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  • Buy one :mad: I got mine on eBay, as a result, I have 2 Desktops :V. I only have 9 books at home. That sucks, today is the last day I can use this computer (New Year). I hate school computers, they block all the good stuff :urg:

    You may not believe me but throughout the past Christmases have been...nothing. My brother spent this Christmas with his friends, my sister was at her friend's house the whole day, we really don't spend Christmas as a family, there might be some joy, no gifts though <.<

    Really? I should "get" it...as soon as my Acekard arrives :mad:

    My Computer time is up, happy New Year droogie! I'll be back :mad088:
    DS. The most current game is World Championship 2009. But WC 2010 should be out within the next few months (though Japan will get it first obviously :mad: )
    Lul. I see right through you.

    Revenge for letting me die. And taking all my glory.
    It's legit. Just add the FC, and then play with your friends. Single duels and tag duels. It's pretty cool.
    :) Yup, I have 23 more minutes of use. Really =o? Get a book while your down there :p. You don't have a desktop? I use the PC/Wii (PSP if I can fix it).

    Well, I woke up, watched T.V, walked for an hour, worked on a stage texture and then went to sleep. I'm used to treating Christmas as a regular day. That's nice, just wondering, is KH good? That does sound nice.
    Zen, please. I work alone. I have rage, remember?

    You think I listen to the rest of the SR? I never listened to you.
    I blame the bottle <.<

    I've been at home, my internet is still off but I'll be able to pay off the bill tomorrow so I'll be back to wasting hours here soon :p. As for my Christmas, it was O.K.

    What about you? How was your Christmas? Did you travel somewhere exotic for Christmas? :mad088:
    I believe he's working for Kief. I found out he was ordered to finish people off.
    I play sometimes. I stopped collecting cards about two years ago, but I play the video games. I play people on wifi and stuff. Can't wait for WC2010 to come out in a few months :)
    Allied teams huh? Thats cute. I'm against the Sacred Realm too.
    They didn't want me on their team.

    You're just an easier win.
    I dont believe your given the choice Z.e.n., if I challenge you, I challenge you, Im sure Shadow would chew my *** out though, but I want to for all the bad memories I have of B.B. Hood XD
    Z.e.n, I dont appreciate you sending Ramen and his death lag after me >_>.

    I challenge you to a children's card gam....I mean a Brawl
    About what? Oh nothing that concerns you guys.
    That tourney livestream was lol.
    Me and knubs were watching a tourney on livestream and they mentioned how gordos can be reflected. me and him were like "xD Gordo/I can be reflected lolol"
    Told you, in it for the fun. Gordo probably has it, but will he live before he makes it there? *Goes reflect Gordo*
    Really? You are all over the mercenaries. So be it then. Seems that you don't care much for your members.

    Gordo knows exactly what that means.
    I'll play a set with Ramen no doubt. I don't think Marthshadow is the weakest. That would be you. lol *Swings swords* Fight me.

    Lets make this more fun.

    If You don't kill off all the Mercenaries by Friday, I will also kill Kwiz.

    Gordo can be reflected. I know how to beat him. :q
    You would like that wouldn't you? I would, but Paladin has what it takes to fend for himself. You only attack him because you think he is the weakest.

    Sorry bro. No. That match between you and me is still a go. <3
    Sorry I can't let you do that Star Fox. I protect my group.
    Want Ramen to fight me for a life as well? So be it.
    naw im able. I have a friend whos wii i can use. but it will be a different FC. is that ok?
    So. What does killing Paladin do for you? Lol.
    Just wondering. Doesn't look like you want the results.
    no problem.....let's just say this tourney has changed my playstyle drastically.
    kairi will have her revenge.....she doesn't play nice like roxas. :evil:
    u serious zen?
    why attack me?
    Neherazades fault :(
    I dont even have a Wii at my house atm...
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