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  • Well that's up to the admins but I'm sure they will move the NNMFA somewhere and they might assign a mod to it although nothing's official, its just my guess.
    Well I don't see a problem with them having fire but others do in the thread. It's a very close MU (Bowser v. Ganon at least) if he has the flame. But like you said, *shrugs*.
    I agree. If Zard or Bowser approaches, then they lose. If vice versa, then there's a probability of a OHKO due to 3rd degree burns. But there is always that if factor in the MUs.
    That's where I disagree with you. I believe they (Ganon/Marth) have the speed to evade the flames and capitalize. While Zard/Bowser are shooting flames, their neck is exposed and they have to focus in their target continuously. They will lack the movement to swiftly concentrate because of the flame going out of their mouth. I agree if they catch a dead-on blast it's curtains, but the likely-hood of that happening is scarce. That's why I feel as though the fire is uneffective in their respective MUs.

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    Rofl I put this on somthing idk why.

    Whuddya think? I made it myself :)
    I did some changes to it but overall I think I did pretty good.
    Also, the top Japanese Kanji is Protector, the middle is E-HERO Rampart Blaster and the knees are EARTH.
    Also, it looks cooler with nothing in the head ;)
    Ok...so let me ask you...if you happen to catch on fire, what would you do? Would you just let the fire sit and marinate on you or stop drop and roll?
    Point being, Fire doesn't kill instantly. If that were the case, then firefighters would be suicidal. If the fire has time to set in or if they cannot avoid it, then yes the fire would kill. Otherwise, Zard will try just to get his neck cut off. Ganon will rupture Bowser's innards. Nice try though. I win tee hee...

    sure you finished off my gardevoir, but now...... i have gallade! WHAT SON!
    gallade use close combat! (and down ya go)

    no no your steelix fainted! lol and that was your only pokemon

    and even if it survived,
    she/he used reflect!
    now leave my site puny girl! :p :mad:

    you lousy kid!!!
    *shakes fist angrily and violently*
    gardevoir use FOCUS BLAST!!!!
    (which is super effective against your puny steel tpyes:p)

    1. thats one of my likable traits!
    2. thats why i pick will!!! doesnt he just have "crazy" written all over him??

    wat you talkin bout (willis) :p
    Will will dominate!! lol
    (HAHAH!!!!! willis, will, will will! lots of "wills") hahahah!!!!
    btw u know what happens when all ur brawl data is erased?
    u get a new lame ***** fc

    FEAR USSSS!!!!!!!
    I think I know what Castlevania character I'm doing for MYM.
    If you want to know what character I'm going to make play Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow...
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