You know, there was a time where I had a bit of an obsession with the idea of games that were spiritual successors to oldschool franchises that either stopped getting games or started getting games that were divisive among fans at best, and straight up put the franchise in a decline at worst.
Bloodstained for Castlevania, Bug Fables for classic Paper Mario, what the currently unreleased Pizza Tower is trying to be for Wario Land, things like that.
Nowadays I'm not as obsessive with the concept, but I do still find the whole thing fascinating enough to where I've been brainstorming some ideas for Smash bosses that basically fuse enemies from the classic franchises and their spiritual successors into one boss.
So far I've come up with 4, but for the sake of this post not being too long, I'll only share 2 right now.
First is a boss from Banjo-Kazooie and Yooka-Laylee. It's Gruntilda riding on her broomstick, but she's carpooling (broompooling?) with Capital B, who is reading out the world tome (the magic book where the Pagies come from) to enhance Gruntilda's Magic. I call this boss "World Tome Witch"
The Second one I have for today involves Mega Man. Mighty NO. 9 tried and failed to carry the torch, but like others, I think Azure Striker Gunvolt was a rousing success in this regard. But people are also quite fond of 20XX on this whole thing, so I decided to combine all 3.
It's Dr. Wily in his latest Wily Machine, but said Wily Machine is built out of the same material as the Repro's in 20XX, and is equipped with Septimal Weaponry like that of Gunvolt's Rival, Copen. Also known as iX in the Luminous Avenger timeline. I call this boss "Wily Repro iX"
Anyway, cool videos!