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  • I'm looking forward to Winter, after all, it is my favourite season out of them all. What have you been playing lately? Me, I bought the XBLA game Castle Crashers yesterday and it's pretty good. Nice graphics, gameplay, offline and online co-op and other cool stuff. It's coming out on the PSN as well but not the Wii.
    How's the weather down there today? It's been raining all day where I live. :(
    Thanks, but the word 'stalking' is such a bad word. Let's say your recon on him has not yielded any results. :p

    And yeah, I guess I am. xD
    Yeah, I'm pretty lazy during the summer. It's the best time to be lazy and slack off! :p

    And no, sorry. Sometimes I don't feel like going online on MSN. It has nothing to do with you btw.
    I was only up that early today cause I needed to do something. Not a fan of mornings. :p
    Haha it sucks, doesn't it?
    I'm not skinny or anything, I'm actually pretty built. But even I'm confused as to why I weigh so light.
    Why so hesitant on getting a 360? If I could afford it, I would buy a PS3 right away since it has so many games I like, haha.

    Assault... Is that one for the GCN? I think I played a little bit of it at a friend's house, but we played 4P split-screen on a 12'' TV. Seemed pretty neat, though.
    NO WIFI? Maybe if you called your local Internet Service Provider and told them this was serious Call of Duty business, they may understand and work something out with you. XD

    As I sit here and think about it, I believe the Wii may be lacking in 3rd-person shooters, unless I just don't know about 'em. Transformers is coming out though, however I understand that something like that isn't everyone's cup of tea. My friends and I usually try to avoid games made after movies, for we've had some bad experiences with them. This one looks pretty neat though.

    I actually haven't played Star Fox before. I've seen it so many times, but I've never gotten around to picking one up.
    Do you have Reflex? I wouldn't mind doing a few Team Death Matches with ya if you're ever interested. I took a little bit of a break before, but I'm back to playing it again. Not sure how many more times I want to Prestige, if at all. lol Don't want to lose my stuff again.

    I actually prefer 3rd person shooters, since IMO it's easier to take cover behind obsticals and sneak up on people. Ever played SOCOM? I'm a huge fan of that one.
    Word on the street says that you like Call of Duty? XD I'm really looking forward to Black Ops. I hope they'll still have golden weapons like in Reflex. Getting all those headshots are tough though. D= I've only gotten the Golden D.Eagle so far, which probably barely takes anything.
    Nonono don't undereat. D: It's really not good for you. Just exercise and eat better but for the love of God don't undereat. I used to be like that when I was a freshman but it seriously doesn't do you any good.
    Sorry I wasn't on MSN today, I had things to do and whatnot. Hope you had a great day!

    PS: Every time someone posts a stupid thread, I want to head butt the wall.
    Well if she's close then go for it. If not, lol. But that's just me though. I would go for the real thing instead of *kisses you*, y'know?
    Nothing much, just woke up a little while ago and checking out SWF. The usual, how bout you?
    national guard "demonstration" ^^ (basically they were there unofficially for practice and we were like, um are you supposed to be here, and they're like... no. wanna shoot? haha good times.)
    I used a few, but mainly the classic browning 12g o/u, I also got to use a pump action for a while but that was specials week cause that's the week I got to fire an m-16 XXXXDDDD god that was hot. hahahaha
    Marlin 336_ is prolly the most popular hunting rifle out there, no doubt a great purchase... and yep, .30-30 winchester or you can go .35 remington but there's not so much call for that here in mississippi but in bear country it's arguably even a better choice.
    I love it up there, especially the smokey mountains area, used to hang out in gatlinburg and of course memphis sometimes. hell yeah, boi! get hunting :D
    hey! you in the NRA? I was a member for several years but that was a long time ago, I haven't shot or even owned a gun in over a decade, but it's definitely something I'd like to get back into, and it wouldn't be hard now that I live in Mississippi :D But yeah I was a Jr. Marksman and whatnot .22, and shot skeet for regional club games between different fish and game clubs... I also was an instructor for the BSA for both shotgun and rifle. My dad's also an NRA member and we'd go hunting in maine but it's been way long since we did that, but that was hella fun.
    I'm going to eat some lunch now but I'll hop online on MSN in a little bit. Might as well stay online so we can discuss your project in greater detail. :p
    Good morning! Just woke up a little while ago and am reading your "mechanics" document. I'll send ya an e-mail when I'm done and we can discuss this further on MSN if you'd like. Just let me know when you can hop online. :)
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