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Red Arremer
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  • Ah kk

    We did learn that Meteo has some ******** stack acceleration when the Speeder is used.
    w/o speeder: .008
    w/ speeder: 100

    You wouldn't need to, just to be part of the discussions that Linkshot and I have sometimes. : )
    so you can edit it and stuff although that's probably not necessary now lol

    You can see it/chat right?
    pssh, all countires are thankful for Gunpei Yuki creating the Metroid series. ;D

    On that note, I have to leavel, lulz. Take care. *hug*
    No no no, I don't expect to be treated like a prince at all. That was jsut a hypothetical situation.

    I'm very much aware of my behavior and the consequences, I just think I shouldn't be banned on those grounds because I think contribution should be valued more than anything else in the SBR, because that's the main goal of the SBR.

    Off topic: Can you beat Gheb?
    I'm shocked and hurt you didn' come explode on me with excitement upon finding out I made it into the BR.

    I'm ok :3

    Warlord won MYM6! =O

    Also, I'm getting a PS3 for christmas. *ducks into bunker*

    I envisioned you as Aeon before I saw a pic xD
    I think you get me wrong, I only do this when the consequences won't influence me. I'm quite good at human interaction(lol). However, there's no reason to be nice or anything here. I'd NEVER insult or speak arrogantly in a job interview (I actually was offered a job this summer). My point is that I don't LIKE being nice. But I can when I have to.
    So I should respect them for what they are, but the opposite isn't the case. The only thing I cna see happening is that we both don't have respect (no prob imo).
    Does that matter? They think their opinion matters, I think the same and put it into practice.
    If I should respect their choices and opinion, why shouldn't they respect mine?
    I think making friends on the internet can be cool, I had some good conversations with quite a lot of people myself. BUT! I don't intent to make friends online at all.

    Then that's the German community... I did the same thing but got respected anyway... I even had a "mother joke" period ("lol") with Marc and people expected us to hit each other at a tourney, but nothing happened. Maybe they know I'm not serious but just stating how people are being dumb or annoying.

    Anyway, I hope I will meet you sometimes. Ask Gheb if I'm nice =/ Not knowing him IRL, I waited at the train station, missing teams and getting there 2 hours late.
    It's probably because I can't tolerate stupidity (yeah, I'm a hypocrite). That's why I don't help people a lot, it just takes to long to learn them stuff.

    I don't expect anything from people at all. Most people are stupid and ignorant, so why expect anything? Also, why are you offended/disappointed in **** taht happens online =/
    Well firstly, before you do: No johns.

    But I'm not really like this, it's because letting people say their stuff takes too long to come to a conclusion. This is a forum, people can say what they want and most people don't get it when they're wrong. I do, I just don't like to admit it.

    I can be reasonable, but when people get off topic just to resolve stuff that's irrelevant to the conversation (how can people actually call internet bs debate?).

    Also, people that get annoyed by me etc. are responsible for that. I am not. They get mad, I don't. If this happens, I know it will happen again when I do the same thing, but it's not my responsibility.

    Btw, I'm never angry or anything. I learned early that only gets me in trouble.
    Hey man, Marc implied you helped me getting banned and I was just annoyed by the Stage blabla thread. Sorry man

    I am not full of hate or anything, I just tend to look at things in a negative way because I am critical. Nothing personal I guess. I know I got kicked out of the SBR and this might look like some kind of try to get back in, but that's not my goal (and according to Marc it's not gonna happen because people dislike me).

    Basically, I just felt like apologising because my behavior doesn't seem to be tolerated.
    Hurhur they don't have frame data done yet, do they?
    According to PSA, the first hitbox starts at frame 9, second one on frame 12, then lasts until frame 50-51 I think, so that's like 41-42 frames.
    The English site was shut down forever ago, and it was pretty lame (although it did show the planets and the size of the beings).

    The Japanese site is so much more awesome, describes some of the gravity, has population/planet size, and even shows you the Meteos blocks for each planets.
    I was thinking about the tournament and realized that it's a pretty huge step to go abroad alone for the first time ever AND visit a tournament for the first time ever. I know, some time has to be the first, but I'm still 17 and I think I'll need more experience before I do something like this.
    Ack, no I've actually been offline all week with midterms (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and then I had three parties over three days <_< (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) so I've been kinda busy.

    I'll be on msn sometime soon, don't be silly :p
    Nice to see some Halloween spirit. (Yes I just noticed, can you believe it?)
    Meta Knight, Falco and Snake are all hard to beat just because they're good. Falco has that chain-grab though. I think the match-ups are playable, I wouldn't whine about them. I'm not good enough to see them as even, but they probably are.
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