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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Dude, I am going, I'm now on vacations, and since no one is going to be home, Dad'll take me and my brother over there, I already showed him(dad) the map, and all.
For the moment, my chances of going are 99%, I'll have to see what happens between today and Saturday, but of course, I'm going, don't get your hopes down.

When did this little campaign became a team? Or is this the next name to be used for a next tournament?
Yeah right...

Bubbleman knos his $hit tournament!
Date- somewhere
time- somewhere
prizes- know more than Bubbleman and become a better smasher?

Yeah right... I just hope no one starts this little campaign over there while my Dad is around, I don't want him asking me about all of that stuff.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
Xyhthyx said:
Carlos and I were thinking of what to call our team for the tournament. Suggestions that came up:

-Bubbleman Knows His Sh*t
-Team Braek Your Controller!1
-Team Reggie

We finally decided on the name "Bubbleman Adoption Project". Good luck to everyone in teams ;p
LOL nice team name Gj ... me and blaze where gonna be called bubbleman knows his **** team but i didint know that name got so popular :) so my team will now be called Los Titos Fley


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2005
Kmahhl said:
Being nude? hmmmm (Thinking about it)

also, on the cheap things to do, add this one:
pressing pause "accidentally" many times, especially during a combo.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
AHA! so Xyhthyx is GJ! (I was afraid to ask before 'cause everyone knew about it.)

Me ha salido la k-brona madre de los "pop-ups" en el centro the la pantalla y el "close" button no me responde. *sigh*

MIZU-Come here walking but you gotta begin tonight so you'll be there at least for the 1on1's.

Uriel-I don't get it neither I was hoping you did.

H@wK & ANGL-props at the T-shirt lol.



Bubbleman- U R TEH STAR! GO 2 THE TOURNREY.(...I'll be wearing a pink tutu)

B4K4-WHY DON"T YOU EVER POST?!?!?!?!!?! (.....practicamente imposible)

POPE of chili town- Are you dead?

Wolf-it's very sad to still not meet the starter of the "prican"(my way of saying it) thread.

H@wK- pa' mi que me voy a tirar pa'l cine tomorrow.(not sure)

Gravekeeper-I miss Kratos please return the game to me at the tourney.

for the rest-kisses, hugs and waveshine spamming.

NEW NAME I MADE UP! "Fashion seals"
explanation: Fashion-moda; seal-foca.
translation:Moda Foca (mother fockers)

*Peter Griffin Giggles*



Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
Ok west hasnt responded if they wanted me to pick them at plaza del sol ... i assume they know how to get to da tourny .... so instead ima pick up some east players

Happy Smashing :)

P.S.- I hope bubleman kicks everyones ***** at the tourny... that will show u to make fun of him


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Xyhthyx said:
Hmm, don't like Sheik dittos that much hehe. You want a match against my Captain Falcon insead? I bet you haven't played against many Capt's.

Btw, typo in your sig. It's "strength"
Ok GJ we can have a Marth vs C.Falcon then ( I know what you mean about no sheik dittos,
I could understand that when today Blazing left me with high % and 1 stock in a sheik ditto(bacause his sheik sucks but don't tell him))
And we're playing this saturday H@wk you wont escape this time! lol j/k

I hope we can REC some matches Yay!

Hey! can I give the tape someone to upload it to the net? since I can't

Kama out


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
WIPE$$$ said:

also, on the cheap things to do, add this one:
pressing pause "accidentally" many times, especially during a combo.


wow man! You have to be one of the toughest smashers i've ever talked to
I'll actually try some of the stuff you've been teaching me at this weeks
upcomming tourmanent

Nude Pause for the win! 1st place here I come


Rasalas said:
if it doesnt bother, i would like to REC my first battle at the tourney, cuz i wanna do the before/after thingie.
Sure thats cool

But, again, if someone could do all of us the favor off taking the VHS **CoughXyhthyxCough
so he can post the fights, because im not going to be able to do it so...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2005
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Kmahhl said:
Ok GJ we can have a Marth vs C.Falcon then ( I know what you mean about no sheik dittos,
I could understand that when today Blazing left me with high % and 1 stock in a sheik ditto(bacause his sheik sucks but don't tell him))
And we're playing this saturday H@wk you wont escape this time! lol j/k

I hope we can REC some matches Yay!

Hey! can I give the tape someone to upload it to the net? since I can't

Kama out
Sounds good.

I want to see some teams friendlies everyone, Bubbleman Adoption Project needs to warm up.

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
I won't be able to look at Bubbleman with a straight face the whole tournament... even worse if his team goes against our I won't even shake hands.. lol Bubbleman Adoption Project. And yes we need to warm up so we can "adop faster" LOL I made a joke


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Boricua316 said:
Ok west hasnt responded if they wanted me to pick them at plaza del sol ... i assume they know how to get to da tourny .... so instead ima pick up some east players

Happy Smashing :)

P.S.- I hope bubleman kicks everyones ***** at the tourny... that will show u to make fun of him

Dude the west does not know how to get there. Plaza Del Sol sounds fine because it’s something people can easily refer us to if we get lost. We need to be picked up.

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
I like the name :D

Bubbleman Adoption Project sounds cool, I think Bubbleman will end up being another Chuck Norris or something near it :\

But yeah, tomorrow is the tourney! Start Practicing ...


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
I recomend to Kama and Rasalas to fight each other in the tourney and it will be recorded.

Doji-We HAVE to fight.
Joe%-Give H@wK a break and fight ME.
Mizu-I have ti fight you again.(we only fought once:()
Jandro-you better recognize!
HDL-I hope to have more friendly matches with you (and not much in the official tourney battles lol)



Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Kmahhl said:
Ok GJ we can have a Marth vs C.Falcon then ( I know what you mean about no sheik dittos,
I could understand that when today Blazing left me with high % and 1 stock in a sheik ditto(bacause his sheik sucks but don't tell him))


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
OK, East. With just one day left we want to confirm the meeting place and time over at bayamon.

Eval suggested Plaza Rio Hondo at 11:30. Please reply because non of us have the slightest idea of getting to the tournament.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
I’ve been trying to contact Doji and have not been able to. We need a meeting spot and a time to meet. Making plans at the last minute is not good. We need to confirm everything right now.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
HEEEYYY! I need this questions answered fast!
...Yes, I'm going to the tourney.

1- Is friendly fire on or off?
2- How much people can form a team?(2 in battle, but is there a difference depending on number of persons?)
3-Yuca's not online, neither Joe%, but at which hours do the inscription starts and ends?
4-PLEASE! someone give me a list of the banned/counterpick stages!

That is all, I expect to see you all tomorrow, won't leave until I play most of you on friendly matches.

-Note, I'm changing my shirt, it's a Megaman 2 shirt now, easy to recognize.

*Uriel, I don't understand what do you mean in your post. I'm not mad about all of that adoption project, and I don't have a "team" yet, also, be a good sport, I don't bite.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2004
Puerto Rico
Here goes bubbleman:


Saturday may 20, 2006
Local parque lineal
bayamon, PR 00959

Time: Inscriptions @ 8am-12pm
Tournament starts at 12

Entry Fee: $10 for singles
$20 per teams (10 dollars per participant)
The cash prize will be divided between the top 3 players.

Ruleset: Standard MLG Rules (double elimination) which are as follow

General Rules and Regulations

1. During scheduled warm-up periods the winner stays and the loser must get up.
2. If a player or team doesn't show up on time for their match, they will be given a 5 minute grace period before it will go down as a forfeit.
3. In the case of a GameCube/TV malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed.
4. All decisions made by tournament officials are final.
5. Players must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. Permanent ejection of a player from the tournament is at the staff's discretion.
6. Spectators may not communicate with a player while he or she is competing. Breaking of this rule will result in ejection of the spectator and forfeit of the game.
7. Any intentional forfeiting or conspiring to manipulate the rankings/brackets will result in ejection and possible suspension from future tournaments.
8. Any other sign of cheating will also result in forfeit of the game.


1. You are responsible for bringing your own controller.
2. Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
3. Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.

Tournament Rules

1. The Singles and 2v2 Brackets will be Double Elimination.
2. The Losers Bracket will have mixed placement to avoid players being eliminated by the same opponent that beat them in the Winner's Bracket.
3. All matches are best of 3 except for the Finals (best of 5).
4. Lives will be set at 4 stock with an 8 minute time limit.
5. Ties will be broken by stock left and then by percentage of health. Sudden death will be played if both the stock and percentage are tied at the end of the time limit.
6. Items will be turned off.

Stages & Character Select

1. The first round stage is selected by random, but if both players (teams) can agree on a stage then the first match can be played on any stage they agree upon except one from the banned list below.
2. Random Select Stages - Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Rainbow Cruise, Kirby 64, & Pokemon Stadium.
3. Stages Banned - Hyrule Temple, Fourside, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Termina Bay and Yoshi's Island 64.
4. Stages not listed on the random select list, that are not banned, are open for counter picks by the losing player.
5. "Dave's Stupid Rule" - no stage can be used twice in a single match, whether by random select or by picking.
6. Knock-out - after initial characters have been selected and only before the first match is played, each person may knock off one stage from the available tournament stages. That stage will be turned off for the entire set.
7. Advanced Slob Picks - the loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then the winner may change characters, and then the loser may change characters.

Special Team Rules

1. Team Attack ON
2. Life stealing allowed
3. During teams (2vs2) Mute City and Fountain of Dreams are banned due to match disrupting lag.

Other Rules & Special Issues

1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as droping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic.

Match Format

1. Each player chooses a seat and controller port. If both players want the same controller port, a coin flip will determine the winner of the port. The loser may then choose whichever seat he wants.
2. Players then choose their character and have 30 seconds to do so. If any player does not select their character at the end of 30 seconds or if any player calls for it, a double blind pick will be used. Once a player has placed their coin on a character's image to select it, they may not change characters
3. Once characters have been selected the highest player in the highest controller port position may press start to go to the level select screen. Once on the level select screen, each player may choose their stages to knock-out (see Stages & Character Select rule #6) and then either agree on a stage together or select a stage at random. Any arguing over stages will be interrupted by the judges and random stage select will be used.
4. Players play their first match.
5. Once they have returned to the character select screen, the losing player from the previous match must announce their choice for the next level or elect to have the next level selected at random. Once the stage selection has been announced, the winning player may choose to change their character. Once the winning player has chosen his character for the next match, the losing player may then choose to change characters. After the stage and characters have been set, the players play their second match.
6. If the winning player wins again, he wins the set and must report the score to a judge. If the losing player from the previous match wins, repeat #5 (above) and play the third match. Winner of the third match must report the score to a judge.

I found this on another page in this thread, I dunno if anything's changed. I'll be there...


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Thanks LaserKirby, now I can go start a team and get early tomorrow.

-Wait, something is missing there, is the Yoyo Glitch legal then? I didn't see it on the list, neither it doesn't disrupt a match.

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Rasalas said:
if it doesnt bother, i would like to REC my first battle at the tourney, cuz i wanna do the before/after thingie.
Sure thats cool

But, again, if someone could do all of us the favor off taking the VHS **CoughXyhthyxCough
so he can post the fights, because im not going to be able to do it so...
Hey... si no es problema, podrian hacer lo mismo conmigo...?? Es que tambien es mi primer torneo y tambien me gustaria comparar mi antes y mi despues(y yo que estoy nueva de paquete.. para reirme mas adelante del transcurso de mi vida y para comparar lo que hacia mal y lo que no). Seria un honor.

Graxieu!! @@

PD: And you.. yes.. ALL OF YOU will see that I'm not like the penguin of my avie!! >___>!!!

(Like some guy ask.. but I dont remember who it was)



Smash Cadet
Aug 11, 2005
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
its almost 11:00pm and no one from the tournament planners have answered the problem the westsiders have. I have no clue how to get there as of yet. BUT, i do know my area (metro area) very well. Ill try and be up by 10:00 am. If any one from the west has some problems you may contact me at 787-479-4343. Ill talk with yuca and Joe% and help out in getting you guys here alive.

P.S. Many of you are gonna feel very lost. Welcome to the east siders world =P


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Maybe Yuca and Joe% are either training or preparing the place up, neither one of them has logged on today either.
Just call them tomorrow early, I THINK(not very sure), that they would be picking people up on Plaza del Sol... I"M NOT SURE. call them first.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Yuca just told me on the phone that he could pick u guys @ Rio hondo mall or Plaza del Sol

so just be up early and communicate with him

PS - Krazyzyko dude your new avatar OWNZ! Remember Remember the 5th of November


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
AHHHH **** sorry guyz ive been busy all ****ing day ... ggo dam sorry a lot ... aniway ive been getting ready all day for the tournament (training, getting tvs etc) .... aniway i posted so many times to see if west players would like a pick spot ... and no one answerd me so i started making other plans... aniway guyz i would gladly pick u guyz up either plaza del sol or plaza rio hondo .. it dosnt matter... but remember i need you guyz to call me when you are close or something.. cuz im the bracket maker and im like busy with all da ****... so i ask of u guyz to do that. iiite latz

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Zero FX said:
Good luck everyone.

Hey, I woke up today at 4:16 am.. it wasnt fun >_>!! The dream was cool but no, I wake up and I try to sleep again but I couldnt... -_-U

Then I walk to the kitchen to drink Benadryl -n- Water because allergy was about to attack me ;__;!! So I return to bed and I sleep again at 5:10 or something like that.. o_O

I was dreaming about me playing smash.. LOL!!

When I slept, I dream again about smash, but this time with "all" of you, lol!!

Aparecimos Rasalas y yo en el sitio donde era el torneo(era como una casa), despues entramos y we meet a player, I dont know who was but it was "from the forum"(yeah right..), his nickname was something like "fr8hl" but bleh. I play with him and I won (it was a test), then I play with.. YUCA!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

There was Naruto chars.in it(one Naruto and one Neji, que creo que este ultimo estaba inspeccionando el lugar jajajaja)

Well.. time to say goodbye for now

Good luck everyone ^__^ YAY!!!!!!!<(^__^)^


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
Good tournament I had fun (even tough I lost badly) but I practiced a lot and gained experience
Uriel- **** your falco is awesome those shine to down air combos owned me.
ATH- Your Samus and Jiglipuff are awesome too, I didn't stand a chance against them.

Well I had to left early... so tell me who won the tournament?

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Zero FX said:
Good tournament I had fun (even tough I lost badly) but I practiced a lot and gained experience
Uriel- **** your falco is awesome those shine to down air combos owned me.
ATH- Your Samus and Jiglipuff are awesome too, I didn't stand a chance against them.

Well I had to left early... so tell me who won the tournament?
Zero - Hey!! You're the Fox one, right?? ****, you're fast!! @__@ I wanted to kill u but I couldnt >_>!!

ATH - What is worst? Your Jiglypuff, of your Samus??>__>!! Estupido el ataque del combo ese que me hiciste con Jiglypuff y me llevaste en el aire hasta el final de la pantalla>__<!! Lol!! That combo is cool anyway. I hope we could play again!! <(^__^)>

Uriel - I wanted to play with your Falco again, but I din't tell u.. no me atrevi ^^U xD!! Me traumaste >_>U pero como kiera te quite una vida y soy feliz con eso.. JA!!!!!!!!>__>!! Pero fijate, la primera que jugue contigo.. hasta yo me sorprendi de lo bien que estaba jugando, por que yo no jugaba asi.. yo jugaba sin pensar, con lo primero que pensara o al kamikaze style.. ni yo podia creer lo que hacia xD y por ahi segui jugando asi..

Bubbleman - Cool Megaman T-Shirt. And.. Grrrrrrr to that Ness.. Lol!

Lord HDL - I dint play with you but that Link was so .. **** cool!!!! >__<

Yuca - I wanted to play with u 1 on 1 with Sheiks!!;__;!!!!!!!!!!

Rasalas - My Smash goal is.. to kill u.........................

Blizzard - No tuve la oportunidad de jugar contigo pero me hubiera gustado tambien, lol

H@wk - Pajaro visco yay!! Hey!! I couldnt play with you either >__<!! Gah!!

Vain - Hey!! Crei que ibas a ser mas serio, pero eso es bueno, eres simpatico xD Estaba tratando de ir tras tu cabeza cuando jugamos entre 4 pero se metian en el medio y no me dejaban darte>__>!! gah!! >[!! pero nah, me gusto como usas a Marth xD

Hey !! Perdi un monton pero como kiera.. le mate un Marth a un tipo ahi YAY!! Mi primer muerto desconocido con mis propias manos en 1 on 1*-*!!!!! Yay yay yay!! Y estuve a punto de matar otros que me daban liga pero no pudeee u_U buu!! Pero al menos mate a ese buahahaha(despues que me mato anteriormente XDD)

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
These are the placings I remember.
1st : Lord HDL ( Link, Marth, Capt. Falcon etc.. )
2nd : Evil ( Fox, Falco, Marth)
3rd : Gil ( Fox, Marth)
4rd: Joe% ( Peach, Shiek)

Teams: .... *sad face* I'm sorry GJ I sucked..

Karura I'm sorry for not giving you Falco. I felt the need to warm up my Marth and Fox. My Falco was not in good shape today. It sucked all day... Maxi you owe me friendlies and yes I'll see you in August and we will smash all day everyday. I was kinda pissed too for reasons I will not mention and I was tired as hell ; had a crazy night...

Kama has the matches in the tape. I have Maxi's shades ( I have teh powur now). I'm sorry for the tournament inconveniences and I thank the West for helping. Special thanks to Max and Damian.

That's all I have to say for now. I wanna sleep.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2004
Puerto Rico
Laser Kirby reporting people. Had fun in the tourny especially in that match against eval. I look foward to play you again it was really fun. Got to get beaten by maxi n' stuff ya. Oh ya an hawk, sorry for eliminating you, your pajaro visco owns dude, you just need some wavedash, don't get discouraged man. I look foward to repeat this people thanks to everyone that made this tourny possible.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
Karura Karami said:
Zero - Hey!! You're the Fox one, right?? ****, you're fast!! @__@ I wanted to kill u but I couldnt >_>!!
Oh yeah I played against your sheik. You're very good I don't think you lack anything, just more practice and more ability to read your opponents and you will kick... um stomachs? ;)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2005
In Front Of My Computer
man i had a great time getting my butt kicked by almost everyone but oh well lol... anyway i fought a lot of ppl althou im not to sure who i fought i know i was eliminated by kama nice marth... oh and zyko im getting that buck back... :chuckle:
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