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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Cadet
May 21, 2006
Karura Karami said:
Yay!!!!!!! Bienvenido <(^__^)^ y nada, sigue posteando por aki y nos conoceras xD

so que personaje usas????
Hi nice metting you.

Well the caracters I use the most are Link, C. Falco, Mario and Luigi.

But I usually use sometimes Samus and Fox.

What caracters do you use I see you are using Sheik.


Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2005
Puerto Rico
The tournament was decent. Administration had some hiccups with running but oh wells **** happens eh? Good matches all around though. Glad to say this was the tournament in which I've lasted the most. Guess I'm improving a bit each time.

Surprisingly my Pichu saved me good. Ish owned my Doc so I switched to Pichu for kicks and ended up beating him :D. Almost beat Eval too... **** cars in Onett :p
Yuca's Sheik ***** me good, as did EOTG's Mario. And I've been to so many Smash gatherings and I have YET to play B4K4! wtf!

ATH Fan#1

Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2006
ATH's wallet
Zero FX said:
About wavedash you just need to practice it a lot. It took me like a month to learn it.
lol. It took me 5 minutes and a bottle of Tequila.


I want to congrats the winners of the tournament and especially my idol, ATH.

ATH - Keep it up niggah, today some people, tomorrow the whole world!!

Blazing - Sorry I couldn't play you, but you know...we weren't in the same place. Maybe next time.

Kammahl - You marth need a few more lessons but it just find by now.

-ATH Fan#1-
(I<3 ATH)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Welcome to Vinzent and Ns fox

Hey Zyko, im sorry about the controller and about every of our friendlies being interrupted by official matches ( D@MN People bring some Faking TV's next time )

ATH's Fan #1 - Please! tell us who you are!!! (Your real name )


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Zyko, was your controller a purple one painted with liquid paper? I remember seeing one like that.
Oh, and Fox_brigade was my partner on the team battles, we managed to beat only 2 teams, maybe if we trained as a team, we could have gotten farther.
See Doji, I said I was a good smasher(not the best smasher God created), but I'm going to (not retire) take a small break from Smash, and I still have to buy a new controller too(my wavebird died).

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Dojima said:
Excuses, excuses, I had a 1 hour of sleep and a 3 hours drive under my belt I doubt you where more tired than me. It also showed that you didn't have any experience against the IC's nice Counterpick, you might beat me but you need to learn how to handle them. also PREPA! (It goes to Baka and Jandro too).

Yep its seems that everyone also noticed how the brackets sucked ***, most people ended up fighting people they always fought in their area, east vs east and west vs west, I barely got to fight people from east side and I could only face a few in friendlies.

Bubbleman really knows his sh*t he just need to practice.
The night before the tournament I had a crazy night I didn't get any sleep. Maybe 2 hours or something. Plus I had a pretty tough week getting jobs and helping around the house is tiring. What you say is true I have no experience whatsoever against ICs. Except a few fights with my Marth against Pope and now the *** ****** I got from Lord HDL lol.

The brackets didn't go so bad for me at least. I did have to fight a few tough opponents including Joe% :p .


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Bubbleman_Nsider said:
Zyko, was your controller a purple one painted with liquid paper? I remember seeing one like that.
Oh, and Fox_brigade was my partner on the team battles, we managed to beat only 2 teams, maybe if we trained as a team, we could have gotten farther.
See Doji, I said I was a good smasher(not the best smasher God created), but I'm going to (not retire) take a small break from Smash, and I still have to buy a new controller too(my wavebird died).

People, let’s understand something here. Almost no one had teams practice. I did not practice with Max, I only got to practice a small number of team matches with him on one day, which was like 2 weeks before the tournament or so. On top of this, it was quite evident to those that know how I usually play that I was lacking with Link, and yet I did not make any johns to ATH when his Samus beat me twice in a row. All I said was that I needed to shape up with him, which I only did somewhat, hence why I picked other characters and wound up doing better with them WITHOUT practice using them. Each player has their own story.

As for Carlos, you have seen Chu videos and you have faced ICs on some occasions, so you’re perfectly aware of what they can do. Even if you don’t play them often, adaptation usually kicks in, which is part of being a top player. That is why many of the top players in the states usually beat Yoshis and Pikachus and have very little experience against them, whereas those Yoshis and Pikachus have a lot of experience against Marth, Falco, and the rest. At high levels of play the fight is consisted more of the players themselves and less of the matchup at hand.

Tournament: It was fun. I was surprised when I was told I had to face Gilbert for winner bracket finals. Ivan also showed good stuff when he played Zyko, and Kmahhl played better than expected. There are other things that will be posted later.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Carlos(Prepa) stop giving excuses you were preatty healthy that day and you practiced like hell. You dont see me making excuses cause your fox beated mine it was clear that yours was rocking that day. On the other hand there were some guys I never had the chance to have a match. ZYKO, ATH, BLAZING, YUCA and JANDRO unless his nick is GOOD then yes I fought him.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
First of all congrats to HDL for winning thesingles tourney and to MIZU or MXP and HDL on winning the teams tourney (double gannon... too broken!!).

It was a great tournament had lot's of fun and met a lot of nice people. :)

Karura:nice sheik really enjoyed playing against you little more training and you could unleash sheik's true Top Tier wh**e ness .Also penguins kick a**.

Kama:don't sweat it about the tourney we played well and even though we had a couple of suicides on both matches we showed them q no fue facil. :chuckle:

KTH:mano no te creas q t esataba ignoring or anything lo q pasa es q yo ni te vi,podrias creer q yo me entere q tu estabas alli como a las 11 de la noche cuando kama y bebo me lo dijeron pero te fuistes rapido anyways tenemos q jugar avisale a kama q tengo el miercoles libre.

Rasalas:we had some good matches you showed me you have improved since the las time we played.

Bubbleman:didn't know I was playing against you after a while but anyways good ness.Also try using ness's jabs and tilts a little more they're really fast. :)

Esencia:estas broken!!

Hermano de esencia (cause no me acuerdo de tu nombre): nice capt'n falcon wish we could have played more.Also eres un 3peo y estas broken mano.

Vain:fue un placer mano eres un 3peo , nuestros matches esvieron guillao siempre de alguna manera you managed to lower my stocks.lol

Krazyzyko:good matches had a lot of fun.

Doji:wanted to play against your zelda but you used ICE C. anyways good match,seems you lack experience against DK just like everyone else I guess. I mean nodoby here uses DK right?

Eval:wanted to play my samus against your peach to show you how much I have improved,
you owe me one friendly for the next time.

Uriel,Carlos,Ev1l:sucked to play against you at the tourney anyways it was a fun and heartpounding match.

JOE%:good match it was really fun but we couldn't play that much except for one match maybe next time.

EDDIE:good matches of samus ditos they were really fun.

YUCA:good game man pero me hicistes sacar la lechoneria del extender(dark cheap side...laughing evily).

HDL:good matches of link against samus or as I call'em Past and Future,anyways wanted to try my samus against your marth.Also that match of jiggs against your gannon was awesome!

Maximus:great matches guess I still have a lot to learn against Gannon like misile spamming and better counterpieking,still great gannon.By the way that night I had a weird dream that I was fighting against gannon on Flat Zone and only my analog stick worked and the only thing I could do was run away from gannon's forward air... :confused:

GJ or as I like to call you Papa counterpeak:great matches solid samus and marth,wanted to play against you r sheik so me imagino q pa la proxima.

ps:train me in the art of counter peaking

Overall the tourney was a lot of fun and congrats to the ones who got in the top five on both tourneys.Everyone improved a lot and to those I forgot to mention because I never asked names or anything It was a pleasure playing against you. :bigthumbu



Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
My All Star Experience in the All Star East Tournament

First of all, congrats to HDL on his fifth tournament win, you deserve a tier all to your own. Second, here’s my tale. The day before the tournament I bough Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and New Super Mario Bros and accidentally saw time pass by all too easily, so I went to sleep at 1 am by accident. Next day came up and woke up, ate breakfast, got in two calls from XHYX (G.J) and MOCA (Fox Hater) and went to pick them up at 8:00 am. Met up with the rest, ate at B.K. took a group pic (which I need to upload although I’m on sucky 56k till my DSL revives). We drove endlessly toward Bayamon listening to all sorts of MP3’s from FlashMan Stage to lots and lots of Rock music (no reggaeton to Fox Hater’s dismay), wondering why Doji’s car never caught up with ours even though I was driving mad slower than usual. We reached Plaza del Sol at around….12:00ish, called up Carlos (Evil) and Joe% (Joe%) and followed them. (insert lolis everywhere).
Got to the tournament parking lot, Power Rangers theme playing in the radio, and Doji got in with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme (he owned us). We promptly left the car and B4K4 Assaulted me for his controller, which had been “knuxed”, he wasn’t too happy about it but he played with it through the tourney and it seemed fine, sorry I let such destructive hands destroy your c-stick, the knuxwalk is indeed a powerful move.
Inside I met familiar faces like Essence , Evil, Manolo, Eddy , Jandro ,Zyko ,Blazing , Yuca ,Joe% and new faces (for me) like Rasalas Karumi, ATH,.
First thing We Westeners did was shout out for our hero, Bubbleman, Doji calling out to him and me and Mizu translating. As this happened we made our way to him, greeted, him,took pics, it was after all an HONOR to meet the legend, and he proved that he after all knows his ****.
At the Start of the tournament and being stalked by Kmahl for a Marth ditto, I had to face Zyko, I was like “So many scrubs and noobs around and I have to face Zyko X_X?”. In the end I won 2-0 (second match was by luck thanks to his suicide) but Zyko I love your fox. Next up was a random fox which I chain grabbed and killed all too easily, he did do a good job when he counter picked me Final, he was moving not so bad. Then came Blazing who eliminated me 2-1, Fox on Onett as counterpick as counterpick for my Marth, I’m so banning that stage from now on xD. After that ATH greeted me in the losers bracket and promptly eliminated me 2-0, although they were close matches, he was always beasting me while I tried to catch up to him. Finally I gave Kmahl his matches outside the tourney but with tourney like ruling and I bested him 2-1, they got taped and I want them uploaded,lol. We all made it home, me with a huge headache and the others tired as hell. It was fun stuff. I passed out horribly in my bed.
Sorry this post was so long, it’s not over yet, here are the shootouts.
Fox Hater- Dame la Puta Gorra!, Third place huh? Congrats! Showing the world your Fox and Marth are worth awhile, unlike Doji said months ago xD.
Zyko- Love your Foxy, but against Marth tienes que velar mas guira,lol.
Essence, Yuca, Joe%, EVIL,Jandro,EddyB4K4- thanks for always been couteous to me and all around nice, thanks for bringing Tails Jandro. Didn’t get to fight any of you ;-; except Yuca who showed that his Shiek can still dominate my Marth T_T. Didn’t get to try my other tactic against you in another friendly.
Bubbleman- Thanks for the picture, you seem like a nice guy, will post the picture up soon. Nice two wins in the Teams battle, just remember Team Attack on next time,lol!
Kamahl- love your dedication to Marth, thanks for the matches, I want them on the internet!!! Stop stalking people O_O.
Karura- I thought you’d be all genki jumpy screamy like, but you’re all quiet and mellowed down, it’s so different, anyway you were lots of fun attempting to attack me in Free for alls.
Rasalas- You got the wavedashing down and the moves, just need to input them into situations better, plus don’t pick Final Destination all the time or I”ll just chain grab you to death =__=.
HHH- your Pichu was owning, it was awesome.
Blazing- I think you were the one I fought most, you’re awesome fun :D
ATH- very superior playing on your End.
ATH Fan#1- ZOMG you’re Moldredd! Spoilers!
H@WK- we never got to fight, wanted to fight your pajaro bisco ><. Well there ya go, you're mentioned XD
Doji- Shame on you lost to Fox Hater, guess its time to start working on a counter pick for foxes =P. I’ll tag along for the ride.
Well this is probably my longest post EVAH, watch out HDL!!


Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2005
Puerto Rico
Upon popular request here are the full tournament results:

Bayamon Tournament Singles Results
64-man bracket

1 Adrian Perez
2 Carlos Perez
3 Gilberto Mendez
4 Ismael Alvarez
5 Edgar Valentin
5 Jorge Leon
7 Luis Irizarry
7 Andres
9 Mariano
9 Manolo Rivera
9 Eddy Vargas
9 Gilberto Miralla
13 Damian Esteves
13 Hector Daniel Nieves
13 Jeremy
13 Armando Doval
17 Ivan Ojeda
17 Julio
17 Hector labrador
17 Eddy Rivera
17 Ivan Santa
17 Jose Vargas
17 Paolo Morales
17 Gustavo
25 De Leon
25 Pedro Collazo
25 Rene
25 Karla
25 Ismael J
25 Carlos Rivera
25 Axel Morales
33 Roberto Reyes
33 Alan Barrero
33 Jesus
33 Carlos Pagan
33 Alejandro Lafont
33 Norberto Rosa
33 Ranier Collazo

Bayamon Tournament Teams Results
32-man bracket

1 The Virgins
3 Que Facil
4 Team Robitusin
5 Titos Fley
5 Double Dragon
7 BountyHunters
7 Bacardi & Cola
9 Los Trangalangas
9 Fashion Seals
9 Team CBA
13 StarFox
13 Los Tortosos
13 Insane7
13 Insane
17 Team Oreo


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2005
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Vain posted a match history! I shall as well:

I can't beat the spam! He beat my Sheik first round. Then I counterpicked Mushroom Kingdom II and he picked Luigi where I won. Then he took it home with Peach once again. To the loser's bracket I go in the first round.

Jandro (Good)
His Peach suprised my Sheik on Battlefield, where he promtly won. I counter picked Samus on Mushroom Kingdom II and switch to a spam/camper tactics where I took the win. The he picked Pokemon Stadium where I continued my spam/camper tactics thus taking the match 2-1. Sorry Jandro ;p

Random Fox?
Don't know this guy's name, but I took it 2-0 with my Sheik.

Essence of the Gods
My Sheik versus his Mario. I don't remember this match very well, or at all. I know I took the win at Princess Peach's Castle. Good match EOTG.

My Samus versus his solid Fox on Dreamland 64. Good close match, but I got it. Switch to Sheik where he easily pwned me on Final Destination. Back to Samus on Brinstar where I took the win.

His Doctor Mario pwned my Sheik good on Yoshi's Story. I counterpicked Marth on the new Kirby stage where his pill spam pwned me once again thus eliminating me. Nice Doc man, I suck against them. You know it would of been a diferent story had you used Ganon hehe, good choice.

And that was it, got 9th.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
Dang I got last place, I need to practice more.

Anyway the last match I had was with a guy that had a south park doggy style shirt and he used a sheik, anyone know who he is? I could have won but here was my mistake.

I won the first match but then I switched form fox to marth.
He beated my marth without problem.
Las match I changed back to fox and it was a very good match, I left him with one stock and 130%+ but he got me out with that horrible forward aerial and I lost.

Hawk-I saw your falco in action and is very good. Too bad I didn't get to fight you.
Kama-Dude your marth is really awesome keep it up.
Zyko-I fought with your fox and is very good. You pwned me for good.
Yuca-You have a solid peach.

Well see ya. Oh by the way 5 minutes & tequila... awesome.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
Zero FX, the last match you had was against WanderingAngel, que para jugar basico juega k-bron!!!
Looking forward to smash with you!

w00t!!! Me gradue hoy, so, felicitenme!!!! I almost cry... *sobs* I hate to leave school... *sigh* Universidad al fin, so, pidanme la bendicion, todos los que sean menores que yo (para eso vean mi profile para ver mi edad)

Bendicion a todos los mayores que yo!

Vain, no me viste jugar? No me mencionaste T_T...

Eddy, te cojo despues en Mario Kart, para ver quien es el homosexual!

Edit- Vizent, yo vivo cerca muy cerca, pero WanderingAngel vive casi al lado tuyo (Por Sagrado Corazon), so en la semana, yo te mando un PM, voy pa' casa de Angel y te dejo saber. :p


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
H@wK said:
Zero FX, the last match you had was against WanderingAngel, que para jugar basico juega k-bron!!!
Looking forward to smash with you!

w00t!!! Me gradue hoy, so, felicitenme!!!! I almost cry... *sobs* I hate to leave school... *sigh* Universidad al fin, so, pidanme la bendicion, todos los que sean menores que yo (para eso vean mi profile para ver mi edad)

Bendicion a todos los mayores que yo!

Vain, no me viste jugar? No me mencionaste T_T...

Eddy, te cojo despues en Mario Kart, para ver quien es el homosexual!

Edit- Vizent, yo vivo cerca muy cerca, pero WanderingAngel vive casi al lado tuyo (Por Sagrado Corazon), so en la semana, yo te mando un PM, voy pa' casa de Angel y te dejo saber. :p
Ok so WanderingAngel was his name... well I'm looking forward to smash with you too. Y felicidades por tu graduacion.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2006
New York Bronx

Hey whats good everyone? hey ill probably be going to P.R =) for vacation this summer ill be living up in isabel and id like know hows the smash scene there and if any1 else lives around there so i can smash with.I main as Link and i pretty much use Low tier characters and can give the upper tiers a hard time =) Id also like to know if there are any crews out there and where are these tournies held at ty for any feed back and umm..hi?lol :suess:


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Link-NY said:
Hey whats good everyone? hey ill probably be going to P.R =) for vacation this summer ill be living up in isabel and id like know hows the smash scene there and if any1 else lives around there so i can smash with.I main as Link and i pretty much use Low tier characters and can give the upper tiers a hard time =) Id also like to know if there are any crews out there and where are these tournies held at ty for any feed back and umm..hi?lol :suess:
i think lord HDL lives in isabela so you can play him and yes there are crews if you want to face mine you will have to travel to the other side of the island but it will be worth it since you will be playing EVIL,GOOD,B4K4,EDDYand me and i also main link


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2006
New York Bronx
Blazing said:
i think lord HDL lives in isabela so you can play him and yes there are crews if you want to face mine you will have to travel to the other side of the island but it will be worth it since you will be playing EVIL,GOOD,B4K4,EDDYand me and i also main link
Ahhhh ty much... and Eddy.. is this Eddy the famed g-dorf player? =D


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Eddy the Ganon player (I think it’s Eddie) does not live in PR. I think he lives in the midwest of the states.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Congrats to H@wk my graduation is wednesday, WoHOO!

And um, Link-NY, we had a tournament a couple of months ago at Isabela so If HDL or someone knows
if there can be another tournament held there it would be good since no one from east wants to go to RUM ( freaking too far )

So... I hope we can give him a good impresion, so guys start planning on the next tourney!

OH! and I'm sorry I forgot about U um Essence brother lol I had a lot of fun hanging with u
hope to see you again at Yuca's where we always gather...
and Vain I had a lot of fun with you too lol Marth dittos we have to play again! hahaha


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2005
In Front Of My Computer
Zero FX said:
Anyway the last match I had was with a guy that had a south park doggy style shirt and he used a sheik, anyone know who he is? I could have won but here was my mistake.

I won the first match but then I switched form fox to marth.
He beated my marth without problem.
Las match I changed back to fox and it was a very good match, I left him with one stock and 130%+ but he got me out with that horrible forward aerial and I lost.
yah that was a pretty though match i always have a hard time against foxes anyway u could have won that one if u hadnt suicide on the last fight but i expect to fight u again sometime... :chuckle:

oh btw welcome vizent
H@wk, J0qr and zyko we gotta smash especially u zyko im gonna win that buck back... :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
WanderingAngel said:
H@wk, J0qr and zyko we gotta smash especially u zyko im gonna win that buck back... :chuckle:
Dude, the buck has already been used for a Coca Cola or a focking bag of Doritos, let Zyko be. He won it fair and square!
Thanks Kmahhl! Y felicidades!

Vizent y WanderingAngel, hay que hacer algo pal' viernes. Nos vemos.



Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Vain, since when I became some sort of hero? lol, and what are you crazy dudes doing hearing FlashMan's stage song? Bubbleman's theme is way better. Uhh. yeah, team attack, how about "team recovery"? My partner once hitted me with something when I failed a Pk thunder, giving me a chance to Pk thunder again, and Psi Magnet worked wonders also.

HHH, are those the top 33 of the tournament? If so... I ranked 25, maybe if I would have been able to stay(yes, my dad wanted to get home early), maybe I would have gotten to top 20 or a better number, also are those the ranks for team battles? Because 9 out of 17 doesn't seem bad also, almost no team had practice.

Xyhthyx, that random Fox could have been my cousin(team partner), did he have a brown shirt?

Congrats graduants, you're all "prepas" now!


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
WanderingAngel said:
yah that was a pretty though match i always have a hard time against foxes anyway u could have won that one if u hadnt suicide on the last fight but i expect to fight u again sometime... :chuckle:

Yeah I always have trouble with suicides :( well it was nice smashing with you. I hope we have a rematch sometime.


Smash Cadet
May 21, 2006
ciRius j0Qr said:
From all the posts ive read it seems to me that this tourney was really something

Whos Vozent
is he vincent

And once again
Cav crew meeting on wednesday
That would be me. I guess I could say I am the newest east smasher in terms of metting you guys.

Anyways nice to meet you.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2005
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Bubbleman_Nsider said:
Vain, since when I became some sort of hero? lol, and what are you crazy dudes doing hearing FlashMan's stage song? Bubbleman's theme is way better. Uhh. yeah, team attack, how about "team recovery"? My partner once hitted me with something when I failed a Pk thunder, giving me a chance to Pk thunder again, and Psi Magnet worked wonders also.

HHH, are those the top 33 of the tournament? If so... I ranked 25, maybe if I would have been able to stay(yes, my dad wanted to get home early), maybe I would have gotten to top 20 or a better number, also are those the ranks for team battles? Because 9 out of 17 doesn't seem bad also, almost no team had practice.

Xyhthyx, that random Fox could have been my cousin(team partner), did he have a brown shirt?

Congrats graduants, you're all "prepas" now!
I don't remember, I think his tag was PESO or something like that.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Was it the niggar? I recall seeing a niggar there that was more niggar there than every other niggar there. Even more niggar than myself.

Edit: Now that I am thinking, that doesn’t seem likely unless he comes from Niggar Land like myself. On this note, niggar with an 'e' is censored. ROFLMAOBBQWAKAKALOLIPANTSU


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2005
Lord HDL said:
Was it the niggar? I recall seeing a niggar there that was more niggar there than every other niggar there. Even more niggar than myself.

Edit: Now that I am thinking, that doesn’t seem likely unless he comes from Niggar Land like myself. On this note, niggar with an 'e' is censored. ROFLMAOBBQWAKAKALOLIPANTSU
its *****, craka
edit: unless you are Negro Domas
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