Rum & Smash 5, Low tier tournament
3 stock
5 min timer
Best 2 of 3, Finals best 3 of 5
Items on (No healing, No invincibility)
Single elimination
Inscription: 25¢
Random Stages: Pokemon Stadium, Poke Floats, Green Greens, Mushroom Kingdom II, Brinstar, Mute City.
Counter pick stages: Any except: Hyrule Temple. Icicle Mountain, Corneria, Yoshi 64, Fourside.
Wobbling is banned. (Unless you do it with Pichu)
Dave's Modified Stupid Rule: No stage may be used twice in a single set
if the player choosing already won on that stage
Random Knock-Out: Each player may choose to eliminate 1 of the random
stages to be chosen at the beginning of the set.
Advanced Slob Picks: Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go
random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may
change characters
Double blind pick may be called at any time (obviously, before players choose
their first initial character, before the first game starts.)
Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character
or indefinitely freezing them, or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes
it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the
immediate forfeit of the match. Unless its really really cool.
Edit- Despues de pensarlo seriamente se ah decidido dar premios para segundo y tercer lugar:
2nd- Un vaso de soda.
3- Un Cough drop de limon marca Walgreen's.
@HDL- The fact that people use MSN is only because it got here first, but even so AIM is not that great either, its less customizable, the sounds are annoying as hell and the are even worse. AOL never got a head start here in PR and its impressive to see how people here are way less ignorant on internet freedom as they are in most of america. In the end your question is the same as asking why Mayaguez is MySpace and Ponce is Facebook, it just is.