Whoa, so many posts... took me like 15 minutes to read them all.
Anyways, I have some info... as crappy as it it:
-Today, I discovered I have a WD controller, it suck though, it may WD perfectly, but it can't shield and almost has a life, since it smash attacks when I don't need to. I WON"T bring it for tourney use, maybe for friendly battles.
-Secondly, my Marth sucks more than rotten candy, I can't even tip anyone lately...
-Then, my Ness skills go higher, even though, I need to master a higher tier character to balance myself, can't just depend on Ness getting killed by higher characters...
-After all, I fixed my NES system... not something important to discuss here.
-Before finishing, making a map can be easy, right JOE? Remember the one I drew for you.
-Lastly, I told Yuca I may bring a 13' TV to the tourney, as part of the contributions(not a donation!).
That is all... for now.