used Rainbow Cruise as counter stage and that one prety much ended with a tipper from the white prince's Holy Blade while we were down to our last stock each one.
2nd Encounter
was Against Jandro
1st and 2nd matches were Peach vs Marth, Random stage was Yoshi's Story
I got a nice combo to tipper to KO in there, won the match then he counterpicked Kirby's 64 stage where he won since peach can't die there althou we fought until we were down to our last stock. Then Jandro did the unthinkable and most cheap, he selected SHIEK for the final round and in my inexperience I selected an awful stage and got owned. I thank you Jandro however for that because I learned what stages im good against Sheik and that helped me to surpass the obstacle I would face in the loser braket.
Losers Braket
Got a HUGE by and after a while fought Yuca's Shiek the Big Obstacle since I main Marth
1st Match I tried to win in a Ditto to not risk taking on my counter character, I lost.
2nd Match I was faithful enough to use Marth in my counter stage YS, there I got the victory
3rd and Final Match, sadly Yuca chose Stadium wich was good for me and I learned how I can do well against sheik using the big stage to my advantage to work better on my spacing and aproaches. Very close but i won at the end. Nice games Yuca, nice games...
My last fight
Was against Carlos to go to losers finals
1st Match Fox vs my Marth(FoD), he got an ugly 2 stock on me that left a bad taste in my mouth
2nd Match I chose YS(not a good idea) should have tried an open stage, he won again and there goes my 4th place
Oh an the low tier tourny was from mid to bottom so link, roy and DK where overpowered
anyway I was like 3rd with my NESS
1st Crew Battle
Yuca as a Team cap. and me as the other
Yuca's Team (montados)
and Yuca himself
VS Kama's Team ( Team Rexville superior and ISH lol )
and me
Guess who won?... we all did our part and our team strategy was too good, so we won
2nd Crew Battle (Ev1l and B4K4 as capts.)
Ev1l Team
Kama (yes its me)
and the evil emo himself
and the BAKA
Now what do you think?... yea you're right we won Evilness FTW
I think this is the largest post I've made so I have end right now
It was HELLA FUN but the next time I wont miss the pool Even If I Have To Swim Alone ( wich is not that bad ) OK THAT'S IT