This si exactly why the Video X Games was created: to offer the same level of competition you can find abroad in a place that is close to everyone in the Caribbean.
You see, its no coincidense that St. Maarten was chosen as the ideal place to host our competition. First of all, there are little or no VISA restrictions for people travelling here. Secondly, no one is more than an hour away from St. Maarten in the Caribbean. St. Maarten is pretty inexpensive, especially in the off-season, whcih is when our competition is held.
All in all, we just want to provide a place for everyone to compete at a high level with good rewards against people from around the Caribbean and the world. We are non profit, and strive to put all your registration fees back into making your stay on St. Maarten as good as possible, which is why for $65 registration, you get breakfast and lunch for all the days, plus transportation everywhere, your badges, t-shirts, other sponsored goodies in one package.
We even send our champions to those big competitions that they wanted to go to in the first place, such as our Halo 2 Champion, who became one of the best European players of halo after we sent him to europe to compete in the Halo championships of France. Tis year, the winners of Need for Speed, Pro Evolution Soccer and Soul Calibur 3 will be given ALL EXPENSE PAID trips to Guadeloupe to compete at their Gigagames, another very big Caribbean tourament ( As the year's pass, we aim to make every champion for every game, including smash, earn a trip to another tournament, stimulating interaction among caribbean gamers. We would love to send out champion of smash to the next Rum and Smash tournament, for example, seeing that it was such a hit in Puerto Rico. Of course, if you are from PR, then that won't be much, but imagine someone from Trinidad being overjoyed to win a prize to travel again, all expense paid, to compete in puerto rico!
We would never discourage anyone who really wants to go to tournaments like OC2, but some of you might consider guaging your skills at a regional level before competing internationally. Also, regional championship in your trophy case would make it easier for you to attract sponsors when you are ready to move internationally. I strongly recommend people consider caribbean tournaments before venturing out into international tournaments, but thats just a recommendation.
If we can conitnue to get the kind of support from gamers we have been getting, the competitive industry in the caribbean will develp quite rapidly. All we need in order to hold more competition to rival the Evo's and the EC's and the CPL's would be sponsors. And the sponsors just want to see a massive number of gamers. Personally, i see professional gaming (players who live off of the prize money from competitions and endorsements of sponsors) in the Caribbean kickstarting within the next 3 to 4 years, with our internet connections improving and airline prices going down.
Well, those are just my two cents