My All Star Experience in the All Star East Tournament
First of all, congrats to HDL on his fifth tournament win, you deserve a tier all to your own. Second, here’s my tale. The day before the tournament I bough Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and New Super Mario Bros and accidentally saw time pass by all too easily, so I went to sleep at 1 am by accident. Next day came up and woke up, ate breakfast, got in two calls from XHYX (G.J) and MOCA (Fox Hater) and went to pick them up at 8:00 am. Met up with the rest, ate at B.K. took a group pic (which I need to upload although I’m on sucky 56k till my DSL revives). We drove endlessly toward Bayamon listening to all sorts of MP3’s from FlashMan Stage to lots and lots of Rock music (no reggaeton to Fox Hater’s dismay), wondering why Doji’s car never caught up with ours even though I was driving mad slower than usual. We reached Plaza del Sol at around….12:00ish, called up Carlos (Evil) and Joe% (Joe%) and followed them. (insert lolis everywhere).
Got to the tournament parking lot, Power Rangers theme playing in the radio, and Doji got in with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme (he owned us). We promptly left the car and B4K4 Assaulted me for his controller, which had been “knuxed”, he wasn’t too happy about it but he played with it through the tourney and it seemed fine, sorry I let such destructive hands destroy your c-stick, the knuxwalk is indeed a powerful move.
Inside I met familiar faces like Essence , Evil, Manolo, Eddy , Jandro ,Zyko ,Blazing , Yuca ,Joe% and new faces (for me) like Rasalas Karumi, ATH,.
First thing We Westeners did was shout out for our hero, Bubbleman, Doji calling out to him and me and Mizu translating. As this happened we made our way to him, greeted, him,took pics, it was after all an HONOR to meet the legend, and he proved that he after all knows his ****.
At the Start of the tournament and being stalked by Kmahl for a Marth ditto, I had to face Zyko, I was like “So many scrubs and noobs around and I have to face Zyko X_X?”. In the end I won 2-0 (second match was by luck thanks to his suicide) but Zyko I love your fox. Next up was a random fox which I chain grabbed and killed all too easily, he did do a good job when he counter picked me Final, he was moving not so bad. Then came Blazing who eliminated me 2-1, Fox on Onett as counterpick as counterpick for my Marth, I’m so banning that stage from now on xD. After that ATH greeted me in the losers bracket and promptly eliminated me 2-0, although they were close matches, he was always beasting me while I tried to catch up to him. Finally I gave Kmahl his matches outside the tourney but with tourney like ruling and I bested him 2-1, they got taped and I want them uploaded,lol. We all made it home, me with a huge headache and the others tired as hell. It was fun stuff. I passed out horribly in my bed.
Sorry this post was so long, it’s not over yet, here are the shootouts.
Fox Hater- Dame la Puta Gorra!, Third place huh? Congrats! Showing the world your Fox and Marth are worth awhile, unlike Doji said months ago xD.
Zyko- Love your Foxy, but against Marth tienes que velar mas guira,lol.
Essence, Yuca, Joe%, EVIL,Jandro,EddyB4K4- thanks for always been couteous to me and all around nice, thanks for bringing Tails Jandro. Didn’t get to fight any of you ;-; except Yuca who showed that his Shiek can still dominate my Marth T_T. Didn’t get to try my other tactic against you in another friendly.
Bubbleman- Thanks for the picture, you seem like a nice guy, will post the picture up soon. Nice two wins in the Teams battle, just remember Team Attack on next time,lol!
Kamahl- love your dedication to Marth, thanks for the matches, I want them on the internet!!! Stop stalking people O_O.
Karura- I thought you’d be all genki jumpy screamy like, but you’re all quiet and mellowed down, it’s so different, anyway you were lots of fun attempting to attack me in Free for alls.
Rasalas- You got the wavedashing down and the moves, just need to input them into situations better, plus don’t pick Final Destination all the time or I”ll just chain grab you to death =__=.
HHH- your Pichu was owning, it was awesome.
Blazing- I think you were the one I fought most, you’re awesome fun :D
ATH- very superior playing on your End.
ATH Fan#1- ZOMG you’re Moldredd! Spoilers!
H@WK- we never got to fight, wanted to fight your pajaro bisco ><. Well there ya go, you're mentioned XD
Doji- Shame on you lost to Fox Hater, guess its time to start working on a counter pick for foxes =P. I’ll tag along for the ride.
Well this is probably my longest post EVAH, watch out HDL!!