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Roxas M
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  • ehh, im sorry it took so long...
    my mother forces me to go jogging now. so ill log off now.
    maybe ill be back in 12 hours....
    or tmorrow.
    goodnight, my tshadow^^
    Lol yes I'm older than you. Pwnd! :laugh:

    But, that sucks man. I didn't really see the points in ranks either beside the whole apprentice deal. I'm not suprised oreo left. He always came off like that to me.

    Hi5 told me I should be able to join after all the problems are cleared.
    The only people who gave me a challenge were Grey, Slader, you, Hi5, SoniKupo, Hat!, Polar, and Arch. Most of those people are in the clan and the others don't really go to the NNMFA anymore so, no theres really no challenge there anymore.

    So is the tounry over? I thought it was still going on but if there having a problem with the ranks that must mean its over.
    Well, I'm moving towars doing OT's but those sometimes blow up in my face from the lag. I don't really know where to go now to get a good challenge in.
    lmao our children would be epic! :rotfl:

    just think about the possibilities...
    But you don't see them hitting up the NNMFA do you? Ramen does but that's rare.

    I will keep trying but I have to find someone up here first who can get me down there.
    Yeah you did.

    But that's around the meet & greet. Ramen is one of the best Pit's period. (no offense towards you.)

    I seriously don't think he would though. I'll ask and probably get rejected. Sounds like my dating life. lol.
    But they should want to so more god people attend tournies and mak it more exciting/interesting.

    I doubt Ramen would want anything to with me since he's known so well around the boards.

    If I had a ride down to those tournys, you better believe I'd be there.
    Where do you live in Cali? Probably SoCal where all the tournies are. I can;t travel to those and there's almost nothing up here so I can't do that.

    And there's no way I'm ever going to be a pro Ike player because that's almost impossible at that level but I would like to be a pro Pit player. I could maybe pull that off with enough practice.

    I want to get amazing so when people come here like I did and drive to be what I want to be, I can sit them down and show them tht pros do care about the upcomers and that you can do it.

    I have yet to see a pro player step down from their pedestal and offer help to someone who mains their character. It's stupid and you should want to help them so more people join.

    I'm just over ambitious I guess.....
    When have I ever followed through so far with my quitting?

    You don't really get it though. The people like M2K, Ally, Lain, etc. They all have a year and a half + on me and I'll never be at their level of play no matter how much I put in. I know I shouldn't compare myself to them and that's not what I'm doing. I'm saying I want to be better than alot of people so I can help them through what I've been going through with Brawl. It just seems as if I'm doing all this practice for nothing since I'm never going to catch up to these people. Some days, it all seems pointless to keep on going.

    BTW, your not killing my brawl career. I just don't know how I've ever suppose to beat you if your getting 2x better than me even though I'm training uber hard.

    I almost lost to a kid whos been playing this game for only two weeks. Sure he was using MK and spamming tornado and ****. But, even with Pit and Ike, I had a challenge. I should have wroked him!
    alright, that's it!
    don't brawl against me anymore. i just shatter your brawl career EVERYTIME we brawl.

    and i do practice. i practice offline in training mode and 99stock matchs against a lvl 9 snake.

    so you BETTER NOT quit on me.
    you just don't notice your getting better because you fight the people that are better than you. the first month i was here i got ***** by arch night and other people everyday. but i'm still here aren't i?
    keep practicing and you BETTER stay here.
    that is all.
    There's no point in telling me I'm good Marth! I suck! I practce and practice but get ***** harder and harder.

    You've gotten better and you don't even practice as hard as I do and your beast. I get put 10 steps back for one step forward.

    Melfice has already agreed to take me under his wing, but I'm going to have to disappoint him because after tonight, I'm done.
    I've got to stop posting on my own profile...

    hmmm... I'll try Brinstar. See you online.

    Good luck!
    hey, when are we gonna have our match? sorry i kinda ditched you, life's been busy... let me know when you wanna, kay?
    Oh yeah...and the reason I had to No Contest and drop was because my mom was nagging at me about being up playing games at two o'clock in the morning during a lightning storm lololol
    HAH! Found you!
    Lucario was **** on castle siege! lol
    I knew you'd crash on another one of my brawl parties....lol! It's always fun when you drop in!

    But.....I probably won't have anymore brawling escapades for a while! I'm leaving town today and I'm not bringing my wii (I don't think...have to ask Josh...:p) Oh wells if you do find me online then lol the fun continues!

    Anyway Good Games! I enjoyed them....except for triple suicide on Norfair...that was lulz
    lol I did not think you where that was incase a gay dude saw that post then came after me to kill me dead <9000 times
    oh yeah I forgot olimar is mk's worst matchup he has the best chance against an mk than anyone next to snake.
    use olimar this is why

    some gay kid: *is playing with metaknight*

    some other kid: hey arent you that gay guy that uses olimar why are you using metaknight?

    some gay kid: because fighting with the colors of the rainbow was not nearly gay enough


    (no offence ment to gay people I strongly support you guys altho I'm not gay ;D)
    your lucario is pretty good yeah you stand a chance but depends on who shows/ who you go up against where you going to anyway?
    good games my dad stole the t.v. away again sorry I did not feel like having serious matches so I stopped being a lucario and lol at you having trouble with luigi with your marth luigi worst matchup in the world. I have to say there was alot less lag tho.
    wanna know a good combo with cario against wolf?

    it's a chain grab I just wanna tell you so you can piss blazer off moar for me it's the u throw it goes till 30% then you should d throw when he gets to 27% and put in som air combos lol.
    Salutations M-dawg. I was psuedo-absent the other day so I couldn't respond.

    I love history. I adore Smash.

    So I take it upon myself to know a little something about every character in the Smash cast and their respective series. I usually give their games a try which is how I found my favourite video game character, Kirby. I couldn't play a Mother game since it's Japan only and I didn't think a ROM was worth my time so I just watched a Let's Play on Mother 3. Needless to say, I became enveloped by the storyline. I'm loving the Mother series.

    I bought Pokemon Platinum so I could finally play through one instead of just playing a few minutes of demos. Great game so far.

    Still need to buy a Zelda game to see what's up with that.

    I played a few minutes of Fire Emblem and hated it . . . yeah.

    Starfox 64 is where it's at, yo.

    Besides, fanboys are mindless. The moment you start bashing their favourite game, they'll resort to being elementary kids by yelling at you and calling you names.
    Yeah, I'd hate melee twice as much though. I don't know, I just need a break from the game I guess. I'm sick of it more than anything I think. I'm either getting called a spammer because I actually use moves more than once, or I get insane comboed. Either way I come out mad.
    You did one that was like "AA,>B, Aura blast" and there wasn't anything I could do, after that I was just unhappy with the games. You did okay, but it's just combos anger me a lot. I'm probably taking a break from brawl for a while.
    I'm sorry I can't play more than that. I'm starting to hate Brawl, and the way you've starting to play is the reason why. Anyone doing combos past like 40% damage is just stupidly unfun to play for me. Nothing against you.
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