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  • :mad:

    Makin' me doing all this arguing when I ain't got the time!
    :uber mad:

    Srsly, though
    It's the main reason I didn't wanna go into the evolutionary junk.
    It takes too much time and I don't have that atm
    that is all he did. I am telling u I been against worse all they did was upb, dsmash, nado, grab occasionaly but rarely dash attack.
    stuff like this (yeah I guess open template is it too)
    umm no I still think he used up b alot but its not as bad as what i see at tournys.
    I just beat atk with fox he does not spam as bad as you all say he does in fact Ive seen much more worse cases of metaspam
    Ya but, i mean, i dont like steel, they are just too much grey for me, id rather go with the pink and green cuties of bug + normal.
    My EHero deck sucks.
    I wanna win YuGiOh tournaments.
    Jaden is my fav character ever in anything.
    Jadens deck is Eheros.
    Eheros suck.
    I lose everything.

    Steel type.... Yeah those are lame. Normal + Bug gym leader would be awesome. Getting owned by a Yanmega + Ambipom combo would be sick(Someone said double battom pass?/Fakeout-last resort perhaps?)

    yea i have maybe been playing TOO competitively lately... ya thinkthat could be the reason? because ive entered waaay too many online torneys, so that COULD very well be the answer!
    I went offline.
    And you are completely going off topic and saying things that are not true.
    Forget it.

    ........ v.v *sigh*
    ill start training harder starting tomoro...
    im tired and lazy and heading off to bed..
    i just needed someone to vent to! :p
    thanks for listening to my sob story! :p
    night marthage!
    Double post :D.

    Who girl is that? I know its a gym leader, but cant remember who ><;
    Yeah. science fair!!!!!! But its not really a science fair(because there is no prize). It is kinda like a BIG fair that happens on the capitol(where i live o/) and people from all over the country(including the navy/army/etc...) come and show their inventions.

    Im doing like this hidraulic arm, with a giant "black chamber", its comming fine :p.

    Plus i invented a sport, its called, wood-boarding. Involves:

    1. A bike

    2. A rope

    3. A wood piece with 4 wheels down that can go to all sides(not a skate)

    4. ????????

    5. Profit

    ]did i do it right....?

    its not just a bad day.... its been a bad.... 2-3 weeks!!!
    i CANNOT play anymore... >.>
    its got me a little depressed right now to tell ya the truth!
    not that i used to be the best brawler around! lol
    but i used to play decent! now.... i.. dont! :laugh:
    Wtf, how can someone get worse in brawl? Your friend dow there must be playing drunk, and really, he must be drinking something reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly good.
    Lately i have been very busy, cause you know, im a busy man(wood's trip + grandma house + national science stuff[cant remember english word for it, but its the one you win blue "tapes"]) :D.

    But then, inrtnets r srs bszness.
    is it possible to get WORSE at brawl?? 0.o??
    because i honestly think im on a downward slump.... >.>
    You fail to understand the point.
    This card prevents all attacks, but it can only be activated once per turn.
    In Pokemon you can only have one Pokemon out.
    Meanwhile you can get hurt by a car that does damage (Elemental Lady Heat, for example) at the end/begining.
    Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman gains 300 attack for every Elemental Hero in your graveyard.
    Full Restores can be countered easily by cards (Magic Drain, Magic Jammer ect.) that can be activated on the opponents turn.
    Also, there is a card that can prevent attacks from your opponent and it never goes away unless it is destroyed by a card.
    Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman was a card no one knows the main character (Jaden) got it from. He used it to kill a vampire.
    In YuGiOh, there are cards (Fissure, Smashing Ground, Trap Hole, Offerings to the Doomed, Two-Pronged Attack, Exiled Force, Snipe Hunter, Dark Hole, Bottomless Trap Hole, Blade Rabbit, Man Eater Bug, Old Vindicative Magician, Icarus Attack, Sakaretsu Armor ect.) that destroy monsters. Pokemon can be destroyed by these. In Pokemon, there is no item that does this. Now, do not forget that there are cards that can synchro easily and cards that make other cards stronger.
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