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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
1. Jandro / cube
2.Cirius / cube
3.Evil / cube/game/memory card
4.WandererAngel tv/cube
5.Hawk / cube / game/ memory card
6. Ath /tv/cube/game/memory card
7. Joe% / tv/cube/game/memory card
8. Yuca/ tv/cube / game/ memory card
9. Kama / cube/game/memory card
10. Marx / cube / game / memory card

If anyone else wants to help plz post... any help is aprreciated

P.S.- me and joe% will post tommorow the rules... and try to come to a solution with the map... and i will post the flyer again


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2005
for all u people from the west if u hace any questions u can call me or im me i just wanna be more felpfull for u guys since u guys r gonna come from so far i dont whant u guys getting lost or anything so please contact me if u have any questions.

ciRius j0Qr

Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2005
San Juan, Puerto Rico {Estudio en RUM so M mepuede
joe% said:
for all u people from the west if u hace any questions u can call me or im me i just wanna be more felpfull for u guys since u guys r gonna come from so far i dont whant u guys getting lost or anything so please contact me if u have any questions.
Reveal directinns on the tournament thread

The tournament thread sonds like a very good idea ;)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Kmahhl said:
Off topic anyone would think off

Mariano, se q sentiste ese ki q te exploto bn fuerte (chiste interno)
yo tambien lo senti LOL
raaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggg el ki me exploto de nuevo jajajajajajajajajajajajaja es q esta muy broken mano :chuckle:

edit: ATH welcome my friend you finally posted i am so happy hope to see you more here at the smashboards :chuckle: :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
H@wK said:
Tienes toda la razon Zyko... I suck against another Falco... But tell me... How the fock I'm going to train against another Falco? The strongests Falcos I've seen are Uriel's, Lord HDL, and yours (haven't seen Marx's recently). And BTW, you can use your Foxy against me, I don't mind. Tu mas que nadie sabes que te he explotao' a tu Fox con mi propio Fox... And now, let my Falco be. Podre ser el Falco mas tecato de Puerto Rico, pero nada me va a hacer cambiar de main.

Mala mia tio por contestar asi, pero es que estoy tan enc*jonao por haberme ido tan temprano de alli y tener que descualificarme yo mismo que estoy a punto de :mad: :mad: :mad:
You know that you defeated my Fox with yours only one time(last month) and trust me, it won't happen again(And leaving you with one stock ain't actually "explotao"). But I always have a hard time beating your Ganon with my Marth.
Don't be so bad with your mom she gave you live you know?

Joe%-I guess you were bien juqueao fighting H@wk but we'll HAVE to fight next time.

uriel- You were wrong about Jiggz's Rest(down+B) it's the fastest move in the game tied with the shine. So I started using the Puff and had a lot of fun hitting the illusion and phantasm with the rest(it's HOT!), I'm gonna see if I can take advantage of this character *evil laugh*



Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2005
In Front Of My Computer
H@wk, zyko, j0Qr- we gotta do something before the tourney i need to test my ganon with real ppl its still sucky but still i need to know :urg:

zyko-sry no puedo ir pa lo de raul yo pensaba ke mi mai estaba libre hoy so no tengo como ir ni kien me busque pero si hacen otra cosa con vincent y D.K.(edgar)lol me avisas :(


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure Blazing came with someone to Aguadilla Ramey Base Area for G.J's Smashfest . Now I'm wondering who that person was since Dojima was at that Smashfest and Fought with that person, people keep saying this and that but now I wonder who that person was?

ciRius j0Qr

Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2005
San Juan, Puerto Rico {Estudio en RUM so M mepuede
WanderingAngel said:
H@wk, zyko, j0Qr- we gotta do something before the tourney i need to test my ganon with real ppl its still sucky but still i need to know :urg:

zyko-sry no puedo ir pa lo de raul yo pensaba ke mi mai estaba libre hoy so no tengo como ir ni kien me busque pero si hacen otra cosa con vincent y D.K.(edgar)lol me avisas :(
Me llamaste j0qr Wheeee

vamos a planificar pal miercoles
zyko,angl,hawk Praguntnle a sus madres
Pa mi casa

Socio tu lees tus mensages
si los lees dame un answer


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Vain said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure Blazing came with someone to Aguadilla Ramey Base Area for G.J's Smashfest . Now I'm wondering who that person was since Dojima was at that Smashfest and Fought with that person, people keep saying this and that but now I wonder who that person was?
That was Marx Vain remember the falco user oh and jiglypuff, but Marx and ATH Are two diferrent people, ATH uses samus,jigly and DK oh and he is a way much better player than marx no offence to marx, i think GJ remembers him from the isabela tournament you should ask him


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
I want to make public a discussion that’s been taking place elsewhere. I have been reading all these posts on all these pages, and have also spoken to a few other people about the direction it’s going in. When Blazing made a post elsewhere, I decided to respond to it. He was responding to Doji when he said this:

Blazing said:
dude you think you know everithing but in the tournament there will be surprisess
I then proceed to respond with this:

Lord HDL said:
You mean like the surprise you told everyone that east will win? Face it, there are quite a few players on the east that are annoying. Not because they’re new, but because they’re new and think they’re the ****, which they are not. I feel like going through the Isabela tournament tape and uploading the one video from crew battles where I completely decimate Joe%. The only east side players that can actually TALK are Carlos and Armando, and to an extent: Zyko. Don’t make me bust out my pork chops and drop the beats on cronies. First the east steals my disc, that I’ve had for almost 5 years, then they start talking **** like they the best?

It was stupid enough when Joe% made a post saying that he has a score to settle with Eval because he thinks he’s better (or even). Joe% is not even that great, he just has a slightly unorthodox style that many people here don’t seem to be countering. His actual overall ability and mind games are average. Plus he uses Peach and Sheik, characters that give many people here, especially the inexperienced east siders, problems. I could say the same with Yuca. They are getting better, true, but as they get better only a little their heads and egos inflate even more. I would call YOU better than they are, seeing as how I played the three of you before and you actually had some mixup ideas, whereas they just kept repeating ****.

I really have nothing against the east except the stupid BS that’s coming from them. That’s all really, just the stupid, senseless, pointless, useless, atrocious, califaggotry--blah blah cious BS emanating from their mute vocal cords. Might as well be mute because that’s the equivalent of what they’d be backing up all that talk with application. Also I am posting this because it has been made to my attention that multiple people share these sentiments.

No matter what happens at the tournament, I will be going around performing the surgery of enlightenment. I’m sure they’ll all love the hemispherectomies. Also I will be posting this at SWF pretty soon, so there’s no need to “notify” any east siders what I said. They will be knowing it from me come the time.

Oh yeah, let’s take a look at the tournament (the GOOD ones, no 80 scrub 3 TV ones) results:

RUM & Smash

1. HDL (west)
2. Max (west)
3. Fred (west)
4. Eval (west)

December 17th

1. HDL (west)
2. Eval (west)
3. Carlos (east)
4. B4k4 (east)

February 25th

1. HDL (west)
2. Joe% (east)
3. Carlos (east)
4. Eddy (east)

RUM & Smash 2

1. HDL (west)
2. Eval (west)
3. Max (west)
4. Carlos (I think - east)

So here we have west (10) and east (6). Oh yes, might I remind everyone that there was almost no one from the west community at the Feb 25th one. Max, Eval, and GJ were not playing at top game. Also, my friend’s mother messed up the single elimination bracket at the end, creating a BIG favor for the east side players. I might also add that Eval got 2nd at R&S2, even though he had been playing RO for over a month and no practice in Smash.

So in other words: don’t talk if you can’t back it up with skill. And I have played most of you east siders, so I’ll be the judge here on who’s skillful and who’s not.
Blazing responds:

Blazing said:
i think you are right about joe and yuca and i have never said that i am the shet cause i know i am not but since i have been training like a animal i think i can play better against you guys oh and about saying stuff like east is going to win is beacuse i am from east i am suposed to suport them i mean is like doji being from the west started suporting the east, so obiosly i said east is going to win but that does not mean is going to happen unless i am psychic or something,and i have nothing against the west either i want to play you all again cause i think you guys are good and the surprise i was talking about is that i have gotten better that is all, i know some of the east players are annoying but they are working on their game and attitude but please dont start saying that the east is crap cause i am from here you know i know that you guys dont like joe or yuca but what about all the other good players and nice people that are here on the east all i ask that before you insult the east think about those peolpe

Hope to see you all at the tournament and hope that you can give me the honors of link dittos too

again like i did whit fox hater and the crew battle stuff i apologise to those that i have insulted it was not mi intentions so i apologise i am man enough to know wen i am wrong and dont care what people say when i apologise
Lord HDL said:
I am not saying the east is crap. Just that most east players aren’t that great, and there are some people that think they are hot stuff despite the fact that tournament results have proven otherwise over and over. I’m sure everyone’s getting better but it’s not enough to just play for a few weeks or a month and then automatically think you’re better than the very people who proved themselves to be a lot better. Skilled players can adapt to players that improve, so even if an east sider gets 3 stocked by Max, then plays for a month and improves a lot, it won’t mean he won’t get 3 stocked next time he plays Max. Max will adapt to that person’s newly refined style and possibly 3 stock him again simply because he has more experience, as well as knowledge on the matchup and stage. These are points that experienced players know, which is why some of us are getting annoyed at some of the east siders’ arrogance.
Blazing said:
well i know but since i played carlos and armando and did not got owned and played essence and beat him and played zyko and beat him too than i tought that all mi training has payd off that is all and i am not saying like wow Blazing is going to own everybody cause i am probably will not but that is why i want to play you guys so i can get much better that i am already,

oh and about the crew battle you know that the tournament is held by yuca and joe so they got to have a spot on the crew i cant do anything about that and also i think i did improve because i beat those players whit link and you yourself know how hard it is to win whit link
Blazing, I’m not saying you’re bad or that you or other people haven’t got better. I am saying that provided all the things mentioned, the east is not one to talk at all about how good they are since the only noteworthy powerhouses as of current, as mentioned, are Carlos and Armando. Which, by the way, I have helped to improve extensively by talking to them for long periods of time about different things and giving them hands-on specific advice and experience in person. I am not personally saying anything against you, Blazing. I don’t recall seeing you get an inflated ego. But there are others.

Once again there are multiple people that feel this way, and in fact the reason I decided to say the things I did was because I was approached about this and wound up discussing it. You guys need to cut it out. **** talking for fun is cool if you do it moderately, but when you keep walking around with big heads and not proving your talk in tournaments you only make yourself look like a jock and get others upset. If there’s anyone who should be upset about anything it should be me, since one of you took my disc and most likely laughed the hell out of yourself when you got home. I hope you’re happy sticking it up your gaping fissure.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Lord HDL said:
I want to make public a discussion that’s been taking place elsewhere. I have been reading all these posts on all these pages, and have also spoken to a few other people about the direction it’s going in. When Blazing made a post elsewhere, I decided to respond to it. He was responding to Doji when he said this:

I then proceed to respond with this:

Blazing responds:

Blazing, I’m not saying you’re bad or that you or other people haven’t got better. I am saying that provided all the things mentioned, the east is not one to talk at all about how good they are since the only noteworthy powerhouses as of current, as mentioned, are Carlos and Armando. Which, by the way, I have helped to improve extensively by talking to them for long periods of time about different things and giving them hands-on specific advice and experience in person.

Once again there are multiple people that feel this way, and in fact the reason I decided to say the things I did was because I was approached about this and wound up discussing it. You guys need to cut it out. **** talking for fun is cool if you do it moderately, but when you keep walking around with big heads and not proving your talk in tournaments you only make yourself look like a jock and get others upset. If there’s anyone who should be upset about anything it should be me, since one of you took my disc and most likely laughed the hell out of yourself when you got home. I hope your happy sticking it up your gaping fissure.
eh for god sake i did not take your game i wasn't at the rum&smash tournament and please stop this y already apologise you are just making this harder and separating the comunity is just one comunity not two so if you want ill do it againg i apologise dude for whoever took your game and for the shet and for everithing but dont make me look like the bad guy cause i am not man and agian hope to see you at the tournament still dont hate the west and want to play you all especially you since you use link and i want to learn by fithing you but dont make me look like i am the problem of the disscusion


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
You see, I have no qualms about the smack talk .... Just don't take it to the GG boards, I hope we have that clear.

Yuca, I think it would be better if you posted a map to the place of the tournament or atleast organize an easy place to pick us up, like the Town Center for R&S2. Im pretty sure that there some easily recognizable landmarks that are near the tournament. Cheers


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Dude, Blazing, read posts carefully.

Lord HDL said:
I am not personally saying anything against you, Blazing. I don’t recall seeing you get an inflated ego. But there are others.
Edit: Just saw your second post. Looks like we’re both not reading carefully...

Here is the basic point I’m trying to get across to some of the east siders: cut it out.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2005
HDL if im not that good then why did my sheik kick ur marths sorry *** at the last tournament that u had to play 2 time againts me and still u got ur *** kicked so whats this about all ur s*** that ur talking?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2005
maximuspita said:
You see, I have no qualms about the smack talk .... Just don't take it to the GG boards, I hope we have that clear.

Yuca, I think it would be better if you posted a map to the place of the tournament or atleast organize an easy place to pick us up, like the Town Center for R&S2. Im pretty sure that there some easily recognizable landmarks that are near the tournament. Cheers
can u get to rio hondo or plaza del sol?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
maximuspita said:
You see, I have no qualms about the smack talk .... Just don't take it to the GG boards, I hope we have that clear.

Yuca, I think it would be better if you posted a map to the place of the tournament or atleast organize an easy place to pick us up, like the Town Center for R&S2. Im pretty sure that there some easily recognizable landmarks that are near the tournament. Cheers

Hmmm yea i know... tell me a place in the area metro u guys know off... for example... rio hondo mall... plaza del sol... parque de las ciencias... i would gladly pick you guyz up

P.S.- Regarding HDL's post... i dont know why you dare mention my name... when we only played once... i did loose yes... and no i dont think im a smash bros bad *** player( i know i suck) i just play for fun nothing else... if u dont belive me find a post of me saying or talking **** about the west... the only person i have talk bad 2 is doji in which case ima apologize to him cuz i know hes a great guy and great player i met him in mayaguez....


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
So he speaks more. You beat someone twice, then automatically assume that you’re the ****? Of course, there’s no way HDL could ever mess up. He ALWAYS plays his best, and so if he’s ever beat it gives anyone full right to talk trash to him.

Get over yourself. Having one stock at the end does not qualify as ****, and if it takes a ****load of mistakes on my part for you to win, then obviously that’s saying something.

Oh, and I still won the tournament. You know why that is? Because I stepped it up later in the tournament and started playing at a higher performance. You didn’t get close. Results speak for themselves.

Also if anyone should be talking **** it’s me. I don’t think we need an explanation for that one. Yet I almost never talk **** to anyone. Only every once in a while as a joke. You need to back up.

Edit: Yuca, that is fine. I understand. Thanks for the mature response. By the way, when I mentioned your name I was talking about how you use Sheik and many people are still inexperienced when fighting Sheik.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2005
Lord HDL said:
So he speaks more. You beat someone twice, then automatically assume that you’re the ****? Of course, there’s no way HDL could ever mess up. He ALWAYS plays his best, and so if he’s ever beat it gives anyone full right to talk trash to him.

Get over yourself. Having one stock at the end does not qualify as ****, and if it takes a ****load of mistakes on my part for you to win, then obviously that’s saying something.

Oh, and I still won the tournament. You know why that is? Because I stepped it up later in the tournament and started playing at a higher performance. You didn’t get close. Results speak for themselves.

Also if anyone should be talking **** it’s me. I don’t think we need an explanation for that one. Yet I almost never talk **** to anyone. Only every once in a while as a joke. You need to back up.

see the only one who thinks thats the s*** here is u but really ur not that good and i could care less what u say so u can keep on saying **** and its still wont matter to me cause for me ur just this ugly *** ******** dude that thinks hes the **** at smashbro but hey if that makes u happy then keep on doing it besides u aint got nothing else to do......... dude do u even had a girlfriend in ur life? maybe not since ur that ugly i guess if u did had one all ur fights would end up at a smashbattle jajajajaja so if u whant to keep on talking be my guest and can respond to all u got say.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
Originally Posted by Blazing
i think you are right about joe and yuca and i have never said that i am the shet cause i know i am not but since i have been training like a animal i think i can play better against you guys oh and about saying stuff like east is going to win is beacuse i am from east i am suposed to suport them i mean is like doji being from the west started suporting the east, so obiosly i said east is going to win but that does not mean is going to happen unless i am psychic or something,and i have nothing against the west either i want to play you all again cause i think you guys are good and the surprise i was talking about is that i have gotten better that is all, i know some of the east players are annoying but they are working on their game and attitude but please dont start saying that the east is crap cause i am from here you know i know that you guys dont like joe or yuca but what about all the other good players and nice people that are here on the east all i ask that before you insult the east think about those peolpe

First of all I would like to say I feel the same way as BLAZING we have all gotten better
but there are some people here (east) with atitude problems and people who can't seem to
afford a SSBM game so they steal one instead.

I would just like to say that this whole thing was started by ATHfan#1 and then DOJI who
seemed to have confused me with someone else (MARX) but that's all been fixed already, I'm just a little pissed that
people started fighting like ignorant children all because of ATHfan#1 and please just don't make the people here from east look like the bad guys with inflated egos(altough there are some...)because there are people here who are very humilde(humble).

Last but not least this was all ATHfan#1's fault I mean come on HDL can't you ban him or something lol.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
This really is getting out of hand.... Now we are insult each other's appearance ?

Yuca, I'm not familiar to area metro ( I was so scared going to Evil's place T_T) but whatever is most easily accesible with the least ammounts of detour would be a good. It's all up to you, just please decide on a place that is relatively easy to get to and don't forget to set an arrival time also. Oh, I dont remember if you have the food handled so can you elaborate on that.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2005
here r d rules for the ALL STAR TOURNEY(there d ones from rum and smash2 so i hope theres no fights about the rules)

Saturday may 20, 2006
Local:parke linea
bayamon, PR 00959

Time: Inscriptions @ 8am-12pm
Tournament starts at 12

Entry Fee: $10 for singles
$20 per teams (10 dollars per participant)
The cash prize will be divided between the top 3 players.

Ruleset: Standard MLG Rules (double elimination) which are as follow

General Rules and Regulations

1. During scheduled warm-up periods the winner stays and the loser must get up.
2. If a player or team doesn't show up on time for their match, they will be given a 5 minute grace period before it will go down as a forfeit.
3. In the case of a GameCube/TV malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed.
4. All decisions made by tournament officials are final.
5. Players must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. Permanent ejection of a player from the tournament is at the staff's discretion.
6. Spectators may not communicate with a player while he or she is competing. Breaking of this rule will result in ejection of the spectator and forfeit of the game.
7. Any intentional forfeiting or conspiring to manipulate the rankings/brackets will result in ejection and possible suspension from future tournaments.
8. Any other sign of cheating will also result in forfeit of the game.


1. You are responsible for bringing your own controller.
2. Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
3. Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.

Tournament Rules

1. The Singles and 2v2 Brackets will be Double Elimination.
2. The Losers Bracket will have mixed placement to avoid players being eliminated by the same opponent that beat them in the Winner's Bracket.
3. All matches are best of 3 except for the Finals (best of 5).
4. Lives will be set at 4 stock with an 8 minute time limit.
5. Ties will be broken by stock left and then by percentage of health. Sudden death will be played if both the stock and percentage are tied at the end of the time limit.
6. Items will be turned off.

Stages & Character Select

1. The first round stage is selected by random, but if both players (teams) can agree on a stage then the first match can be played on any stage they agree upon except one from the banned list below.
2. Random Select Stages - Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Rainbow Cruise, Kirby 64, & Pokemon Stadium.
3. Stages Banned - Hyrule Temple, Fourside, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Termina Bay and Yoshi's Island 64.
4. Stages not listed on the random select list, that are not banned, are open for counter picks by the losing player.
5. "Dave's Stupid Rule" - no stage can be used twice in a single match, whether by random select or by picking.
6. Knock-out - after initial characters have been selected and only before the first match is played, each person may knock off one stage from the available tournament stages. That stage will be turned off for the entire set.
7. Advanced Slob Picks - the loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then the winner may change characters, and then the loser may change characters.

Special Team Rules

1. Team Attack ON
2. Life stealing allowed
3. During teams (2vs2) Mute City and Fountain of Dreams are banned due to match disrupting lag.

Other Rules & Special Issues

1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as droping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic.

Match Format

1. Each player chooses a seat and controller port. If both players want the same controller port, a coin flip will determine the winner of the port. The loser may then choose whichever seat he wants.
2. Players then choose their character and have 30 seconds to do so. If any player does not select their character at the end of 30 seconds or if any player calls for it, a double blind pick will be used. Once a player has placed their coin on a character's image to select it, they may not change characters
3. Once characters have been selected the highest player in the highest controller port position may press start to go to the level select screen. Once on the level select screen, each player may choose their stages to knock-out (see Stages & Character Select rule #6) and then either agree on a stage together or select a stage at random. Any arguing over stages will be interrupted by the judges and random stage select will be used.
4. Players play their first match.
5. Once they have returned to the character select screen, the losing player from the previous match must announce their choice for the next level or elect to have the next level selected at random. Once the stage selection has been announced, the winning player may choose to change their character. Once the winning player has chosen his character for the next match, the losing player may then choose to change characters. After the stage and characters have been set, the players play their second match.
6. If the winning player wins again, he wins the set and must report the score to a judge. If the losing player from the previous match wins, repeat #5 (above) and play the third match. Winner of the third match must report the score to a judge.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
maximuspita said:
This really is getting out of hand.... Now we are insult each other's appearance ?

Yuca, I'm not familiar to area metro ( I was so scared going to Evil's place T_T) but whatever is most easily accesible with the least ammounts of detour would be a good. It's all up to you, just please decide on a place that is relatively easy to get to and don't forget to set an arrival time also. Oh, I dont remember if you have the food handled so can you elaborate on that.

Ok ima think of a place that is ez for u guyz.... but about the food problem ... the place we got is next to a mini mall persay... it has a little ceasears ... burger king... a chineese fast food.. and a subway... ( the pizza is at 6$ medium pepperoni or cheese) ... it ez you can even walk there its very close :D


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
So I guess we'll have to buy our own food at a nearby restaurant... kay I can deal with that.

EDIT - posted at the same time as Yuca lol.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
RUM & Smash 2

1. HDL (west)
2. Eval (west)
3. Max (west)
4. Carlos (I think - east)

- posted by HDL

* I thought that at Rum & Smash 2 I had earned the fourth place.. :(

Anyway, I don't like this sudden flame war that just erupted today. The results of each touney is fair in my opinion, since there were winner and loser brackets, then most the better players have consistently reached the top spots.

Since I don't talk smack at others, It's only fair that i ask you all to do the same. Friendly joking is one thing, flaming is another thing entirely.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2005
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
What's with all the hostility? All I said was that I play the best Wireframe in PR. East got nothing on my Wireframe, I take out their best Gigbowser with one arm tied.

In all seriousness, I'll say it: Joe%, quit thinking you're the s*** because your Sheik beat HDL's Marth twice in a row, or whatever. That's just immature. The one thing that seperates the Smash community in general from many other competitive gaming communities is the respect players have for each other.

EOTG: There's actually no 4th place, it's 1 2 3 5 5. So basically you got a shared 5th place with Carlos.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
1- HDL
3- Maximus
5*5 Carlos and Carlos lol (my real name is also Carlos)

Those are the real results taking into consideration what you just told me. :)

EDIT: no matter, all things take time and i have patience...

Make sure that those of you who need a ride to the tourney talk with your friends and secure your trip. AND REMEBER TO HELP WIH THE GAS MONEY OR FOOD, DON'T IMPOSE EVERYTHING ON THE PERSON WHO IS ALREADY GIVING YOU THE RIDE!!!!!!


Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2005
Puerto Rico
Xyhthyx said:
EOTG: There's actually no 4th place, it's 1 2 3 5 5. So basically you got a shared 5th place with Carlos.
There was a 4th place actually. To clear up confusion (since there are two Carlos) the results were as follows:

1 Adrian Perez
2 Edgar Valentin
3 Jorge Leon
4 Carlos Rivera
5 Alejandro Lafont
5 Ismael Alvarez
7 Carlos Perez
7 Melvo Ramos

Also, this trash-talking is getting kind of pointless. And JOE%'s personal attack on HDL was uncalled for and immature. Since you can't back up the criticisms made against you with proper material you start questioning someone's appearance? Fission Mailed.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
Dam making the map is hard... :( lol ... aniway the solution is that im gonna pick up west players ... but i need to know if any of u guyz know where are one this locations

1). Rio Hondo Mall
2) Plaza del Sol
3) Parque de las ciencias

if not add me on msn picuca78@hotmail.com and ill try and explain how the get there at least

Happy Smashing


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
I don't understand why was HDL so agitated for 1 or 2 persons that had their egos high, and then he says we are not that great.

You shouldn't critisize the whole east community for 1 or 2 s*** talkers
If I had ever said something bothering any1 I apologize, I just try to bring a competitive attitude
between east and west not a war.

On the other hand JOE% man you really went over the edge attaking personally HDL
he has his place on the smash community as the best in PR and he has earned that
winning tournaments and matches more consistently than anyone.

so you shouldn't talk smack over some sheik vs marth matches, If u didn't know: Sheik Counters Marth
for ur info. and yes Marth could win that match-up too but winning against him doesnt make u the next
top player in PR, we all have our ups and downs so lets stop this stupidity on who's better who's not
who has a higer ego and let it be settled on the next tournament.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
I logged off for 4 hours and a flame war begins?!!?!?

...lol, Blazing I also beat you too but i guess you did beat me more than I beat you(great matches by the way).

JOE%-there's no need to be so mean. HDL couldn't resist several people's bragging and he had to react with the truth.

Anyways, it's just a game (...an addictive one lol.) I loved to see you guys laughing and telling jokes while playing smash. So relax and enjoy meeting new people and having fun.

HAPPY SMASHING YA'LL! .......later


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Kmahhl said:
we all have our ups and downs
This is what it was. Carlos was watching me as I played. He can attest to how poor I was playing Marth as opposed to the norm.

krazyzyko said:
HDL couldn't resist several people's bragging and he had to react with the truth.
I really feel no obligation to say anything to people who brag, else I would of said something long time ago. I posted it because multiple people were getting annoyed.

Sorry I put Carlos as 4th because I faced him in semi-finals and Max played Eval in semi-finals as well, so it was us 4. I’m not the one who did the brackets, though.
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