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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Just to clarify some things.
m) See, with a glottal "a" and nasalised "m". Spa-m not Jesus (Hay-soos) but Spam.
1: a canned meat made largely from pork. Commonly eaten by lolis. "Loli liek Spam"
2: unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk). "You got 42 emails."
3: Poo poo talk. "Anyone smashing this weekend?"
Vizent said:
Well lets see last post was at 04:32 PM and now is 11:52 PM according to the boards time.

It been aproximatly seven hours since last post so ill say mission accomplish.
I would have been better, what a pity.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Since we’re all in the mood of correcting, I’ll just point out that “Puerto Rican” is separate, and with one 'r' only.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
Vizent said:
But now the thread is so quiet, it used to be so active and full of people now is kind of dead.

The msn idea is good but people are not online at the same time and to private messege around 4 people is pretty slow.

Maybe is true they have turn this thread to a tornament discusion thread, greeting thread, invitation thread, meeting thread, video posting thread when ther are parts of the board exactly for that.

But if we posted on every exact place we are suppose to:
1. Not as many people would see it.
2. Not as many people would read it.
3. We would lose our individuality
4. Less people would post about it and it would pretty much get lost because of new threads.
5. Also people from other places would spam which I think would be worst.

So what is better to have our own puertorrican span our get it from somewhere else.

This thread Attention all puertorrican smashers! was made for us puertorrican smashers.

In other words I prefer my people's span than to divide and die.
Amen dude! I mean, dude is right! No vamos a quebrar la comunidad porque unos cuantos decidieron tomar el thread como MSN (me incluyo, hubo un tiempo en que me guille de spammer y colabore a que aumentaran las paginas del thread), and we can't blame the lolis, I mean, c'mon, they are new to this, they do feel excited about the game and will spam (big time), and the thread will die. Por ejemplo, por que caraj* estamos discutiendo, cause of spammers, yy ahora todo el mundo esta activao' escribiendo! Quieren ver un thread aburrido? Vayan a Character Specific, a Fox, y hay un thread creado por Dr. Phil, donde hace triple post, a distintas horas del dia! Eso es un ejemplo de muerte! He explains what he want to know. Then, an hour later: Nobody wants to answer my question? Then, an hour later: Si no contestan mi pregunta, no podre mejorar...

Si posteamos en su debido lugar, Vids links in Vid Discussion/Tourneys in Tournament Calendar/Greetings in the focking boring Meet and Greet (where your posts doesn't even count!), that would be boring... Like my friend up there said, not many people would see it or even care nor read, and most important, we won't be able to communicate frequently. Yo creo que he mejorado un poco en el aspecto de spam, JUST A BIT! No me tiroteen por mi opinion! (Jk).

De todos modos este es nuestro thread. No se dejen caer por unos cuantos. Por favor.

Su amigo, H@wK BENDICION!


Smash Cadet
May 21, 2006
Lord HDL said:
Since we’re all in the mood of correcting, I’ll just point out that “Puerto Rican” is separate, and with one 'r' only.
I wrote puertorrican as in puertorriqueños I know is a big spanglish disparate but true we must try our best to make things correct.

Please Wolf E. Urameshi creator of this thread fix the title and cast judgment on all those spammers ruining thy thread.(JK)

Also is true what H@wk said people would stop posting because they might spam and eventually leave.

Also this is just data lets make use of it. How many threads of 1 page exist? Now thats a waste.

And talking about spam the biggest spam we have is the sponsor and I dont see anyone complaining about it.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Sorry for the double post, while I was posting, the cpu turned off and I'm getting invaded by thousands of pop-ups and when I submitted my last post, BOTH got posted at the same time!



Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Tarde pero seguro!

Doji-I saw your combo vid, you DO have a sexy Zelda, I hope we an fight soon.(lol at the pics!)

shel-I know that H@wk tiro una indirecta de que yo era un perv but don't worry I'm not, I am just a clown and a very nice guy, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!

Vizent-The forum won't die if people stop spamming, you can post daily and give good points of view and nice apportations to the prican (my way of saying it) community.

Vxg-Hyrule's mostly banned 'cause it takes too long to end a match there, people could just go to the lower part and tech all the way until time runs out, and also other people are waiting to fight.

J0QR-I'll go for Mawp, it owns.

GREAT NEWS-I moved back to bayamon same place Cond. Primavera, I can smash more often.

BAD NEWS-Hi, I lend my controller in Bayamon's tourney and it kept being passed until it got lost (violet, old, Joy stick mongo, came with the GCN) if somebody has it accidentially (I hope) please call me: (787)407-4223.(Also any smasher looking for tips, smashfest planning, conversation, etc.) YEs I'll keep posting the same ****.



Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Zyko, first you have to admit you are a pervert, a pervert and proud. We have already checked, your controler is not on any of the west hands.
@Vizent: People stoping to spam means the death of the thread!!!!!!! If the thread dies is basically of no concern, a new one will spawn after a few days. This thread was just created one day by Wolf Urameshi(none of us needed a thread because there was something called MSN 5.5) and the PR people decided to post, like most people that didn't know anything from that time, he is long gone, prolly on a corner of the internet writting some gay inuyasha fanfics. Now please don't post "People already knew each other before the thread!!!1!?" it was already stated.


Smash Cadet
May 21, 2006
Dojima said:
@Vizent: People stoping to spam means the death of the thread!!!!!!! If the thread dies is basically of no concern, a new one will spawn after a few days. This thread was just created one day by Wolf Urameshi(none of us needed a thread because there was something called MSN 5.5) and the PR people decided to post, like most people that didn't know anything from that time, he is long gone, prolly on a corner of the internet writting some gay inuyasha fanfics. Now please don't post "People already knew each other before the thread!!!1!?" it was already stated.
So what would you say its better.
1. Post on every forum we are supposed to.
2. Post on this thread where the PR Smash community gets together.
3. Everyone get an msn account at talk over there.
4. Any other you might add.

The end result is people will continue spamming even if they do it consciously or not and that wont kill anybody.

Let us stop this subject because it really has nothing to do with smash


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Dojima said:
We have already checked, your controler is not on any of the west hands.
I'm just afraid to think that one of the n00bies that came ONLY for the singles(that don't know me) took the controller and mistreats my precious. (eventhough I only use "el prieto" but it's my controller d4mn it!)



Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
Uriel Vinellus said:

I have a better idea : You guys could use MSN to communicate instead of using THIS. Leave this thread for other matters.

Lets be real no one will use msn... but i can understand somethings people talk in here are not about smash... so in that matter i know why people complain and its true...

P.S. - asking if anyone is gonna smash / practice during the week is not spamming :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2005
Since when has this been a 5-star thread???

Vizent said:
Please Wolf E. Urameshi creator of this thread fix the title and cast judgment on all those spammers ruining thy thread.(JK).
Doji is half correct. He is writing gay ssbm fanfics >.>
@H@wk: I use msn...
edit: I remember back then when no one would post more than one page in one day.
There will always be a place where people can meet. SWF isn't the only forum out there.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
I'm back...? It seems like a while since I last posted(who cares?)...

Err... I don't know, I've been thinking why hasn't Wolf changed the thread's name?
Other thing, I'm taking a huuuuuge break from Smash, yes, vacations are around and I need to do lots of things that doesn't involve the use of my GCN. I'll be sure to come back, someday into Smash, but for now, I'll take a while. Doji could now be planning to make adoption papers, LOL.

Enough about jokes, I'll just take a break and come back someday, in the meantime, STOP THE SPAM!
... too rude, idiotic by the way, well, see ya back someday.

Note- When I come back, I'll be back with a Great-Ness.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
i know that it doesnt matter my oppinion, but ill just post what i think cuz i cant remain like this, i have not posted for like 2 pages because of this problem. yes, we talk a lot, in 3 days i did not post, i had to read 10 pages before i posted, and i think that if we didnt talked this often, messenger or not, we wouldnt be this close each other, if you look at the good side, we have gotten better due to this "spamming" as you call it, and we have even made good friends, know things that we had to look in the deepest of the forum to find it. Another thing is, and this is stated before, people would be bored if we post once a day as prolly some ppl here want and leave to do other things like washing their hair, and cleaning the back of CDs, or something even more useless than a boring forum, and to say the truth, this is the best forum/thread ive been to, cuz it so alive that one wants to keep posting, not 3 times a day mabye more, mabye less, and to the "spammers", just ignore them and keep posting on the topic you were before because if you keep fighting, more ppl will leave, as ive seen 2 ppl are not posting on this forum cuz of fighting, and just come and post a few, and some ppl say theyre spammers, nothing personal, i know some ppl doesnt care, but ive been told, many times, that you guys fight too much and will not post on the forum, because when they post, just after that, some ppl here begins to fight about spamming **** and that spammers deserve to die. please stop the fighting because this will lead only to more spamming and if you look well, this matter is way different than we were talking about, and we've been saying the same thing over and over again, so, isnt that called spamming?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
"we've been saying the same thing over and over again, so, isnt that called spamming?"

Yeah, prolly , so lets just cut the BS about spam cause we have 2 pages talking about spam...

Hey Rasalas, I heard you guys gathered at your place, thats nice ignoring the fact that no1 called me T.T :mad:

Anyway... Is it truth CARLOS? that Maxi is going to be @ your place this sunday 4th of June ( The day of my birthday, going for 18 wohoo :) )

"I moved back to bayamon same place Cond. Primavera, I can smash more often."

Oh good stuff Zyko, and where's that?


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
Let's stop this SHlT!!! Please!

Hope this is the last post about SPAM! I agree with Zyko's comment about posting two, three posts per day if necessary about topics or just to say hi. But this bullshet must end! Que quede claro, thanks to the frequently posted phrase: Anyone smashing this week?, se han podido realizar una gran variedad de smashes, por ejemplo, en casa de Yuca se han hecho muchos, Uriel se ha tirao' un par de smashfests, me han dicho que en casa de B4K4 tambien, recientemente Rasalas, yo invito a mi crew, le tenemos la casa paletia' a WanderingAngel (aunque nunca lo postea), y otras cosas. So I don't think that phrase is a spam. Siempre hay resultados por la frase.

Rasalas, si es verdad lo que dijo Kmahhl, y tienes mi phone #, LE PICHASTE A MI FALCO BIEN FEO!!! *just joking*

Nos vemos.

ciRius j0Qr

Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2005
San Juan, Puerto Rico {Estudio en RUM so M mepuede
Look i havent been able to post shnet in this thread Because of the important or tiresome confict but lets use this thing as a forum

I may have posted three at a time im sorry about that but hey i was a n00b that time
lets give ourselves a break and lets behave como boricuas y no puertorriqueños

Lets SMASH fcol


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
I was thinking just now about the recorded matches from the last tournament. What happened to them? I know you guys can’t have the same reason I had for the Isabela videos.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
Dojima said:
@ Hawk
Is that true, then let me try it.
(I will post a pic, that way it won't be so bad)

Anyone Smashing this weekend?


@HDL i think the video where the match where recorded broke... i


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
H@wK y J0QR son unos Pitcher asquerosos puercos, perros de la calle!
Smasharon sin invitarme en H@wK's house o sea que TU te guillaste de HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!! y por eso posteare una foto de tu Falky EXTRA GAY!

H@wk says: "LOL voy a smashear con J0QR sin decirle na' a Ziiiiiko pq. le tengo miedo!"

Hi, I lended my controller on Allstars tourney and it kept passed on until it got lost.
it's violet, pretty old (joy-stick mongo) if you know something about it PM me, post it here or call me 407-4223



Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Lord HDL said:
I was thinking just now about the recorded matches from the last tournament. What happened to them? I know you guys can’t have the same reason I had for the Isabela videos.

The 1st video wich we used to record most of the matches was somehow damaged

-I was in a hurry and took the 1st tape I saw and we used 1st the bad one
-the second one in wich we recorded at least the finals and some friendlies I left it on the hands of Armando B4K4, he told me he could give it to Yamil to upload them

P.S. If anyone has B4K4's phone number msn or anything, ask him if he already gave the tape to Yamil or something... Any info on that subject will be appreciated since I dont have any contact with him

Kama out-


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
krazyzyko said:
H@wK y J0QR son unos Pitcher asquerosos puercos, perros de la calle!
Smasharon sin invitarme en H@wK's house o sea que TU te guillaste de HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!! y por eso posteare una foto de tu Falky EXTRA GAY!
H@wk says: "LOL voy a smashear con J0QR sin decirle na' a Ziiiiiko pq. le tengo miedo!"
@Zyko- lol! lol! ROFL!!! Tu sabes que a cada rato you te invito pa' mi casa, pero me picheas con que vas a trabajar, y te digo, pues cuando vayas al trabajo de tu may te tiras pa'ca. j0Qr was just passing by, and dropped for a visit. Se fue tarde pero, meh, vino.
Otra vez pichaste y esta fue tu impresion...
"What the FOCK!!! Smashing again without telling ME!!!

Ya sabes tio, estas invitado pa' la proxima! Siempre lo has estado!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Vamos a ver si Smashamos next week, lol Fox sin manga se ve super gay.
Ahora este (wolf) se ve bien bichote:

Imagine Wolf O'Donell on Brawl, he OWNZ!


PS: I need to work in honor of my stolen/lost controller.

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Yo , Rasalas. Those three little girls are the three components of life in the universe man! Nah just kidding. But yeah. Those girls are from one of the best anime I've seen. Anybody else wanna keep explaining?

Doji wins by putting that picture. I'll make an annoucement I've talked to Jandro and he says he is willing to organize a tournament with me and anybody else who is needed. So we are going to try to organize a tournament I hope it will heal the void, anger, and disappointment the other tournament left.

To Zyko if you gonna post pictures at least post something funny like Doji. Doesn't have to be hilarious but at least makes me chuckle. And yes I want to play before I become rustier than what I am now.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Ah, tiraera. Nah' don't get mad 'cause your main looks extremely gay in that pic, you know Falky's the ****!
I'll call you in the week to see what can we do.



Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Zyko, thats not the problem. Lets look at it in a different angle, is not that you posted a not funny picture, is just that everybody has seen that Falco pic at least a 100 times before, because the furries at the internets love their Star fox. Carlos means if you want to put a Falco pic, why not use something like this (picture stolen from carlos).

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
krazyzyko said:
Now I get it, "Oh! Dojima knows his ****!" Well I'll think it twice before posting another pic.

(lol at that gay pic!)


Doji may knows his **** but I wont be Impreesed until he post a pic of (kitty pride) that girl is broken. So the first one to post this is getting my respect. Y Max te vas pal ****** I'm not a fuc*** pedo.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Fox Hater said:
Doji may knows his **** but I wont be Impreesed until he post a pic of (kitty pride) that girl is broken. So the first one to post this is getting my respect. Y Max te vas pal ****** I'm not a fuc*** pedo.
You just gave yourself out. Good to have you Moca.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Come on Doji I cheked out she is my age. w8 she is even older than me for 3 months. So I still haven't joined "you people"

I'm still waiting for a brave one to post a pic of kitty pride.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
zOMG hypocrites, hundreds of them!

Doji and Fox Hater, you were uberly complaining about people spamming, and what do you do? You do the very thing you were complaining about posts back, your posts seriously look like a MSN convo =_=. If you're going to be like that, then you have NO RIGHT to accuse others of MSN chatting on these boards.
I'm not one to post much here, and there are some newcomers that are about to beat my post count ( Vizent for example) but don't be hesitant to post here ( unless you're Boricua Eddy Tito Mr WE GONNA SMASH THIS WEEK cuz that gets tiring, PM the freaking guy people, he wants to smash), it may appear that we bite but hey if you got something to say say it, I doubt anyone here would be elitist enough to create a separate thread just so it looks all nice and informative (unlike this one)
Sorry for the rambling, and if I didn't get my point across, then that sucks.
All in all, just chat/post away, and if you don't like it, at least mantain consistency in your posts so you don't do exactly the same thing you dislike.
That is all.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
WTF? If people want to spam then let them. It is true that if you are gonna spam at least try to make it funny. If you haven't noticed all the stop spam pages where full of Drama. But like a said, anything funny is not spam, I think that everybody agrees with me on that one.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Boricua316 said:
Anyone smashing this week???
LOL! that was nice Yuca, anyways, i smashed today with marcx, blaze and hawk, and btw, my cousing didnt show up to get a beating, and we recorded some vids too, i hope to post them soon for you to see how much we have improved.
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